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Asks Pak govt not to change goalpost​

Thursday, November 20, 2008

ISLAMABAD: A high powered mission of the World Bank will be visiting Pakistan from November 22 to 28 for finalizing Poverty Assessment Report (PAR) and discussing other technical issues related to conducting in-depth analysis on poverty, The News has learnt.

Although, the WB has validated official poverty figure of 22.3 per cent in accordance with the latest survey of 2005-06 but the Bank will come up with its own poverty figure in the upcoming Poverty Assessment Report.

Basically, the WB had used another methodology (Tornqvist Price Index (TPI) survey, which resulted into giving poverty figure of 29 per cent in 2004-05 against official figures of 23.9 per cent.

There will be slightly different number from the official estimates of 22.3 per cent for 2005-06 in the upcoming PAR of the World Bank.

The PAR will give detailed analysis on various aspects of the prevailing poverty trend in case of this part of the world.

The World Bank’s team has an important role in analysing poverty in Pakistan twice in 2004-05 and 2005-06 because the Bank experts along with UNDP conducted in-depth analysis and validated the methodology in order to avoid controversy over it.

The upcoming mission of the WB will be comprised of poverty experts of the World Bank who will also visit Lahore, Karachi and other cities during their stay in the country.

“The WB has prepared various analyses on various aspects of poverty which will also be shared with stakeholders,” said the official sources and added that the experts possessed data of Household Income Expenditure Survey (HIES) for 2005-06 and they would come up with detailed analysis, which would be shared with concerned stakeholders during a workshop.

The poverty figure always remained controversial in the country and the previous Shaukat Aziz regime decided to involve international donors in order to avoid plunging into any controversy.

The Finance Ministry, the sources said, will recommend the government to again involve international donors for conducting and validating analysis on upcoming poverty figures on the basis of HIES survey for 2007-08. The latest poverty figure will be made public probably by January 2009.

The government used Consumer Price Index (CPI) to determine people living below the poverty line on the basis of 2350 calorie intake per person.

The WB has recommended the government not to change goalpost for achieving trust of the people and experts on the poverty issue.

The WB working paper also recommends the authorities concerned to assess the poverty figures after three to five years period as much of change cannot be achieved in one year period.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

ISLAMABAD: British High Commissioner to Pakistan, Robert Brinkley on Wednesday here expressed that the Britain’s companies have tremendous interest to take part in the privatisation programme of Pakistan.

In a meeting with Syed Naveed Qamar Federal Minister for Privatisation, the envoy informed the Minister that the British entrepreneurs working in Pakistan were having continued interest to work and safeguard their businesses in Pakistan and were looking forward to the opportunities to further increase their operations by expanding the existing projects and to explore new avenues for investment.

Brinkley refuted the impression that the British companies working in Pakistan were winding up their projects. Robert W Gibson Deputy High Commission was also present during the meeting.

Syed Naveed Qamar Federal Minister for Privatisation lauded the interest shown by the British companies and said that the government was committed to the privatisation of public sector entities through a competitive, transparent, fair and open process to improve the efficiency, production, bring in expertise, latest technology and fresh investments in the largest interest of the nation and the country.

He appreciated the offer made by the British envoy for enhancing the interaction between the British investors and Pakistan’s Privatisation Commission and assured that strategy would be devised to have constant touch with UK’s business groups.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Salman Faruqui said here on Wednesday that the government intends to target 7 million vulnerable people through Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP). Initially the government had allocated budget of Rs34 billion to provide assistance to 3.5 million people, however, the outreach would be enhanced up to 7 million people, he said while chairing a meeting with the World Bank team on social protection at the PC.

Among others, PC members, Akram Malik, Dr Rashid Amjad, Dr Pervez Butt, Gen Zubair and Dr Ashfaq were also present on the occasion. The team, led by Mansoor Rashid, Sector Manager WB Washington, has been visiting Pakistan to hold discussions with government officials and agencies for establishing sustainable and viable safety network for the poor.

Faruqui said the government would also introduce agriculture credit cards to facilitate farmers get credits for agriculture input and enhance agriculture production to help ensure food security in the country. He informed the WB delegation that the country needed to provide immediate relief to the vulnerable population and cannot afford to delay it more.

He said the government’s current poverty reduction strategy would continue, however, the government would keep on exploring better alternative and acceptable poverty reduction strategies. He also briefed the WB team about the reforms process taking place in the PC, saying that it would be made more effective by taking several measures.

He said the Planning Commission has decided to utilize services of experts and create a link between the commission and provincial institutions for the proper execution of development projects. A consultative workshop is also scheduled to be held on Friday with an aim to make the poverty reduction strategy programme more viable and sustainable with focus on addressing the vulnerable population.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

KARACHI: Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia, Mustakim said that his country would extend all possible help and assistance towards promoting trade in the sector of rubber and food items besides the textile sector.

On a visit to Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) on Wednesday, he added that Indonesia and Pakistan had already agreed to enhance the existing volume of mutual trade in various sectors of the economy and there are ample opportunities to enhance and promote the existing trade and business relations between both the countries.

He said that exchange of trade delegations would enable both the countries to learn from each other’s experiences for exploring new avenues of trade, business, investment and technical education in sectors like livestock, dairy farming, palm oil and fisheries.

Anjum Nisar, President KCCI speaking on the occasion said that Pakistani businessmen and trade community may join hands with Indonesia in energy, communication, livestock, dairy farming, fisheries and palm oil sectors.

He also stressed upon acceleration of trade and business activities by both the countries in the fields of exchange of professional technical services, broad based business promotion through Chamber to Chamber contacts which would further strengthen the bilateral trade and business relations between the two countries.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

ISLAMABAD: The government has decided to abandon various departments related to alternative energy currently working under the umbrella of four ministries/divisions and merge them with Alternative Energy Board in order to reduce millions of rupees expenditure incurred on each of them on per annum basis, it is learnt.

“We have decided merger of departments of alternative energy related initiatives working under various ministries/divisions in order to reduce expenditures and avoid duplication of work,” a senior government official disclosed while talking to The News here on Wednesday.

However, when official spokesman of Alternative Energy Board (AEB) was contacted for comments on Wednesday, he said that the AEB was not aware of any development in this regard.

But the ministerial level source insisted that the decision to this effect was taken by high powered ministerial committee of the PPP government in a bid to overcome severe criticism on the incumbent regime for appointing battalions of ministers, minister of state and parliamentary secretaries at a time when the country is getting loan from the IMF.

“Yes, we have decided to abolish those departments where there is duplication of work going on under various ministries/divisions in a bid to curtail expenditures,” a top official of Gilani government told The News. By merging all departments only single institution will be made responsible to avoid duplication of work being done under umbrella of various ministries.

The first decision, he said, has been taken by the government to merge Alternative Energy related departments currently working under various ministries including Ministry of Science & Technology and others for doing the same kind of work.

“A Ministerial committee held its meeting on Tuesday in which it was agreed in principle to merge all departments into Alternative Energy Board in a bid to avoid duplication of work,” he added.

ISLAMABAD: The Central Development Working Party (CDWP) is likely to recommend and take up 56 developmental projects worth Rs 131.531 billion with foreign exchange component (FEC) worth Rs 9.1451 billion, according to the CDWP agenda obtained by the Daily Times.

Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Salman Faruqui will preside the meeting to be held on November 22.

The projects are for different sectors including transport and communication, water resources, energy, Physical Planning and Housing (PP&H), Higher Education Commission (HEC), Social Welfare and Women Development, Mass Media and Health.

The CDWP can only approve projects costing up to Rs 500 million. Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) must approve the projects above this limit.

The CDWP agenda shows that the transport and communication sector has 11 projects worth Rs 11.259 billion with FEC Rs 2.567 billion. The Water Resources has 4 projects worth Rs 70.962 billion. The Energy sector consists of 18 projects worth Rs 35.787 billion including Rs 5.187 billion as FEC.

The PP&H has 11 projects with total cost of Rs 9.290 billion with Rs 751.342 million FEC. The CDWP agenda further reveals that the HEC has 4 development projects with total cost of Rs 1.816 billion including Rs 635.243 million FEC.

The Social Welfare and Women Development sector has 5 projects worth Rs 2.352 billion. Mass Media has single project namely "Up-Gradation of 10KW to 100KW Transmitter at Larkana" worth Rs 63.150 million. The cost of 2 Health related projects is not mentioned in the agenda.

Some of the national importance projects in the CDWP are; "Lining of distributaries and minor in Sindh province worth Rs 6.278 billion", "Manufacture of 530 New Design Bogies Wagons including brake vans worth Rs 4.589 billion", "Construction of Sibbi-Dhadar section of National Highway N-65 including 2 bridges Rs 1.008 billion", "Power distribution enhancement project phase-I STG-ELR-DOP, Rehabilitation capacitor installation and system modernisation (FESCO) worth Rs 1.392 billion with Rs 363 million FEC".

Other important projects are; "Power distribution enhancement project Phase-I STG-ELR-DOP rehabilitation capacitor installation and system modernisation (ISECO) worth Rs 2.610 billion with Rs 145.97 million as FEC", "Power distribution enhancement project Phase-I STG-ELR rehabilitation, capacitor installation (HESCO) worth Rs 3.057 billion with Rs 1.729 billion as FEC", "Power distribution enhancement project Phase-I STG-ELR-DOP rehabilitation, capacitor installation and system modernisation (QESCO) worth Rs 2.283 billion", "Power distribution enhancement project Phase-I STG-ELR-DOP rehabilitation capacitor installation and system modernisation (LESCO) worth Rs 3.281 billion with Rs 424.630 million as FEC", Development of under developed area of Sindh province worth Rs 4.721 billion with Rs 1.363 billion as FEC".

ISLAMABAD: The government would put in place audit programme for all Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) projects, adviser to Prime Minister on Finance and Economic Affairs, Shaukat Tareen said on Wednesday.

The audit would be conducted by internationally recognised agencies to streamline expenditure and rationalise the development projects, he said while addressing the Development Partners, who joined consultative workshop for sharing Draft of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper-II.

Tareen said that the government is prioritising all PSDP projects at federal, provincial and local levels.

He stressed the need that all development projects must have a pilot project to ensure success of subsequent full cycle projects and added that infrastructure development on nation-wide basis is a priority of the government.

The adviser also underlined the need for developing an integrated energy generation and conservation plan in a manner that could boost agriculture, industry and other production sector.

He said that government was making all out efforts to create a social safety net to protect vulnerable groups. The launch of the Benazir Income Support Programme while ensuring that benefit reaches to the target population.

He said that the government is working for stabilisation of macroeconomic indicators and all its initiatives are likely to be put in place by end January 2009. The government plans to bring down inflation, scaling down fiscal and current account deficit, besides paying special attention to mobilisation of additional internal resources.

Describing the agriculture as key to economic prosperity in Pakistan, he said its development must incorporate a pre-defined income security mechanism for farmers that could lead to productivity enhancement and high value crops focusing internal consumption and export needs.

He said that the government would put in place a system of infrastructure development to create competitive industrial base and special economic zones.

He added that the government plans to build its export market and trade system in a manner that access to EU and US market is made efficient, besides encouraging foreign direct investment and introducing organisational reforms in BoI to create greater efficiency.

The government is putting in place twenty years development rolling plan with prefixed goals that also contains six quarters rolling forecast in terms of best possible economic planning and development.

“Planning Commission has been geared up for this objective and a Policy Board is being formed to implement the decisions,” he added.

The adviser said, “The problem of circular debt needs to be broken down through instituting fiscal measure.”

He underlined the need for putting in place a set of administrative reforms so that government becomes an employer of choice for those who want to join it.

* Raises yield on 3-month paper​

KARACHI: State Bank of Pakistan picked up Rs 103.46 billion in a treasury bill auction on Wednesday, thanks to ample liquidity in the market.

The central bank picked up Rs 101.59 billion by selling three-year papers at 13.85 percent, a yield higher by 29 basis points than last auction's cut-off yield of 13.56. The central bank had set a target of Rs 75 billion.

A banker said the central bank managed to lift such large amount partly because of decrease in uncertainty in the market and partly because of the pressure it exerted over banks to elicit bids for large amounts at low rates. "Also, the money market rate was very low around 8 to 9 percent, so it was prudent to lend to the government," said the banker. Bankers said liquidity in the market had increased after the cuts in cash reserve requirement and some other changes in regulations that the central bank effected to help banks cope with the liquidity crisis.

"It was an encouraging sign for the government that the market participation was so big," said a banker. "They had been unable to raise their targeted amounts in the previous auctions because of uncertainty regarding interest rates." He, however, said the central bank would remain under market's pressure to raise the yields on treasury bills further. The central bank also picked up an insignificant Rs 1.86 billion through sale of six-month papers at 14.01 percent. State Bank of Pakistan lifted Rs 103.467 billion in all. Banks had offered Rs 124.83 billion in all.

KARACHI (November 20, 2008): Foreign exchange reserves fell $100 million to $6.64 billion in the week that ended on Nov. 15, the State Bank of Pakistan said on Thursday.

The State Bank of Pakistan's own reserves fell to $3.46 billion from $3.50 billion a week earlier, and reserves held by commercial banks were $3.18 billion compared with $3.24 billion.

ISLAMABAD (November 20 2008): The Federal Cabinet has approved economic stabilisation plan and directed the Ministry of Finance to finalise negotiations with International Monetary Fund (IMF) for reaching a formal agreement.

The special Cabinet meeting with one point agenda to review the overall economic situation held with Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani in the chair on Wednesday was of the view that accepting IMF facility was the only option to stabilise the economy and put the country on road to development and prosperity.

Advisor to Prime Minister on Finance Shaukat Tarin briefed the meeting on latest interaction of the government with IMF and latter's projected commitment to accept Pakistan's home-grown Economic Stabilisation Plan.

On Standby Facility offered by IMF, he informed the meeting that the Programme is spread over 23 months (7 Quarters), involving $7.6 billion at the interest rate of 3.51% to 4.51%. The Standby Facility will be approved by the IMF Board and a minimum of $3.2 billion will be credited to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) account in New York immediately after the approval, he added.

He said that contrary to the general impression in the country, IMF has never asked specifically for levying tax on agriculture sector. The IMF only asks for improved tax enforcement and tax to GDP ratio. The IMF facility was the best option to move forward for economic stabilisation, containing inflation, increasing forex reserves and containing budget/current account deficit, the advisor added.

Tarin said that increase in interest rate by 2% will not only control the core inflation but will also help in raising the saving by 2%. It was informed that with better financial discipline, the inflation will soon start coming down.

The meeting was told that the government has put in place a multi pronged strategy aiming to bolster overall economic scene during CFY-2008-09 in vital economic sectors like checking devaluation of rupee, reinvigoration of privatisation programme, expediting inflow of pending instalments from already privatised units, floating of workers remittances-based securitization bonds, FDI, and getting support from Friends of Pakistan.

Shaukat Tarin further briefed the cabinet on an urgent need to develop an integrated energy generation and conservation plan in a manner that could boost our agriculture, industry and other production sectors. The capital market needs to be strengthened. Banking sector's participation in overall economic development and support to the small investors merits special attention.

Advisor on Finance underlined the need for infrastructure development on nation wide basis which is to be attached utmost priority. He said that the government is making all out efforts to create a social safety net to protect vulnerable groups of the population through extending outreach of Benazir Income Support Programme that shall incorporate comprehensive transparency while covering the poor sections of society.

He said that the government is putting in place 5-10 years development rolling plan with prefixed goals which also contains six quarters rolling forecast in terms of best possible economic planning and development. Planning Commission has been geared up for this objective. A Policy Board is being formed to implement the decisions.

Shaukat Tarin further briefed the cabinet on comprehensive package that focuses working out a stabilisation of macro-economic indicators and all Government's initiatives are likely to be in place by end January 2009.

He said that government has planned to bring down inflation to less than 10% in 24 months, simultaneously scaling down fiscal and current account deficit, besides paying special attention to mobilisation of additional internal resources.

The problem of circular debt needs to be broken down through instituting special measures, the Cabinet was briefed. The meeting was also informed that the government is prioritising all PSDP projects at federal, provincial and local levels. The programme audit of all PSDP projects by internationally recognised agencies, of the ongoing processes to streamline expenditure and rationalise the development projects, shall be put in place. What the government would emphasise is that all development projects must have a pilot project to ensure success of subsequent full cycle projects.

The cabinet was informed that agriculture is key to economic prosperity in Pakistan and its development must incorporate a pre-defined income security mechanism for farmers that could lead to productivity enhancement and high value crops, focusing internal consumption and enhanced export needs/standards.

The meeting was told that the government shall put in place a system of infrastructure development to create competitive industrial base and special economic zones, which, currently is facing a downslide.

The Government is planning to encourage Pakistan's access to EU and US market, besides encouraging FDI and introducing organisational reforms in BOI to create greater efficiency and put in place professionally defined sectoral windows to facilitate domestic and foreign investment.

The Prime Minster said that good governance is the key of success as people have given us the mandate for change and in this regard huge responsibility rests on all the elected representatives. He directed the Ministers to set their own targets in their respective ministries aimed at changing the destiny of the people and also ensure its efficient implementation. He said that he would visit each Ministry to get a briefing on their future plan and their current performance.

ISLAMABAD (November 20 2008): South Korea is extending $161 million loan to Pakistan for energy, health and infrastructure, of which $1,573,800 will be paid to a Korean consultant, official sources told Business Recorder. The agreement signing ceremony will be held on Thursday (November 20) in the Economic Affairs Division (EAD).

Secretary EAD, Farrukh Qayyum will sign the documents on behalf of Pakistan government whereas Korean ambassador Shin Un will represent his country. The sources said Gujranwala Electric Supply Company (Gepco) has indicated to the EAD that the company's Board of Directors has agreed to undertake the consultancy with the consortium of M/s Kepco and M/s Buycksan of Korea at a cost of $1,573,800. The board has also authorised Gepco CEO to enter the deal.

ISLAMABAD (November 20 2008): GDP growth of 4.4 percent in the current fiscal year, 5 percent in 2009-10 and 5.5 percent in 2010-11 was forecast by Prime Minister's Advisor on Finance Shaukat Tarin while addressing development partners during a consultative workshop to review the drafts of Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper-II and Medium Term Policy Framework (MTPF) 2008-09 to 2010-11.

With regard to fiscal policy, he said that the government would focus on expenditure control, elimination of subsidies, automatic price adjustment for petroleum products and electricity, and institutionalisation of MTPF. In the MTPF, the government has pledged that it would raise tax-to-GDP ratio from less than 10 percent to 15 percent by the end of 2012-13 through a combination of elimination of exemptions, strengthening of federal tax administration, improved enforcement and removal of distortions in the tax system.

According to the drafts, the government would make efforts to bring down public debt, as percentage of GDP, by 2.5 percent per annum with effect from 2009-10. Public guarantees would be kept to 2 percent, or below, per annum; whereas savings as percentage of GDP were forecast at 13.1 in 2008-09, 15.1 in 2009-10 and 16.7 in 2010-11.

Investment to GDP is expected to be 19.5 percent in 2008-09, 20 percent in 2009-10 and 21 per cent in 2010-11. Inflation has been projected at 22 percent in 2008-09, followed by 13 percent in 2009-10, and 9.5 percent in 2010-11, while growth target in money supply (M2) has been forecast at 10.6 percent in current fiscal year and 15.9 percent in 2009-10.

Forex reserves with the SBP have been estimated at $8.5 billion in the current fiscal year, $9.1 billion in 2009-10 and $10.3 billion in 2010-11. He said: "We have planned to bring down inflation to less than 10 percent, scale down fiscal and current account deficit, besides paying special attention to mobilisation of additional internal resources."

Tarin said total allocations for the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) for the fiscal year 2008-09 is Rs 43 billion which would be enhanced to Rs 50 billion. "This is unlikely to alleviate poverty, but will serve to protect nutrition intake to a large extent," the MTPF documents claimed.

He said that there was an urgent need to develop an integrated energy generation and conservation plan in a manner that could boost agriculture, industry and other production sectors. The capital market needs to be strengthened.

Banking sector's participation in overall economic development and support to the small investors merits special attention, he said. He further said that infrastructure development on nation-wide basis "is a priority", and the government was making all out efforts to create a social safety net to protect the vulnerable groups of population through extending outreach of BISP, that needs to incorporate comprehensive transparency while covering the poor sections of society.

He said: "GoP is putting in place 20 years development rolling plan with prefixed goals which also contains six quarters' rolling forecast in terms of best possible economic planning and development. Planning Commission has been geared up for this objective. A Policy Board is being formed to implement the decisions.

"We are working towards stabilisation of macro-economic indicators and all our initiatives are likely to be in place by end January 2009." He said the problem of circular debt needs to be dealt with through instituting special fiscal measures.

Tarin said GoP is prioritising all PSDP projects at federal, provincial and local levels. The programme audit of all PSDP projects by internationally recognised agencies in an effort to streamline expenditure and rationalise the development projects would be put in place.

"What GoP would stress is that all development projects must have a pilot project to ensure success of subsequent full cycle projects," he added. He also stressed need for development of agriculture and industrial sectors which have not yet shown progress in accordance with expectations.

BEIJING (November 20 2008): China to build a power generating unit at Tunsa Barrage to help meet growing energy demand of the Punjab province. A Memorandum of Understanding in this regard was signed between Dongfang Electric Corporation (DEC) of Sichuan and Punjab government in the presence of Punjab Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif here on Tuesday.

Later, talking to APP, the Deputy General Manager of DEC Hu Liming said that his company will bring an initial investment of $200 million for the project and would welcome partners from Pakistani side as well.

ISLAMABAD (November 20 2008): Pakistan has presented about 71 projects worth nearly $60 billion to the Friends of Democratic Pakistan Group in Abu Dhabi seeking partnership to support its ventures in infrastructure, agriculture and education development alongwith medium/small dams construction.

The copies of presentation were distributed among media persons at a briefing held in Planning Commission here on Wednesday. The major thrust is on education, small and medium dams, agriculture along with market access.

These development projects encompassed strategy of balanced rural and urban growth to generate equitable economic activity, job opportunities for improving living standard of the people. The project areas have been selected keeping in view the provision of basic facilities and security situation. The demand for improvement of education system including madarassa reforms is US $1.876 billion.

INFRASTRUCTURE: Pakistan has placed demand for construction of new roads before the Friends of Democratic Pakistan to improve market access and transportation of goods from Karachi to upcountry destinations. The proposed amount for National Trade Corridor is US $9.0 billion; connectivity of Gawadar Port US $300 million; Gharo-Keti Bander Road US $50 million; Upgradation of KKH (Mansehra-Sazin Section) US $258 million; Realignment of KKH, US $200 million; Construction of 18 km long elevated highway (Rawalpindi Flyover) US $250 million, Lowari tunnel project US $125 million; Basha-Diamir Dam Site Road US $2.600 billion; Munda Dam project US $1150 million and Thar Coal Development project US $1000 million.

The cost of 32 small and medium dams is Rs 115 billion of which 22 are ready for construction costing Rs 78 billion. The demand for Livestock and Dairy development projects is US $119 million, Crop maximisation project US $100 million; Agri Research US $47 million and Special Agriculture Projects US $2 billion.

KARACHI (November 20 2008): Chief Executive Officer, Agility Logistics (AL), Moin Ahmed Malik has said that the company has invested around 100 million dollars in the country in logistic, warehouses and agro-based industry. Speaking at a meeting of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) on Wednesday evening, he said that company establishing state of art warehouses and cold storages throughout the country.

He said that the company has already established one state of art warehouse at Port Qasim and a vegetable and fruits processing plant at Sharak Pur near Lahore. Another will be established in Karachi soon, he added. The CEO said that the company has also made a plan to operate road-train of cargo from Karachi to Lahore. Trial-run has been completed successfully. Now the company will start its regular operation very soon. He said that this road-train will save consumption of diesel.
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