Given the present situation, the economy is showing positive signs but in addition to addressing security and energy concerns, it is also important to remember that we need to adopt competitive trade policies in order to be able to offer our labour force to global industry and that is only possible if we revisit our existing policies. Protectionism has kept a number of interested foreign parties out but at the same time, it has failed to allow us to develop any domestic industry as well. As a consequence, we are still stuck exporting mangoes and rice while our marginally more profitable exports like sports goods, leather and surgical goods all face a steady decline.
I think its about time we considered liberalizing our trade regimes a bit and offered investors preferential terms for setting up domestic production facilities. With MENA right next door and Gwadar as a prospective deep sea port, we can turn the Hub and Gwadar special economic zones into Pakistan's industrial lifelines.
So to revise, signs are positive but we need proactive law making in order to ensure that we can build on this impetus and finally achieve our oft-denied goal of being an industrialized economy.