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Pakistan India Border/LOC Status-Update-Discussion

I have provided you a copy Instrument of accession singed in 1947, signed by both Maharaja and Lord Mountbatten, try and find any reference to article 370 or any conditions, what so ever Or for that what would happen if article 370 is repealed.

Those who don't have proper understanding of history, can only do hawaai firing ..like this .

Chup hoja chutye

I don't have much appetite for your lies. Just accept that you tried to rob kashmir without any legality and move on.
Chup hoja chutye

I don't have much appetite for your lies. Just accept that you tried to rob kashmir without any legality and move on.

Read clause 7, again from the original document and not some one's interpretation of it.


Clause 7 : Nothing in this Instrument shall be deemed to commit me in any way to acceptance of any future constitution of India or fetter my diserection to enter into arrangements with the government of India under any such future constitution.

So if this clause is your argument, then constitutional amendment under Article 370 of 1954 is also "a future constitution of India" to the instrument which was signed in 1947, which makes article 370, itself void.(Read Clause 5 - supplementary instrument to provided, which it never was.)
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Read clause 7, again from the original document and not some one's interpretation of it.


Clause 7 : Nothing in this Instrument shall be deemed to commit me in any way to acceptance of any future constitution of India or fetter my diserection to enter into arrangements with the government of India under any such future constitution.

So if this clause is your argument, then constitutional amendment under Article 370 of 1954 is also "a future constitution of India" to the instrument which was signed in 1947, which makes article 370, itself void.(Read Clause 5 - supplementary instrument to provided, which it never was.)

Yeah this clause says the same. Any future constitution of India unless approved by kashmir assembly.

You pissed on your own constitution and your own agreement of accession to scrap clause 370

You are an occupying force in kashmir with no legality left with you.
Asli hi hai.

It has both Maharaja's and Mountbatten's original signature.


If you go and read personal accounts of Menon on how he got the paper signed in Jammu, your head as an Indian will sink in shame. (Depends what variety of Indian you are, the shameless one or jingoistic regular variety)

India's military intervention pre-dated October 26th; state of Patiala's forces under Brigadier Rajindher Singh were already fighting in Kashmir as per own admission of Menon and company. Case of intervention before accession.

India occupied Kashmir through Nehru's scheming and Mountbatten obliging to his excesses. But the ones thrashing Nehru and Gandhi at the moment couldn't care less. Ironical.

Now, by shooting itself in the foot Indians think that something of a great legal value has been achieved by Moe.D

Side note; GB had already a different status to begin with.
Yeah this clause says the same. Any future constitution of India unless approved by kashmir assembly.

You pissed on your own constitution and your own agreement of accession to scrap clause 370

You are an occupying force in kashmir with no legality left with you.

The power of Maharaja passes to Kashmir's legislative assembly. J&K abolished its legislative assembly in 1956. In that case, the authority passes to the government of the sate.
IOK is a disputed territory and will remain disputed, whatever India do to change its status unilaterally.
IMO the act of Hindu terrorist Modi is a blessing in disguise and will blow back sooner or later.
On Pakistan's part, our duty is to campaign aggressively on FO level.
Further and most important to prepare our armed forces for a bitter reply, if India tries to false flagging in Kashmir (like post Pulwama) and blame Pakistan. Make sure this time Abhi-none-dones will not get back with ease.
Pakistan to keep distance from USA and reduce diplomatic presence in Islamabad/Washington vice-versa, as well as infrastructure of Embassies.
Afghanistan peace process is failing on US wish to support Indian proxies there, so now it is time for Pakistan to re-consider it's efforts. US occupational forces are not going for evacuation but for election as US wish - not acceptable to Taliban.
Another game is going to start in the region, which will impact on regional stability.
For carrot of 12-24 F-16 or AH-1Z we should refrain to expose state of Pakistan to regional instability.
@Dubious I can't get why thread discussing legal status of LOC has been merged with one which was meant to discuss it's ground sitution.
The power of Maharaja passes to Kashmir's legislative assembly. J&K abolished its legislative assembly in 1956. In that case, the authority passes to the government of the sate.

No it isn't

Any changes in Indian constitution about kashmir can't be made unless they are approved by kashmir aseembly

You f*cked your own constitution and your accession agreement
No it isn't

Any changes in Indian constitution about kashmir can't be made unless they are approved by kashmir aseembly

You f*cked your own constitution and your accession agreement

You fail to understand the heirarchy of law making. Laws are made by legislative assembly, in absence of legislature, elected assembly takes over the law making process. In absence of elected assembly(as is the case now) ...the state government has the authority.

A 3 time dictatorial country , which has spent half its existence(and look back at the period fondly) under military dictators ..is talking about "fucking with constitution".
You fail to understand the heirarchy of law making. Laws are made by legislative assembly, in absence of legislature, elected assembly takes over the law making process. In absence of elected assembly(as is the case now) ...the state government has the authority.

A 3 time dictatorial country , which has spent half its existence(and look back at the period fondly) under military dictators ..is talking about "fucking with constitution".

Ranting is useless. And so are lies

Each and every legal expert has called your abrogation of article 370 illegal and thus making it null and void.

State government itself gave its authority to make laws for kashmir without state assemble approval. It cannot makes laws without approval and state agreed to it.

Now go fool other bharatis with this open robbery. Not everyone is open to such lies

You f* ked your own constitution and pakistan past or future has nothing to do with it.

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