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Pakistan increases Ammunition Production capacity by three folds

Than you don't know what the word blackmailer means? What Maulana Fazlur Rehman does, that's called political blackmail. Calling for the Prime Minister to improve governance and put an end to his corruption is not blackmail. Maybe for you it might be but certainly not for me.

Based on legitimate demands. If the Government is hell bent on Gang Raping the country of all its financial resources, than the Opposition is left with no choice but to lead street protests. These are exactly the protests that PML-N used to lead when it was in Opposition, so it's nothing new.

When? Show me. The only time i remember Supreme Court was attacked was when the Ganja Brothers sent in their hooligans to destroy the Supreme Court. Or not where PML-N Ministers are openly threatening SC Judges. You need to get your head checked.

Than go arrest him. Also arrest Ganja brothers for the massacre in Model Town.

Off course he is. Only corruption lovers think otherwise unfortunately.

Do you even know what the word crook means? Google up the word, and it perfectly applies to Nawaz Sharif for looting and gang raping Pakistan's financial resources.

There is no such thing as Law in Pakistan. The Law does not apply to the rich. What Pakistan do you live in?

Indeed no point in arguing because you don't even know what the word crook means. Here's a translation for you from Oxford Dictionary:

A person who is dishonest or a criminal:

‘the man's a crook, he's not to be trusted’

See this perfectly fits on Nawaz and Shahbaz Sharif. Both brothers are corrupt and criminals.
ammunition thread turns into politics not good
This shows that our military power is advancing on all fronts. Not only the strategic weapons are being added but arms for battles are multiplying. We should keep in mind that a new rifles and guns will also be made and also rounds for large guns also consume a lot of brass.

No, he needs to turn his party into a mafia and then run crime racket in Peshawar. Move to London and then run his party from a office there while getting money from Indian RAW.
You are a pdf title holder sir, instead of feeding the trolls and playing their game, you should warn them ask them to stay on the topic..and if they insist negatively rate them and report them..
though i get your sarcasm but I would refrain from responding to it here
Pakistan Ordinance Factory Increases Brass production capacity from 8000 Tons per year to 24 Thousand tons per year.
Brass is used to manufacture Ammunition cartridges.

POF exports have already crossed $100 million benchmark last year and there was urgent need of up-gradation/expansion of the facility to further cater for increased demands from friendly countries and foreign companies.



One of the other reason of increased exports was decline in extraordinary ammo/weapon demands rising from insurgency operations post ops Zarb-e-Azb as Armed Forces didnt need extra weapon/ammo supply with the culmination of main phases of operations.
You, like everyone else, have the right to like or dislike any politician. It's your fundamental right. And I respect that. I dislike IK because of his stupidity and bigotry. BTW, stupidity remains the same regardless whatever you name it, crying or roaring.

I still need to see a single proof of Nawaz/Shahbaz Sharif's corruption. I don't care if people talk non-sense (actually bring their inner dark out.) What I care about is solid evidence. Talking shit is no evidence. Your roaring animal does that for most of the time. But this government had reduced load-shedding to a minimal, have built so many world class roads, launched crack down on crooks (gas/electricity stealing, adulteration, fake medicines, etc.) I haven't heard of any financial scandal involving any minister in this government. They are able to control inflation (allowing poor at least to live their life) and we haven't seen any shortage of basic stuff like flour, sugar, cooking oil, cement, etc. (which was normal under the bloody crook Zardari's rule.) This government has turned the tables on terrorists and criminals. I could walk around in city streets with much less fear than before. They are creating schools, hospitals, infrastructure, etc. I am glad that many of my countrymen are enjoying the same world class bus service as available in London, NY, and Paris. That's what I care. You should appreciate at least that unless you belong to ungrateful shameless top class or mercilessly burn public money/patrol in your 'official' car. I give a damn if someone is talking non-sense.

You need to utilize your brain (given you have it) before indulging into non-sense. It's a thread about ammunition and not about planes and tanks and their parts. Pakistan is producing its own ammunition while Indians buy it from other countries (and that too in panic mode). What is wrong or incorrect in that?

For uneducated men from across the border that think the country with a armed force of 2+ million strong isn't making any ammunition at home , infact we make 5 times more ammunition at home than pakistan . And for pakistan frist try to make a moped at home than talk shit out here http://ofbindia.gov.in/index.php?wh=A-E-P-C&lang=en
Is this only for Ammo and not Rifles ?
Ammo! (for now)

In fact, not even AMMO. It is the brass production unit that have been upgraded and the production capacity increased. The brass will then be used in different items, AMMO being the main article but not the only one as some of the brass is likely to find its way into commercial activities. Plus i do feel that some of the other local arms manufacturing organizations will be customers as well.
For uneducated men from across the border that think the country with a armed force of 2+ million strong isn't making any ammunition at home , infact we make 5 times more ammunition at home than pakistan . And for pakistan frist try to make a moped at home than talk shit out here http://ofbindia.gov.in/index.php?wh=A-E-P-C&lang=en

Earlier you were talking about Pakistan not producing Mig29 and tanks in the context of discussion about producing ammunition. Now you're telling us that how a country with 2+ million strong military isn't making any ammunition at home. Oh low life pathetic Indian, believe me you have loose screws. You are not aware of that. I would give you a shut up call and urge on you to go back to some Indian forum. You're really a stranger here.
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Ghaznavi In deployed formation.

Ok i guess it is time for a clean up operation. If you can please read the thread title, it in NO WAY relates to political discussion. Please take this IK NS shitty business to the relevant thread.
@kabooter_maila @Haris Mansoor

@notorious_eagle yaar why take the bait bro? Leave it! It is useless. Still if you want to give it another shot lets do it in the politics section please.

@WAJsal @waz @Slav Defence can you please take care of this matter? Might need to deleted a few off topic posts and ones that quoted those troll posts please.
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