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Pakistan improves in corruption ranking

Dawood Ibrahim

May 25, 2016
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Pakistan has witnessed improvement by four notches and has moved up from 126th to 122nd position in the corruption perception index 2016-17 as compared to previous year, World Economic Forum’s annual report revealed.

Talking to media, National Accountability Bureau Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry said the country’s anti-corruption policies were yielding better results and its ranking was improving for the past three years.

He said NAB officials were putting in all their energies and taking all possible measures to uproot corruption from society. “As a result of these, the position is improving,” he remarked.

He said the Global Competitiveness Index of WEF would help improve Pakistan’s image among other nations.

In response to a question, the chairman said corruption affects the common man and they suffer when the funds supposed to be utilised for their welfare were misappropriated.

“So, the improvement in Pakistan’s ranking will be ultimately beneficial for the common man as the funds meant for their welfare and well-being will be utilised for a provision of basic facilities, including health, education and clean drinking water to them,” he said.

The chairman said the improvement in WEF report would also reflect in corruption perception index of Transparency International.

Replying to another question, Chaudhry said Pakistan’s efforts for establishing the SAARC Anti-Corruption Forum were highly appreciated by the member states.

“Pakistan is playing a leadership role among the SAARC countries in the fight against corruption,” he added.

When you are starting from such a low point improvement is easy. I put this down to two reasons:
1. Rise of Social media means automatic transparency because you cannot control the narrative.
2. A robust opposition means the ruling party has to be more accountable.
The credit all the way goes to NAB ,it has been much mobile than past.. which deserves to be applauded.. :tup:

But still there are some gaps.. they must put their hands on large fishes, irrespective of their status..while NAB seems to be reluctant in that.
Anyhow hope the situation would get better in near future..
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