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Pakistan finalizing deal to set up 6 nuclear power plants with China's Help

The glaciers are on their last gush. In twenty years time when all the hydel projects are built, there might be no more water.
there is enough rain and snowfall to help the rivers that wouldnt change anytime soon, and we should expect more rains and floods ..trends is towards the shifting of mansoon towards pakistan..as it occured few thousands years ago..
so dams are necessary to prevent flooding..its not that we would run out of water
Why not we return the reactor that we gained from Canada and built these four reactor there(4x325MWs=1300MWs). I think out of the four, three will be online the fourth one will act as an alternative when the first reactor needs schedule maintenance, so in this way this power plant will going to provide 975MWs of electricity to the city.
Why not we return the reactor that we gained from Canada and built these four reactor there(4x325MWs=1300MWs). I think out of the four, three will be online the fourth one will act as an alternative when the first reactor needs schedule maintenance, so in this way this power plant will going to provide 975MWs of electricity to the city.

what u mean?:argh:
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