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Pakistan has more Nukes than India.

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Haha - the only operational injun missile is the prithvi, which is an obsolete joke, I mean it is nothing more than a glorified V2, a Scud is more advanced.

Per capita - india today is one of the poorest nations on earth, living conditions for a significant proportion of her people, is worse than sub-saharan Africa.

Hundreds of millions starve, that is why there is a raging Naxalite insurgency that controls 40% of india. These people are gaining recruits because of the poverty.

Thats the reality :( sorry to burst your bubble

hehe troll who told you we are the poorest india is the 6th largest economy in the world idiot and who told you millions live in poverty here you can say that for pakistan though and regarding percapita ours is 2099 per anm yous is just touching 1000 and naxalism at least we are in a better position than you guys naxalites here dont go bombing crowded streets they live and are confined in jungles,
please post in english. :blink:

Really sorry i knw only HIBRU or dis :what::woot::rofl:... nt ur kind f english....newaz Not my fault dude... if u dnt wanna unstand.
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But that doesn't mean we stop disagreeing on other things.:devil:

Oh come on be like a nice dude dont be acting like devil:-)devil:):no: now...agree where Im right but disagree where im wrong...Plz note always be sincere to everybody..This will keep everybody on right path...Sincerity is the key of success..:)
U know the sincerity means do favors without personal interests.:agree:
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Pakistan has more Nukes than India.

This effectively means that pakistan has more liabilities than India. Maintaining nuclear warheads is not a joke. It is a very costly and risky affair. Indeed More costly than the false pride and worthless chest thumping, especially when you are aware that you wont be using any in the given circumstances. And more ever if you have already crossed your minimum threshold deterance.
We have more nukes, and as our Pu reactors come online, smaller more potent warheads for our cruise missiles, Babur and Raad will allow Navy Strategic Force Command - to enable basing of strategic weapons at sea - also undetected.
We have more nukes, and as our Pu reactors come online, smaller more potent warheads for our cruise missiles, Babur and Raad will allow Navy Strategic Force Command - to enable basing of strategic weapons at sea - also undetected.

strategic weopons all over the places air, ater , ground; hidden or open...
and another thing Inshallah in the space too at multiple places....
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We have more nukes, and as our Pu reactors come online, smaller more potent warheads for our cruise missiles, Babur and Raad will allow Navy Strategic Force Command - to enable basing of strategic weapons at sea - also undetected.



We also have lots and lots of nuclear heads, tails and bodies all over the Land, sea and air. No one can see them, or detect them, our Govt doesn't tell this to any one only we know it, as all Indians are sent a secret copy, even the International Intelligence agencies have no clue.
Now in a new reactor they gonna use an alloy of Thorium, Uranium and Plutonium. The latest and deadliest reactor to date.:bunny::devil::flame::chilli::sniper:

:smitten:Flags of India, Russia, America, UK, Israel:smitten:

Oh and add Japan korea, Australia, Brazil....keep adding We have lots of love.
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