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Pakistan is no friend of Kashmir, either

Again more propaganda. First read that sht in Pakistan a hard country. Yasin Malik wouldn't be neutral towards Pakistan had we been involved in target killing JKLF leadership. They also came here to get arms, only difference was that they weren't supported as much as pro-Pakistan groups were.

The whole piece is dustbin worthy. Written from the Indian perspective he conveniently ignores the ground realities which forced Pakistan to undertake said ventures. No mention of indigenous uprisings in Poonch and GB, instead blames solely Pakistan for the tribal invasion. Mentions the violation of standstill agreement, forgets Indian annexations of Hydrabad and Junagarh followed by forced annexation of Goa. Ignores UN resolutions and broken promises of Nehru.

At the time when IOK is under lockdown for over a month and gross violations of human rights acknowledged by UNHRC he comes up with this trash in order to dilute Indian atrocities and tarnish Pakistan's image by playing the "it's on both sides" tune.

I don't know about history of JKLF but it make sense Pakistan would have supported pro-Pakistan militants who were likely religious over pro independence ones.

Poonch/AJK was in sort of rebellion and hated hindu rule long before 1947 rebellion. GB too was in same position. No one liked hindu rule and for a good reason, these people were genocidal maniacs like current Hindutva lot. Unlike muslim rulers who were very kind to these hindus.

IoK muslim leader Sheikh Abdullah was delusional one who acceded to India hoping they will allow Kashmir to become independent.
Hilarious hilarious hilarious propaganda. I would love to meet this shill and remind him that whatever the f he or she thinks a "stand still" agreement is, is isn't a carte blanche for Hindus to massacre Muslims in Jammu or anywhere else. Sorry Taha but we or our pashtun tribesmen ain't standing still while that happens.

playing the "it's on both sides" tune.
Exactly this.. media is a glossy business and it needs to look fashionable, even if it lies.
As someone who faces nearly daily barrage of critical threads about India (perceived or real) I'd like to ask the Pakistani members here which publication or author would be an acceptable source of criticism (constructive or otherwise)

Some members advocated assassination on the basis of an article or the author and that got me thinking, is criticism allowed at all or does anything that deviates from the official forum narrative discouraged.

Every single critical article posted here is either outright dismissed for having the merest Indian links or simply labelled biased or traitorous. What's allowed ? What's not?

The author of the article has expressed his opinion, of certain shade, on Kashmir issue. Of course, the article is allowed on PDF; that is why we are discussing it. As the author has the right to express his views, on certain issue; similarly the posters here are exercising the same right, by giving their opinion on the article and/or author. What is the problem there? However, advocacy of assassinating a person for his views is wrong and such posts, in fact, shall be deleted.
Nothing wrong in saying that Pakistan doesn't want GB and AJK to go away and become independent. From our POV GB people have no issues, they want to become province eventually. There are some elements in AJK which are pro independence but how many is yet to be seen.

Now we are left with IoK who will likely to vote for independence if India ever gives them this option. Which is unlikely anytime soon.

Gilgit Baltistan is already a province? Have you been sleeping or living in a cave for the last few years?
In a recent opinion piece penned for the New York Times, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan asked the world to wake up to the conflict in Kashmir because if it does not, there is a risk of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Like previous Pakistani premiers, he sought to present Pakistan as a champion of the Kashmiri cause.

While the world indeed needs to take action on ongoing crackdown and rights abuses in India, it should not overlook the role Pakistan has played in the Kashmiri tragedy.

Over the past decades, it has shown little commitment to Kashmiri self-determination.

When India and Pakistan gained independence from Great Britain in 1947, Kashmir was a princely state which wanted to remain independent, a choice given by the colonial masters to all such entities and agreed upon by both countries.

Pakistan even signed a standstill agreement with the Kashmiri Hindu ruler of that time, Maharaja Hari Singh, which basically meant it agreed to its status as it was. However, a few months later, Pakistan broke that agreement and helped Pashtun tribesmen invade the region, eventually sending its own security forces to Kashmir in a bid to take over the valley.

In response, the Kashmiri ruler asked India for help to defend his kingdom. New Delhi agreed to intervene but only if Kashmir would agree to accede to it, albeit temporarily. The conflict escalated into what has come to be known as the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947-1948, which led to the de facto partitioning of the region by Pakistan and India.

In 1948, the United Nations passed a resolution, according to which Pakistan was supposed to withdraw its forces first (as it acted as an aggressor), while India was to maintain a minimum military presence until an independence referendum was held to let Kashmiris decide their own future. However, neither India nor Pakistan abided by that resolution.

Then in 1965, the Pakistani military launched a secret mission called Operation Gibraltar which involved military officials infiltrating the valley and attempting to engineer a rebellion from within by mixing themselves with the locals.

The calculations by General Ayub Khan, the Pakistani dictator who was in power at that time, were that since India had just been exhausted by the Sino-Indian War of 1962, there was a good opportunity to take New Delhi by surprise. However, Operation Gibraltar failed to rouse the local population, and instead India launched a counter-offensive, forcing Pakistan to retreat.

Paradoxically, every year on September 6, Pakistan marks its "victory" over the Indian army attacking its territory in 1965. The official narrative does not mention Operation Gibraltar which effectively triggered the conflict.

Then in the aftermath of the 1987 election in the valley, which was widely perceived as rigged, massive agitations broke out in Indian-administered Kashmir, which Pakistan supported. In the wake of these protests, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) had taken centre stage and become the leading voice for Kashmir's armed resistance.

A few years later militants based in Pakistan headed towards Kashmir and started to target and kill the leadership of pro-independence groups like the JKLF, leaving behind mostly pro-Pakistani militancy in the region.

Then in 1999, Pakistan once again attempted to infiltrate the valley using its military in what came to be known as the Kargil War.

In the following two decades, Pakistan-based groups have been repeatedly accused of carrying out terrorist activities, not just in Kashmir but also in mainland India. From the 2001 attack on the parliament in New Delhi to the Mumbai attack in 2008, to recent attacks in Pathankot and Pulwama, these aggressive tactics have sealed India's perception of the Kashmiris through the lens of its historic confrontation with Pakistan.

With its past actions and hesitancy to crack down on militant groups in its territory, Pakistan has given India repeatedly the opportunity to present the unrest in Kashmir to the world as nothing more than a Pakistan-backed insurgency. This has effectively undermined the struggle of the local population of Indian-administered Kashmir.

At home, Pakistan has also not been too keen to accommodate Kashmiri people political rights and has targeted pro-independence group like JKLF.

In Pakistani-administered Kashmir, no political parties can contest the general elections if they do not agree to an accession agreement to Pakistan. Because of that, only Pakistan-based political parties end up participating and winning elections in the region.

Also, most of the bureaucracy and civil service is controlled by Islamabad, and a body called the Kashmir Council headed by the Pakistani prime minister oversees all government affairs. Moreover, Pakistan has made efforts to absorb the region into Pakistan by carving out parts of its territory - the Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) region - and by creating a separate entity for it in the 1970s.

The Pakistani authorities took away GB's special status and until today it is mostly governed by Islamabad directly.

If Pakistan is sincere about the Kashmir cause and cares for the wellbeing of its people, then it must first demonstrate its commitment at home. It can do so only by putting an end to rights abuses and letting Kashmiris decide their own fate. Only then will the world take Pakistan's concerns about Kashmir seriously.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial stance.


Taha Siddiqui

Taha Siddiqui is an award-winning Pakistani journalist living in exile in France.


Independence for Kashmir is a lose-lose situation. Kashmir if becomes an independent country will be a land lock country with two neighbors that will be enemies. Pakistan and India will fight their proxy war in the new country of Kashmir and they will never be settled. There best bet is to stay with either India or Pakistan.
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The author of the article has expressed his opinion, of certain shade, on Kashmir issue. Of course, the article is allowed on PDF; that is why we are discussing it. As the author has the right to express his views, on certain issue; similarly the posters here are exercising the same right, by giving their opinion on the article and/or author. What is the problem there? However, advocacy of assassinating a person for his views is wrong and such posts, in fact, shall be deleted.
Thank you for replying, I agree with most of your points, ideas or discussion however unpalatable, must not be hostages to passion but to reason. It's just that the assassination posts got me thinking, into the level of brutality passions can lead to and how that stifles constructive exchange.
Thank you for replying, I agree with most of your points, ideas or discussion however unpalatable, must not be hostages to passion but to reason. It's just that the assassination posts got me thinking, into the level of brutality passions can lead to and how that stifles constructive exchange.

Fully agree. Unfortunately, many of us, while expressing their anger or frustration, fail to recognize the limits and start advocating such extreme actions. Lack of any global justice system, particularly, between the states, is also leading towards such adverse sentiments. The principle of "might is right", in the international relations, same as in medieval times, cannot go without its inescapable disastrous consequences. This aspect is grossly impairing the psychological states of people worldwide.
Fully agree. Unfortunately, many of us, while expressing their anger or frustration, fail to recognize the limits and start advocating such extreme actions. Lack of any global justice system, particularly, between the states, is also leading towards such adverse sentiments. The principle of "might is right", in the international relations, same as in medieval times, cannot go without its inescapable disastrous consequences. This aspect is grossly impairing the psychological states of people worldwide.
Come on we both know whats happening India is Just trying to shore up its end before afghan pullout our circle jerk will continue for foreseeable future
Agree Kashmir should be a free sovereign country. Like Switzerland.
In a recent opinion piece penned for the New York Times, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan asked the world to wake up to the conflict in Kashmir because if it does not, there is a risk of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Like previous Pakistani premiers, he sought to present Pakistan as a champion of the Kashmiri cause.

While the world indeed needs to take action on ongoing crackdown and rights abuses in India, it should not overlook the role Pakistan has played in the Kashmiri tragedy.

Over the past decades, it has shown little commitment to Kashmiri self-determination.

When India and Pakistan gained independence from Great Britain in 1947, Kashmir was a princely state which wanted to remain independent, a choice given by the colonial masters to all such entities and agreed upon by both countries.

Pakistan even signed a standstill agreement with the Kashmiri Hindu ruler of that time, Maharaja Hari Singh, which basically meant it agreed to its status as it was. However, a few months later, Pakistan broke that agreement and helped Pashtun tribesmen invade the region, eventually sending its own security forces to Kashmir in a bid to take over the valley.

In response, the Kashmiri ruler asked India for help to defend his kingdom. New Delhi agreed to intervene but only if Kashmir would agree to accede to it, albeit temporarily. The conflict escalated into what has come to be known as the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947-1948, which led to the de facto partitioning of the region by Pakistan and India.

In 1948, the United Nations passed a resolution, according to which Pakistan was supposed to withdraw its forces first (as it acted as an aggressor), while India was to maintain a minimum military presence until an independence referendum was held to let Kashmiris decide their own future. However, neither India nor Pakistan abided by that resolution.

Then in 1965, the Pakistani military launched a secret mission called Operation Gibraltar which involved military officials infiltrating the valley and attempting to engineer a rebellion from within by mixing themselves with the locals.

The calculations by General Ayub Khan, the Pakistani dictator who was in power at that time, were that since India had just been exhausted by the Sino-Indian War of 1962, there was a good opportunity to take New Delhi by surprise. However, Operation Gibraltar failed to rouse the local population, and instead India launched a counter-offensive, forcing Pakistan to retreat.

Paradoxically, every year on September 6, Pakistan marks its "victory" over the Indian army attacking its territory in 1965. The official narrative does not mention Operation Gibraltar which effectively triggered the conflict.

Then in the aftermath of the 1987 election in the valley, which was widely perceived as rigged, massive agitations broke out in Indian-administered Kashmir, which Pakistan supported. In the wake of these protests, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) had taken centre stage and become the leading voice for Kashmir's armed resistance.

A few years later militants based in Pakistan headed towards Kashmir and started to target and kill the leadership of pro-independence groups like the JKLF, leaving behind mostly pro-Pakistani militancy in the region.

Then in 1999, Pakistan once again attempted to infiltrate the valley using its military in what came to be known as the Kargil War.

In the following two decades, Pakistan-based groups have been repeatedly accused of carrying out terrorist activities, not just in Kashmir but also in mainland India. From the 2001 attack on the parliament in New Delhi to the Mumbai attack in 2008, to recent attacks in Pathankot and Pulwama, these aggressive tactics have sealed India's perception of the Kashmiris through the lens of its historic confrontation with Pakistan.

With its past actions and hesitancy to crack down on militant groups in its territory, Pakistan has given India repeatedly the opportunity to present the unrest in Kashmir to the world as nothing more than a Pakistan-backed insurgency. This has effectively undermined the struggle of the local population of Indian-administered Kashmir.

At home, Pakistan has also not been too keen to accommodate Kashmiri people political rights and has targeted pro-independence group like JKLF.

In Pakistani-administered Kashmir, no political parties can contest the general elections if they do not agree to an accession agreement to Pakistan. Because of that, only Pakistan-based political parties end up participating and winning elections in the region.

Also, most of the bureaucracy and civil service is controlled by Islamabad, and a body called the Kashmir Council headed by the Pakistani prime minister oversees all government affairs. Moreover, Pakistan has made efforts to absorb the region into Pakistan by carving out parts of its territory - the Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) region - and by creating a separate entity for it in the 1970s.

The Pakistani authorities took away GB's special status and until today it is mostly governed by Islamabad directly.

If Pakistan is sincere about the Kashmir cause and cares for the wellbeing of its people, then it must first demonstrate its commitment at home. It can do so only by putting an end to rights abuses and letting Kashmiris decide their own fate. Only then will the world take Pakistan's concerns about Kashmir seriously.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial stance.


Taha Siddiqui

Taha Siddiqui is an award-winning Pakistani journalist living in exile in France.

" award winning Pakistani living in exile in France "
Can go **** himself, we Kashmiris love Pakistan
Pakistan should open its borders for Kashmiris. Encourage publicly for them to move to Pakistan. If world sees there is critical mass of people running for their lives to Pakistan, then may be Pakistan will have world's backing to launch an operation. India got similarr sanction when 10 million Bengalis flooded Indian borders. World should see something similar.
In a recent opinion piece penned for the New York Times, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan asked the world to wake up to the conflict in Kashmir because if it does not, there is a risk of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Like previous Pakistani premiers, he sought to present Pakistan as a champion of the Kashmiri cause.

While the world indeed needs to take action on ongoing crackdown and rights abuses in India, it should not overlook the role Pakistan has played in the Kashmiri tragedy.

Over the past decades, it has shown little commitment to Kashmiri self-determination.

When India and Pakistan gained independence from Great Britain in 1947, Kashmir was a princely state which wanted to remain independent, a choice given by the colonial masters to all such entities and agreed upon by both countries.

Pakistan even signed a standstill agreement with the Kashmiri Hindu ruler of that time, Maharaja Hari Singh, which basically meant it agreed to its status as it was. However, a few months later, Pakistan broke that agreement and helped Pashtun tribesmen invade the region, eventually sending its own security forces to Kashmir in a bid to take over the valley.

In response, the Kashmiri ruler asked India for help to defend his kingdom. New Delhi agreed to intervene but only if Kashmir would agree to accede to it, albeit temporarily. The conflict escalated into what has come to be known as the Indo-Pakistani War of 1947-1948, which led to the de facto partitioning of the region by Pakistan and India.

In 1948, the United Nations passed a resolution, according to which Pakistan was supposed to withdraw its forces first (as it acted as an aggressor), while India was to maintain a minimum military presence until an independence referendum was held to let Kashmiris decide their own future. However, neither India nor Pakistan abided by that resolution.

Then in 1965, the Pakistani military launched a secret mission called Operation Gibraltar which involved military officials infiltrating the valley and attempting to engineer a rebellion from within by mixing themselves with the locals.

The calculations by General Ayub Khan, the Pakistani dictator who was in power at that time, were that since India had just been exhausted by the Sino-Indian War of 1962, there was a good opportunity to take New Delhi by surprise. However, Operation Gibraltar failed to rouse the local population, and instead India launched a counter-offensive, forcing Pakistan to retreat.

Paradoxically, every year on September 6, Pakistan marks its "victory" over the Indian army attacking its territory in 1965. The official narrative does not mention Operation Gibraltar which effectively triggered the conflict.

Then in the aftermath of the 1987 election in the valley, which was widely perceived as rigged, massive agitations broke out in Indian-administered Kashmir, which Pakistan supported. In the wake of these protests, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) had taken centre stage and become the leading voice for Kashmir's armed resistance.

A few years later militants based in Pakistan headed towards Kashmir and started to target and kill the leadership of pro-independence groups like the JKLF, leaving behind mostly pro-Pakistani militancy in the region.

Then in 1999, Pakistan once again attempted to infiltrate the valley using its military in what came to be known as the Kargil War.

In the following two decades, Pakistan-based groups have been repeatedly accused of carrying out terrorist activities, not just in Kashmir but also in mainland India. From the 2001 attack on the parliament in New Delhi to the Mumbai attack in 2008, to recent attacks in Pathankot and Pulwama, these aggressive tactics have sealed India's perception of the Kashmiris through the lens of its historic confrontation with Pakistan.

With its past actions and hesitancy to crack down on militant groups in its territory, Pakistan has given India repeatedly the opportunity to present the unrest in Kashmir to the world as nothing more than a Pakistan-backed insurgency. This has effectively undermined the struggle of the local population of Indian-administered Kashmir.

At home, Pakistan has also not been too keen to accommodate Kashmiri people political rights and has targeted pro-independence group like JKLF.

In Pakistani-administered Kashmir, no political parties can contest the general elections if they do not agree to an accession agreement to Pakistan. Because of that, only Pakistan-based political parties end up participating and winning elections in the region.

Also, most of the bureaucracy and civil service is controlled by Islamabad, and a body called the Kashmir Council headed by the Pakistani prime minister oversees all government affairs. Moreover, Pakistan has made efforts to absorb the region into Pakistan by carving out parts of its territory - the Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) region - and by creating a separate entity for it in the 1970s.

The Pakistani authorities took away GB's special status and until today it is mostly governed by Islamabad directly.

If Pakistan is sincere about the Kashmir cause and cares for the wellbeing of its people, then it must first demonstrate its commitment at home. It can do so only by putting an end to rights abuses and letting Kashmiris decide their own fate. Only then will the world take Pakistan's concerns about Kashmir seriously.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial stance.


Taha Siddiqui

Taha Siddiqui is an award-winning Pakistani journalist living in exile in France.

Pakistan is the only Friend Kashmir has.

BTW @waz kindly eithrt change the thread title or remove it altogether it is propaganda and misleading.
The author of the article has expressed his opinion, of certain shade, on Kashmir issue. Of course, the article is allowed on PDF; that is why we are discussing it. As the author has the right to express his views, on certain issue; similarly the posters here are exercising the same right, by giving their opinion on the article and/or author. What is the problem there? However, advocacy of assassinating a person for his views is wrong and such posts, in fact, shall be deleted.

I fully support assassinating such traitors

They are not dissidents. They are propagandists. They are PAID propagandists

And i am going to see who is going to delete my posts for calling out elimination of traitors

As someone who faces nearly daily barrage of critical threads about India (perceived or real) I'd like to ask the Pakistani members here which publication or author would be an acceptable source of criticism (constructive or otherwise)

Every piece of criticism would be acceptable that is based on facts and not lies like this article.

This particular writer is notorious for his links to India. He even worked for WION news an Indian news channel while he was in Pakistan. He ran away from Pakistan after a fake attack in which he claimed that he was attacked by 8 ISI agents and he somehow managed to escape successfully

So yes I demand elimination of such traitors as that a state should do to traitors.

So if we are confident enough we should hold a referendum in AJK, GB and even in Balochistan.

Are you dumb or what? Referendum in Balochistan? What next? Referendum in kpk, sindh, Karachi, South Punjab and so on?

What kind of dumb logic is this

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