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Pakistan Gives US, NATO Proof On India’s Covert Links With Baitullah Mehsud

Taliban chief into talks with Pakistan

Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, whose grim rule in Pakistan's tribal district of South Waziristan is marked by suicide bombings and throat-slitting, has contacted the government through mediators for peace talks, official and tribal sources say.
Taliban chief into talks with Pakistan

Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud, whose grim rule in Pakistan's tribal district of South Waziristan is marked by suicide bombings and throat-slitting, has contacted the government through mediators for peace talks, official and tribal sources say.

There should be no talks with him. The guy only understands the word of the bullet and so shall it be. By the way who are these mediators?
Maybe they don't want to compromise their sources.
It is one thing to present confidential evidence to military personnel.
It is quite another to give it to newspapers.

Or may be their is no Proof, Its all of lie....... seen in kargil, how musf said at that time, their is no PAK Soldiers and now he is saying their was pak army......
Maybe they don't want to compromise their sources.
It is one thing to present confidential evidence to military personnel.
It is quite another to give it to newspapers.

I do understand Pakistan's sensitivity regarding the evidence being made public!!

nevertheless it has to be done, there is a lack of trust among EU, NATO, US and allies regarding Pakistan and it's action's after 9/11.

Though Pakistan looked dedicated to WOT, it hasn't delivered what it was meant to inspite of all the financial kick-ins given 2 it.

Trust me when I say People here(US) are already starting 2 loose confidence in Pakistan.

So when Pakistan alleges something on an another country, it better back it up with accountable proof that can be made public.

I don't say sources have to be compromised but sources can be protected!! cant they?????

Simple dear buckle up! risk it ! to gain something!!
Truly you will have the world's attention and trust worthiness.:)
The mechanisms for discussion with B.M. should still be intact from the myriad other abortive attempts to reconcile this man's irascible behavior and that of his minions.

Those that can be turned should always be encouraged so long as it's understood that they are turning TO a weaponless, apolitical, modest life as a simple citizen whom recognizes the primacy of your constitution and it's laws. Simply shifting the temporal allegiance of one militia element from B.M. to the state isn't a worthy goal.

Nor, btw (if you're wondering) in Afghanistan

If any is personally responsible for executions or acts of terror against the general population and not simply combat operations against government forces, then they must stand trial in civil court or before a military tribunal if charged.

Their only recourse to grievances shall be the mechanisms afforded by the state- elections- or nothing. Working within the system is permitted and even encouraged.
india is definatley helping mehsud without any foreign country help he could not hide afghanistan also involved in it too we all know what indian ambassey and govt of afghan what they are doing against pakistan soon u all get proof publically karzai is money hungry indian put enough money in his mouth so he have to help indian we all know how much poor india is and still they made multi million dollar road in afghanistan what is in afgjanistan for indian nothing no trade no oil only they can help anti pakistan people afghanistan have nothing in it why india is sitting their and wasting money because they will help anti pak people
Though Pakistan looked dedicated to WOT, it hasn't delivered what it was meant to inspite of all the financial kick-ins given 2 it.

Trust me when I say People here(US) are already starting 2 loose confidence in Pakistan.

for the info

I think the kickins given to Pakistan were Far more less than those given to our 62 year old Arch Rival india through various channels(Nuclear Deal, Latest Weponary through Israel) thats the reason why Pakistan hasnt delivered in the so called WOT.
More Ever A Bitter lesson from the Past. The Pressler Amendments(which blocked the shipments of latest milletery hardware and promissed aid) after being a staunch US ally in the Covert Operations against the Soviet Forces in Afghanistan carried out with the joint collaboration of CIA & ISI(The Founders of Mujahideen Talibans) , also prooved to be a hinderence in a fully devoted Milletery Expedition against the Millitants in the so called war on terror .

If these things are not adrressed and the hasty shortcutts is the Best US strategists can come up with, then they are bound to loose in this so called WOT.
So when Pakistan alleges something on an another country, it better back it up with accountable proof that can be made public.

Frankly i dont think that theres a need to share any Evidance with US anymore. Atleast not after HolBrok's "NO" .But the outcum would be like you guys would have to fight this war the Hard Way thus maitaining the Enlarging Trust Defficit with your Front-Line Ally in the so called WOT.:agree:

I don't say sources have to be compromised but sources can be protected!! cant they?????

Simple dear buckle up! risk it ! to gain something!!
Truly you will have the world's attention and trust worthiness.
The sources could have been protected in some cases but in a scenario where people cutt off throats just on mere suspision i feel your argument is very Dull.

And we have Risked the lives of many. We have sufferd the most in this so called WOT ,and yet wat we get after all that( Back door Pressure to roll back your Nukes ,Do More Do More etc ) . Its a Dead End . And You never know how a state armed with Nuclear Wepons could retaliate when chased up to the Dead End .We do know one " North Korea " if i m not mistaken .
The mechanisms for discussion with B.M. should still be intact from the myriad other abortive attempts to reconcile this man's irascible behavior and that of his minions.

Those that can be turned should always be encouraged so long as it's understood that they are turning TO a weaponless, apolitical, modest life as a simple citizen whom recognizes the primacy of your constitution and it's laws. Simply shifting the temporal allegiance of one militia element from B.M. to the state isn't a worthy goal.

Nor, btw (if you're wondering) in Afghanistan

If any is personally responsible for executions or acts of terror against the general population and not simply combat operations against government forces, then they must stand trial in civil court or before a military tribunal if charged.

Their only recourse to grievances shall be the mechanisms afforded by the state- elections- or nothing. Working within the system is permitted and even encouraged.

Thats a Dream come True.
Sadly BM and his group would never ever lay down their arms. Even if they did wats the gurantee that this guy could become another UBL or M.O .But that also dosent means that the negotiations could be cutt off totally .Negotiations providing Desired results are most likely favourable .

Frankly speaking New Delhi and Washington would be the first to get agitated even if the negotitions went successful .India still fears that ISI could utilize these assets in Kashmir or somewhere else and US doesnt wants to loose whatever it has achieved in India throughout this period .

Negotiation and Diplomacy though the best possible way but Sadly not workable.
I do understand Pakistan's sensitivity regarding the evidence being made public!!

nevertheless it has to be done, there is a lack of trust among EU, NATO, US and allies regarding Pakistan and it's action's after 9/11.

Though Pakistan looked dedicated to WOT, it hasn't delivered what it was meant to inspite of all the financial kick-ins given 2 it.

Trust me when I say People here(US) are already starting 2 loose confidence in Pakistan.

So when Pakistan alleges something on an another country, it better back it up with accountable proof that can be made public.

I don't say sources have to be compromised but sources can be protected!! cant they?????

Simple dear buckle up! risk it ! to gain something!!
Truly you will have the world's attention and trust worthiness.:)
Really?We've lost well over 2000+ Pakistani Soldiers..They are also son and father of someone.We've had deadly bombings all over Pakistan...If you think you could use force and stop this insurgency then forget it.It's quite similar to Vietnam and unless you listen to Pakistanis you will only loose your soldiers and yes, i know you will threaten to bomb us like you bombed sovereign nation of Cambodia.We too have mistrust issues with US and here is the reason behind it.Pakistanis are quite frankly sick entired of TTP as well US for interfering in our matters.
The question that has puzzled so many Americans..that why do Afghans and Pakistanis hate us?It is not so difficult to understand if you put yourself into the shoes of Afghan and Pakistani Veterans who fought in Afghanistan War against Soviet Union for America as well as Pakistani Pushtun People who accepted well over 3 million Afghan Refugees.Within Months of Soviet Withdrawal, the US Government discovered what it had known for past eight years that Pakistan was working hard on Nuclear Bomb..but with soviets gone Sanctions were imposed and all military and economic assistance was cut off.The Fleet of F16's and other weapons that Pakistan paid for was withheld..Spares of F-16s provided to Pakistan were already used while flying sorties on western border to intercept Russian fighters - and new spares were not provided to Pakistan and they had to buy from black market at ludricious prices.The Afghan, Arab and other Mujaheddin believed that America had betrayed Pakistanis.
Really?We've lost well over 2000+ Pakistani Soldiers..They are also son and father of someone.We've had deadly bombings all over Pakistan...If you think you could use force and stop this insurgency then forget it.It's quite similar to Vietnam and unless you listen to Pakistanis you will only loose your soldiers and yes, i know you will threaten to bomb us like you bombed sovereign nation of Cambodia.We too have mistrust issues with US and here is the reason behind it.Pakistanis are quite frankly sick entired of TTP as well US for interfering in our matters.

I really admire the courage and self determination Pakistan is showing in combating terror.

As for your reply i understand the complexities involved in waging war against own people.

Not only Pakistan's soldiers have lost lives , American GI's have also been lost.

I wish pakistan good luck in decimating TTP.

dont you think the bombings are going on only in pakistan, i hear the same about India and Iraq everyday.
Yup its poorly written for domestic consumption .But still we Cant match you guys NYtimes,WashigtonPost,CNN etc not even close, It takes years of Practice:agree: . How gracefully they feed truth to the buldging minds of America .i Just love it :smitten: :usflag:

You forgot to mention the biggest entertainment news network Fox news which actually has the highest ratings amongst other news networks :lol:

There are some Great news organizations though that go under the rader in the US like PBS

PBS is an EXCELLENT news network with brilliant documentaries. There is a BIG level of intellectual different between what you see on PBS and what you see on an entertainment news network like Faux noise. I also like Arianna Huffington and what she's doing with regards to empowering people around the world to take up journalistic reponsibilities. :)
See the difference for yourself and what really matters in representation.


Now the above articles should have been like this.


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