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Pakistan is attracting chinese by using Buddha

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Justin Joseph

Mar 4, 2010
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Pakistan is attracting chinese by using Buddha

Saibal Dasgupta , TNN, Apr 25, 2010, 06.22pm IST

SHANGHAI: In any case, New Delhi has chosen not to showcase India’s industrial might and export potential. Millions of small and big buyers who will visit the World Expo will be given a taste of Indian cuisine, art, culture, handlooms while other countries compete to sell industrial goods.

The “soft” part of India will occupy 12 of the 14 stalls available for commercial organizations at the Indian Pavilion. Only two are left. Any takers among the likes of Tatas, Birlas and Infosys?

"Our focus is on culture. Industrial companies do not fit into the plan," a senior official of the foreign ministry told TNN.

A “soft opening” has been scheduled for April 27 but it is doubtful that the pavilion will be fully operational even by April 30 when the entire World Expo will be formally opened. At least 40 Indian personnel have been struck because they have not yet obtained Chinese visas. Delays is sanctions and approvals at different stages and the late start of the construction work in June last year are some of the other reasons for the unpreparedness, according to an official connected to the work.

At another level, Pakistan is competing with India when it comes to charming the Chinese with the Buddhist legacy. It has created a dome structure within the pavilion with images of the Buddha found in excavations at Taxila, a World Heritage site 30 kms from Islamabad.

The caption below the images says the Buddha is in the “dhanamudra pose” while another one is a tablet on the Royal court during the time of the Buddha. A Pakistan tourism poster also invites visitors to the country with a image of the Buddha.

The Pakistan pavilion has some other interesting dimensions. An entire wall is devoted to photographs of leaders of Pakistan and China shaking hands over the past half a century.

The Zardari raj is evident in another panel full of pictures of his wife and former prime minister Benezir Bhutto.
all said and done, Pakistan did a commendable job there and we Indians again showed our laziness in such an international forum.

The show is already in progress and our gallery is still under construction, more so 20% of that space is unutilised. Stupidity at its peak. :tdown:
all said and done, Pakistan did a commendable job there and we Indians again showed our laziness in such an international forum.

The show is already in progress and our gallery is still under construction, more so 20% of that space is unutilised. Stupidity at its peak. :tdown:

Yeah, but how can they build statues of someone's God??? Is it allowed in a Islamic state??

When It is not their history and they don't recognize it or proud of it other than Gaznavi etc. who have destroyed statues??

Now they are using it for their gains. How can they have a cake and eat it too.
Yeah, but how can they build statues of someone's God??? Is it allowed in a Islamic state??

When It is not their history and they don't recognize it or proud of it other than Gaznavi etc. who have destroyed statues??

Now they are using it for their gains. How can they have a cake and eat it too.

Such views really portray a shocking level of knowledge and understanding Indians have of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan, and in your case Buddhism. Most Buddhists dont consider Buddha a God, but "the enlightened one".

Of course it is our history when it belongs to our ancestors. Who elses history would it be?? Also what makes you think Pakistanis dont recognise their pre-Islamic history?

To quote M.A Jinnah:
"We are a nation with our distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, name and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion. Legal laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history and traditions, aptitude and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life."

Buddhism once flourished in Pakistan, the ruins are largely untouched and well preserved and they are certainly not hidden from anyone. I am not aware of such statues being blown up (think it was in Afghanistan), but if some Taliban did, its certainly not state policy.
Such views really portray a shocking level of knowledge and understanding Indians have of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan, and in your case Buddhism. Most Buddhists dont consider Buddha a God, but "the enlightened one".

Of course it is our history when it belongs to our ancestors. Who elses history would it be?? Also what makes you think Pakistanis dont recognise their pre-Islamic history?

To quote M.A Jinnah:
"We are a nation with our distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, name and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion. Legal laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history and traditions, aptitude and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life."

Buddhism once flourished in Pakistan, the ruins are largely untouched and well preserved and they are certainly not hidden from anyone. I am not aware of such statues being blown up (think it was in Afghanistan), but if some Taliban did, its certainly not state policy.

Couldn't have said any better. People forget that Muslims ruled vast areas in its time of glory, and nothing of such nature happened, all religions and their culture flourished and people used to live in harmony. If that had been the case, we would not have been seeing Hindu temples in Pakistan, Churches in Pakistan and not only Pakistan, rather rest of the Muslim world. Even Jews are still living in many Muslim countries.

A one or two incident done by individuals out of their own extremist views or frustration, doesn't means whole Muslims world or Pakistan has those views, but this is a fact, which is very difficult for most of the Indians to understand, due to which we can see posts of ignorance like the one above.

And Justin, before commenting the cake kind of comments, do see your own record and how you guys use the structures created by Muslims to earn money while on the other hand destroy those which you don't like. Similarly, the history of many other religions and countries is full of such actions.

So instead of using the usual Muslims or Pakistan bashing mindset, try to understand the human physique and how extremists mindset work around the world.

And using Budha as a representative of the heritage is not the first in China, within Pakistan and in any tourist attraction event, they are always mentioned.
I am not aware of such statues being blown up (think it was in Afghanistan), but if some Taliban did, its certainly not state policy.

Exactly! Individuals or groups have been blowing up or destroying Buddha statues in Pak. But NOT systematically. For instance, stupa close to Barikot (Swat) is still standing, although Swat TTP was roaming around this area until recently.

It is true however that the population in those area's, generally, do not respect Buddha statues or its heritage. In Thana (Malakand) for instance, local people take bricks from an ancient Bhuddist stupa in case they want to build a house. The stupa itself has partly been destroyed by looters.

But the Pakistani state is doing its best in trying to preserve Pak's Buddhist heritage. There is a Buddha statue museum close to Chakdarra (Malakand/Dir) and the Peshawar Museum has a beautiful collection of Buddha's. The museum in Peshawar these days is guarded by FC soldiers who have established sandsack made bunkers on top of the museum building and at the front gate.
Such views really portray a shocking level of knowledge and understanding Indians have of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan, and in your case Buddhism. Most Buddhists dont consider Buddha a God, but "the enlightened one".

Of course it is our history when it belongs to our ancestors. Who elses history would it be?? Also what makes you think Pakistanis dont recognise their pre-Islamic history?

To quote M.A Jinnah:
"We are a nation with our distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, name and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion. Legal laws and moral codes, customs and calendar, history and traditions, aptitude and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life."

Buddhism once flourished in Pakistan, the ruins are largely untouched and well preserved and they are certainly not hidden from anyone. I am not aware of such statues being blown up (think it was in Afghanistan), but if some Taliban did, its certainly not state policy.

Is it so?????

Then why your hero is Mahmud of Ghazni after which you have named missiles not Buddha??????

The truth is opposite to what you states, Mahmud of Ghazni the killers of Buddhist and destroyer of Monasteries

Due to the heavy damage that Mahmud’s forces inflicted on the Buddhist monasteries in Indian Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, many Buddhist refugees sought asylum elsewhere. But, with the Ghaznavid troops attacking in the direction of Kashmir, most refugees did not feel secure in fleeing there. Such a large number flooded instead across the Himalayas via Kangra to Ngari in western Tibet that in the 1020s its king passed a law restricting foreigners from staying in the country more than three years.

The Historical Interaction between the Buddhist and Islamic Cultures before the Mongol Empire ? 18 The Ghaznavids and Seljuqs
One of the largest monastic settlements of India was Sarnath [§], just outside Varnasi on the Ganges river. Ruins of numerous large and small monasteries can still be seen there. Two of the first monasteries were built here in the time of the Buddha. King Asoka had monasteries and stupas built here - perhaps his most well known addition being the installation of a monolithic pillar with the lion capital [§]that has come to be India's national symbol. Most of the monks and monasteries were destroyed by Muhammad Ghori in 1194.

Buddhist Architecture - first Century CE - India


Pak beats India in grabbing eyeballs at World Expo

: It is easy to keep Pakistan out of the IPL. But when it comes to attracting eyeballs of Chinese visitors and international businesses, Pakistan has beaten Indian hands down at the World Expo in Shanghai.

The Pakistani pavilion is attracting thousands of people by the hour for the past week while the Indian pavilion is far from complete.

In any case, New Delhi has chosen not to showcase India’s industrial might and export potential. Millions of small and big buyers who will visit the World Expo will be given a taste of Indian cuisine, art, culture, handlooms while other countries compete to sell industrial goods.

The “soft” part of India will occupy 12 of the 14 stalls available for commercial organizations at the Indian Pavilion. Only two are left. Any takers among the likes of Tatas, Birlas and Infosys?

"Our focus is on culture. Industrial companies do not fit into the plan," a senior official of the foreign ministry told TNN.

A “soft opening” has been scheduled for April 27 but it is doubtful that the pavilion will be fully operational even by April 30 when the entire World Expo will be formally opened. At least 40 Indian personnel have been struck because they have not yet obtained Chinese visas. Delays is sanctions and approvals at different stages and the late start of the construction work in June last year are some of the other reasons for the unpreparedness, according to an official connected to the work.

At another level, Pakistan is competing with India when it comes to charming the Chinese with the Buddhist legacy. It has created a dome structure within the pavilion with images of the Buddha found in excavations at Taxila, a World Heritage site 30 kms from Islamabad.

The caption below the images says the Buddha is in the “dhanamudra pose” while another one is a tablet on the Royal court during the time of the Buddha. A Pakistan tourism poster also invites visitors to the country with a image of the Buddha.

The Pakistan pavilion has some other interesting dimensions. An entire wall is devoted to photographs of leaders of Pakistan and China shaking hands over the past half a century.

The Zardari raj is evident in another panel full of pictures of his wife and former prime minister Benezir Bhutto.

Pak beats India in grabbing eyeballs at World Expo - China - World - The Times of India

Justine Joseph, we beleive in Buddha as much as we beleive in other religious prohets. There have been 250,000 prophets that have come to this planet and it was told to us in a Hadith.

Your anti pakistan mindset has yet again enabled you to view the point from one side when we have preserved our buddhist sites very well, so much so that we get a very high number of oriental tourist just to see these sites.

Pakistan puts Buddhist tourism back on track

The japanese love to visit these sites and I remeber in 2008 alone, some 80000 came to visit these sites.
Height of stupidity..justiin wants us to name our missiles on Buddhas name.
He thinks buddha was a God.
He thnks people of Pakistan are either aliens,arabs but cant be budhists even if our ancestors have been living in this land since centuries not theres.........:rofl:
But the missile naming buddha is the dumbest comment ever :rofl:
Id love to see NESCOM make aBuddha missile and in case of a war justin cryin....bhaiya bhago buddha gee thoknay a rahey haien:rofl:
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Why would any one name a missile with Buddha's name, He is the most peace loving man the world has seen and Buddism as a religion is the most peaceful the world has seen to date.

It would be an insult to Buddha to name a destructive weapons on his name.
Yeah, but how can they build statues of someone's God??? Is it allowed in a Islamic state??

We dont build any statues. Those statues were found in our soil.

Pakistan and Afghanistan were the center of Buddhism thousands of years ago.

Do some research before making ignorant comments.
We dont build any statues. Those statues were found in our soil.

Pakistan and Afghanistan were the center of Buddhism thousands of years ago.

Do some research before making ignorant comments.

Just read my post again if u don't get it, it is in reply to the pakistani pavilion in china making "a dome structure" like Buddhist stupa and placing Buddha's images into it.

I was not talking about history.
Height of stupidity..justiin wants us to name our missiles on Buddhas name.
He thinks buddha was a God.
He thnks people of Pakistan are either aliens,arabs but cant be budhists even if our ancestors have been living in this land since centuries not theres.........:rofl:
But the missile naming buddha is the dumbest comment ever :rofl:
Id love to see NESCOM make aBuddha missile and in case of a war justin cryin....bhaiya bhago buddha gee thoknay a rahey haien:rofl:


No need to troll, just read the post in reference.

1. I was saying that if your hero's are statue, monastery and temple destroyers like Gaznavi or Ghauri, you don't have any right to use Bhudda or claim it yours.

2. Because you can't claims to be well wisher of someone if you support his killers.

3. About naming missiles i meant to say if you go by history there is Kanishka, Raja Dahir, Bhudda etc.

4. But you are not proud of them or named any of your things that you are proud of based ion them.

5. Like you don't have Raja Dahir Missile

6. Maharaja Ranjit Singh ruled punjab and other parts of pakistan.

But you don't have Maharaja Ranjit Singh Missile or Tank etc.

I was right but you get it all wrong. :victory::bunny::bunny:

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