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Pakistan in no mood to grant MFN status to India yet

Well that we can make amends under some rule special agreements. But surely not

Ideals and realities are diametrically opposed to each other. The ideal would be friendly relations between both the nation some sort of like between US-Canada or between any two of European nations...i.e. no visa, not even border controls and even the same currency......Well that may even look outrageous suggestion but that example already exists in this world and functioning. But now lets step of the utopian world into the world of realities. Though India-Pak relations have never been friendly but current situation is really gruesome. India, under Modi, is openly supporting, claiming and declaring its intentions of using every possible tool to destroy Pakistan whether it is economic front ie. CPEC, sponsoring terrorism in Baluchistan, TTP and even working with ISIS via TTP, operating training camps for terrorists in Afghanistan. First India, needs to stop all this before even we can think of any dialogues between the two countries.
This is one big load of crap....Given this thread is about MFN so i will stick to it...India gave Pak MFN way back in 1996...after that you have Vajpayee and 10 years of MMS...both people were criticized in India because they invested way more than needed to ease relations with Pak...what's the output??? Nada....and let's not even talk about terrorism....i have way too many incidents from your side.....
This is one big load of crap....Given this thread is about MFN so i will stick to it...India gave Pak MFN way back in 1996...after that you have Vajpayee and 10 years of MMS...both people were criticized in India because they invested way more than needed to ease relations with Pak...what's the output??? Nada....and let's not even talk about terrorism....i have way too many incidents from your side.....
I think India was granted MFN by Pakistan but then things changed later.
Just came to power ? Come on man its 18months now! Instead of blaming congress mess for their inability, this government should do something solid.People are getting bored of blame games.
Agreed...lets define solid..please help...
India, under Modi, is openly supporting, claiming and declaring its intentions of using every possible tool to destroy Pakistan
Though India is not doing that yet...however why shouldn't India do that. I would expect GoI to start taking more proactive measures against Pakistan in a couple of years as the economy and military is stabilized by GoI.

India, under Vajpayee received Kargil, under Manmohan received Mumbai terrorism.

It is clear that being moderate or nice to Pakistan is pointless. Ergo, India must take a more hard line approach. And it will in a couple of years.
I think India was granted MFN by Pakistan but then things changed later.
No sir...your information is wrong...they did decide(as per media reports) but nothing official about it...however my larger question remains the same....These days i am finding a new trend here..everyone using Modi bogey not realizing that our problems are 6 decades old with 4 wars down the road and Modi is here for only 18 months....
Well that we can make amends under some rule special agreements. But surely not
Ideals and realities are diametrically opposed to each other. The ideal would be friendly relations between both the nation some sort of like between US-Canada or between any two of European nations...i.e. no visa, not even border controls and even the same currency......Well that may even look outrageous suggestion but that example already exists in this world and functioning. But now lets step of the utopian world into the world of realities. Though India-Pak relations have never been friendly but current situation is really gruesome. India, under Modi, is openly supporting, claiming and declaring its intentions of using every possible tool to destroy Pakistan whether it is economic front ie. CPEC, sponsoring terrorism in Baluchistan, TTP and even working with ISIS via TTP, operating training camps for terrorists in Afghanistan. First India, needs to stop all this before even we can think of any dialogues between the two countries.
How about an IPEC? :P

How about an IPEC? :P
I would be the most ardent supporter of this initiative and even beyond that i.e. linking IPEC + CPEC + RPEC + (any-PEC) since it will benefit everyone in the region especially the common people of not only subcontinent and South Asia but also Russia and even Europe. It will be the best symbiotic relationship/scenario for the whole region but (and it is a big BUTt :) ) you and me are not in power so we can dream, plan but cannot execute any such thing. In addition, the hawks in the establishments of both countries won't be as excited as you and me and then there are global players and their vested interests will ensure this does not happen. However lets say we have leaderships with vision in both capitals (Islamabad and Delhi), a few CBMs (confidence building measures) will be needed by both sides. That may require solving the core issues. Will India be ready to budge from its traditionally stated stance on those issues? Definitely the pros of IPEC should easily outweigh any cons posed by resolving the those issues. But will the arrogance, egos and insanities will allow any such project......under current circumstances....unfortunately not....but in future, I hope and wish this may happen. Until then lets keep our fingers crossed and play whatever small but positive role we can.
I am not an opponent to that but the economical wellbeing of our farmers comes first

20 years is not long enough to address that issue??? It was back in 1996 that India gave you MFN status.

HA HA First check India's non-tariff barriers on Pakistan then we talk. We are very clear in that remove non-tariff barriers and then give you MFN status and not before that.

those non tariff barriers are applicable to all nations who export to India. In spite of those barriers other nations are exporting to India. So, what is your gripe??

Why the f* did you give to Pakistan then?

Pakistan is NOT going to give it. You can cry and pretend you don't need it all you like.

Well having no companies does not stop us from feeding our people better then you in India. So what are your compaines for. Showing off while 100s of million starve?

why does nations give MFN to other countries?? Think before you answer.
Pakistan should stick to it's stance and not grant India MFN.
Why the f* did you give to Pakistan then?

Pakistan is NOT going to give it. You can cry and pretend you don't need it all you like.

Well having no companies does not stop us from feeding our people better then you in India. So what are your compaines for. Showing off while 100s of million starve?
I would be the most ardent supporter of this initiative and even beyond that i.e. linking IPEC + CPEC + RPEC + (any-PEC) since it will benefit everyone in the region especially the common people of not only subcontinent and South Asia but also Russia and even Europe. It will be the best symbiotic relationship/scenario for the whole region but (and it is a big BUTt :) ) you and me are not in power so we can dream, plan but cannot execute any such thing. In addition, the hawks in the establishments of both countries won't be as excited as you and me and then there are global players and their vested interests will ensure this does not happen. However lets say we have leaderships with vision in both capitals (Islamabad and Delhi), a few CBMs (confidence building measures) will be needed by both sides. That may require solving the core issues. Will India be ready to budge from its traditionally stated stance on those issues? Definitely the pros of IPEC should easily outweigh any cons posed by resolving the those issues. But will the arrogance, egos and insanities will allow any such project......under current circumstances....unfortunately not....but in future, I hope and wish this may happen. Until then lets keep our fingers crossed and play whatever small but positive role we can.
Our new leader in power thinks so. We have no problem with issues but they shouldn't be given priority over trade.
Modi is coming Pakistan next year.
We Indians have already a lot of issues with China. But we put them aside and made China India's biggest trade partner. Now, it's Sharif's turn.
And the other thing may we want that is space cooperation.
Our commercial space industry is also growing very fast and needs more customers.
As a self employed salesman of India :P :
"Please, give a chance to our products and services for you.
Our things are bit costlier than Chinese one but cheaper than others. We will offer you a quality service at reasonable prize.
Welcome to 21st century's Indian Economy market.
Have some shopping with your children and have a nice day. " :namaste:
:lol: when you r Indian government drags feet on sports and is hostage to hindu extremists then well yeh there is no use granting us MFN status. please do revoke

:lol: There is no link between the three.

Indian government drags feet on sports

Suspension of cricketing ties with Pakistan by India was in response to 2008 terrorist attack by Pakistan against India. Any self respecting nation would do that. Nothing wrong in it.

Indian government is hostage to hindu extremists
Thats rich coming from a Pakistani whose civilian govt is always in control of the army which is in cahoots with extremists. Your allegation is nothing but propaganda that is doing rounds in Pakistan.

please do revoke
MFN status to Pakistan was granted by India in 1996 to which Pakistan has still not reciprocated. Pakistan continues to drag its feet on this matter even after so many years. so you see who is doing the dragging of feet?
Your comment just strengthens my point.
:lol: There is no link between the three.

Suspension of cricketing ties with Pakistan by India was in response to 2008 terrorist attack by Pakistan against India. Any self respecting nation would do that. Nothing wrong in it.

Thats rich coming from a Pakistani whose civilian govt is always in control of the army which is in cahoots with extremists. Your allegation is nothing but propaganda that is doing rounds in Pakistan.

MFN status to Pakistan was granted by India in 1996 to which Pakistan has still not reciprocated. Pakistan continues to drag its feet on this matter even after so many years. so you see who is doing the dragging of feet?
Your comment just strengthens my point.
everything is interlinked simple as that so if India is not willing to have other ties then why economic ones? India should revoke MNF status it had given to Pakistan.
Oh God another one of these debates again? It's not gonna happen.....lets move on!
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