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Pakistan invested around $1 billion in socio-economic projects in Afghanistan.

The next 72 pages on this thread will look like this:

Group A: Why didn't we make this in Pakistan? Why make it for ingrate Afghans? (bet: first 15 posts)

Group B: Good (bet: first 15 posts)

Group C: It's time to annex Afghanistan (bet: within 12 pages)

Group D: Good. Send the refugees back (bet: within 2 pages)

Indians: Will say something to set the Pakistanis off (bet: within 36 pages)

Thread Closed (pages 70-72).

Group B here...
Thanks for posting this brother. I was looking for this info.

While humble Pakistan invested $1 billion in Afghanistan and stayed quiet for two-decades, the Hindu Extremist India still can't get over the $3 billion they invested like as if they were the only country in the world to invest some money in Afghanistan.

India is just so pathetic.
Afghanistan seeks Pak help in treating patients

News Report
October 02, 2021

Afghanistan seeks Pak help in treating patients

KABUL: Citing a shortage of medicines and Afghan hospitals are not properly equipped to treat patients, the Taliban has urged Pakistan to relax its policies to allow more patients to enter the country.

Speaking to Geo News, the new Taliban-incharge stationed at the Torkham border, Syed Ghaziullah, said: "We request Pakistan to relax its policy for the entry of patients through the border." He urged the government of Pakistan to increase the number of patients
allowed to enter its territory.

"A long queue of ambulances have formed at the Torkham border," he stated. Ghaziullah said Pakistan allows only 40 patients to cross the border every day. "Our government is still new, the condition of hospitals in Afghanistan is not good," he said, adding that there is a shortage of medicines in Afghanistan as well.

In September, Pakistani health authorities had said that they would cooperate with Afghanistan in improving its healthcare infrastructure, which has been affected badly due to the recent conflict.

“We will let them (Afghans) define their needs and then work out what needs to done, priority wise,” Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Health Dr Faisal Sultan had told The News.

300-bed tertiary-care health facility in Kabul, titled “Muhammad Ali Jinnah Hospital”,

Pakistan had already established a 300-bed tertiary-care health facility in Kabul, titled “Muhammad Ali Jinnah Hospital”, which is the only functional public health facility at the moment with 50 oxygenated beds for COVID-19 patients, a Pakistani doctor present in Kabul had said but called for more assistance from Pakistan and other neighbouring countries to avoid a health crisis.

The official had stated that daily hundreds of people, including women and children from Afghanistan, were trying to cross borders to seek medical assistance in Pakistan and added that at the moment, those in need of immediate health assistance were being allowed to enter the country to seek medical assistance at hospitals in Quetta, Peshawar and other cities of the country.
Pakistan pledges Rs 5 billion assistance to avert crisis in Afghanistan

ByMian Abrar


Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi announced on Thursday that Pakistan will give humanitarian assistance worth Rs5 billion to Afghanistan to help avert humanitarian crisis in the war-torn neighbouring state.

He said that to follow-up on the issues discussed during today’s meet, a Taliban delegation will visit Islamabad in the next few days.
Qureshi said that the Taliban leadership also assured their complete support on projects of interest, including the CASA-1000 project, the TAPI gas pipeline project and the Transnational Railway project.

Commenting on various other decisions made during the meeting, the minister said that Pakistan authorities would no longer require Afghans crossing the border to obtain a “gate pass” from the interior ministry.

He said that Pakistan will allow the duty-free import of fruits and vegetables from Afghanistan to facilitate bilateral trade and border crossings will remain open 24/7 for trade.

He also announced that Afghan businessmen will now be able to get a visa-on-arrival, adding that the embassy in Kabul had also been authorised to issue five-year visas to businessmen.
Qureshi also said that the Afghan leadership had assured the Pakistani delegation that it would not allow anyone to use its soil against Pakistan, including the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA).
Visit to Kabul

“The foreign minister’s visit reflects Pakistan’s consistent policy of supporting the brotherly Afghan people, deepening bilateral trade and economic relations, and facilitating closer people-to-people contacts,” the FO said.
Pakistan Should have invested In Bitcoin instead. Would have recieved better return. Sad money wasted.
Officials in Islamabad said that Pakistan would train Afghan aviation personnel in air traffic control and airport operations.

The Afghan government requested the assistance during a recent visit of its foreign minister to Islamabad, Pakistani officials said.

Afghanistan’s Interim Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi made his first visit to Pakistan last week and discussed enhanced trade, cross-border movement and regional connectivity with top officials.

The Afghan Embassy in Islamabad said in a statement earlier this week that the two sides also agreed Pakistan would provide professional training to Afghan aviation personnel.
- The Government of Pakistan has extended /////

5000 fully-funded scholarships, that include undergraduate, Masters and Ph.D.
- Torkham-Jalalabad Road (75 Km), Torkham
- Jalalabad Additional Carriageway (73 Km)
- 15 Weigh Bridges & heavy machinery
- Exports Pakistan,$40.9M



All those who are acting as spoilers on the behalf of different powers must understand at the end of the day all will leave but Pakistan and Afghanistan will still remain neighbors this sort of hate and abusive activities only damages long term relations Beware
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