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Pakistan Economy in Free Fall Under Nawaz Sharif


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Haq's Musings: Pakistan Rupee in Sharp Decline as Foreign Exchange Reserves Hit New Lows

Economic mismanagement by Nawaz Sharif's economic team brings back memories of the lost decade of 1990s when economic growth plummeted to between 3% and 4%, poverty rose to 33%, inflation was in double digits and the foreign debt mounted to nearly the entire GDP of Pakistan as the governments of Benazir Bhutto (PPP) and Nawaz Sharif (PML) played musical chairs. Before Sharif was ousted in 1999, the two parties had presided over a decade of corruption and mismanagement. In 1999 Pakistan’s total public debt as percentage of GDP was the highest in South Asia – 99.3 percent of its GDP and 629 percent of its revenue receipts, compared to Sri Lanka (91.1% & 528.3% respectively in 1998) and India (47.2% & 384.9% respectively in 1998). Internal Debt of Pakistan in 1999 was 45.6 per cent of GDP and 289.1 per cent of its revenue receipts, as compared to Sri Lanka (45.7% and 264.8% respectively in 1998) and India (44.0% and 358.4% respectively in 1998).

After a relatively peaceful but economically stagnant decade of the 1990s, the year 1999 brought a bloodless coup led by General Pervez Musharraf, ushering in an era ofaccelerated economic growth that led to more than doubling of the national GDP, and dramatic expansion in Pakistan's urban middle class. Pakistan's savings rate reached historic high of 17.6% of GDP in 2004 and remained above 15% during Musharraf years. It has now plummeted to a new low of just 4.36%.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan Rupee in Sharp Decline as Foreign Exchange Reserves Hit New Lows
Doesn't really matter who the leaders is, if Pakistan can't curb or stop extremist violent and stabilize the country, there will be no economic progress. FDI is the key to development and no right thinking person would invest in an unstable country borderline of being a fail state status. One must confront ones problem to progress.
Doesn't really matter who the leaders is, if Pakistan can't curb or stop extremist violent and stabilize the country, there will be no economic progress. FDI is the key to development and no right thinking person would invest in an unstable country borderline of being a fail state status. One must confront ones problem to progress.
It matters who is the leader because he is elected by the people and he should do what is best for the country and its people. If he is not doing something to stop extremism then he is incompetent and he should be banned. But no one is going to do the same.
Well its expected Nawaz did same in his term in 90's country was almost Broke ... before he was sent packing by Country's savior at that time

Only thing he did was yellow cab scheme which itself was failure as after while people could not find parts for these cabs and these cabs quickly became scrap

However his work in Lahore city cleanup & metro is commendable work just overall he does brings down the economy

IMF loan itself has destroyed rupee in international market
The 2000 to 2008 period was great for many countries - that was the period when global economy was at its peak until the depression that came in 2008.
Dont blame NS and hence the democracy. Pakistanis have a bad habit of wanting everything spoonfed. everything in your history has attained by you guyz by spoon feeding. Thoda mehnat kar lo yaaron. If democracy dont execute desired results, go back to dictatorship. thats what the trend in past has been and i hope it dont repeat.

You guyz will need to bring changed within democracy. force your leaders by doing dharna, strikes, etc. In democracy its all bout common man's voice and Pakistanis in general dont believe in this.
I think Nawaz is taking all the right steps this time.

1. Setting up electricity generation plants
2. Setting up industries
3. Trying to reduce subsidies
4. Investing in infrastructure in Pakistan.
5. Talking of increased trade with everyone.
I believe the Economy will do wonders under Nawaz,Though he's very bad at foriegn policy and the terrorism issue within Pakistan aswell.

But still a big improvement over the Last govt
If you have a mess thats been building up for years

How are you going to fix it overnight

The BEST the current Pakistani goverment can do is put the basics in place for success in the future

We need electricity, but we get it overnight so the Goverment can only start projects which will be complete or mature in a few years so we can supply the demand etc

Our biggest problem has been the wasted Zardari years because he did fook all.

Pakistan is a economic powerhouse with hugh potential but that potential wont go anywhere until we can get the basics in place, provide the impetus and help businesses require, reduce corruption and provide power

Nawaz isnt brilliant but he is better that what we had in the recent past
Nawaz is the same as the past government. tell me which policy is different than past government?

Our problem is we dont raise our standards. Just a little better or personal liking drives our opinion. Nawaz is incompetent. Accept it. He is third time PM. I remember both his tenures.

Its the same pattern every time - flight of foreign exchange by devalued currency and then asking these looters to bring back that money as investment! That money belonged to Pakistan anyways.

I thought Nawaz had a slightly better team than PPP. But he is doing the same things he did in his last tenures. The more you compare PPP with PMLN, the more similar they will be.
PTI supporters need to take it easy.

Economy can not be in any other shape than what it is today. I would be very interested to learn what PTI would / could have done had PTI been in power. It is easy to criticize. Too easy.

It is not bad performance which will get to PML-N. It would be the backlash of policies. But let us wait til 2018 for elections.
It matters who is the leader because he is elected by the people and he should do what is best for the country and its people. If he is not doing something to stop extremism then he is incompetent and he should be banned. But no one is going to do the same.
cracking down on extremist mean cracking down of Saudi sponsor Imam , Nawaz Sharif will never do that to the Saudi.
Is not PMN-L a business friendly party? NS thinks big and he will make long term investment.
Is not PMN-L a business friendly party? NS thinks big and he will make long term investment.
No matter how business friendly
Nawaz Sharif is or how big he thinks, if people are blowing up each other there is little chance of Pakistan ever succeeding economically.
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