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Pakistan hints at retaliation after US withheld funds "negotiate access to air/land corridors"

They should ask indians to give them corridor which they claim india sharing its border with Afghanistan.. lol
Truth being told. US need to clear up there non semse policy.
Pakistan is no Japan South Korea or Israel where a potentially Weaker country needs to stand against massive Foe on American Military Aid like Jaoan and SK face China or Israel due to its geography. Neither are we a direct threat to US.
Pakistan have its own interests. The more you try to bully us the more you alienate us from you. Woth more and more self reliance in defence and from Turkish and chinese markets.
US need to evaluate its options.
They are blindly bashing Pakistan to appease India and get more money out of there economy for there own.
This policy will back fire.
The last time Pakistan "negotiated" was because of the unfortunate border posts attack.

Pakistan closed the border, demanded an apology, and wanted more money to handle the shipping.

Pakistan got 0/3.

Pakistan's ambassador is talking out of his a$$, and the American politicians and bureaucrats will hand him a trashcan and let him go back to his job posing for photo-ops.
The last time Pakistan "negotiated" was because of the unfortunate border posts attack.

Pakistan closed the border, demanded an apology, and wanted more money to handle the shipping.

Pakistan got 0/3.

Pakistan's ambassador is talking out of his a$$, and the American politicians and bureaucrats will hand him a trashcan and let him go back to his job posing for photo-ops.

We'll see man. Times have changed since then in case you didn't get the memo.

Let the 'Muricans bring it on. They are the ones talking about a stick. Now show us how tough you really are and how much you can hurt us with that stick. You think we afraid of the Yankee stick?

You talk about sanctions. Stop talking and impose them. What else can you do? Carry out drone strikes or raids across the border? Stop talking and show us what you are made out of. Just do it because your talk is as always cheap.

It is your daddy 'Murica doing all the talking here. The onus is on the rednecks to prove to us whether they are true to their word. Don't blame the ambassador who is merely replying to the usual cowboy rhetoric.
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problem and answer is Pakistani army. Its generals (many if not most) are beneficiary of US excess and depriving Pakistan as a nation from its due service charge. Recent revelation how Pakistani spy master was texting Pakistani court proceedings to Leon Penetta says it all.

Had Pakistan as a nation ever punished these generals for sacrificing Pakistan interest? At least politicians in recent years are getting some heat for their misdeeds.
problem and answer is Pakistani army. Its generals (many if not most) are beneficiary of US excess and depriving Pakistan as a nation from its due service charge. Recent revelation how Pakistani spy master was texting Pakistani court proceedings to Leon Penetta says it all.

Had Pakistan as a nation ever punished these generals for sacrificing Pakistan interest? At least politicians in recent years are getting some heat for their misdeeds.

We'll get these traitor fvcks. In case you didn't notice our COAS is in China. The message is firm and loud. America is feeling the heat and they will continue to feel the heat. American threats against Pakistan don't mean much anymore. They are empty. Even the Yanks realize this. We are not going to take Trumpland seriously and there ain't nobody going to do anything about that.

Let these Yankee fvcks escalate it as much as they can. The more they push the better. We need even more rhetoric from these Americans. We couldn't have wished for a better time for things to escalate. Trump in the WH with an approval rating at an all time low. Russia, NK, Iran etc. You name it. Pakistan working close as ever with China. Not to mention our improving relations with Russia. This is just gold. Let this Trump fool make a move...

I just hope Mexico pays for it

LOL just like the wall...
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We'll get these traitor fvcks. In case you didn't notice our COAS is in China. America is feeling the heat and they will continue to feel the heat. American threats against Pakistan don't mean much anymore. They are empty. Even the Yanks realize this.

LOL just like the wall...

Oh it's going to be a beautiful glass wall
Oh it's going to be a beautiful glass wall

It is funny though. This Trump fool hasn't delivered on a single promise thus far. From the wall to the Muslim ban. These rednecks are threatening Pakistan on a daily basis, but Mooch goes on record to mock Bannon to suck his you know what. This is 'Murica for you today LOL How am I even supposed to take this country seriously? A clown fest is all it is.
It is funny though. This Trump fool hasn't delivered on a single promise thus far. These rednecks are threatening Pakistan on a daily basis, but mooch goes on record to say that Bannon should suck his you know what. This is 'Murica for you today LOL

Actually middle America is seeing some hope.

But the Russians were underestimated by him.

Its a sticky sticky mess.
Actually middle America is seeing some hope.

But the Russians were underestimated by him.

Its a sticky sticky mess.

Trump hasn't got anything under control. He says one thing and the next hour he either retracts or is simply ignored.

The Russians are laughing their heads off. They couldn't have dreamt of this day.
Trump hasn't got anything under control. He says one thing and the next hour he either retracts or is simply ignored.

The Russians are laughing their heads off. They couldn't have dreamt of this day.

Pressure tactics ensure better deals for them.
But I think if both don't go Cuba crazy everything should be fine.
Easy to say when you got Mr. Ego involved.
Reminds me of the Tiger and the Crane story!!!! A bone got stuck into the Tiger's throat and he was short of breadth. So, he requested little help from the Crane, and promised a lot. Now, the Crane made a simple but understandable mistake by doing over projections in his mind!!!! And, he readily and enthusiastically helped. No wonder little of the promises were fulfilled!!!! The Tiger's answer - you are lucky to be alive to put your head into my throat and take it out!!!!! So far so good, but the tiger also needs to remind himself there're much more ferocious lions roaming around and they're not naïve!!!!

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