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Pakistan Gives US, NATO Proof On India’s Covert Links With Baitullah Mehsud

The fact remains that India has denied that any dossier was handed over publicly. US also have denied publicly. The onus now stands with the Pakistan Government and Dawn, which published the news item.

Credibility of both is at stake.

Ahmed Quraisi’s “a conspiracy theory a day” and his website, hardly retains any credibility, sans amusement value. (Mr. Munshi, should use credible source as his reference. I understand that he is a celebrated author, in his country).

Though I personally disagree with our Hon. PM, to have allowed Baluchistan to be inserted in the joint statement, I am sure, he has allowed the same, from his core belief – “We have nothing to hide” statement, he made in the Indian Parliament.

Sure, the Indian Intelligence would love to play prank (may be is), if possible after years of being (and continue to being) at the receiving end in Kashmir and sundry terror modules in India courtesy ISI. But, Mehsud group, following an interpretation of Islam, which may not be acceptable to most Pakistani members in this forum, and dictating the same to the Pakistani population, in areas they control, can be controlled by a Kafir state, India, is baffling if true. Baluchis seeking India's help... may be... as the ideology is Baluch Nation.

India and Pakistan were born from the same people. But, 60 years have passed. We choose separate paths. The two are not comparable, anymore, in anyways.

If Taliban is a problem in Pakistan, today, then Pakistan should have the key to switch it off. Isn’t it foolish to create a monster, without retaining controls? (India had done the same mistake with LTTE. Mr. Gandhi’s assassination brought home the hard fact.)

There is no point denying the fact that Taliban was created in Pakistan, armed and sustained by Pakistan to gain strategic depth. The whole world is aware of this fact. But, that it has turned out to be a strategic blunder is another matter.

Today, if one tries to tell the world – “there is good Taliban and bad Taliban”. “We are responsible for midwifing the good Taliban and India is responsible for midwifing the bad Taliban” would hardly hold any water, without hard facts. And this is missing, sans “a conspiracy theory a day”

Pakistan and Dawn needs to present credible proof to the world, to retain it’s credibility.

Let’s be clear on one fact. Nations will never be equals. USA even post China’s emergence, will continue to be a super power. Russia will make a come back to Super Power status earlier than expected.

Israel will never ever be a super power and will always need US/Europe to ‘Hide Behind’ (as all the members of this forum are aware) as, Israel do not have the minimum prerequisite to be a super power.

Nations should understand their limitations and actualize their potential. Ambitions, beyond their limitation and (shady) ways and means employed, is a sure recipe for disaster. Israel understands its limitations and has been acting accordingly. Do India and Pakistan understand their limitations? :what:
Israel will never ever be a super power and will always need US/Europe to ‘Hide Behind’ (as all the members of this forum are aware) as, Israel do not have the minimum prerequisite to be a super power.

Why you forget your country's friendship with Israel ,what Israeli F16s are doing in india?

Friendship of israel is always bad , first they distroyed Germany and Russia now india and USA ,China are their target.

They have financial,political and media power when ever they want they use it , no doubt israel has ambition of super power .

They have object to capture promised land and build a super power


Friendship of israel is always bad , first they distroyed Germany and Russia now india and USA ,China are their target.

WHAT???????? israel distroyed germany!!!!!!!and russia too!!!! :crazy:
i still see germany as the strongest nation in europe....... and russia .....it still has the credentials of a superpower.....

how are they going to destroy india !!!!! by weponising india !!!!!that way we are only getting stronger ........i cant understand the china part.....:crazy:

Friendship of israel is always bad , first they distroyed Germany and Russia now india and USA ,China are their target.

WHAT???????? israel distroyed germany!!!!!!!and russia too!!!! :crazy:
i still see germany as the strongest nation in europe....... and russia .....it still has the credentials of a superpower.....

how are they going to destroy india !!!!! by weponising india !!!!!that way we are only getting stronger ........i cant understand the china part.....:crazy:

Read little history of WW1&WW2 , you will conclude the root cause of these wars was Jews strong lobbies (bank mafia)

Who is controling USA? do you know about AIPAC ?

They are the think tank of USA , made policies to break back bone of emerging economies , they use politics,finance, and media against their enemies.

USA is now at edge of economic break down , China and India have biggest dollar reserves and investments ,if US bankcrupted then China and India will also be bankcrupted :azn:
China and India

Suddenly vulnerable
Dec 11th 2008
From The Economist print edition

Asia’s two big beasts are shivering. India’s economy is weaker, but China’s leaders have more to fear
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The US continues to be in denial as evident from the recent statement of Richard Holbrooke where he said the evidence Pakistan has produced on India's links to terrorism in Balochistan is not credible. The Pakistanis have photographs and video tapes of Indian agents in Afghanistan meeting with known terrorists. Army chief Gen. Kayani has warned the Americans to stop criticizing the ISI. On his recent visit, the protocol given to Mr. Holbrooke was no longer presidential, as was the case during his previous visits. And the ISI chief has also declined to meet any US officials separately. Pakistan is getting closer to being left with no option but to limit or outright block the occupation supply lines in order to force Washington to understand it can't ignore Pakistani regional strategic interests.


Friday, 31 July 2009.

Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

WANA/ISLAMABAD—Higher Pakistani political and military authorities have handed over substantial evidence to its allies US and NATO regarding India’s involvement in aiding Baitullah Mehsud.

Well-informed sources told Online that Pakistani political and military leadership have provided documented and video tape evidence to Special US representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke and ISAF chief Lt. Gen. McChrystal of India’s covert links with Baitullah Mehsud and provision of aid to him through Indian consulate in Afghanistan.

I think these are like the evidence India has given against LET-saeed, dawood , and islamic terror camps in PA. Good luck Gen. Kayani.
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Well i don't understand why Pakistan and India run to US with evidences.... What does US does with that evidence... may be throw it in dustbin without even see in them....

Both India and Pakistan should resolve their issues themselves... Who is US?
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