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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

A rare HUD shot from a PAF F-16 taking out a terrorist stronghold.


Most probably the image is from the laser targeting pod, either the Sniper XR or the Altis targeting pod. When the video came out, we did not had the Blk-52s, but may be the targeting pods were given and were able to work on the EDA trasferred F-16s or may be the Altis ones were used.

There was some news of urgent delivery of some targeting pod to PAF in those days, most probably was the Sniper XR
Most probably the image is from the laser targeting pod, either the Sniper XR or the Altis targeting pod. When the video came out, we did not had the Blk-52s, but may be the targeting pods were given and were able to work on the EDA trasferred F-16s or may be the Altis ones were used.

There was some news of urgent delivery of some targeting pod to PAF in those days, most probably was the Sniper XR

Its from Atlis II ;)
No, a real battle footage by a hand held camera from an accompanying F-16. :)
Not possible, sir!
If we look on the publishing of the news/clip and into the clip in details, we can observe to to be a F-16D (Blk 52).
And PAF didn't have Block 52 at the time. The footage was released with the dates of induction of F-16s in PAF (pre-delivery).

Needs a cross check I assume :)
Not possible, sir!
If we look on the publishing of the news/clip and into the clip in details, we can observe to to be a F-16D (Blk 52).
And PAF didn't have Block 52 at the time. The footage was released with the dates of induction of F-16s in PAF (pre-delivery).

Needs a cross check I assume :)

Oh yaar, why do you read everything by the book, the clip of Block-52 is the old one alas the first F-16D for the PAF, but rest of the footage is in reference to the F-16 family like the emblems of No.9 and 11 squadrons. The Maverick strike purports to show how the PAF is successfully using this platform in WOT.
ANTIBODY, do you have the footage, where an F-16 fires a Maverick into a moving Taliban vehicle, the video was taken from an accompanying aircraft. ??

no , however i watched the video closely which you posted -- earlier i thought it was just any f16 , but when i saw closely looks our new f16s were hitting the targets , however looks like practice targets?

[i am sorry i clicked the edit botton and typed the answer within your post , instead of clicking the reply button , i am new to this moderation thingy]
One thing I have noticed, where as the older F-16s displayed a low visibility national emblem, the Block-52s seem to incorporate both the low vis and full colour flags on the tail.

All Block-52 would have been wearing Low visibility PAF Logos by now.
The reason is that a D and two C birds were prepared for Squadron 5 re-equipping ceremony and for photo session with PAF Officials, that's why they had low visibility emblem. rest of the birds including 801 in USA had true green colour emblem.
All Block-52 Images appeared on PAFwallpapers have only two or three birds wearing low visibility emblem,
here's a ceremony image

Windjammer Bro see 905 & 907 are painted with Sqn Logo and regular PAF low visibilty marking for the ceremony. Here's 907.

While you can see another C version with Green colour marking along with a D passing by mirage during the same ceremony, same day.


you can see rest of the birds here. http://www.pafwallpapers.com/aircraft_gallery/F-16_Bk52_gallery.htm

i hope rest of the birds are painted Gray by now.
no , however i watched the video closely which you posted -- earlier i thought it was just any f16 , but when i saw closely looks our new f16s were hitting the targets , however looks like practice targets?

I don't know, the video was released upon the arrival of the Block-52s, the shaky footage points to that it wasn't filmed under normal ( training) conditions....also note the targets are not stationery as would be the case in practice shootings. !! ??

Sir in the clip where F-16 hitting a terrorist vehicle, I just noted that the terrain is desert like and not similar to one seen in SWAT or FATA. Is it really an authentic footage.

just carious.

Sir in the clip where F-16 hitting a terrorist vehicle, I just noted that the terrain is desert like and not similar to one seen in SWAT or FATA. Is it really an authentic footage.

just carious.

The aircraft in the footage seems like a PAF machine, as for the terrain, it did surprise me to find out that Olives are grown in and around Wanna.
F-16 no doubt is good machine when specially comes in hands of PAF.Lets see what will bring J-10B when flyingover Pakistan sky:cool:
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