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Pakistan in crisis as 'creeping coup' unfolds

Since when has Dawn propagated pro Zionist, pro India, anti Pak views? They may represent more liberal opinion but that doesn't make them any more anti-Pak than the right winger media like Jang. I personally have found their reporting to be quite professional and their opinion pieces balanced and sensible, as opposed to the crap in The News.

Dawn used to be a fantastic newspaper; I used to read it avidly as a kid in Karachi.

But lately they have started pandering to Indian audience's egos. They often quote Indian propaganda as fact without rebutting it; but they usually qualify Pakistani propaganda as such.

As for Asma Jahangir, she may be in for this perhaps because she's pro PPP.

Exactly! She is a PPP apologist. She attacks anyone who would hold PPP officials accountable.

But that doesn't make her anti-Pak either.

When she puts PPP interests above Pakistan's national interests, that makes her anti-Pakistan. I have nothing for or against PPP, but when they fail to deliver governance, and their supporters start attacking anyone who points out these facts, I lose respect for them.
If these politicians did the honorable thing and resigned at the time that the Court made its decision to face their legal challenges and leave the governance of Pakistan in more capable hands, then the issue would not be so vexing. The fact that they refused to resign their posts is rather negative of their conduct without offcourse passing judgment on their innocence in the charges against them
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