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KARACHI: Government has revised the export target of current financial year to $19.2 billion from $22.1 billion, Daily Times learnt on Monday.

The target of $22.1 billion was set in Trade Policy 2008-09, however it became evident in April of current fiscal that target is impossible achieve in the current situation when the export sector was facing immense hardships domestically as well as externally.

In the beginning of month of May, Federal Ministry of Commerce (MoC) directed its relevant departments to work out the new export target due to eroding capability of export sector to achieve the task.

The official documents suggest that during the first ten months of last financial year, 79.3 percent of total export target was achieved and during the corresponding period of current year, 66.8 percent of the target was achieved providing the justification of the downward revision of export target.

Country exported $14.762 billion worth of goods in first ten months of current financial year, and it seemed unable to achieve the remaining export figures in the rest of the months.

Last year, Pakistan exported $19.2 billion worth of goods. In July-April period of current fiscal, the total export posted negative growth of 3.03 percent over the previous year.

The new export target is almost same what Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) worked out for the current year when it was tasked to come up with the new target. Following an extensive exercise, TDAP suggested that new export figures would be - more or less same - what the country exported during the last fiscal.

Officials said that right from the start of current financial year, the export sector was confronted with the global financial crunch, which eroded the demand of imported goods in the USA and EU-the largest trading partners of Pakistan.

Furthermore, the domestic infrastructure problems especially the prolonged power outage caused severe blow to export-oriented export sector in the shape of severe dent in the production of exportable items. The export shipments suffered due to the exporters' inability to meet the export order in time.

Also, the deteriorating security situation in the country has been sending negative signals abroad by portraying a dangerous image of Pakistan in the entire world.

Foreign buyers, according to officials, are reluctant to visit the country in the precarious security situation, which has been resulting in the loss of future export orders.

About the export target set in the current trade policy, officials said it was unrealistic right from the beginning because the policy markers were unable to interpret the signals of global financial crisis which started emerging by that time.

So far all the export categories performed dismally particularly the largest export earner textile, leather, sports, surgical and some other manufacturing groups.

* Power utility carried out 7.6 percent average billing last month, claims official​

KARACHI: The KESC has initiated an energy saving campaign across the city to create awareness amongst the masses regarding energy saving. “The KESC plans to save 200MW in two years through the energy conservation campaign. Though the set target looks small, it will save $200 million for the company,” said KESC Chief Energy Conservation Officer Asif Siddique while talking to the media at a briefing held at the KESC head office, here on Monday.

“We are going to mosques, schools and colleges to tell people about the benefits of conservation of energy,” he said.

He revealed that since after the campaign was initiated, KESC has saved 15MW electricity. Regarding the industries as the focal point of the campaign, Farooqui said their teams are visiting industries to advise them to save as much electricity as possible. He said that the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board is presently using 70MW of electricity, adding that most of the energy is wasted due to old machinery at the utility.

Average billing: KESC Chief Operating Officer Syed Jan Abbas Zaidi during the briefing said that the Karachi Electric Supply Company (KESC) has carried out only 7.6 percent average billing in May 2009, while the rest of bills were issued after proper meter reading.

Replying to a query of journalists regarding complaints of citizens about the average billing method, he said, “It’s wrong to assume to that KESC is carrying out average billing. Except 7.6 percent consumers, all other subscribers were issued bills after proper meter reading. The average billing is carried out in cases where consumers have no facility of meters due to various reasons,” he maintained. He added that the KESC is trying to improve its service standard at their complaint centres.

ISLAMABAD (June 09 2009): Donors in Pakistan have entered into a policy debate differing with one another on the points of view of achieving stabilisation on the one hand, and addressing exports growth, on the other, to face up to current account deficit problem that arises each time the GDP growth crosses 6-7 percent, say officials. One side of the argument is that the balance of payments crisis can not be addressed just by making exchange rate adjustment.

It is a deep-seated issue and needs a structural answer. A recent publication of Asian Development Bank said: "This suggests that Pakistan's relative poor economic performance cannot be attributed to an overvalued exchange rate. The cause of Pakistan's relatively poor export growth is structural and deep-seated: it is not one that can be quickly and easily solved by an exchange rate adjustment".

Another donor, talking to Business Recorder, differed with this argument and said that Pakistan needs funding to finance its both current account and fiscal deficits on sustainable basis, so that investors, putting money here can have a long-term view of the country.

This is in addition to the exchange rate adjustment. The investors are not sure of repatriating profits or are unsure of secure investment. They would not even step into the market of Pakistan, says another donor, stressing on contradicting ADB's point of view which he said is just focusing on one side of the problem.

ADB's paper further quotes Economic Survey (2007-08), which recommends that its top priority should be "correction of imbalances through shaving off aggregate demand by appropriate policies. In other words, in spite of the high unemployment and the damage this would do to investment, the remedy advocated for the BOP problem is to curtail economic growth.

This would certainly solve the problem, as a slower growth of output would reduce the rate of increase of imports, while exports would be largely determined by the growth of world markets and hence unaffected by the reduction in domestic growth".

The Paper further says that Pakistan is running into, or is actually, experiencing a BOP constraint. However, the solution is not to reduce aggregate demand, but to introduce policies that will increase the growth of exports and thereby obviate the BOP constraint.

Other donors (opposing ADB's view), believe that stabilisation does not prevent growth ultimately, and without achieving stabilisation any country can not have growth, and there is a whole range of policy prescriptions designed by Finance Ministry with IMF, which concentrate on social safety nets and medium-term development framework (MTDB). They also opine that the same stabilisation will induce a higher growth path in medium term.

ADB's paper refers that the heart of the current problem lies in collapse of exports growth, which does not bode well for future growth. For example, since the 1960s "Pakistan's performance is clearly substandard, with only Afghanistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan having lower export growth rates.

Other donors also believe that demand management does matter in achieving macro stability which provides spending for gaining better productivity. The government's support in improving productive capacity of industry always matter. In case the government's fiscal side is not balanced, how it would spend on industrial and overall infrastructure? This kind of spending on continuous basis would pave the way for a better investment scenario for local and foreign investors, conclude the officials.

KARACHI (June 09 2009): The country's cement exports have registered a healthy growth of 50 percent to reach all time high level of 10 million tons during eleven months of the current fiscal year 2008-09 on account of rising international demand, industry sources said.

They said that easy availability of raw material and regional cement shortages played a key role in achieving landmark of highest ever cement exports, while enhancing production capacity by the local cement manufacturers is another reason behind this achievement.

"Local cement manufacturers are taking full advantage of regional shortage and with current achievement Pakistan has become the largest cement exporter country of the region," they said. They said that strong external demand from the Persian Gulf countries and neighbour countries like Afghanistan and India had pushed the country's cement exports, which may touch 11 million tons mark by the end of current fiscal year.

Cement exports have posted a robust increase of 49.47 percent to new peak of 10.163 million tons during July-May of current fiscal year as compared to 6.8 million tons in the same period of last fiscal year. Exports during eleven months are also some 37 percent higher than last fiscal year's exports of 7.716 million tons.

Afghanistan and India are two largest importers of Pakistan's cement, besides Gulf countries. Afghanistan imported 2.83 million tons as compared to 2.54 million tons in same period of 2008. India's cement import from Pakistan stood at 0.599 million tons during the period relative to 0.689 million tons of corresponding period of last fiscal year. Cement exports to other countries surged by 121 percent to 5.84 million tons as against 2.64 million tons in the same period of fiscal year 2008.

Meanwhile, local cement dispatches declined by 15 percent to 17.557 million tons during eleven months as compared to 20.64 million tons in the same period of last fiscal year. Huge supply of cement against the low demand decreased the local dispatches in the local market and due to high competition cement companies are decreasing their prices to capture the market, industry sources said.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ISLAMABAD: The government has decided to transfer 2.6 million acres of state land to landless farmers, which will provide land to 58 per cent tenants of the country, reveals the Tenth Five-Year Plan (2010-15).

Under the plan, the government will take measures for enhancing provincial autonomy, abolishing the concurrent list, devolving more services to the local level and deepening local government reforms.

Devolution plan 2001 will also be reviewed to ensure effective decentralisation of administrative and financial power of local governments. “Judicial reforms that ensure inexpensive and quick justice as well as e-governance and information technology will be given a big push to increase transparency, fair play and make the system faster and user friendly,” it added.

According to the approach paper of the 5-year plan, which was approved by the National Economic Council (NEC), the copy of the paper is available with this scribe, civil service reforms inclusive of police would be undertaken to foster professional competence, merit-based induction and market-based salaries. Emphasis will be placed on promoting culture of professionalism, staff rationalisation, enhancing competence, productivity and accountability. “Needed action will be taken to revitalise and further strengthen key state institutions including the Federal Board of Revenue, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, Competition Commission, Office of the Auditor General, Pakistan Railways and the State Bank in the next five years,” it stated. On the issue of transferring land to tenant farmers, the document states that the government decided to transfer 2.6 million acres of state-owned land to landless masses in the next five-year period. “While it could provide land to 58 per cent of existing tenant framers, the remaining 42 per cent will be able to buy land through credit and institutional changes in the land market,” the document states.

Thus all existing tenant households could become owner operators who could play a strategic role in generating a faster and more equitable agriculture growth. “The government can make a significant difference to the position of landless, poor and socially marginalized by ensuring secure tenure or title to residential or homestead land in rural areas,” the document states and added that such provision could be a significant non-fiscal measure for enhancing social protection, reducing inequality, and unleashing the productive potential of the poor.

Programme of regularization of Katchi Abadis, which often relate to the regularization of existing settlement on land owned by the government or government owned enterprises such as the Railways should be reviewed, revived and expanded.

On the issue of integrated planning for energy development, the approach paper states that the North of Pakistan and the Indus river system has the vast potential of generating as much as 50,000MW of hydro electricity.

Sites are available for the very large to small storages-cum electricity generation sites and run of river and canal sites. The vast reserve of coal at Thar estimated at 185 billion tons awaits mining and exploitation.

There are plans to set up two to three plants of 1,000 to 1,200MW each, based on imported coal, in the coastal region of Sindh and Balochistan.

To address the issue of energy shortages, the strategy for the tenth plan will be designed around exploitation of indigenous resources, energy security, conservation and development of alternative energy sources.

The strategy will focus on fast track development of Thar coal through environment friendly technology not using open-pit exploitation methods, fast construction of gas pipeline to import Iranian gas, develop an energy trade corridor with Gwadar as hub and rationalization of power tariff to lower the cost without affecting efficiency.

Serious infrastructure constraints have, however, emerged especially in the energy sector which has adversely affected utilization of scarce resources and future economic growth prospects. Energy shortages appear on account of inability to pay importers, inefficient use of scarce energy sources, improper pricing that encourages over consumption, inappropriate gas policy that does not reflect declining reserves and best use of scarce gas resources. These issues will be systemically addressed in the 10th 5-year plan, it added.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani on Tuesday said the Ministry of Industries and Production has a key role to play in creating an environment for industrial growth in the country.

Pakistan, with a consumer market of 170 million people, abundance of raw material, cheap labour and entrepreneurship is endowed with all the requisites to climb the ladder of industrialisation, he said.

Gilani expressed these views at the Ministry of Industries and Production. He also stressed for an early formulation of an industrial policy. He called upon the need for and up-gradation of industry while ensuring transparency to make it competitive.

Gilani while expressing concern over the output of Pakistan Steel directed the ministry to come up with a business plan to make it a productive unit that is financially sound and economically sustainable. He said industrialisation in the country is not only necessary to generate jobs and economic activities for the poor and meet industrial needs of 170 million people but also to claim Pakistan’s rightful share in the global market.

The Prime Minister directed the ministry to achieve the target of setting up utility stores in each union council. Regarding complaints about supply and sale of sub-standard consumer items at utility stores, he directed the corporation to professionalise its working and ensure both quality and quantity of consumer supplies available.

During the meeting, it was observed that in order to reinvigorate the functioning of PIDC, private sector involvement is a must besides linking of various small technological institutions with some major institutions while focusing on Research and Development.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

LAHORE: Exports of leather sector have dropped 20.42 per cent in 10 months (July-April) of fiscal year 2008-09 and the lost market has been captured by Indian and Bangladeshi leather producers.

According to official data, export of leather fell 26.76 per cent in terms of value and 8.41 per cent in terms of quantity. Pakistan exported $24.79 million worth of leather across the world in July-April 2008-09 compared to exports worth $33.86m in the corresponding period last year.

Export of leather apparel and clothing declined 27.22pc to $32.61m against exports of $44.81m last year. Export of leather gloves, which have a good share in the world market standing at second position due to their high quality, also fell 2.84pc to $12.29m compared to last year’s $12.65m.

However, export of footwear, an allied industry of leather, substantially rose by 12.41pc to $9.04m compared to $8.04m last year.

On the other hand, Indian leather and leather garment exports increased by 27pc during the period under review. Bangladesh also made record exports of leather products, especially footwear which rose by 30 per cent.

Talking about the decline in export of leather and leather products, Pakistan Tanners Association Central Chairman Agha Saiddain said neighbouring countries India, China and Bangladesh had given incentives to their industry.

India, for example, announced an average 7.5pc duty relief for all sectors of leather while Bangladesh was paying 15pc on export of leather, leather garments, footwear and leather goods. China was giving 7.5 to 110pc relief on finished leather, 5pc and other benefits on leather garments and 11pc on leather footwear.

Contrary to that, he said, Pakistan’s government was giving only 0.80pc relief on finished leather of sheep and goat, 1.17pc on finished leather of cow and buffalo, 2.38pc on leather garments, 1.56pc on leather gloves and less than 2pc on leather footwear. “In such a scenario, it is impossible for the industry to compete with protected industries of competitors,” Agha remarked.

He attributed the increase in Indian and Bangladeshi exports to good policies of these countries, which helped their industries sustain the global recession. Both countries, he added, had announced a relief package to combat with the global economic meltdown.

He said the PTA had been requesting the government for incentives but so far the authorities concerned had not shown any positive signal about a relief package and providing a level-playing field for the leather industry.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ISLAMABAD: The government is going to announce various taxation measures in the upcoming budget in order to generate additional revenues of Rs160 to Rs170 billion.

In this regard, it will impose general sales tax on certain services, capital gains tax on real estate transactions, fixed-rate carbon tax on petroleum products and withdraw income tax and sales tax exemptions in order to enhance the tax-to-GDP ratio to 9.6 per cent, it is learnt. According to the plan drawn by budget-makers, which was shared with this scribe by high officials, the government is also considering increasing withholding tax on withdrawal of cash exceeding Rs25,000 from banks.

The government also aims to generate Rs20 billion by bringing certain services under the GST net, Rs10 billion from capital gains tax and Rs80 to Rs90 billion from carbon tax.

“The taxation measures including broadening the tax base and eliminating income and sales tax exemptions as well as revising upward excise duty on various items are aimed at jacking up the tax-to-GDP ratio by 0.8 per cent to 9.6pc in the next fiscal year from 8.8pc in the outgoing fiscal year,” a senior official at the Finance Division said.

The government is going to set revenue collection target in the range of Rs1,390 to Rs1,400 billion for next fiscal year 2009-10. The provinces, the official said, had refused to distribute revenues of Rs20 billion through GST on services on the basis of 50:50 and offered the government to deduct 2pc collection charges and gave back the major chunk to the federating units.

“The center and provinces are inching towards an agreement under which the FBR will be allowed to collect GST on services on behalf of provinces and returned them back after deducting collection charges in the range of 5 per cent,” said the official.

The FBR has also identified certain services such as consultant, engineers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, medical diagnostic laboratories, hotels, restaurants, marriage halls, clubs, advertisements, brokers and commission agents etc, which can be brought under the GST net in the Finance Bill 2009-10.

The government wants to collect Rs80 to 90 billion by replacing Petroleum Development Levy (PDL) with fixed rate Carbon Tax on per liter basis in the next budget. Although, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) is eyeing to collect Rs1,180 billion by June 30, 2009 but the Finance Ministry is projecting that the board will be able to touch Rs1,150 billion by the end of the day, resulting into falling of tax to GDP ratio to below 9 per cent and standing at 8.8 per cent of the GDP, touching the lowest ebb in the last one decade. On the basis of Rs1,150 billion projection for the outgoing fiscal year, the tax collection target of Rs1,390 to Rs1,400 billion requires additional revenues of Rs240 to Rs250 billion in the next budget.

The nominal growth (real GDP growth at 3.3pc+ inflation at 9pc) will be hovering around 12.3 per cent in the next fiscal year. For achieving Rs1,406 billion, the government will have to take taxation measures to achieve the desired results.

There was another proposal to increase GST rate to 17 per cent from existing 16 per cent that was basically discussed with the IMF. But this proposal was turned down by authorities concerned especially Adviser to the PM on Finance Shaukat Tarin and Secretary Finance Salman Siddiq on the pretext that it will further determine business activities of formal sector.

When former Member Fiscal Research Dr Aather Maqsood was contacted, he said that there is potential gap of Rs500 billion tax revenues in all four major taxes i.e. Direct Taxes, Sales Tax, Federal Excise Duty and Custom Duty which can materialize by bringing efficiency in the FBR.

KARACHI: China, India and Bangladesh grabbed around one-third leather export share of Pakistan on the relief package announced by their respective governments to combat with global recession.

Talking to Daily Times Tuesday, chairman Pakistan Tanners Association (PTA),

Agha Saiddain said the sharp downward trend may turn the third largest exporting industry—after textile and rice—into a quagmire.

Pakistan’s leather exports are struggling and exports figures uptill April 2009 showed decline of 26.76 percent. The position of exports of leather garments is even worst where the decline is more than 27 percent, Agha said.

He said the exports of leather have dropped by 21 percent in current financial year, and the industry was at the verge of total collapse.

He said during fiscal year 2007-08, the country’s export of leather stood at $1.24 billion and during ten months of 2008-09 fiscal year, the decline of 21 percent in exports is alarming.

Pakistan is one of the best producers of finished leather but price is the main concern at international level, especially during global recession. On the other hand leather and leather garment exports have increased by 27 percent on average in India. The increase in export of footwear is even higher.

The chairman PTA said Bangladesh has also made record exports specially their performance in footwear sector was excellent and increase is above 30 percent.

He attributed this increase in India and Bangladesh to the policy makers of these competing countries of Pakistan.

He said both of the countries have announced relief package to combat with global recession. India has announced average 7.5 percent incentives in all sectors of leather and Bangladesh is paying 15 percent on export of leather, leather garments, and footwear and leather goods.

He said we have been requesting authorities about these incentives but uptill now the government has not announced any relief package and level playing field to our competing countries.

The exhibitors were disappointed and depressed specially while knowing about 11th leather plan of India in which they have announced a grant of Rs 5 million to Rs 20 million, which is not returnable.

The duties and taxes on Pakistani leather export to China have further aggravated the situation.

He said the list would be revised in July-August this year and authorities should include finished leather of Pakistan in the FTA list.

He said we could still regain our ground if Trade Policy brings some relief and hope to the leather industry.

Due to poor policies of our government, China is the main beneficiary of US market and Pakistani’s export of shoe, garments, upholstery and leather is negligible as compared to China, India, Italy and Turkey.

The leather industry of Pakistan is second largest export industry with total export value of $1.24 billion (2007-08) and the industry can grow by cent percent in three years and to the level of $5.00 billion in next 10 years if provided level playing field with its major competing countries, he added.

ISLAMABAD (June 10 2009): Pakistan's economy grew by only 2 percent in 2008-09, against the target of 4.5 percent, due to poor performance of almost all sectors, coupled with internal and external pressures of extreme nature. Agriculture has been the only sector, which demonstrated some growth, mainly because of better weather conditions and good support price to wheat growers.

"The intensification of war on terror into settled areas, coupled with other domestic factors like political turmoil and an unstable law and order situation, acute energy shortages, supply shocks, augmented by external factors like worsening of international financial crisis feeding into shrinkage of external demand and uncertainty about global recession, tested the resilience of economic fundamentals," says the Economic Survey to be formally launched later.

The country's economic managers failed to prove their competency, as most of the targets they had set for the outgoing fiscal year were missed during the first nine months. These targets were with respect to privatisation, fiscal policy, monetary policy, inflation, poverty, overall manufacturing, large-scale manufacturing, exports, imports, and trade balance.

Only agriculture sector depicted a stellar growth of 4.7 percent, as compared to 1.1 percent witnessed last year and the target of 3.5 percent for the year. The overall FBR tax collection remained less than satisfactory and witnessed deceleration in real terms. Resultantly, the FBR tax collection to GDP ratio is likely to deteriorate to around 9 percent of GDP as against the target of bringing it in the vicinity of 10 percent of GDP.

Last year, the short term acting Finance Minister, Naveed Qamar, flanked by the incumbent Minister of State for Finance, Hina Rabbani Khar, had raised his arms reflective of deep commitment, and uttered the catchphrase "our accountability will start from the federal budget 2008-09"; but today he is no longer the person who is mandated to respond to questions about the performance of his government.

This time, Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance, Shaukat Tarin, with the same lady Hina Rabbani Khar will present his rationale for failure on almost all macroeconomic fronts. According to the Economic Survey, the economy has lost significant growth momentum owing to massive contraction in the industrial sector.

In the stabilisation mode in an inhospitable domestic and international environment the economic growth of 2.0 percent, achieved during 2008-09, seems reasonable albeit it implies definite slippage against 4.1 percent growth of last year and this year's target of 4.5 percent. That it should be looked in the backdrop of global recession where positive growth is a rare exception, is the Finance Ministry's excuse.

The Finance Ministry concedes that the economic growth might not be comparable with consumption-led average growth of an average of 5.4 percent annually for the last eight years. The Survey shows that the economy moved to a higher growth trajectory during 2002-07 on the back of heavy reliance on external financing and use of sale proceeds from some public sector assets to meet growing current account deficit.

The poor resource mobilisation efforts remained the hallmark of the economic policy in this period and exacerbated vulnerabilities to external shocks. The domestic factor behind the higher growth for the Musharraf years was a consumer boom on the back of enhanced access to credit which was likely to slow down once the demand for durables reached saturation level.

The productive capacity of the economy remained alien to this higher growth and new industrial or energy capacity never received due attention. The growth of 2008-09 must be viewed in the backdrop of regional and international developments where real GDP in Pakistan's main trading partners is estimated to contract by almost 3 percent on average in 2009, depressing the external demand for Pakistan's exports.



-- Real GDP grew by 2.0 percent in 2008-09 as against 4.1 percent last year and growth target of 4.5 percent.

-- The modest growth of just 2.0 percent is shared between Commodity Producing Sector (CPS) (0.08) and services sector (1.92). Within the CPS, agriculture contributed 1.0 percentage points, or 50.1 percent, to overall GDP growth (a significant increase from its contribution of only 5.0 percent last year) while industry dragged 0.92 percentage points or 46.1 percent to neutralise positive contribution of the agriculture. In the services sector, major contributions to GDP growth came from transport, storage & communication (0.3 percentage points or 14.6 percent), wholesale & retail trade (0.7 percentage points or 27.1 percent) and social services (0.8 percentage points or 38.6 percent).


-- Agriculture sector has depicted a stellar growth of 4.7 percent as compared to 1.1 percent witnessed last year and target of 3.5 percent for the year. Major crops accounting for 33.4 percent of agricultural value-added registered an impressive growth of 7.7 percent as against a negative growth of 6.4 percent last year and a target of 4.5 percent. The livestock sector grew by 3.7 percent in 2008-09 as against 4.2 percent last year.

-- Output in the manufacturing sector contracted by 3.3 percent in 2008-09 as compared to expansion of 4.8 percent last year and overambitious target of 6.1 percent. Small and medium manufacturing sector maintained its healthy growth of last year at 7.5 percent.

-- Large-scale manufacturing depicted contraction of 7.7 percent as against expansion of 4.0 percent in the last year and 5.5 percent target for the year. The massive contraction has been because of acute energy outrages, security environment and political disruption in March 2009.


-- The services sector grew by 3.6 percent as against the target of 6.1 percent and last year's actual growth of 6.6 percent.

-- Value-added in the wholesale and retail trade sector grew at 3.1 percent as compared to 5.3 percent in last year and target for the year of 5.4 percent.

-- Finance and insurance sector witnessed a slowdown to 12.9 percent in 2007-08 but registered negative growth of 1.2 percent in 2008-09. The performance of this sector shows that Pakistan's financial sector is integrated in the world economy and is feeling the heat of the financial crisis plaguing international financial markets.

-- The Transport, Storage and Communication sub-sector depicted a sharp deceleration in growth to 2.9 percent in 2008-09 as compared to 5.7 percent of last year.


-- Pakistan's per capita real income has risen by 2.5 percent in 2008-09 as against 3.4 percent last year. Per capita income in dollar terms rose from $1042 last year to $1046 in 2008-09, thereby showing marginal increase of 0.3 percent.


-- Real private consumption rose by 5.2 percent as against negative growth of 1.3 percent attained last year. However, gross fixed capital formation could not maintain its strong growth momentum and real fixed investment growth contracted by 6.9 percent as against the expansion of 3.8 percent in the last fiscal year.


-- Total investment declined from 22.5 percent of GDP in 2006-07 to 19.7 percent of GDP in 2008-09. Fixed investment decreased to 18.1 percent of GDP from 20.4 percent last year. Private sector investment was decelerating persistently since 2004-05 and its ratio to GDP declined from 15.7 percent in 2004-05 to 13.2 percent in 2008-09. Public sector investment to GDP ratio has risen persistently from 4.0 percent in 2002-03 to 5.6 percent in 2006-07. However, it declined to 4.9 percent in 2008-09.

-- National savings rate has nose-dived to 14.4 percent of GDP in 2008-09 as against 13.5 percent of GDP last year. Domestic savings also declined substantially from 16.3 percent of GDP in 2005-06 to 11.2 percent of GDP in 2008-09.


-- The SBP kept its tight monetary policy stance in the period July 1, 2008-April 20, 2009. The policy rate was adjusted upward in November 2008 to shave off some aggregate demand from the economy and kept constant in January 2009. However, it adjusted downward by 100 bps on April 20, 2009.

-- During July 1, 2008-May 16, 2009, money supply (M2) expanded by 4.6 percent against the target expansion of 9.3 percent for the year, and last year's expansion of 15.3 percent. The reserve money grew by 2.4 percent as against expansion of 13.2 percent.

-- Net domestic assets (NDA) increased by Rs 443.8 billion as compared to increase of Rs 702.5 billion last year, thereby showing an increase of 11.0 percent in this period, whereas last year the growth in the comparable period was 22.8 percent.

-- Net foreign assets (NFA) recorded a contraction of Rs 227.3 billion against the contraction of Rs 322.8 billion in the comparable period of last year.

-- Government borrowing for budgetary support has recorded an increase of Rs 332.2 billion as compared to Rs 361.0 billion in the comparable period of last year. The SBP financing has shown a net increase of Rs 198.2 billion and financing from scheduled banks witnessed a net increase of Rs 134.0 billion during July 1, 2008-May 16, 2009.

-- Credit to private sector witnessed a net disbursement of Rs 26.8 billion as compared to Rs 369.4 billion in the comparable period of last year.

-- Weighted average lending rate witnessed a decline from 15.5 percent in October, 2008 to 14.3 percent in March, 2009. Weighted average deposit rate, on the other hand, decreased from 9.5 percent in October 2008 to 8.0 percent in March 2009, which implies increase in the spread amid intensive deposit mobilisation efforts on the part of the banks. The weighted average yields on 6 months T-bill declined by almost 250 basis points to 11.5 percent in March 2009 as against 14 percent in November 2008 but inched up to 12.4 percent in April 2009.


-- The inflation rate as measured by the changes in Consumer Price Index (CPI) stood at 22.3 percent during July-April 2008-09, as against 10.3 percent in the comparable period of last year. However, year-on-year inflation decelerated from 25.3 percent in August 2008 to 17.2 percent in April 2009.

-- The food inflation is estimated at 26.6 percent and non-food 19.0 percent against 15.0 percent and 6.8 percent in the corresponding period of last year.

-- The increase in inflation rate during the current year 2008-09 is attributable to the increase in food price inflation which has been due to increase in prices of edible oil, pulses, rice, milk, poultry, meat, wheat, wheat flour, fresh vegetables and fruits.

-- On current trends, and barring any adverse shocks, it is expected that the average inflation for the year (2008-09) as measured by CPI will be close to 21.0 percent.

-- The core inflation which represents the rate of increase in cost of goods and services excluding food and energy prices also went up from 7.5 percent to 20.3 percent.

-- The Wholesale Price Index (WPI) increased by 21.4 percent, as against 13.7 percent of last year.

-- The Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) has recorded an increase of 26.3 percent during July-April 2008-09, as against 14.1 percent of last year.


-- The government decided in the economic stabilisation program to adhere to the fiscal deficit target reverently and, during the first nine months of the current fiscal year, the fiscal deficit hovered around 3.1 percent of the projected GDP for 2008-09 which is consistent with annual fiscal deficit target of 4.3 percent. The fiscal improvement has largely been based on reduction of oil subsidies and a cut in development spending. All meaningful efforts to expand revenues, particularly by broadening the tax base, will only work in the medium term.

-- The financing patterns of fiscal deficit remained dominated by the banking system, which financed 85 percent of the fiscal deficit and only 15 percent were financed by the non-bank sources. The government remained prudent and over-performed with respect to the SBP financing limit allowed by the Economic Stabilisation Program.

-- The overall FBR tax collection remained less than satisfactory and actually witnessed deceleration in real term. Resultantly, the FBR tax collection to GDP ratio is likely to deteriorate to around 9 percent of GDP as against the target of bringing it in to the vicinity of 10 percent of GDP.

-- Tax Revenue collected by the FBR amounted to Rs 898.6 billion during the first ten months (July-April) of the current fiscal year, which is 17.7 percent higher than the net collection of Rs 763.6 billion in the corresponding period of last year.

-- The net Direct tax collection was estimated at Rs 332.5 billion against the target of Rs 496 billion which implies a growth of 16.9 percent during July-April 2008-09.

-- Indirect taxes grew by 18.2 percent during July-April 2008-09 and accounted for 62 percent of the stake in overall tax revenue. The sales tax collections grew by 22.2 percent and stood at Rs 358.9 billion as against Rs 293.6 billion in comparable period of last year. The net customs duty collection inched up from Rs 114.9 billion in 2007-08 to Rs 117.2 billion in 2008-09, thereby showing modest growth of 2.1 percent. The net collection of federal excise stood at Rs 90.0 billion during July-April 2008-09 as against Rs 70.6 billion in the corresponding period of last year, thereby showing an increase of 27.5 percent.

-- Despite a decline in fiscal deficit in the first nine months of 2008-09, the growth in domestic debt accelerated, reflecting non-availability of financing through external sources. The stock of domestic debt grew by Rs 484.4 billion during July-March 2008-09. This strong growth in the domestic debt reflects non-realisation of privatisation proceeds and reduced availability of net external financing due to increase in external debt repayments on maturing stock of foreign currency bonds. The main contribution came from 17.5 percent rise in floating debt, which increased by Rs 286 billion. The stock of permanent debt increased by Rs 44 billion. Unfunded debt witnessed a growth of 15.1 percent in July-March 2008-09 mainly because of uncertainty in the financial market and very attractive rates offered by NSS schemes.


-- Public debt burden continued to decline rather sharply over the last seven years with significant improvement in fiscal situation. However, public debt witnessed a reversal of trend amid worsening fiscal situation in the last fiscal year.

-- The public debt-to-GDP ratio, which stood at almost 55.5 percent in end June 2007, increased to 57.4 percent by the end of June 2008 mainly because of high fiscal deficit resulting in massive borrowing. However, by end-March 2009 public debt declined to 55.5 percent of the GDP for the year mainly because of better fiscal discipline displayed during 2008-09. In absolute terms, public debt grew by 23.2 percent in the first nine months (July-March 2008-09).


-- Exports were targeted at $19.0 billion, or 6.9 percent lower than last year. Exports started to face heat of global recession since January 2009 and the contraction of world demand for major exports exacerbated export contraction. The exports witnessed negative growth of 2.6 percent--declining from $16.4 billion of last year to $16.0 billion in July-April 2008-09. However, exports fell by 25.9 percent in April 2009 over April 2008 which is really worrying for the economy.

-- Imports registered a negative growth of 9.8 percent in July-April 2009. The imports stood at $26.77 billion as against $28.715 billion in the comparable period of last year. The growth in imports reflects impact of substantial fall in oil and food imports in monetary terms and these two items were responsible for 80 percent of additional import bill of last year. Import compression measures, coupled with massive fall in international oil prices, have started paying dividends and imports witnessed marked slowdown during the last two months.

-- Trade Balance The merchandise trade deficit improved by 12.3 percent and declined from $10.7 billion in July-April 2008-09 to $12.3 billion in July-April 2008-09. The substantial decrease of 9. 8 percent in imports outstripped otherwise significant decrease of 3.0 percent in export growth which caused the trade deficit to improve by 12.3 percent.

-- Workers' Remittances Workers' remittances totalled $6.4 billion in July-April 2008-09 as against $5.3 billion in the comparable period of last year, depicting an increase of 19.5 percent. Deep recession in the US economy, which constitutes close to one-third of Pakistan's remittances, started taking its toll and witnessed negative growth of 1.9 percent. The trend will be expected to continue in the months to come. However, overall outlook of remittances from other source countries is positive.

-- Current Account Balance Pakistan's current account deficit shrank by 23.5 percent during July-April 2008-09. Current account deficit shrank to $8.5 billion as against $11.2 billion last year. In the month of February 2009, the current account witnessed a surplus which is a rare development in Pakistan economy. This was first monthly surplus since June 2007. It turned to deficit in March and April 2009.

-- Foreign Exchange Reserves declined substantially in the initial months of 2008-09, dropping from $11.4 billion at end-June 2008 to a low of $6.4 billion by November 25, 2008. This depletion of reserves in the five months was lower than fall in forex reserves for the whole of 2007-08. The subsequent partial recovery in November 2008 owed essentially to the inflow of $3.1 billion from the IMF following Pakistan's entry into a macroeconomic stabilisation program. The import coverage ratio declined to an uncomfortable level of 9.1 weeks as of end-October 2008 from 16.8 weeks of imports as of end-June 2008, but it improved to 18.0 weeks of imports by end-April 2009.

-- Exchange rate after remaining stable for more than 4 years, lost significant value against the US dollar and depreciated by 21 percent during March-December 2008. Most of the depreciation of rupee against dollar was recorded post-November 2007 owing to combination of factors like political uncertainty, trade related outflows and speculative activities. With successful signing of Standby arrangement with the IMF, the rupee regained some of its lost value. With substantial import compression and revival of external inflows from abroad in the coming months of the fiscal year, the exchange rate is forecast to remain stable at around Rs 80-82 per dollar.

-- The overall foreign investment. During the first ten months (July-April) of the current fiscal year foreign investment declined by 42.7 percent and stood at $2.2 billion against $3.9 billion in the comparable period of last year.

-- Foreign direct investment (private) showed some resilience and stood at $3205.4 million during the first ten months (July-April) of the current fiscal year as against $3719.1 million in the same period of last year thereby showing a decline of 13.8 percent.

-- Private portfolio investment on the other hand showed an outflow of $451.5 million as against an inflow of $98.9 million during the comparable period of last year, showing a decline 25.7 percent.

-- The US kept its distinction of being the largest investor with 23.2 percent stake in the FDI. Other big investors originated from Mauritius (10.0 percent), Singapore (7.7 percent), UK (6.9 percent), Switzerland (6.6 percent), UAE (5.3 percent) and Hong Kong (3.9 percent).

-- The communication sector (including Telecom) spearheaded the FDI inflows by accounting for 27.3 percent stake during July-April 2008-09, followed by financial business (22.4 percent), energy including oil & gas and power (22.7 percent), and trade (4.9 percent). The current wave of uncertainty in global demand and economic activity in the country has resulted in a major backlash on FDI inflow groups namely, communication, financial business and oil & gas exploration accounted for almost 67 percent of FDI inflows in the country. The communication sector (including Telecom) spearheaded the FDI inflows by accounting for 30.4 percent stake during 2007-08, followed by financial business (22.6 percent), and energy including oil & gas and power (21.5 percent).

-- External debt and liabilities (EDL) Pakistan's total external debt increased from US $46.3 billion at end-June 2008 to US $50.1 billion by end-March 2009, an increase of US $3.8 billion or 8.2 percent. In relative terms, EDL as percentage of GDP increased from 28.2 percent at end-June 2008 to 29.8 percent by end-March 2009, an increase of 1.6 percentage points.

-- The country's debt burden is also defined as external debt and liabilities as percentage of foreign exchange earnings increased from 124.3 percent by end-June 2008 to 144.3 percent by end-March 2009.

The overall foreign investment during the first ten months (July-April) of the current fiscal year declined by 42.7 percent and stood at $2.2 billion as against $3.9 billion in the comparable period of last year. Foreign direct investment (private) has shown some resilience and stood at $3205.4 million during the first ten months (July-April) of the current fiscal year as against $3719.1 million in the same period of last year, thereby showing a decline of 13.8 percent. Private portfolio investment on the other hand showed an outflow of $451.5 million as against an inflow of $98.9 million during the comparable period of last year showing a decline of 25.7 percent.

The domestic production of fertilisers during the first nine months (July-March 2008-09) of the current fiscal year was up by 3.6 percent as compared with corresponding period of last year. On the other hand, the import of fertiliser decreased by 51 percent, and the total availability of fertiliser also decreased by 11.9 percent during the two comparable periods namely July-March 2007-08 and July-March 2008-09. Agricultural loans, amounting to Rs 151.9 billion, were disbursed during July-March, 2008-09 as against Rs 138.6 billion during the corresponding period of last year, thereby registering an increase of 9.6 percent.


-- Manufacturing sector is the second largest sector of the economy, contributing 18.4 percent to GDP. This sector has recorded its weakest growth in a decade during current fiscal year. Overall manufacturing posted a negative growth rate of 3.3 percent during the current fiscal year against the target of 6.1 percent and 4.8 percent of last year.

Large-scale manufacturing (LSM), accounting for almost 70 percent of overall manufacturing, witnessed a broad-based decline of 7.7 percent against the revised growth target of negative 5.0 percent during July-March 2008-09. Main contributors towards this broad based decline were the impact of severe energy shortages, deterioration in domestic law and order situation, sharp depreciation in rupee vis-à-vis US dollar and, most importantly, weak external demand on the back of global recession coupled with slowdown in domestic demand. The increasing trend in inflation also affected consumers to curtail expenditure on durable goods.

-- Textile sector, being an export-oriented industry of Pakistan and more prone to international demand shocks, has been under severe stress amid a global recession. However, textile production declined slightly by 0.7 percent over the same period of last year. The textile sector was badly hit by power shortages and weak external demand.

Both cotton yarn and cotton cloth industries, with the largest share of the textile sector, posted negative growth of 0.3 percent during the first nine months of current financial year.

-- The sustained growth in recent years in cement industry has been an outcome of increase in its production capacity and exploitation of export markets. The cement sector posted a growth rate of 4.71 percent during the current fiscal year. Cement exports increased by 48.8 percent.

-- Fertiliser industry also posted positive growth due to increase in production.

-- The Steel Mill is producing coke, pig iron, billets, hot rolled coils/sheets, cold rolled coils/sheets, galvanised sheets, etc. The performance of steel mill was unsatisfactory during the current fiscal year. The production value slid down from Rs 11133 million in 2007-08 to Rs 9971 million in the current financial year, witnessing a decrease of 10.44 percent.

Mineral potential of Pakistan, though recognised to be excellent, is inadequately developed as its contribution to GDP at present stands at 2.4 percent. During the current fiscal year (July-March 2008-09), the mining and quarrying sector registered almost flat growth rate ie 0.24 percent as against 3.0 percent of last year and a target of 4.5 percent for the current year.

The growth rate of this sector declined sharply due to substantial diminishing trend in the production of Magnesite (51.3percent), Sluphere (10.3percent) and Dolomite (4.6percent). During the current fiscal year, the Privatisation Commission completed the transction of Hazara Phosphate Fertiliser Limited (HPFL), fetching Rs 1340.02 million.

Smeda plays a vital role in creating market oriented economic growth, employment opportunities and reducing poverty. As many as 16 projects, amounting to Rs 1680 million, have been approved for implementation by Smeda.

FISCAL DEVELOPMENT The severity of the macroeconomic imbalances in the last fiscal year once again reinforces the importance of fiscal prudence for sustainable economic growth. The hangover from 2007-08 continued to haunt adjustment efforts. The fiscal consolidation efforts faced headwinds like deteriorating security environment, domestic political uncertainties along with the deepening of the global financial crisis and overall depressed macroeconomic environment.

The unanticipated persistence of inflationary pressures on the economy kept fiscal policy options under check. The shrinking revenues constricted government's ability to pursue counter cyclical policy.

There has been significant improvement in fiscal performance during 2008-09 due to the policy shift, with the overall fiscal deficit estimated to have dropped to 4.3 percent of annual GDP. The fiscal improvement in 2008-09 has been largely based on reduction of oil subsidies and a slash on development spending.

Going forward, Pakistan needs a substantial increase in resource base to augment its development efforts, and fiscal consolidation efforts has to come from enhanced revenue base because we have already exhausted options for expenditure cuts. Pakistan's future economic development crucially hinges upon additional resource mobilisation and, for this end, extending the tax base to unexplored sectors is very crucial.

The overall fiscal balance has recovered from a sizeable slippage of 2007-08 amid substantial decline in revenues and elimination of some subsidies like on petroleum products. However, major contribution should come from additional resource mobilisation.

Notwithstanding all lacklustre and half-hearted attempts to reform tax administration and procedures, the tax-to-GDP ratio fluctuated in a narrow band of 10 to 11 percent for almost one decade. In the current fiscal year, the potential risk exists of tax-to-GDP ratio below 10 percent of GDP for the first time in the last two decades.

On revenue side, tax-to-GDP and hence, revenue-to-GDP, ratios either remained stagnant or showed a decline, owing mainly to structural deficiencies in the tax system and administration, both at federal and provincial government levels. The expenditure of the government in relation to GDP exhibited similar pattern, with total expenditures showing an overall decline since the beginning of the 1990s.

However, in 2008-09 total revenue as percentage of GDP slightly recovered, due to a marginal improvement in non-tax revenues as percent of GDP. Total revenue is expected to reach Rs 1910 billion, as compared to Rs 1499.5 billion during the 2007-08.

The FBR revenue collection for the fiscal year 2008-09 was targeted at Rs 1,250 billion at the time of presentation of the Federal Budget 2008-09. Tax collection during the first ten months (July-April) of the current fiscal year amounted to Rs 898.6 billion, which is 17.7 percent higher than the net collection of Rs 763.6 billion in the corresponding period of last year.

The tax collection performance felt the heat of slowing economy and falling imports. Customs duty collection deviated from its recent past track record of high growth mainly because of the fact that dutiable imports underwent negative growth. Notwithstanding its meagre share even in indirect taxes, federal excise duty collections registered a vibrant growth of 27.6 percent.

The sales tax collections are also relying heavily on imports and sales tax at import stage witnessed marginal growth. On the other hand, 47 percent growth in sales tax on domestic economic activity helped it to grow overall by 22.2 percent. When viewed in the backdrop of 23 percent growth in national income, the growth of 16.9 percent in direct tax looks dismal. The overall FBR tax collection remained less than satisfactory and actually witnessed deceleration in real terms.

Resultantly, the FBR tax collection to GDP ratio is likely to deteriorate to around 9 percent of GDP as against the target of bringing it into the vicinity of 10 percent of GDP. Apart from FBR revenue, total tax revenue growth also lagged behind the growth in nominal GDP, as it exhibited a decline in tax-to-GDP ratio from 10.3 percent in 2007-08 to around 10 percent in 2008-09.

The budgeted total expenditure for the fiscal year 2008-09 was Rs 2391 billion, which is 4.9 percent higher than last year's revised estimate. On the other hand, current expenditures were envisaged to remain more or less stagnant at Rs 1876 billion.

The stake of federal government in the current expenditure was to the extent of Rs 1359 billion and the remaining Rs 517 billion were earmarked for provincial governments. Development expenditure (after adjusting for net lending) was targeted at Rs 396 billion in 2008-09, which is up by 7 percent in comparison to last year. On the basis of revenue and expenditure projections, the overall fiscal deficit is estimated at Rs 562 billion or 4.3 percent of GDP as against 7.4 percent last year.

Interest payments surpassed their budgeted level by a significant margin. A sum of Rs 557 billion was budgeted for interest payments in 2008-09. The year is likely to end with interest payments of Rs 618 billion which are higher by Rs 61 billion over the budgeted amount.

The current expenditure overrun has become the norm because of intensification of war on terror and spike in security related expenditure in the last two years This is feeding into a significant gap between budgeted and estimates in current expenditure.

The current year has witnessed some deceleration in non-interest, non-defence expenditure. However, to follow fiscal deficit religiously, the government has to go an extra mile by development expenditure cutbacks. Notwithstanding this downturn, the growth in current expenditure remained strong. Pakistan's fiscal adjustment experience over the years suggests downward rigidity in current expenditure and much of the effort has to come from either additional revenue mobilisation or development expenditure cutbacks. In case of any eventuality of revenue shortfall the development expenditure is the prospective candidate to bear the brunt of adjustment.

MONEY & CREDIT Monetary Policy stance of the SBP has undergone considerable changes during the last eight years, gradually switching from an easy monetary policy to the current aggressive, tight monetary policy stance depending on the inflationary situation in the country.

During 2007-08, the SBP continued with tight monetary policy stance, thrice raising the discount rate and increased the Cash Reserve requirement (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Requirement (SLR). During H1-FY08, the SBP raised the policy rate by 50bps to 10 percent effective from August 1, 2007.

Furthermore, the SBP zero rated the CRR for all deposits of one year and above maturity to encourage greater resource mobilisation of longer tenure and 7 percent CRR for other demand and time liabilities. In H2-FY08 the SBP further tightened Monetary Policy by raising discount rate by 50bps to 10.5 percent. Furthermore, the CRR was raised for deposits up to one year maturity by 100bps to 8 percent while leaving term deposits of over a year zero rated.

The objective was to give incentives to commercial banks to mobilise long-term deposits. In the light of continued inflationary build-up and increasing pressures in the foreign exchange market. The SBP announced a package of monetary measures on May 21, 2008 that included;

(i) an increase of 150 bps in discount rate to 12 percent;

(ii) an increase of 100 bps in CRR and SLR to 9 percent and 19 percent, respectively for banking institutions;

(iii) introduction of a margin requirement for the opening of letter of credit for imports (excluding food and oil) of 35 percent, and;

(iv) establishment of a floor of 5 percent on the rate of return on profit and loss sharing and saving accounts. Following a slight reversal in the mounting inflation, the SBP announced a decline of 100 bps on April 20, 2009.

SBP's tight monetary policy and rationalisation of fiscal subsidies and expenditure controls are the key factors that contributed to a reasonable progress towards macroeconomic stability. Although the fiscal and external current account deficit reduced during the last year, it still remains high along with the risk of slippages.

Improved fiscal discipline and falling international commodity prices have started to ease the domestic inflationary pressures. CPI is moderating to some extent after rising to a record high of 25.3 percent in August 2008. However, the YOY inflation at 19.1 percent in March was still significantly high. It is expected that with economic slowdown, the downturn in inflation would be steeper.

The YoY growth in broad money (M2) declined sharply to 4.59 percent as on 9th May FY09 against 8.96 percent in the corresponding period last year. The money supply was limited to Rs 215.0 billion as the NFA of the banking system recorded a decline of over Rs 227.1 billion during the first ten months of the current fiscal year to May 9.

However, NFA improved by Rs 130 billion as on 9 May, 2009 after contracting by Rs 357 billion on 6 December, 2008. This improvement mainly came towards end March 2009 as the government received $500 million each from the World Bank and the Bank of China.

The improvements in external account and hence in NFA are mainly owed to a rise in remittances, increase in external financial inflows from multilateral and bilateral sources and substantial retirement of foreign currency loans to commercial banks.

On the other hand, NDA of the banking system decelerated sharply during July-May FY09 to 10.99 percent as compared to 21.3 percent during the same period of last year. The sharp deceleration in NDA growth of banking system was mainly contributed by decrease in government borrowings and credit to non-government sector during July-May FY09.

The credit of Rs 138.4 billion to the public sector enterprise (PSEs), and government borrowings worth Rs 119.8 billion for commodity operations has significantly contributed Rs 258.2 billion in NDA during July-May FY09 compared to an expansion of Rs 105.2 billion in the same period last year. Credit to PSEs increased by Rs 138.4 billion during July-May FY09 against an increase of Rs 44.3billion in same period of last year.

The demand for credit from private sector decelerated and declined to Rs 21.8 billion during July-May FY09 compared to Rs 369.8 billion in the corresponding period of the last year. This sharp decline in private sector credit during July-May FY09 was mainly due to the exceptionally low demand for working capital that has witnessed the lowest growth in the recent past.

The slowdown in working capital requirements reflected the liquidity strains in the banking industry, which limited the lending ability of a few banks. Similarly, a sharp decline in raw material prices also lowered the working capital requirements of the corporate sector.

According to the distribution of credit to the private sector, the manufacturing sector although declined to Rs 89.4 billion, still continued to be the largest recipient of bank credit during July-March 2008-09. The overall manufacturing sector accounted for almost 85 percent of the credit to private sector business.

The structure of loan portfolio of the banks has changed significantly as by end-December 2008, 78 percent of the total bank advances were lent at the rate of 12 percent and above as compared to the 70 percent of bank advances extended at rates between 9 to 12 percent during the same month of last year. The banks have followed more strict credit criteria due to rising NPLs. Banks are focusing to finance those projects which are able to generate cash flows.

Similarly, the government's urge to raise funds from the banking system provided an avenue for banks to put these funds in T- bills. Due to the exceptionally strong credit demand and higher interest rate expectation, commercial banks were reluctant to lend to government till September 2008.

However, since October 2008 onwards, banks' participation in T- bills auctions increased significantly. Consequently, stock of Market Related Treasury Bills (MRTBs) with SBP declined to Rs 1,157.65 billion as on 30 April 2009 from Rs 1393.4 billion in November 29, 2009. One reason of higher acceptance was the change in the auction process for government papers. Instead of SBP, now the Ministry of Finance decides the cut-off rates in the primary auction.

The tight monetary policy stance of the SBP faced a major challenge during initial months of FY09, particularly due to exceptionally high pressures on rupee liquidity in the interbank market. A combination of a number of developments led to this liquidity crunch.

These included a contraction in money supply, a rise in currency in circulation, rising private and public sector credit demands, seasonal deposit withdrawals during Ramazan and Eid festival, and huge pulling out of bank deposits following rumours about the banking system. Resultantly, interest rates in the interbank market rose sharply.

However, SBP intervened in the domestic money market through several measures such as drastic reduction in reserve requirements, liquidity injections through Open Market Operations (OMOs), discounting window and others. In addition to these steps, the SBP provided on a timely basis over Rs 350 billion liquidity support to the banking sector.

The impact of tight monetary stance and liquidity management began to translate into a rise in other interest rates, with varied magnitude, at different stages of the economy. For instance, 6-months T-bills cut-off witnessed an increase of 169 basis points to 13.2 percent during July-May FY09. However, 6-month and 12-month KIBOR decreased by 26 bps and 39 bps to 13.68 percent and 13.83 percent respectively by end-May 2008 in view of a cut of 100 bps in the policy rate in April 2009.

CAPITAL MARKETS The beginning of the fiscal year 2008 appeared promising for Pakistan's capital markets regardless of the subprime crisis intensifying its grip on financial systems all over the globe. The stock markets in Pakistan posted good gains and the KSE-100 index gained 11.6 percent by middle of April 2008 and touched the highest level of 15,676 points on April 18, 2008 with a gain of 1,747 points over the index at the start of 2008.

Subsequent to this, however, the equity market saw an episode of precipitous decline: the KSE-100 index fell by over 62 percent (as on December 31, 2008) since touching its peak in April 2008.

While issues related to the macroeconomic scenario and a shaky political environment fuelled anxiety among the investor community and contributed to the fall in value, a dearth of adequate corporate governance measures aggravated the situation. Supplementing the extensive weakness was the diminishing foreign interest in the equity markets of Pakistan.

Notwithstanding this, equity investors have embarked on a fractional recovery of their fortunes with an upsurge in the KSE-100 index of a fine 22.5 percent since the commencement of the calendar year 2009, driven up chiefly by signs of returning economic stability.

A timely loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved in November 2008, and a materialisation of pledges by Friends of Democratic Pakistan are collectively expected to help out the economy sail through what could be a tumultuous era.

It goes without saying that the government's success in managing the economy has, without a doubt, served to build a soothing outcome. The stock market observed gigantic foreign outflows owing to the removal of price floor mechanism in the middle of December 2008.

The prospects of healthy foreign interest became doubly depressing by looking at the figure of foreign equity investment during the first nine months of the current fiscal year 2008-09. It stood at a negative $418.4 million till March 2009. With no fresh merger and acquisition activity in the year 2008-09, the international investors remained keen to increase their ownership share.

LSE and ISE followed the footprints of the leading stock exchange. Moreover, sectoral performance in the bourses remained dull with fuel and energy showing some positive signs.

Pakistan's debt market has witnessed an issuance of long-term government securities amounting to about Rs 49 billion and revision in deposit rates of National Savings Schemes on quarterly basis in 2008-09. Three new TFCs have been issued.

Interestingly, the non-bank market remained the principal issuer this time with no floatation related to the financial sector. Recent regulations by SECP that emphasise on increasing the minimum capital base and strict requirements for the classification of non-performing loans are anticipated to augment the strength of the NBFC sector.

Capital market reforms are an integral component of the structural reforms being supported by the government to restore macroeconomic stability and to build up the banking system, while developing a more contributing incentive regime for financial industry. Significant progress has been made on capital market reforms, including adoption of international standards and market practices and the streamlining of regulatory infrastructure to enhance surveillance and enforcement.

The government is keen to maintain the momentum to strengthen, deepen and broaden the base of capital markets. As a further step to fulfil this objective, the SECP has revived the Consultative Group on Capital Markets to act as an independent think-tank for important policy decisions in relation to the development of capital markets in Pakistan.

TRADE AND PAYMENTS The external sector developments in 2008-09 followed a rollercoaster ride patterns. It started with highest ever oil prices and unbearable commodity prices, punctuating the highs in October 2008 when current account crossed $2 billion mark on the back of soaring energy prices and uncertainties, gradually caught into the financial crisis and accentuating the lows in February 2009 with a current account surplus.

The year started with first quarter current account deficit of $3.8 billion and reached to third quarter deficit of just $0.3 billion. Notwithstanding this positive development, the external sector is still prone to some downside risk.

Overall exports recorded a negative growth of 3.0 percent during the first ten months (July-April) of the current fiscal year against positive growth of 10.2 percent in the same period of last year. In absolute terms, exports have decreased from $15,222.9 million to $14762.2 million in the period.

Imports during the first ten months (July-April) of the current fiscal year (2007-08) decline by 9.8 percent compared with the same period of last year, reaching to $28.92 billion. Import compression measures lowering domestic demand coupled with massive fall in international oil prices have started paying dividends and imports witnessed slowdown.

Beside that, depreciation of rupee had also played a significant role for lower imports during current fiscal year. Imports of the petroleum group registered declining growth of 7.6 percent and reached to $8012.7 million. The petroleum group accounts for 27.7 percent of total imports but contributed 21.0 percent in the overall growth of imports for the year.

The decline in imports of the petroleum group has been due to massive fall in oil prices in the international market as well as the substantial increase in its quantity imported. The imports of telecom declined by 54.8 percent during July-April 2008-09.

This is followed by imports of consumer durables group which exhibits negative growth of 16.4 percent. Petroleum group, raw materials and food groups witnessed a negative growth of 7.6 percent, 5.2 percent and 3.1 percent respectively. Import of machinery remained the only group which showed a nominal growth of 0.5 percent during July-April 2008-09.

Pakistan's current account deficit (CAD) moved back o $8.5 billion during July-April FY09 against US $11.2 billion in the comparable period of last year, showing a decline of 23.5 percent. In the month of February 2009, the current account witnessed a surplus of $128 million which was first monthly surplus since July 2007.

However, it turned to deficit of $457 million in April 2009. The improvement in current account completely arose during November-April 2008-09 when it declined by 74 percent over the corresponding period of last year on the back of reduction in trade deficit and improvement in invisible account. On the other hand, current account balance worsened by 100.8 percent during the first four months of the currant fiscal year 2008-09 compared with the same period of last year owing to increased import on account of higher import prices and food imports.

Trade deficit decelerated by 12.3 percent during July-April 2008-09. This improvement contributed by deceleration in import growth due to lower imports in terms of quantity in the back of import compression measures and depreciation in rupee along with massive decrease in imports prices. Increase in workers' remittance and reduction in services account deficit led to improvement of invisible account.

Services account deficit shrank by 41.3 percent during July-April FY09 to reach $3.2 billion. This deterioration was contributed by factors like receipts from logistic support, deceleration in freight related charges and sharp fall in outflows from foreign exchange companies the result of action against undocumented fund transfer.

Financial account contracted from $6,224 million to $3,476 million during July-April 2008-09 against corresponding period of last year. This decline was a result of a variety of reasons which discouraged the investment flows to Pakistan during July-April 2008-09, mainly weakening economic fundamentals, deteriorating law and order situation, slack functioning of stock market, lack of privatisation proceeds and in the presence of global financial crises the foreign investors declined to invest as expectations of the lower degree of profitability.

Pakistan witnessed pressure on ER during July-October 2008-09 when rupee depreciated by 16.3 percent. First as a result of substantial loss of foreign exchange reserves. Second massive buying by businesses seeking to avoid exchange losses on imports along with other factors like trade related outflows, political uncertainty and speculative activities.

With signing of Standby arrangement with the IMF, the rupee got back some of its lost value and with substantial import compression, improvement in overall external balance including revival of external inflows from abroad the exchange rate hovered around Rs 80.60 during April 2009.

Workers' remittances amounted to $6355.6 million in July-April 2008-09 as against $5319.1 in corresponding period of last year, thereby showing an increase of 19.5 percent. October 2008 remained only month during which the worker remittance exhibits a negative growth of 19.7 over October 2007 owing to difficult global environment and uncertainties surrounding domestic economy however, they recovered to their normal high double-digit growth since November 2008.

More than 75 percent of remittance during July-October 2008-09 routed through exchange companies whereas majority of the increase in remittances growth was contributed by higher inflows in banks during November-March 2008-09. This compositional change in remittances can be attributed to the FIA actions against the undocumented fund transfer during October 2008.

Pakistan's total liquid foreign exchange reserves amounted to $11.6 billion by the end of May, 2009. Of which, reserves held by State Bank of Pakistan stood at $8.28 billion and by banks at $3.32 billion. The trend of reserves consists of two parts during current fiscal year. Foreign exchange reserves declined to a low during the first five months of 2008-09 at $6.4 billion by 25 November, 2008 from $11.4 billion at the end of June 2008.

This depletion of reserves in the five months (July-November 2008) was much higher than fall in foreign exchange reserves for the entire fiscal year 2007-08. The subsequent recovery since November 25, 2008 onward was essentially due to the inflow of $3.1 billion from the IMF following Pakistan's entry into a macroeconomic stabilisation program than after additional capital inflows from other agencies. Pressure on reserves eased due to reduction in current account deficit along with modest recovery in capital flows thereby bringing stability in exchange rate, which further improved the position of foreign exchange reserves.

EXTERNAL AND DOMESTIC DEBTS External debt and liabilities (EDL) Pakistan's total external debt increased from US $46.3 billion at end-June 2008 to US $50.1 billion by end-March 2009, an increase of US $3.8 billion or 8.2 percent. In relative terms, EDL as percentage of GDP increased from 28.1 percent at end-June 2008 to 30.2 percent by end-March 2009, an increase of 2.1 percentage points.

The country's debt burden is also defined as external debt and liabilities as percentage of foreign exchange earnings increased from 124.3 percent by end-June 2008 to 144.3 percent by end-March 2009. International capital markets suffered one of the most turbulent years in recent history.

With the financial crisis instilling a sense of distrust amid the market access to financing has been restricted, with spreads widening for both developed and emerging economies alike. As negative sentiment prevails, the situation for Pakistan is compounded by weaker economic performance in 2008-09 and a highly volatile domestic security situation.

The spread on Pakistani sovereign bonds as given by the EMBI have gone up by 1550 bps and have a rating of B3/CCC+. Given the severity of the crisis in international markets, and hesitance with respect to investor confidence, Pakistan did not issue any new instruments in 2008-09.

Public debt increased by Rs 1367 billion in the first nine months of 2008-09, reaching a total outstanding amount of Rs 7268 billion; an increase of 23.2 percent in nominal terms. Total public debt has been growing at an average of 12 percent per year since the fiscal year 1999-2000.

The increase in total public debt is shared between rupee and foreign currency debt in the ratio of 40:60. The rise in foreign currency debt is mainly because of massive depreciation of the Pak rupee in the first quarter of the fiscal year.

In absolute terms, $3.1 billion are added to the public external debt in the period July-March 2009. However, a big chunk of Rs 624 billion has come from depreciation. Public debt as a percentage of GDP (a critical indicator of the country's debt burden) has declined by 1.9 percentage points in the nine months, down from 57.2 percent by end-June 2008 to 55.2 percent of GDP by end-March 2009.

Total domestic debt is positioned at Rs 3757.7 billion at end-March 2009 which implies net addition of Rs 540.5 billion in the nine months of the current fiscal year. In relation to GDP the domestic debt stood at 28.7 percent of GDP which is lower than end-June 2008 level at 31.3 percent. The domestic debt grew by 16.8 percent which was lower than last years' growth of 23.3 percent. The increase in domestic debt is lower than nominal GDP growth which helped reduction of 2.7 percentage points of GDP.

Interest payments on domestic debt stood at Rs 551 billion, which sums to 41.8 percent of tax revenues and 30.5 percent of total revenues estimates of 2008-09. As a percentage of total expenditure budgeted for 2008-09, interest payments are currently 23.0 percent. The interest payments on domestic debt stood at 4.3 percent of GDP for 2008-09.

EDUCATION Education is extensively regarded as a route to economic prosperity being the key to scientific and technological advancement. Hence, it plays a pivotal role in human capital formation and a necessary tool for sustainable socio-economic growth. Education also combats unemployment, confirms sound foundation of social equity, awareness, tolerance, self-esteem and spread of political socialisation and cultural vitality.

Public expenditure on education as percentage to GDP is lowest in Pakistan due to fiscal resources constraint that paved the way to synchronisation in terms of GDP allocation. The trend of investment on Education in terms of GDP has been 2.50 percent and 2.47 percent in the years 2006-07 and 2007-8 respectively whereas it is estimated to be 2.10 percent during the 2008-09.

It is on the lower side in accordance to requirement, given the importance of the sector, but seems appropriate in terms of current financial situation of the economy. The budget allocation has increased by 8.6 percent in 2008-09 as against an increase of 17 percent in 2007-08.

According to Pakistan Social and Living Measurement (PSLM) Survey data (2007-08), the overall literacy rate (age 10 years and above) is 56 percent (69 percent for male and 44 percent for female) in 2007-08 compared to 55 percent (67 percent for male and 42 percent for female) in 2006-07.

Literacy remains higher in urban areas (71 percent) than in rural areas (49 percent) and more in men (69 percent) compared to women (44 percent). When analysed provincially, literacy rate in Punjab stood at 59 percent, followed by Sindh (56 percent), NWFP (49 percent) and Balochistan at 46 percent.

The literacy rate of Punjab and Balochistan has improved considerably during 2006-07 to 2007-08. The overall school attendance (age 10 years and above) is 58 percent (71 percent for male and 46 percent for female) in 2007-08 compared to 56 percent (68 percent for male and 44 percent for female) in 2005-06.

According to the Ministry of Education, there are currently 227,243 institutions in the country. The overall enrolment is recorded at 34.49 millions with teaching staff of 1.27 million.

HEALTH & NUTRITION The government attaches a very high priority to the improvement of health facilities so as to translate the economic success into social benefits. In Pakistan, the coverage of health facilities has improved over the years. The existing network of medical services consists of 948 hospitals, 4794 dispensaries, 5310 basic health units (BHUs), 561 rural health centres (RHCs) and the availability of 103037 hospital beds.

Besides, there are 133956 doctors, 9012 dentists and 65387 nurses in the country. During the calendar year 2008, the population to medical facilities ratio in terms of doctor works out 1212 person per doctor, 18010 person per dentist, 2478 person per nurse and availability of one hospital bed for 1575 persons.

The total outlay on health during 2008-09 is estimated at Rs 74 billion which shows an increase of 23 percent over last year and works out 0.5 percent of GNP. The new health facilities added to the overall health services system during 2008-09, include the construction of 48 new facilities (35 BHUs and 13 RHCs), up-gradation of 890 existing facilities (850 BHUs and 40 RHCs), addition of 4300 hospital beds and training of 4500 doctors, 400 dentists, 3200 nurses and 5000 paramedics beside training of 96000 LHVs. To control the common diseases and to alleviate their pain and suffering, various health programmes like TB, Malaria and AIDS Control Programmes were carried out.

The caloric intake per person has been estimated as 2363 per day in 2008-09 and per capita protein availability has increased from 69.5 gram last year to 70.0 gram in the 2008-09.

The population of Pakistan stood at 164.07 in mid-2009. If the existing trend remains unchanged, it will reach 167 million by the year 2010 and 194 million by 2020 (NIPS).

The density of population per person is 185 (2003). According to 2007 province-wise demographics estimates of the planning and development division, Punjab has 55.46 percent of the total population of Pakistan.

Sindh has 22.92 percent of entire population, NWFP has 13.73 percent population. Balochistan is the least populous with population 5.15 percent, while Islamabad has 0.7 percent population and Federally Administered Tribal Areas have 2.37 percent of entire population. Total fertility rate has decreased by 58.33 percent in the past 10 years.

Crude birth rate (CBR) measures the growth and crude death rate (CDR) measures the decline of a population. These also give the birth and death rates among a population of 1000.

CBR in Pakistan is estimated at 25 while 10 years ago it was 31.7 which is a good trend. Similarly, CDR is 7.7 and about a decade ago it was 9. Both of these indicate that improvement on the population front is evident. This also shows that health statistics are gradually improving.

Life expectancy has also increased to 64.9 years from 62.3, 10 years ago. Infant mortality rate was 81.1 in 1998 while it is 70.2 per thousand live births now. The decline explains that certain diseases have been controlled and there has been greater access to health care for the people.

Pakistan has a labour force of 51.78 million people. Women labour force has increased, which stood at 10.96 million that is 0.1 million more than the previous year. The total number of people employed was 49.09 million that is 1.44 million more than the previous year.

The supply of labour force in the economy and the composition of the country's human resource is the labour force participation rate (LFPR). Crude activity rate is the currently active population expressed as a percentage of the total population in Pakistan. Crude activity has increased negligibly in 2007-08; it is 32.2 percent.

Agriculture dominates the distribution of employed persons among all major industries, leading at 44.65 percent during 2008. Trade ranks second having share of 14.62 percent, while mining and manufacturing have the third largest share of 13.11 percent.

The "Others" category have the combined distribution of employed persons in several industries of 15.17 percent. Trade, Mining & Manufacturing, and Agriculture combined employ 72.38 percent of the labour force. During the period 1999-2000 to 2005-06, 11.33 million work opportunities were created, due mainly to the strong economic growth. However, in the subsequent year ie 2007-08, an increase of 1.44 million employed persons was seen.

Various steps are being taken by the government like People's Works Programme, National Internship Programme, People's Rozgar Programme, National Bank of Pakistan. NBP will provide credit for self-employment, National Employment Scheme would be launched in the country under which employment will be provided to one person of each poor family in 50 percent districts of the country.

POVERTY AND INCOME DISTRIBUTION Although persistent growth in per capita income which determines absolute purchasing power, and minimal of inflation, which determines the net purchasing power coupled with least skewed income distribution is required for perpetual decline in poverty incidence, it varies both in terms of space and time governed by domestic and international influent factors.

In this perspective year 2008-09 has been an exceptional year. International financial crisis after translation into reduced and even negative growth rates the world over, in conjunction with soaring fuel and food prices, are at best estimated to increase poverty estimates the world over.

Headcount ratio decreased marginally from 23.94 percent in 2004-05 to 22.32 percent in 2005-06. Federal Bureau of Statistics has already furnished the results of PSLM 2007-08 to Centre for Research on Poverty & Income Distribution (CRPRID). Analysis thereof will be available in due course which will determine the direction of change in poverty incidence, the quantum of change and quintile based consumption pattern.

Selected social indicators, based on PSLM 2007-08, register an improvement in standard of living which may serve as a proxy to reduction in poverty. An efficient fiscal management is a prerequisite for a desirable distribution of fiscal burden in the society. However, social safety nets have their immediate significance as well as efficacy for targeted poverty reduction.

During year 2008-09, government took various initiatives to combat poverty which included PPAF, micro finance SME operations, Benazir Income Support programme, Peoples Works programme, Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal and Punjab Government initiatives including tractor subsidy, sasti roti and Punjab food support scheme; which will help enhance absolute per capita income, net per capita income and widen the scope to earn livelihood.

Agriculture, services and manufacturing sector each is among the largest source of employment for income generation. Although agriculture, barring livestock, is expected to grow faster in 2008-09 than in 2007-08, industry and services sector will register a declining growth rate with shifting pressure for employment to other sectors outside the organised sectors, acceptance of lower grade jobs, lower income and thus lower consumption.

Overseas migration and the resulting remittances have served dual objectives world-wide; ie, easing pressure on employment market and providing foreign exchange for balance of payments as well as budgetary support. Remittances supplement the household income, uplift life standard and thus reduce absolute poverty.

Remittances help the household to increase their consumption expenditure on food, develop expenditure on housing, skill development and establishment of small businesses thus improving the scope for higher future income. Remittances from expatriate Pakistanis are believed to have had a major impact on the reduction in the incidence of poverty.

The total remittances inflows between 2001-02 and 2007-08 amounted to $31 billion, equivalent to 18.3 percent of GDP. In 2007-08, remittances reached a record level of $6.5 billion. This massive inflow of foreign remittances, when translated into increased consumption expenditures and greater employment opportunities generated through greater investments in the construction industry, the SME sector, and other businesses contributed to the decline in poverty in the country.

The record workers remittances ($739.43 million) in March 2009, could serve as a major source of satisfaction. It is also worrisome with the apprehension that big rise in remittances may indicate that those Pakistani workers abroad who have lost work are moving their capital back home. There are downside risks to remittances in the wake of ongoing recession in the source countries.

Almost all Pakistani overseas workers' destination countries are projected to grow at lower rate in 2008-09 compared 2007-08 which will influence overseas migration of Pakistan labour and thus lower remittance. All such factors are likely to serve as a stress on poverty reduction strategy and would necessitate further pro growth strategic measures and further strengthening of social safety nets.

TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION Transportation network of any country is of vital importance to its development and affects all sectors through economic linkages. It ensures safe and timely travelling encourages business activities and cuts down transportation costs while granting access to producers for marketing their goods. Pakistan's economic development also depends on improvement/modernisation of its transport sector accounting for 11 percent to GDP & 16 percent to fixed investment.

Pakistan has a vast road network covering 258,350 kilometres including 176,589 km of high type roads and 81,761 km of low type roads. Total roads network which were 229,595 km in 1996-97, increased to 258,350 km by 2008-09 indicating an increase of 12.5 percent. During the out-going fiscal year, the length of the high type road network increased by 1.3 percent but the length of the low type road network declined by 2.7 percent because most of the low type roads have been converted to high type roads.

An effective railway system facilitates commerce and trade, reduces transportation cost and promotes rural development and national integration while reducing the burden on commuters. Pakistan Railway carried 63.0 million passengers and 5.4 million tons of freight during current fiscal year and its earning stood at Rs 17442 million.

The outgoing year (2008) was also exceptionally difficult for PIA, as the airline was equally affected by the unprecedented increase in fuel cost coupled with weaker Pakistani Rupee which severely hurt PIA and eventually it had to bear huge loss on its US $ loans. PIA international passenger traffic, excluding Haj traffic registered an increase of 3.5 percent (passengers despite the seat (capacity) reduction of 2.3 percent.

On domestic routes passenger traffic also registered an increase of 3.6 percent passengers, despite the seat (capacity) reduction of 7.4 percent. Hence in terms of capacity utilisation, overall Passenger Seat Factor (excluding Haj) increased to 74.5 percent during the year 2008 as compared to 70.3 in 2007 although Airline was constrained to mount less ASKs (Available Seat Kilometres) by 5.7 percent. Similarly, though Cargo capacity was also lowered by -13.8 percent during the year 2008, load factor compared to the year 2007 improved by 2.7 percent.

Karachi Port Trust (KPT) is contributing in the economic growth of the country, by its record cargo handled at KPT. During the first seven months of the current fiscal year, it posted a remarkable increase of 44.3 percent in export handled at Karachi Port Trust. During first nine months of current financial year 2008-09, Port Qasim Authority handled 18.01 million tones cargo depicting a shortfall of 9 percent over July 07-March 08 owing to global economic crisis.

Pakistan National Shipping Corporation (PNSC) lifted 5762.2 million tons of liquid cargo and 865.0 million tons of dry cargo during the current fiscal year. The consolidated revenues of the Group for the quarter ending March 31, 2009 were Rs 9503 million during the period under review as against Rs 7,471 million for the corresponding period last year showing an increase of 27 percent. The first commercial ship bringing 66000 tons of cargo was handled on Gwadar Port during March 2008.

Telecom sector of Pakistan exhibited positive but slow growth in terms of revenue, subscribers and teledensity. During the current fiscal year total teledensity reached up to 60.6 percent. However, cellular segment led the share in total teledensity by 93.7 percent, followed by Fixed Local Loop (FLL) 3.8 percent, and Wireless Local Loop (WLL) 2.5 percent.

During the first 9 months of 2008-09, cellular market added 3,422,599 subscribers with average of 0.3 million per month and total subscribers reached 91.4 million. Total fixed line subscribers in Pakistan stand at a total of 3.7 million as of March, 2009, yielding total teledensity of 2.3 percent. Total WLL subscribers stood at 2.5 million and density in the country touched 1.5 percent in March, 09. There are currently more than 12,000 cities/towns/villages covered by WLL services.

At present there are 384,187 fixed, mobile and WLL payphones available across Pakistan. There are currently 267,180 broadband subscribers showing almost 59 percent growth in the last six-month time.

ENERGY Notwithstanding output fluctuations, a higher quantity of energy is an ever-present requirement. The outgoing year has witnessed number of internal and external challenges in Pakistan's economy and shortfall in energy sector is among the major problems. During the current year, supply and consumption of energy remained lower than previous years.

The consumption of energy remained low due to overall slow down of economy, while the major cause behind the lesser energy supplies remained circular debt issue in the energy sector. Energy shortages dragged the performance of economy especially large-scale manufacturing.

The consumption of petroleum products, gas and coal during the first nine months (July-March 2008-09) of the current fiscal year decreased by 3.4 percent, 2.5 percent and 26.5 percent, respectively over the corresponding period of last year. On the other hand, supply of crude oil, petroleum products, coal, and electricity during the first nine months of the outgoing fiscal year 2008-09 decreased by 5.5 percent, 2.8 percent, 26.5 percent and 17.9 percent, respectively over the corresponding period of last year.

Production of crude oil per day decreased to 66,531 barrels per day during July-March 2008-08 from 70,165 barrels per day during the same period last year, showing a decrease of 5.2 percent. On average, the transport sector consumed 50.6 percent of the petroleum products, followed by power sector (33.1 percent), industry (10.3 percent), household (1.7 percent), other government (2.1 percent), and agriculture (1.1 percent) during last 10 years ie 1998-99 to 2007-08.

The average production of natural gas per day stood at 3,986.5 million cubic feet during July-March, 2008-09, as compared to 3,965.9 million cubic feet over the same period of last year, showing an increase of 0.52 percent. On average, the power sector consumed 29.9 percent of gas, followed by industrial sector (25.1 percent), household (18.4 percent), fertiliser (16.1 percent), Transport (7.1 percent), commercial sector (2.8 percent) and cement (0.6 percent) during last 10 years ie 1998-99 to 2007-08.

The total installed generation capacity increased to 19.754 MW during July-March 2008-09 from 19,566 MW during the same period last year, showing a marginal increase (1.0 percent). Total installed capacity of Wapda stood at 11,454 MW during July-March 2008-09 of which, hydel accounts for 57.2 percent or 6,555 MW, thermal accounts for 42.8 percent or4, 899 MW. The number of villages electrified increased to 133,463 by March 2009 as compared to 126,296 by March 2008, showing an increase of 5.7 percent.

Presently, some 2.700 CNG stations are operating in the country. By March 2009 about 2.0 million vehicles were converted to CNG as compared to 1.70 million vehicles during the same period last year, showing an increase of 17.6 percent. With these developments Pakistan has now become the largest CNG using country.

Pakistan's natural resources are increasingly under stress due to rapid population growth and environmentally unsustainable practices. Although densely settled, Pakistan's terrain is largely arid or semi-arid.

According to Asian Development Bank's Country Environment Analysis Report, 2008, pressing environmental concerns facing the country relate broadly to the management of scarce natural resources (green issues), pollution and waste management (brown) and potential vulnerabilities to natural hazards and climate change.

The Government of Pakistan has declared 2009 as the National Year of Environment. In this regard the current year was kicked off with a Regional level workshop on Climate Change, which was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

A Medium Term Development Framework 2005-2010 (MTDF) adopted by the GoP in mid-2005 coincided with the approval of a new and far-reaching National Environmental Policy (NEP), with the goal to "protect, conserve and restore Pakistan's environment in order to improve the quality of life of the citizens through sustainable development", and establishing directions for water supply and management, air quality, waste management, forestry, biodiversity, energy efficiency, and agriculture.

The Government has also made a considerable increase in its funds allocation for Environmental projects in the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP). According to Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA), 2006, common gases emitted by vehicles include carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, and ozone, and are dangerous to human health beyond certain levels of concentration.

For managing the rapidly deteriorating air quality an Environmental Monitoring System (EMS) to monitor the air quality at both Federal and four Provincial Capitals has been launched by the Government. Data from World Water Forum suggests water pollution causes 60 percent of infant mortality in Pakistan and is now one of the leading causes of death in the country.

Realising the importance and role of sanitation in the improvement of environment as well as the commitment to achieve the MDG sanitation goals, the MoEnv launched the National Sanitation Policy of Pakistan before the Federal Cabinet soon after the Second South Asian Conference.

The Ministry in collaboration with UNICEF, Water & Sanitation Programme (World Bank), Water Aid, Rural Support Programme Network (RSPN) etc, launched awareness and training programmes in the year 2008, the International Year of Sanitation (IYS 2008).

Installation of water filtration plants in different areas is underway. The implementation of which is targeted to be completed within this fiscal year. The latest figures released by the MoEnv estimated that about 38 percent of Pakistan's irrigated land is waterlogged; the productivity of soil is being lost due to salinity and sodicity.

To achieve the MDGs targets of vegetation cover of 6 percent by 2015, the Planning Commission proactively interacted with the MoEnv and the Provincial Forest Departments to come up with project for afforestation/reforestation to meet the MTDF and MDGs targets. The President of Pakistan launched a Mass Afforestation Programme on December 22, 2008. This programme will be spread over a period of five years and shall largely be sponsored by private entrepreneurs for planting trees on state and other suitable lands.

Climate change is also a matter of concern for Pakistan because of the impact it will have on glaciers releasing water for crops. The receding glaciers will increase water flows in the Indus basin, followed by permanent reductions.

The main challenge is to develop an understanding of how climate change could affect Pakistan's uplands and rivers, its agro-ecological zones and subzones in the Indus Plain, and coastal lands. Pakistan's Planning Commission has recently established a task force to investigate the impact of climate change on the country's agriculture, economy and natural resources.

The Government has also recently initiated the Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) on Climate Change. TAP is expected to provide the requisite input to the government to combat the threat of climate change by an enabling policy, regulatory framework and vulnerability assessments of Climate Change. The official launch of the TAP was held on February 15, 2008.

It is encouraging to note that Pakistan is blessed with a strategic location that enhances its capacity to benefit from natural resources, provided these resources are efficiently managed and maintained.

So far the Government has taken significant initiatives in collaboration with international agencies to counter complex issues responsible for environmental degradation. A pragmatic approach towards multifarious challenges requires in depth and focused research, without which desired results will remain unachievable.

LAHORE (June 10 2009): With major emphasis on energy sector development, the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) with total outlay of Rs 421 billion has been finalised by the Planning Commission. The energy sector spending, sources said, comes to 33 percent of the total PSDP. To overcome energy shortage, investment by the government and Wapda from its own resources during 2009-10 would be around Rs 139 billion for power generation and conservation.

This would not only make available additional power but also help reduce cost of doing business, sources added. Allocation for health sector has been increased by 82 percent from Rs 14 billion to Rs 26 billion, reflecting overall continuous emphasis on improving the productivity of human capital and general quality of life. Major programmes include EPI (Rs 6 billion), MCH (Rs 3 billion) and Primary Health Care (Rs 7 billion).

The number of Lady Health Workers (LHW) will be increased during the next financial year to: achieve the target of 200,000 and provide health facilities at the doorstep in rural areas, sources said. Allocation for education and training has been increased from Rs 20 billion to Rs 32 billion (60 percent) so as to ensure availability of qualified human resources to match the highly competitive world market.

Productivity of Pakistani labour is very low as compared to other countries. To sharpen the skills of the labour force, Hunarmand Pakistan Programme is being financed. This programme will help improve skills of labour, which will create more demand for them both at home and abroad.

Major initiative in power sector is initiation of Basha Diamer Dam during 2009-10. Both the government and Wapda would arrange finances. In addition to hydel, said the sources, nuclear sources would also be used for power generation; projects such as C3, C4 with an investment of Rs 190 billion are being initiated. These projects would generate 600 MW electricity by 2016, sources said. Water sector allocation has been proposed Rs 58 billion which comes to 14 percent of the total federal programme.

According to the sources, 32 small and medium darns, 8 in each province are being financed under the proposed PSDP. Similarly, adequate allocation has been made to projects such as national programme of watercourses, irrigation system rehabilitation, lining of canals and distributions, etc.

In order to complete Mangla Dam Raising Project (including resettlement) Rs 12.0 billion have been proposed. The Wapda will be able to store 2.88 MAF additional water during next monsoon season, they said. On transport and communication sector, allocation of Rs 70 billion has been made. Of this amount, said the sources, about Rs 45 billion are proposed for NHA, and Rs 11.7 billion for Railways. This would ensure economic integration and balanced regional development, they added.

Under the new initiative of the government, to reduce poverty, provide employment, better quality of life, promoting good governance, skill development special initiatives have been launched. These included establishment of technical institutes of international repute in 27 Districts all over the country with a total cost of Rs 7 billion. Further continuation of income support fund involves social protection initiative with a total outlay of Rs 70 billion.

Housing programme for the poor and government servants was started during 2008-09. This programme would continue with an allocation of Rs 1 billion. This amount would be used as a revolving fund, sources said. Similarly, integrated agriculture marketing and storage infrastructure project is being initiated to ensure food security which in return help reduce poverty and better quality of life in the shape of higher incomes to farmers.

In order to assist small farmers, Benazir Income Scheme costing over Rs 4 billion is being launched and to save agricultural produce. Modern grain storage facilities would be created with an investment of Rs 27 billion. A new concept of Public Private Partnership in the field of dairy products is being introduced with equity of Rs 3.5 billion.

The government would play advisory role while private sector would implement the project. According to the sources, Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (ROZs) in NWFP and Balochistan are being established with an allocation of overRs 3 billion. It has also been proposed that the government should develop Thar Coal infrastructure.

The World Bank has pledged grant assistance for preparation of the project. The Sindh government is being allowed to negotiate loan with the World Bank. Allocation for Special Areas (AJK, NAs & Fata) has been enhanced from Rs 16 billion to Rs 38 billion (123 percent) with a view to accelerating development in less-developed areas.

June 10 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan’s inflation slowed for a seventh straight month in May, giving the central bank room to cut interest rates to stimulate growth.

Consumer prices in South Asia’s second-largest economy rose 14.39 percent from a year earlier after gaining 17.19 percent in April, the Federal Bureau of Statistics said on its Web site today. That was the smallest increase since March 2008 and less than the 15.3 percent expected by economists.

Governor Syed Salim Raza in April slashed the central bank’s key rate for the first time since 2002, reducing borrowing costs to 14 percent from 15 percent. That may help prop up growth in Pakistan, which is struggling to deal with Taliban insurgents and a crumbling economy.

“Pakistan’s economy is stuck in a slowdown and is in need of some sort of stimulus to drive things going forward,” said Khalid Iqbal Siddiqui, an economist at Invest & Finance Securities Ltd. in Karachi. A further 100 basis-point reduction in the central bank’s discount rate “cannot be ruled out.”

Former Governor Shamshad Akhtar last year increased interest rates to a decade high to slow runaway inflation and help shore up the nation’s foreign-exchange reserves.

Higher borrowing costs have dented growth in the economy, which is predicted by the government to expand 2 percent in the year to June 30, down from 5.8 percent last year.

IMF Bailout

The country was forced to turn to the International Monetary Fund for a $7.6 billion rescue package in November after its reserves shrank 75 percent in a year to $3.45 billion.

International donors meeting in Tokyo in April pledged more than $5 billion to help Pakistan shore up its ailing finances and fight terrorism.

Governor Raza may be reluctant to lower interest rates “aggressively” as core inflation remains uncomfortably high, said analysts including Muhammad Imran Khan from First Capital Equities Ltd. in Karachi.

Core inflation, which excludes food and energy prices, slowed to 16.6 percent in May from 17.7 percent in April, according to today’s report.

“The risk of too sharp a cut is to convey the feeling that the battle against inflation has been won and unfortunately, that’s not true,” Raza said in a March 13 interview with Bloomberg News. “Too sharp a cut would seem to be populist, premature or succumbing to pressure. I would err on the side of gradualism and do it in stages.”

Inflation may also pick up in the last quarter of 2009 as the government plans to increase electricity tariffs by as much as 17 percent, said Mustafa Pasha, an economist at BMA Capital Management Ltd. in Karachi.

The central bank predicts inflation, which soared to a three-decade high of 25.33 percent in August 2008, may ease to 11 percent by June. The bank’s next monetary policy statement is due in late July.

June 10 (Bloomberg) -- Pakistan’s trade deficit narrowed by 45.9 percent in May as imports fell faster than exports.

The trade gap fell to $1.06 billion in the eleventh month of the fiscal year ending June 30, from $1.96 billion a year earlier, according to data posted on the Web site of the Federal Bureau of Statistics in Islamabad.

Overseas sales fell 21.9 percent to $1.49 billion, while imports fell 34 percent to $2.56 billion, according to the data.

Pakistan is seeking to boost exports to increase growth in a country where the World Bank estimated two-thirds of the population of 170 million people, survive on less than $2 a day.

Exports in the ten month period ending May 31 fell 5.1 percent to $16.3 billion and imports fell 12.4 percent to $31.5 billion. The 11-month trade gap narrowed 19 percent to $15.2 billion, according to the data.

A flurry of diplomatic meetings in both Ashgabat and Islamabad indicates that Turkmenistan is inching ever closer to becoming a major supplier of Pakistan’s energy needs.

Pakistan’s Minister for Water and Power, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, has asked Turkmenistan’s ambassador to Islamabad, Sapar Berdiniyazo, to export electricity via Iran, The News reported on June 10. Berdiniyazo assured the minister that Turkmenistan has a "surplus of electricity," the report added.

Separately, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov met on June 9 with outgoing Pakistani ambassador to Turkmenistan Said Akbar Afridi, who had served in Ashgabat since 2006.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s inflation rose 14.39 per cent in May from a year ago, but at its slowest pace for 14 months, raising hopes that the central bank will cut interest rates further to help the economy out of virtual recession.

Pakistan’s inflation, measured by the consumer price index, rose 14.12 per cent in March 2008.

“The implications for easing of inflation is that in the next monetary policy, we can see a further reduction in interest rates by at least 100 basis points,” said Asif Qureshi, head of research at Invisor Securities Ltd.

The State Bank of Pakistan is due to review the monetary policy in July for the quarter ending Sept 30. It cut its key interest rate by 100 basis points to 14 per cent in April in order to boost economic growth.

Pakistan is due to announce its budget on Saturday and the Planning Commission projects GDP to grow 3.3 per cent in 2009/10.

In 2008/09, it is expected to grow 2 per cent, tantamount to recession in an emerging economy with more than a third of its people living in poverty and with an annual population growth of more than 2 per cent.

The economy has slowed sharply after growing by 5.8 per cent in 2007/08.

The CPI was up 0.23 per cent over April, 2009. The CPI in April was up 1.41 per cent from March. Using 2000/01 as the base year, the CPI stood at 197.74 in May against 197.28 in April.
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