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Pakistan is dying (and that is a global problem)

The retort in a nutshell as prescribed to the sheeple for centuries is to hunker down...
Get all, or as many as possible, of your adult population in concentration camps aka factory floors as line assembly doing repetitive work as fast as possible to ship them to landfills all across the globe... in turn grow economic activity, move masses to single room dwellings, glorified prison cells, till their useful years and die in agony in care of strangers.

Story of west and eastern mass producing economies!

It is either that or slow, dirty, squalid conditions with controls on spending and food. Shepherded into labor camps called modern cities and towns. Away from gated owners...
The cattle has been served.
Freedom has a price... cause moshe got it all figured out.
I have lived in the USA and travel there all the time. So please stop making assumptions.
I have and do as well. I also have family involved in both the financial, political, and L&O scenes in the USA.

It's not an assumption. You can live in a country and still know nothing about it.

I've lived in Canada for most of my life, but I didn't know a thing about it until I'd say 8-10 years ago.
Can the mods put this bhindian troll out of his misery.

They are busy complimenting and rating each other on common sense and obvious posts...

There should be a rule to auto-ban a person with more than -5 ratings (obviously they don't have much to contribute) but what do I know, I floated this rating concept before it became a thing.
Are you joking or serious?

You took it seriously. Don't lie.

CaspianReport is fed intelligence by Stratfor as revealed by wikileaks

This CaspianReport channel is propaganda BS.

Bro, you have no idea how the US works, just stop.

I do know how it works. They just keep printing paper. Bend the rules and pretend they are in the best shape ever. They are not though. US banks are collapsing and this is a serious crisis that will impact the world economies in the months ahead. Embrace yourselves for what is about to come.
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The comments drive me nuts. Pajeet dreams and hopes in many of them. I pray to Allah swt that the nukes come out and wipe their Hindu rashtra out if Pakistan has to go. I pray there is a Pakistani Samson option like our Israeli cousins have
I have said it before and I will say it again the day Pakistan "collapses", it will be the beginning of India's end.
wet dream

It is just another YT channel looking for likes and subscribers. This Azerbaijani guy is heavily tilted in favor of India. I have seen his pathetic content. He likes to please Indians for likes and subscriptions.
I have and do as well. I also have family involved in both the financial, political, and L&O scenes in the USA.

It's not an assumption. You can live in a country and still know nothing about it.

I've lived in Canada for most of my life, but I didn't know a thing about it until I'd say 8-10 years ago.

That does not change the fact that 60%+ Americans have less than $500 in their savings and are one health emergency away from brankruptcy.

The USA is being over run by illegals numbering into 15+ million in just recent years. No one actually know the real number of illegals, could be 20+ million.

There are areas in the USA that remind one of look and feel of under developed countries.

The USA /used/ to control the world economy. The presently largesr economy on the planet is making trade deals with everyone to circumvent the US dollar.

It will come crashing down like a piano all of a sudden.
The comments drive me nuts. Pajeet dreams and hopes in many of them. I pray to Allah swt that the nukes come out and wipe their Hindu rashtra out if Pakistan has to go. I pray there is a Pakistani Samson option like our Israeli cousins have
They have been brainwashed to the point that it boggles the mind.

I have said it before and I will say it again the day Pakistan "collapses", it will be the beginning of India's end.
No, not really. Pakistan will not go down passively. If we must measure days, then Pakistan will completely destroy India and reduce the world's population by 1.4 or so billion approximately a day or two before its own death.

Perhaps afterwards the Afghans will move in over a few centuries when the dust settles and enslave the remaining few survivors.
The USA has collapsing cities, homeless numbering in hundreds of thousands, social unrest, all time high crime and drug use, mass shootings on a daily basis, bankruptcies due to lack of healthcare, the list goes on.

Homeless in the state of california is 120,000 out of 40 million
Most of them are drug addicts or lazy bums

That does not change the fact that 60%+ Americans have less than $500 in their savings and are one health emergency away from brankruptcy.

I doubt it is 60%. It is a lower number. I will settle for 30%. Why save when the state has a safety net ?

healthcare is free in USA if you cannot afford it
Homeless in the state of california is 120,000 out of 40 million
Most of them are drug addicts or lazy bums

I doubt it is 60%. It is a lower number. I will settle for 30%. Why save when the state has a safety net ?

healthcare is free in USA if you cannot afford it
0 Canadians filed for bankruptcy last yeat due to medical bills.

How many was it in the USA?
Imran will come back to power, launch Ghazwa e Hind and capture whole India

Imran should go to Afghanistan and Taliban should pledge allegiance and make him Caliphate and he should launch an invasion of Pakistan and conquer Lahore then do ghazwa e hind on India.
Homeless in the state of california is 120,000 out of 40 million
Most of them are drug addicts or lazy bums

I doubt it is 60%. It is a lower number. I will settle for 30%. Why save when the state has a safety net ?

healthcare is free in USA if you cannot afford it
California is lost. They don't even know what a woman is anymore.
That does not change the fact that 60%+ Americans have less than $500 in their savings and are one health emergency away from brankruptcy.

The USA is being over run by illegals numbering into 15+ million in just recent years. No one actually know the real number of illegals, could be 20+ million.

There are areas in the USA that remind one of look and feel of under developed countries.

The USA /used/ to control the world economy. The presently largesr economy on the planet is making trade deals with everyone to circumvent the US dollar.

It will come crashing down like a piano all of a sudden.
The fact you said anyone of that in any serious manner is funny to me.

Bro, no. Just stop.
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