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PAKISTAN Hindu girl tells Supreme Court she would rather die than convert to Islam

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so please do enlighten us as an "American" how was Islam spread in the sub-continent???
i mean are you suggesting that the 450 million muslims in the sub-continent you see today are the descendants of forced converts??

We got a separate land for ourselves to get away from buggers like you
i guess that wasn't enough

Population of world has riser a lot from 1940s to now. Almost from 2b to 7b. But you can believe what ever you want :p:
What an article! Politics and Mafia blackmail mingeled with religion!!!
What is the real intent of such an article?
This is what happens when Mooolahs get too much power. Sorry folks but we ourselves gave our country in the hands of monkey moolahs. As @Oscar calls them Moolah do piaaza!

Neem hakeem khatra-e-jaan
Neem Moolah khatra-e-imaan

My Hindu Pakistani sister is just paying the price for a coward nation which won't stand up to petty Islamofacist thugs.
This is what happens when Mooolahs get too much power. Sorry folks but we ourselves gave our country in the hands of monkey moolahs. As @Oscar calls them Moolah do piaaza!

Neem hakeem khatra-e-jaan
Neem Moolah khatra-e-imaan

My Hindu Pakistani sister is just paying the price for a coward nation which won't stand up to petty Islamofacist thugs.

I don't like you, but sometime you hit the bullseye.

Keep the good work going.

These forced converters should be hanged and killed in public.
Will never understand why any mullah will do this, hopefully girl get justice.
Will never understand why any mullah will do this, hopefully girl get justice.

Chances of her getting killed for ' insulting Islam ' are higher than her getting justice. This is a country where a few % Moolahs can bully the rest by blackmailing their faith. We are a nation blended with cowardice and munaafqat when it comes to minorities. We treat them no better than the unwanted shoe in the house.
Disgraceful and why should she adhere to a religion, that has been shoved down her throat, with a mix of violence and rape.

Sorry sister Kumari. I hope justice is given to you.
It's a two year old news, I am sure she must have grew into it by now.
Mullah should be castrated. But Mullah is god to many Pakistanis.

the sad thing is many muslims still argue that Islam was not spread to Indian subcontinent by such coercion and violence. so many ancestors took the same stand as this lady and suffered strongly to their death; the weaker ones couldn't face the torture and converted.

But that was then and this is now. Let us see if Pakistan is able to come into the 21st century civics

The sad things is that many Hindus still argue that all of it was spread like this.
Rather die??

She should have killed the SOB's who forcefully converted her and should have committed suicide two years back.
if anything remotely resembling this happens to anyone from Islam, they would be facing beheadin or slain openly on charge of blasphemy!
this is where the right wingers (most of the PDfers I d say) go missing and a hand ful of sane voices condemn such acts.
Will the real moderates please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?
A religion which propagates by subjugating the minorities and forcefully convert them, is anything but peaceful.
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