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Pakistan doctor in bin Laden case starts hunger strike



New Recruit

Sep 4, 2012
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PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - The Pakistani doctor who helped the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hunt down Osama bin Laden started a hunger strike in his jail cell this week to protest against his living conditions, prison officials said on Thursday.

Shakil Afridi was sentenced in May to 33 years in jail for his links to a banned militant group. The decision was widely seen as punishment for helping the CIA find the al Qaeda leader, and has led to strained ties between Washington and Islamabad.

Prison officials in the northwestern city of Peshawar said they are keeping Afridi in solitary confinement and will not allow him to have visitors nor speak to anyone by telephone as punishment for a media interview he gave in September.

"After the interview in which Dr. Shakil Afridi levelled serious allegations against the country's top spy agency, the prison authorities barred his family members and lawyers from meeting him," said a prison official, who asked not to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

"In protest, Dr. Shakil has begun a hunger strike for an indefinite period."

An investigation following the September interview found that Afridi had bribed guards to use their cell phones to speak to journalists, family and friends, making a total of 58 calls, prison officials said. Six prison guards have been suspended.

U.S. officials have hailed Afridi, aged in his 40s, as a hero for helping pinpoint bin Laden's location before the May 2011 raid that killed the al Qaeda leader.

Afridi's family and lawyers maintain he was not guilty of any wrongdoing.

"He is not allowed to meet with us, his brother and other family members. He is a human being and would definitely be frustrated enough to begin a hunger strike," said Afridi's lawyer, Samiullah Afridi.

Afridi had been working with the CIA for years before the bin Laden raid, providing intelligence on militant groups in Pakistan's unruly tribal region.

The bin Laden raid was a humiliation for Pakistan's powerful military and raised questions about whether it was harboring militants.

U.S. President Barack Obama said the al Qaeda leader would have escaped if the United States had sought Pakistan's permission ahead of the raid.

Pakistan doctor in bin Laden case starts hunger strike - Chicago Tribune
Wah! Bhook hartals (as opposed to Infidels! Kill them all!) in Pakistan also! way to go....maybe there is still hope!
:P you can thank him for that , we have no issue. OBL was a dead horse already having no influence over the groups.

Dead horse with no influence..?Lol...What all you people say to hide the embarrassment...btw what happened to conspiracy theories like osama was dead even before NAVY seal operations/Osama was not there in abottabad etc.?
Dead horse with no influence..?Lol...What all you people say to hide the embarrassment...btw what happened to conspiracy theories like osama was dead even before NAVY seal operations/Osama was not there in abottabad etc.?

Nothing to hide. it was joint operation. what is said is for public consumption. However any citizen that can become a spy for a foreign agency is subjected to law of the land. simple and pure.
haha............ A case of used thrown away so called super duper agent who worked for CIA and CIA as usual fu**ed him up after using him for their own purpose . He sold out his country for money ,i just hope that all his property should be taken by GOP and all the family member who knew he was working against Pakistan should be punished as well........

For the traitor Penalty should be death and only death and that too by such that he is made an example for betraying Pakistan and it people.
Incarceration of Dr Shakeel Afridi, person who helped US get rid of Osama bin Laden, will further isolate Pakistan on the world stage.
Incarceration of Dr Shakeel Afridi, person who helped US get rid of Osama bin Laden, will further isolate Pakistan on the world stage.

:D no problem, we stage the world stage so we will opt for isolation in this case.
Nothing to hide. it was joint operation. what is said is for public consumption. However any citizen that can become a spy for a foreign agency is subjected to law of the land. simple and pure.

Wow - Joint Operation??? Here is a world renowned terrorist hiding in plain sight in Abbottabad next to a military complex - what it takes is getting 20-30 policemen armed well and storming the complex and get that rat. It is as simple as that.

Instead a joint operation with the special forces of US Navy flown in sophisticated modified helicopters with one of the helicopters left behind ?? - who are we kidding here.
Nothing to hide. it was joint operation. what is said is for public consumption.

If there is nothing to hide,why is this news of suppossed "joint operation" hidden at the cost of severly damaged international image?

However any citizen that can become a spy for a foreign agency is subjected to law of the land. simple and pure.

He is prosecuted for alleged donations made to hizbul islam..Not for spying for americans.
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