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Pakistan faces 26/11 everyday: Mani Shankar Aiyar

And you have a better programme to suggest? Most alternatives suggested are hilariously implausible - bomb the training camps, mount a military attack, cut off relations with the Pakistanis - no visas, no travel, no cultural exchange, no trade - and the like.

What is your solution, btw?

None of the above, i.e. none of the options enumerated in para.1 of your post. At the same time; continue with nothing more than "chai-biskoot" meetings. In the mean-while, remain focussed on handling own problems-security enhancement measures being an important part. But economic growth is far more critical.
But as far as Pakistan is concerned, continue 'kite-flying'. Joe hark back to boyhood days and remember how you flew your kite.

Let the melt-down in Pakistan continue for some more time. While its affecting the ordy. citizens there (the really sad part); it is also putting the Estt. there (incl. the Deep State) under great pressure. Then and only then, will there be any change of heart where it matters in Pakistan. Joe, watch Pakistan through the 2013-14 period. Let the change of GoP(?) and change of command at GHQ take place. Only then will some of fog will be lifted; one way or another.
Why so much 'Kolaveri di' in this thread? :undecided:

I thought what Aiyar said was pretty sane and factual. However, forgetting 26/11 is easy for Aiyar and his ilk in the Congress, but not for those who've lost their bread-winners and loved ones in that mindless pogrom.

And the Congress of which Aiyar is a part of, has failed to provide the promised rehabilitation to those affected in the Mumbai massacre even till today. Now if that doesn't suck, I don't know what else does.
the guy spoke truth, god knows how many indian terrorists cross border from afghanistan to do terrorism
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3660820 said:
the guy spoke truth, god knows how many indian terrorists cross border from afghanistan to do terrorism

You are right. The Afghans are now Indian terrorists. They have been given Indian Passports preparatory to Afghanistan being included in to the Republic of India. God knows that as you say, even goD is getting smarter slowly.
Isn't that exactly what we have been doing so far? We keep moving on, only to be rudely interjected by yet another carnage, courtesy of you know who. Its evident that this meek policy has never worked, and still not working, so why should Indians stick with it?

Whatever is going on in Pakistan is not our concern, not our mess. And it should not be used as an excuse to cut them slack, specially when they have done absolutely nothing to stem the menace that affects India and Indians.

Personally, I think its working pretty well.. Immediate shock and awe of an incident like 26/11 aside, dont forget that it was 4 years back (knock on wood) and still has TOMA among Indians.. OTOH, a mini 26/11 or a sectarian killing of 10-12 people in Pakistan does not even stay in headlines for even 12 hours. There's your difference and why I say the policy of not taking the bait has worked pretty well.. Not ideal, but then no one has the luxury of living in an ideal world today...
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3660820 said:
the guy spoke truth, god knows how many indian terrorists cross border from afghanistan to do terrorism

If you think Mani shanker is speaking truth about Pakistan itself is a victim, and are tackling it on a daily basis, so should not blame them... then you should listen to him talk about Indian sponsored terrorism. He agrees that we sometimes use our Indian consulates to gather information but not for terrorism.

I can't find the video ... post the link later
No, you just run rat hole academies for the scum likes of Sarbijit Singh.

heee. heee.. arrest a drunkard and call him raw agent.. thats the mardangi of you guys.

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3660820 said:
the guy spoke truth, god knows how many indian terrorists cross border from afghanistan to do terrorism
0. thats the number of indian terrorists.
0. thats the number of indian terrorists.

yes why not :angel:

there are 0 indian terrorists in kashmir :lol: sarbjeet singh is non existant, he was a software programmed for terrorism :lol:
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3660886 said:
yes why not :angel:

there are 0 indian terrorists in kashmir :lol: sarbjeet singh is non existant, he was a software programmed for terrorism :lol:

yea the IA is protecting india from pak terorists in the indian state of Kashmir. the moment they get the opportunity they will reclaim P0K and GB according to the document.
Sarabjeet was a drunkard.. you arrest some indian and call him terrorist w/o proof.. so manly your PA is.
Very bluntly, and simply, I don't agree. Months before Jaswant Singh's book came out, we came to much the same conclusions over nearly six months of impassioned debate on PTH about these issues. On the Indian side, Hayyer, Gorki, bonobashi participated; on the Pakistani side, Yasser Latif Hamdani, Bloody Civilian, and others participated. There were others; this was some time ago. We came to the same conclusions, sometimes even the same language, as Jaswant Singh-ji, so much so that some of us thought of asking Raza Rumi to copyright our deliberations and comment pages for the future.

The history of those times desperately needs re-writing in the light of Ayesha Jalal's thesis, even if there are many of us who do not wholly subscribe to Ayesha Jalal's or Yasser-bhai's positions.

PTH is a jungle. Please provide some pointers.

Are you supporting Ayesha Jalal's narrative? May I know what, according to you, is her thesis?
I do not subscribe to Ayesha Jalal's positions wholly. Though I share her admiration of Jinnah, I do not have much sympathy or wishful attachment of secular ideals to him.
Keep it civil folks.. Senior members need to set an example.
He said though Pakistan was the biggest source of terrorism, the reality was that it was also the biggest victim.

There is a reason why India faces terrorism which is a state sponsored proxy war.
Why is Pakistan under attack by the terrorists who are the same fundamental Islamic Jihadii groups who attack India too?
No, you just run rat hole academies for the scum likes of Sarbijit Singh.

Spies are completely different from Islamic radical killers like Kasab, Even in cold war US and USSR exchanged spies. India release Dr.Chisty and Pakistan should do the same with Sarabjit.
PTH is a jungle. Please provide some pointers.

Are you supporting Ayesha Jalal's narrative? May I know what, according to you, is her thesis?
I do not subscribe to Ayesha Jalal's positions wholly. Though I share her admiration of Jinnah, I do not have much sympathy or wishful attachment of secular ideals to him.

With reservations.

I believe his zeal for his cause and for his community took him into territory which the Jinnah of the 20s and 30s would have been amazed to see. His integrity remained intact, no doubt, he was too principled a person to yield on those basics, but there were issues relating to the Hindu Muslim boundary where he compromised to gain political traction. And that cost a huge number of lives.

Having said that, let me nail my colours to the mast: I am a firm supporter of the man that Jinnah was.

About PTH, best ask Raza.
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