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Pakistan forcing Taliban militants to keep fighting, Karzai says


Feb 7, 2010
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Pakistan forcing Taliban militants to keep fighting, Karzai says in leaked cable

Afghan President Hamid Karzai told a US envoy this year that the Pakistani government is forcing Taliban fighters to keep fighting coalition forces, according to a State Department cable released by WikiLeaks.

If true, the allegation would add evidence to claims Pakistan is intentionally prolonging the war effort to ensure that any future peace settlement results in an Afghan "satellite state" of Pakistan.

Discussing the arrest of de facto Taliban leader Mullah Baradar earlier this year, Karzai said Pakistan detained Baradar because he was willing to negotiate peace with coalition forces -- something Pakistan doesn't want to see, according to Karzai.

The cable, published Sunday by the New York Times, is marked "secret" and dated February of this year. It describes a conversation between Karzai and Frank Ruggiero, a deputy of US Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke.

"Senior Taliban fighters in Pakistan may be prepared to reintegrate, [Karzai] said, but are forced by the Pakistan Government to continue to fight," the cable reports.

Karzai reportedly told Ruggiero that the Pakistani government is using NATO's "kill or capture list" as a way of marginalizing Taliban leaders who want to negotiate peace. Karzai "said some Afghan Taliban commanders cannot return to Afghanistan because they are on the [kill or capture list] and are told by the Pakistanis they must continue to fight or will be turned over to the coalition," the cable states.

The Afghan president urged the US to remove some senior Taliban leaders from the list, in order to get them to the negotiating table.

Karzai's assertion backs up claims made by some observers that Pakistan is working to prevent Taliban leaders from negotiating directly with Western countries or Karzai's government.

Earlier this month, US terrorism expert Bruce Riedel said Pakistan was pursuing this course because it wanted to turn Afghanistan into a satellite state of Pakistan, something that wouldn't happen under a US-Taliban deal, or a NATO-Taliban deal.

“When Mullah Baradar started to talk about talks, the ISI [Pakistani intelligence service] had him arrested as a signal to the other Taliban to prevent them from taking independent action," Riedel said

Pakistan forcing Taliban militants to keep fighting, Karzai says in leaked cable | Raw Story
Once again. This cable is *one* input given to the US. After considering *ALL* inputs, the USG is pursuing a policy of partnership with Pakistan. So rather than act foolish and make a big deal out of this *SINGLE* perspective and *SOLE* input, how about we watch the actions of the USG in determining what they think.
Lets not forget who armed the Talibans in the first place, and placed an idea of iintoleration against foreign occupiers.
Once again. This cable is *one* input given to the US. After considering *ALL* inputs, the USG is pursuing a policy of partnership with Pakistan. So rather than act foolish and make a big deal out of this *SINGLE* perspective and *SOLE* input, how about we watch the actions of the USG in determining what they think.

One must ask themselves how much of these "Wikileak cables" are true. Does it strike you odd as to all of a sudden these documents were released to the general public. Going by the sensitive nature of these documents, you'd think it would have been better protected. :hitwall:
Amazing, so Pakistan can't get the damned Taliban to accept the Durand line but it can get it to attack others according to its wishes.

Like the Defence Sec of US stated in one leaked cable, the PA has done considerably well and a lot more than expected.

Gone are the days of third rate jihadi journails such as Zia who created the taliban.

Now we are engaing the taliban and its a fact.
Amazing, so Pakistan can't get the damned Taliban to accept the Durand line but it can get it to attack others according to its wishes.

Like the Defence Sec of US stated in one leaked cable, the PA has done considerably well and a lot more than expected.

Gone are the days of third rate jihadi jounails such as Zia who created the taliban.

Now we are engaing the taliban and its a fact.

Ah! Zia! That great American ally and partner of the CIA.

See I want you guys to answer to a question honestly.:D

What is the general opinion on the street about military dictatorship in general and Zia in particular ?
hahahah as if they are kids and we are saying fight otherwise you wont get the toffee.

some people got so much paranoid.

accept the failure and get out of Afghanistan
See I want you guys to answer to a question honestly.:D

What is the general opinion on the street about military dictatorship in general and Zia in particular ?

Military dictatorship of Ayub is remembered fondly, Pakistan was turned into a very progressive and least corrupt, respectable nation by him.

Musharraf too is seen in good light by some mainly becuase of the economic progress under him. As years pass, people will remember him for the good work done under him.

Zia is another story, every two days there is an article in the Pakistani press about how he ruined the country. Notables would tell you how he undid Pakistan's progress by putting the country in a backward drive.

He basically tried to put the tooth paste back into its container. Every one knows you cannot put tooth paste back in, it just creates a lot of mess.

You basically get people who blame dictatorships for weak democracy in Pakistan and weak instituitions.

However some prefer them to others because the relative betterment the nation went through barring Zia that is.
Pakistan forcing Taliban militants to keep fighting, Karzai says in leaked cable

Afghan President Hamid Karzai told a US envoy this year that the Pakistani government is forcing Taliban fighters to keep fighting coalition forces, according to a State Department cable released by WikiLeaks.

If true, the allegation would add evidence to claims Pakistan is intentionally prolonging the war effort to ensure that any future peace settlement results in an Afghan "satellite state" of Pakistan.

Discussing the arrest of de facto Taliban leader Mullah Baradar earlier this year, Karzai said Pakistan detained Baradar because he was willing to negotiate peace with coalition forces -- something Pakistan doesn't want to see, according to Karzai.

The cable, published Sunday by the New York Times, is marked "secret" and dated February of this year. It describes a conversation between Karzai and Frank Ruggiero, a deputy of US Special Envoy Richard Holbrooke.

"Senior Taliban fighters in Pakistan may be prepared to reintegrate, [Karzai] said, but are forced by the Pakistan Government to continue to fight," the cable reports.

Karzai reportedly told Ruggiero that the Pakistani government is using NATO's "kill or capture list" as a way of marginalizing Taliban leaders who want to negotiate peace. Karzai "said some Afghan Taliban commanders cannot return to Afghanistan because they are on the [kill or capture list] and are told by the Pakistanis they must continue to fight or will be turned over to the coalition," the cable states.

The Afghan president urged the US to remove some senior Taliban leaders from the list, in order to get them to the negotiating table.

Karzai's assertion backs up claims made by some observers that Pakistan is working to prevent Taliban leaders from negotiating directly with Western countries or Karzai's government.

Earlier this month, US terrorism expert Bruce Riedel said Pakistan was pursuing this course because it wanted to turn Afghanistan into a satellite state of Pakistan, something that wouldn't happen under a US-Taliban deal, or a NATO-Taliban deal.

“When Mullah Baradar started to talk about talks, the ISI [Pakistani intelligence service] had him arrested as a signal to the other Taliban to prevent them from taking independent action," Riedel said

Pakistan forcing Taliban militants to keep fighting, Karzai says in leaked cable | Raw Story

why wikileak dont tell lack of US and Afghan Intrest in controlling Nouristan and Kunar

May be they want pakistan to keep on fighting militants in its northern parts

its easy to blame but hard to reckon own mistakes.

Pakistan is thousands of time weaker then US and its allies in terms of National Power.
if US and NATO has failed in every step it is shame that they start blaming a weak country.
such type of blames manifest that they have become losers psychologically
What is the general opinion on the street about military dictatorship in general and Zia in particular ?

Most people I know and talk to don't think of military governments in Pakistan as "dictatorships". Most of them have been more reflective of the will of the people - hence more democratic in my book - as compared to many elected governments.

As for Zia, off the cuff I would say maybe 1 in 10 or 20 people like him... if that.
Most people I know and talk to don't think of military governments in Pakistan as "dictatorships". Most of them have been more reflective of the will of the people - hence more democratic in my book - as compared to many elected governments.

As for Zia, off the cuff I would say maybe 1 in 10 or 20 people like him... if that.

But isnt it more out of a sense of resignation that out of enthusiasm ?

I would also want you to answer my second post.
Most people I know and talk to don't think of military governments in Pakistan as "dictatorships". Most of them have been more reflective of the will of the people - hence more democratic in my book - as compared to many elected governments.

As for Zia, off the cuff I would say maybe 1 in 10 or 20 people like him... if that.

And the reason is thousands of Pakistan army personnel are not representatives of Zia or any other individual.

We support our army because our army supports Pakistan and us.

One or two individuals we can dislike them but unfortunately some neo-liberals have tried their best to malign the entire institution though in every calamity or national disasters these neo-liberals get knock out by army through its untiring efforts.

Just look at the recent airplane crash in Karachi and even such a small incident you see Pakistan army doing rescue work.


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