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Pakistan in crisis as 'creeping coup' unfolds

''It's complete [judicial] control now,'' said Asma Jahangir,
DAILY TELEGRAPH [= Murdoch Media, i.e. News Corp.]

Also DAWN.com is throwing a hissy fit about judicial overreach.

When the anti-Pakistan crowd (Asma Jahangir, Murdoch Media and Dawn.com) start whining, you can be sure we are doing the right thing for :pakistan:
How did u figure that ??

It is no secret that the reconciliation with Musharraf (of which the NRO is a part) was 'facilitated' by the US. Essentially, the US bought immunity for its stooges, i.e. Benazir and, indirectly, Zardari.

Now that that immunity has been shattered and the stooges may face justice, the pro-US elements are trying to discredit the judicial system.

Ruper Murdoch's News Corp. is a hardcore pro-Zionist, anti-Muslim, anti-Pakistan organization, and DAWN.com is notorious for its "blame Pakistan first" stance.
Developereo;590428]It is no secret that the reconciliation with Musharraf (of which the NRO is a part) was 'facilitated' by the US. Essentially, the US bought immunity for its stooges, i.e. Benazir and, indirectly, Zardari.Now that that immunity has been shattered and the stooges may face justice, the pro-US elements are trying to discredit the judicial system.

Benazir and party who you calling stooges have the mandate of half of Pakistan. You think an indivisual like Musharaf has the right to go against the wishes of millions of Pakistanis and if US has supported it than its the right thing to do.

Ruper Murdoch's News Corp. is a hardcore pro-Zionist, anti-Muslim, anti-Pakistan organization, and DAWN.com is notorious for its "blame Pakistan first" stance

enlighten us please here how are dawn.com linked to Ruper Murdochs corp?
Benazir and party who you calling stooges have the mandate of half of Pakistan.

The only thing Benazir had going for her was her maiden name Bhutto, which she didn't change even after marriage to Zardari. As a ruler she was neither qualified, not effective. ZAB was such a dynamic and popular figure (I respect him a lot) that even now, after 30 years, the Bhutto name is golden in Pakistani politics.

enlighten us please here how are dawn.com linked to Ruper Murdochs corp?

They are not linked.

Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. has a pro-Zionist agenda.

DAWN, on the other hand, is motivated purely by money. They are actively courting Indian readership, as evidenced by their use of Indian columnists on the front page, and the tone of their news coverage and editorials which often echo the Indian viewpoint -- at Pakistan's expense.
you guys are in bad shape right now with this NRO thing.

first i agree that the politicians should not be let go of cases against them but in the current situation i would prefer thet the cases are not delt immediately and they could wait for a few years to settle the cases coz
1)if the cases against politicians are executed now-there will be a huge gap in the govt(considering the fact that the politicians who are not part of the ruling party are also implicated )a large no. of ministries will go vaccant....
2)mid term elections are also not an ideal option coz pakistan is now at war with terrorists - the terrorists will find this suitable to target people and the politicians will be busy with their campain without any regard for public safey coz they'll just want to get back to power....
besides additional security would be required to conduct elections and as such it is not a good idea to divert personell who are hungry for the terrorist's blood to stand guard at election booth's .

i think there will be violence during elections(- based on experience in india) between various supporters of the different parties aimed at creating a nuiasence so that the people get feeling that the present govt is incapable(even though it currently is!)all this confusion would require diversion of security personel ...

so as imo it is better to let the politicians free till the war on terror ends and the pakistan army is sucessful in eliminating the terrorists (you know let some stablity come before any decision is taken)

feel free to disagree...
i dont think there will be midterm election. No body is attacking the Prime Minister who run the government. This is not against the entire PPP it is against a few people in the party and they are taking all the people around them down with them.
1)if the cases against politicians are executed now-there will be a huge gap in the govt(considering the fact that the politicians who are not part of the ruling party are also implicated )a large no. of ministries will go vaccant....

The majority party will simply have to appoint interim minsters until the next full election.

2)mid term elections are also not an ideal option coz pakistan is now at war with terrorists - the terrorists will find this suitable to target people and the politicians will be busy with their campain without any regard for public safey coz they'll just want to get back to power....

Fighting terrorism is a two-pronged affair:
- fighting them in their strongholds (army's job)
- foiling terrorist plots (local/federal law enforcement's job)

The army is doing their job. The second part is the civilian government's responsibility and the current administration hasn't even acknowledged the need for upgrading law enforcement, let alone implement it. Like almost everything else, the government is asleep on the job, so if they get thrown out, it won't affect the war against TTP.
The main problem with Zardari is that he is not a hawk(and a punjabi). He should learn a few things from his predecessors especially the army and start bitching against India, say that India will be given a bloody nose, threaten to nuke India, create some Kashmir drama and everything will be fine for him. Why 10%, he can go to 15% then and no one will say a word. As they say people of a country deserve the leaders they have.
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The main problem is that Zardari is that he is not a hawk(and a punjabi). He should learn a few things from his predecessors especially the army and start bitching against India, say that India will be given a bloody nose, threaten to nuke India, create some Kashmir drama and everything will be fine for him. Why 10%, he can go to 15% then and no one will say a word. As they say people of a country deserve the leaders they have.

i was just wondering when would this kind of comment would come.
=Developereo;590601]The only thing Benazir had going for her was her maiden name Bhutto, which she didn't change even after marriage to Zardari. As a ruler she was neither qualified,

here is some about her education::
After completing her early education in Pakistan, she attended Radcliffe College and Oxford University. As well as obtaining a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics, she also completed a course in International Law and Diplomacy at Oxford. Ms. Bhutto is the author of "Foreign Policy in Perspective" (1978) and her autobiography, "Daughter of Destiny" (1989). She received the Bruno Kreisky Award for Human Rights in 1988 and the Honorary Phi Beta Kappa Award from Radcliffe in 1989.

Benazir was not effective.

here i agree with you , but if you look at the twisted circumstances before her death and since her arrival from UK its obvious that the establishment was not happy with her actions.

ZAB was such a dynamic and popular figure (I respect him a lot) that even now, after 30 years, the Bhutto name is golden in Pakistani politics.

well if you ask people in Pak who were mature in ZAB era similar circumstances were their and there was so much propaganda created against him that eventually the brutal estabilisment killed him cold blood.

Ruper Murdoch's News Corp. is a hardcore pro-Zionist, anti-Muslim, anti-Pakistan organization, and DAWN.com is notorious for its "blame Pakistan first" stance

They are not linked

i am glad thats not the case , the way you hv put it i thought for a sec that Dawn has also a pro-zionist agenda

DAWN, on the other hand, is motivated purely by money. They are actively courting Indian readership, as evidenced by their use of Indian columnists on the front page, and the tone of their news coverage and editorials which often echo the Indian viewpoint -- at Pakistan's expense.

offcourse they have bills to pay and too fulfil them like every body they need the money! whts wrong with that ? and the indian columnist Mr Kuldip Nayar only critizes his own govt in his columns .infact he is not a typical star tv advert the guy is geniune and makes sense, please read his columns and figure out for your selves who is pleasing who ? secondly and more importantly its a paper who has a open view i.e NO BS with wide distribution and reader ship its liked by most of the english speaking mases in Pak.
The main problem is that Zardari is that he is not a hawk(and a punjabi). He should learn a few things from his predecessors especially the army and start bitching against India, say that India will be given a bloody nose, threaten to nuke India, create some Kashmir drama and everything will be fine for him. Why 10%, he can go to 15% then and no one will say a word. As they say people of a country deserve the leaders they have.

i hope you were drunk when you wrote that. What is this nonsense?

What does Punjabi have anything to do with it? Has nothing to do with being anti india - though i wish he had more balls to work for Pakistan's interests and stop appeasing indian

he lacks patriotism or courage to confront the issues; and his past is too controversial for him to sit in government sit. His history is very shady.

the President is not supposed to have more power than Prime Minister; and i think the fact that President also happens to be party leader -it's a conflict of interest.

i'm glad about SC ruling.

Since when has Dawn propagated pro Zionist, pro India, anti Pak views? They may represent more liberal opinion but that doesn't make them any more anti-Pak than the right winger media like Jang. I personally have found their reporting to be quite professional and their opinion pieces balanced and sensible, as opposed to the crap in The News.

As for Asma Jahangir, she may be in for this perhaps because she's pro PPP. But that doesn't make her anti-Pak either. Learn to respect and understand different opinion before you brand someone.
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