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Pakistan GDP growth rate 4.14% for fiscal year 2013-14


Mar 22, 2014
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The growth came on the back of industrial expansion while targets in agriculture and services sectors, which contribute about three-fourth of the total national output, were missed.

The PML-N government could not achieve its first-year growth target, as the economy grew at a pace of 4.14% in the outgoing fiscal year – still the figure carries a substantial risk of downward revision when public spending statistics are finalised.

The growth came on the back of industrial expansion while targets in agriculture and services sectors, which contribute about three-fourth of the total national output, were missed.

The National Accounts Committee (NAC) on Thursday approved the provisional growth rate of 4.14% for fiscal year 2013-14, which will end on June 30. In comparison, the gross domestic product (GDP) growth target was 4.4%.

Contrary to claims of attracting fresh investment in the industrial sector, the NAC figures showed that investment in large-scale manufacturing fell 23.7% in the fiscal year. Capital injection into the overall manufacturing sector dropped 21.5%.

“The growth rate is provisional and subject to change on the basis of actual national accounts,” said Asif Bajwa, Chief Statistician of Pakistan, while talking to The Express Tribune.

NAC has taken into account the public sector development spending set in the budget, though actual expenditure is expected to be less than half of the allocation, according to officials privy to the NAC meeting.

NAC estimated the growth in the construction sector on the basis of Rs1.155 trillion worth of spending by the federal and provincial governments. Actual expenditure would stand below Rs600 billion, the officials said.

Against an allocation of Rs615 billion, the four provinces spent only Rs199 billion in the first nine months of the fiscal year. They are making profit by keeping cash with the federal government instead of utilising it on provision of social services.

The federal government too spent only Rs196 billion in nine months compared to allocation of Rs540 billion.

According to officials, the reduced expenditures will shave 0.2 percentage point off economic growth, bringing it down to 3.9%. In the construction sector, NAC showed 11.3% growth in the outgoing fiscal year.

The estimates are based on provisional information for nine months, which is used to make projections for the entire year. Net national income grew Rs406 billion, according to NAC documents.

Of 23 key growth indicators, the government achieved only eight targets while performance of the remaining 15 indicators, mainly the agriculture and services sectors, remained below expectations.

The 4.1% economic growth was better than last year, as revised accounts of the previous year put economic expansion at 3.7%. The growth is also far higher than the International Monetary Fund’s estimate of 3.3%.

Pakistan needs an annual growth of 7% to 8% to create jobs for new entrants into the market, suggest studies carried out by the Planning Commission. Anything below this leads to increase in unemployment and poverty, the commission says.

In some sectors, the results look encouraging.


The sector beat the growth target of 4.8% and grew 5.84% in the outgoing fiscal year, according to NAC. Last year, it had achieved only 1.4% growth. Though sub-sectors such as small-scale manufacturing, slaughtering, electricity generation and distribution and mining and quarrying missed their targets, large-scale manufacturing and construction rose past the benchmarks.


This sector, the biggest component of the economy, fell short of the 4.6% target and notched up 4.3% growth.
Sub-sectors including transport and communications, finance and insurance, general government services and other services could not reach their targets. However, wholesale and retail services hit the growth rate set for them.


The sector stood way short of the expected growth of 3.8% and grew just 2.1%. Last year, it had recorded a 3.3% expansion.

The sector achieved production targets for major crops, but missed the targets of other crops, cotton ginning, livestock, forestry and fishery by wide margins.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 16th, 2014
Shortcomings: Weak spending keeps GDP growth below target – The Express Tribune
When you are coming from a depressed Economy because of mismanagement and Corruption , it is not that difficult to achieve 20% to 25% Growth Rate. This is basic Economics 101.

Check out the Growth rate of South Sudan:

List of countries by real GDP growth rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Noora supporters won't understand anything. They are uneducated lot :)

Having said that, Pakistan must grow around atleast 8%-10% in coming years. You are right, when you are down for SO long--your growth HAS to be fast otherwise it is an economic failure.

Noora league has no management skills. Tens of major economic organizations are without CEOs as of now..because Nawaz ganja is too busy in building over-priced metro
Noora supporters won't understand anything. They are uneducated lot :)

Having said that, Pakistan must grow around atleast 8%-10% in coming years. You are right, when you are down for SO long--your growth HAS to be fast otherwise it is an economic failure.

Noora league has no management skills. Tens of major economic organizations are without CEOs as of now..because Nawaz ganja is too busy in building over-priced metro


That is how GANJA gets his CHAI PANI kickback...

Pakistan ke itne bure din bhi nai haye ke South Sudan se compare karo, and remember they have huge amunt of oil. Pakistan cant grow with energy shortage.

Pakistanis like you conveniently have Alzheimer's Disease.

You seem to have forgotten that your NOORA LEAGUE came in after 5 years of ASIF ALI BABA CHALEES CHOR and his deep SLUMBER PARTY FOR 5 YEARS.

That is how GANJA gets his CHAI PANI kickback...

Pakistanis like you conveniently have Alzheimer's Disease.

You seem to have forgotten that your NOORA LEAGUE came in after 5 years of ASIF ALI BABA CHALEES CHOR and his deep SLUMBER PARTY FOR 5 YEARS.

Im not N supporter, but they have proved to be better option then PPP and PTI at this point. I was PTI supporter lat year. And you can't grow with energy shortage, simple. South Sudan was completly ruined and in shambles, on top of that they have huge amount of oil.
With due respect, why we are negatively exploiting something which we not achieved/Partially achieved by name calling this or that only to support your party slogans, this could be done in a good manner - for improvement. There are so many good things which are going on but not appreciating it, totally biased. For god sake come out from "Party Bazi" and think only about Pakistan. Support the good work and criticize the Negative things, forget it that who is doing this job (In your words Noora League or Sonami Taliban Khan).
Im not N supporter, but they have proved to be better option then PPP and PTI at this point. I was PTI supporter lat year. And you can't grow with energy shortage, simple. South Sudan was completly ruined and in shambles, on top of that they have huge amount of oil.

You apparently don't know squat about South Sudan.

No they don't have huge amount of Oil. They are no KSA.

They Produce 175,000 barrels a day and even that is being used for their local demand.

They have not been able to export much since Pipelines which carry the Crude and the Red Sea Export Terminal are with North Sudan which has not let them Export much.

Why don't you try to research before you start spreading BS, Kid......

With due respect, why we are negatively exploiting something which we not achieved/Partially achieved by name calling this or that only to support your party slogans, this could be done in a good manner - for improvement. There are so many good things which are going on but not appreciating it, totally biased. For god sake come out from "Party Bazi" and think only about Pakistan. Support the good work and criticize the Negative things, forget it that who is doing this job (In your words Noora League or Sonami Taliban Khan).

Because I have nothing but contempt for these Haram Khor PMLN.

I wish I could address them with kind words but they don't deserve respect.

How do you respect people that have been stealing from your Impoverished Country for last 20 years.

If Nawaz Sharif can account for his Wealth and show how he acquired Billions of Dollars worth of Assets that he is hiding out of the Country without Paying hundreds of Millions in Taxes, then maybe I can address him with Respect.

Otherwise he is a Thief and a Robber, not worthy of any respect.

I am not tied to any Political Party permanently. I will support the Party that does not steal from Pakistani Public and delivers Good Governance and boosts Economy.
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You apparently don't know squat about South Sudan.

No they don't have huge amount of Oil. They are no KSA.

They Produce 175,000 barrels a day and even that is being used for their local demand.

They have not been able to export much since Pipelines which carry the Crude and the Red Sea Export Terminal are with North Sudan which has not let them Export much.

Why don't you try to research before you start spreading BS, Kid......

175000 a day for a population of 8-9 million is small amount? Pakistan produces 90,000 barrels per day for 185 million.
When you are coming from a depressed Economy because of mismanagement and Corruption , it is not that difficult to achieve 20% to 25% Growth Rate. This is basic Economics 101.

Check out the Growth rate of South Sudan:

List of countries by real GDP growth rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bro its depend on conditions and currently Pakistan is full of shit in every department. Thanks to PPP and PMLN is now not working on root cause. We have to Implement active and effective management in every field and only they we can achieve our targets. Making Dams is easy but Managing Dam is difficult
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Just imagine under this LALLU NOORA LEAGUE Government the GDP is 4 %.

If we had a real government run by Economist, we could be in 25% range.

When you are at the bottom for so long it is easy to go into double digit Growth.

Somalia and Sudan proved that.
This scenario only happen when any country GDP is very low. Sudan has GDP of around $22B. Just add a big industry and GDP will rise. However, in case of big economies, it cannot happen due to various reasons and main one is corruption which is now in the roots of Pakistanis. You cannot compare Sudan with Pakistan. Pakistan has GDP of around $600B.
This is the reason, you will not find a big economy with high GDP change except China which made an economic revolution but this is the separate story.

If Nawaz Sharif can account for his Wealth and show how he acquired Billions of Dollars worth of Assets that he is hiding out of the Country without Paying hundreds of Millions in Taxes, then maybe I can address him with Respect.
Not taking side, any citizen of Pakistan has the right to challenge wealth of any elected government person. I never saw anyone filing complaint against them. Yes some were there against Asif Ali Zardari sb. Do you have any info, please share
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