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Pakistan exposes Indian RAW Covert Supply of Weapons to terrorist; while India depends of Fake News against Pakistan.

Why do you say that?
It is same pattern which India used against Pakistan in 1971.it is same pattern which usa used against Iraq and Syria. I mean first built your narrative and gather your 230 millions people on your back n then full flag war..
Useless chatter. The world does not care about human rights. The western world is interested in these only if championing these serves some strategic purpose for their states. In the case of India, the countries of consequence that happen to be the Western ones have their interests aligned to India vis a vis China. They would not do anything even if you provided them with live feeds of atrocities. The question is, what is Pakistan doing "practically" for the Kashmiris under illegal occupation and oppression of the Indian state? Not much, and that is the reason why we are dealing with one-sided attrition. If you do not engage the enemy at the turf he controls, he will enjoy impunity in engaging you at your turf. That is what is happening now.
Problem is Pakistan only propogates atrocities that are related to Pakistan or Muslims, while India propogates interests that appeal to the west's desire for being champions and saviors (see what they do for baluchistan and kpk). Why would a Christian sitting in Berlin care for a Muslim in UP, will a Muslim sitting in high office in Islamabad care for a Christian getting abused in xyz Muslim country.
Problem is Pakistan only propogates atrocities that are related to Pakistan or Muslims, while India propogates interests that appeal to the west's desire for being champions and saviors (see what they do for baluchistan and kpk). Why would a Christian sitting in Berlin care for a Muslim in UP, will a Muslim sitting in high office in Islamabad care for a Christian getting abused in xyz Muslim country.
American democrats and human rights organisations do bring up persecution of minorities in India. Muslim countries don't care. They persecute their own people, why would they care about foreigners. They look to America for leadership. Few would have known about Rohingya if Time magazine hadn't put Buddhist fascism on its cover. So, the West has at times selectively stood for Muslim human rights; if they are not into terrorism and extremism, and not against western security. For example, Darfur, Myanmar, Xinjiang.
American democrats and human rights organisations do bring up persecution of minorities in India. Muslim countries don't care. They persecute their own people, why would they care about foreigners. They look to America for leadership. Few would have known about Rohingya if Time magazine hadn't put Buddhist fascism on its cover. So, the West has at times selectively stood for Muslim human rights; if they are not into terrorism and extremism, and not against western security. For example, Darfur, Myanmar, Xinjiang.
They do it because they think they are superior and are liberating and civilizing others, from slavery to colonism to war in Iraq, this is the joining thread
They do it because they think they are superior and are liberating and civilizing others, from slavery to colonism to war in Iraq, this is the joining thread
West doesn't have to show any concern. Western societies are morally superior to traditional Asian and African societies in certain important areas, turning it into a supremacist ideology of imperialism and colonialism calling it the White Man's Burden. They have been doing it since Roman times.
The only meaningful objective that can be accomplished from this for western powers to get off Pakistan's case and ease up on demanding "do more"...
Problem is Pakistan only propogates atrocities that are related to Pakistan or Muslims, while India propogates interests that appeal to the west's desire for being champions and saviors (see what they do for baluchistan and kpk). Why would a Christian sitting in Berlin care for a Muslim in UP, will a Muslim sitting in high office in Islamabad care for a Christian getting abused in xyz Muslim country.
That as well but all is forgotten if interests overlap. Just see how anti-missionary activity in India's South, Center is not highlighted in the most Western press.
West doesn't have to show any concern. Western societies are morally superior to traditional Asian and African societies in certain important areas, turning it into a supremacist ideology of imperialism and colonialism calling it the White Man's Burden. They have been doing it since Roman times.
There was a significant era where west fell into romance with India and tried to find a more cultural root for their civilizational superiority
There was a significant era where west fell into romance with India and tried to find a more cultural root for their civilizational superiority
Perhaps 19th century European colonists looked to the Vedic caste system to justify their racist imperalistic worldview which turned into fascism in the 20th century. However, Western civilization defines itself in the context of Greco Roman and Judeo Christian [Abrahamic] civilizations.
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