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Pakistan Develps air-burst A-P round


Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan Develps air-burst A-P round

Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) has developed an air-burst anti-personnel round for the locally produced derivative of the Russian RPG-7, writes Doug Richardson. The new RPG-7AP has a warhead that contains 850 steel balls packed around a high-explosive charge.

It has a maximum range of 1,500 m and, according to the POF, is designed "to kill soldiers and damage equipment within 15 metres' radius".

In general configuration, it closely resembles the Type 69 40 mm air-burst anti-personnel grenade that China has developed for its Type 69-1 40 mm anti-tank grenade launcher. Like the Chinese round, it is propelled upwards by a jump mechanism when it strikes the ground. Once it reaches a height of about 2 m, the warhead detonates, scattering its steel balls.

The main difference between the Pakistani and Chinese rounds is that the muzzle velocity of the former is 95 m/s, slightly lower than the 102 m/s of its Chinese equivalent. Projectile weight is slightly higher - 2.85 kg rather than 2.8 kg - while the payload contains 850 steel balls rather than about 800.

Although the POF cites a calibre of 40 mm compared with the 75 mm of the Chinese round, in practice the Pakistani figure refers to the calibre of the launcher rather than the diameter of the warhead. The latter is about 75-80 mm in diameter.

Jane's Missiles and Rockets - Precision guided news and analysis

Bullet Proof Helmet

Keeping in view the high degree of threat by terrorists, the Advanced Composites Research Center at Air Weapons Complex has carried out extensive research on bullet-proof materials. Using indigenous technology, AWC has developed lightweight composite Bullet-proof Helmets that provide exceptional battlefield protection. At the same time, the unique design features facilitate body and head movement while aiming, crawling and running.

Specific layers of biaxial woven kevlar fabric have been integrated in polymeric resin. The fabric/resin has been cured in a specific (PASGAT)mould under high temperature and pressure for specific time duration. After de-molding, trimming and painting, webbing is attached to the Helmet.

Test Firing
The Helmet was fired at from a distance of 5m by 9mm caliber sub-machine gun ammunition at ballistic test facilities of Air Weapons Complex and Inspectorate of Armaments, Rawalpindi, in accordance with NIJ standard 0101.01. The Helmet stopped the bullet effectively. The average trauma effect was found to be within limits. The Helmet was also tested under wet conditions. The wet tests
Protection Level III A (against 9mm ammunition)
Design PASGAT design
0 Material Kevlar
Resin Material Polymeric
Color Optional
Webbing Cotton
Ballistic Visor Optional
Weight 1.5 Kg

Bullet Proof Jacket

Keeping in view the high degree of threat posed by terrorists, the Advanced Composites Research Center at Air Weapons Complex has carried out extensive research on bullet-proof materials. Using indigenous technology, AWC has developed lightweight composite Bullet-proof Jackets that provide exceptional battlefield protection. At the same time, the unique design features facilitate body and head movement while aiming, crawling and running.
Specific layers of biaxial woven kevlar fabric have been stitched in diamond pattern. The trauma pack is an integral part of the ballistic insert. The assembly is stitched in water/moisture-resistant black plastic to maintain its ballistic properties. This effectively stops the 9mm bullet. The Jacket can stop the 7.62mm bullet after insertion of front and back laminated ceramic plate. The outer cover is made of washable 100% cotton camouflage twill.

Test Firing
The Jacket was fired at from a distance of 5m by 9mm and 7.62mm caliber ammunition at ballistic test facilities of Air Weapons Complex and Inspectorate of Armaments, Rawalpindi, in accordance with NIJ standard 0101.01. The Jacket stopped both types of bullets effectively with nominal trauma effect.
High tensile strength/modules
High toughness
Light weight
Excellent retention of
High thermal stability
Self extinguishing
Cut resistant
Good chemical resistance
Its great to see AWC proving its existance and providing whats needed by armed forces and will ensure future exports if any.
Thank God we are finally achieving these milestones. These things make huge difference.

Is there any news about a new standard gun for PA? A lighter version of the present standard?
@ FATMAN : Sir really very Good stuff , i have a suggestion for AWC if they maybe can do anything about it , it will give PA a great edge over enemy .... here we go , Gas masks with Night vision devices attached to them.


But my idea is different ... something like this instead of attaching a separate NV device it should be Built in the glass and changeable to day and night modes , adding zooming for searching the target would not be that bad either . This tool can perform a very important role which is laser target designation system( at the same time the soldier would be able to protect himself from chemicals /gases etc while being able to hunt down its pray during the night and by changing a mode and simply looking at a tank or an APC he would be laser designating the target and transmitting it back that it can be taken out) , Built in mic and headphones for communication to the base and fellow soldiers can be added too!


This toy needs heads down research but if they are able to do it , then Thumbs up they can equip our boys with them and get their money back with profit by selling the device:tup:


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Wow awsome news good to see POF devloping goods for our forces.
Great news for Pakistan.
Keep it up POF .
Let’s hope all this gear actually becomes operational soon with army, rangers FC and police
I am very suprised at the pace of Pakistan's advancement. This is not a very easy task.

Having served in the British Armed Forces myself and been very well acquanted with this type of weapon it is absolutely lethal. I have witnessed entire bunkers and personnel destroyed on a large scale when this type of projectile explodes in air close to the target rather then crash into the target itself. Pakistan should not advertise this capability openly like this as the US would most definately conclude that sooner or later Pakistan will have the capability of arming such warheads into howitzer rounds for precision targetting, which in itself is deadly, and missiles for short range tactical use.

Put this into a scenario which is what we used to train for and conducted in Bosnia and Kosovo - 100 to 200 howitzers, each able to fire 6 rounds per minutes, but 5 rapid rounds in 45 seconds, all at different gradients but hitting the same target at the same time, menaing 5 shells hitting one target/area. If 100 howitzers, target the same area, say like an Indian base, which for tactical reasons has to be within 20 miles of the LOC. That means 500 rounds every 45 seconds hitting one area, but with about 15 - 20 seconds for auto reload. With this sort of projectile, the casualties are not just staggering, but injuries are inhumane, but then again, as they say in the British Army, a pig dies like a pig, who gives a s*** whether it has its throat is cut or bombed.

Secondly, the US will know that sooner or later Pakistan will put this warhead into short range missles for tactical range to be used on the LOC when that time arises. Having witnessed this capability the US will know that such a weapon can be defensive to protect your LOC but realisitically, it is an offensive weapon and one to send shivers down any enemies spine, especially ground forces, especially WHEN they produce a smaller missle capable of this.

However, this sort of use will require endless amounts of manpower and training to get personnel to use this weapon effectively to cause a punch in the enemy, and for Pakistan to have developed it in the first place, would show their thinking.

Might want to prepare for the Indian storm of criticism when this does happen and used though.
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The news article is referring to Anti Personnel Round for the RPG-7 series launcher, not the air burst artillery shells.

But just for info, POF is making the air burst shells with the ToT from South Korean company. In brief:

"(4)South Korea .Two companies in South Korea, Poongsan and Hanwha, produce cluster munitions. “South Korea stopped production of old types of cluster munitions,” according to its Ministry of Defense, and “cluster munitions currently in production have a high level of reliability and most are equipped with [self-destruct] mechanisms.” Poongsan transferred DPICM production technology to Pakistan in November 2004. The US also concluded a licensing agreement with South Korea in 2001 for production of DPICM submunitions for Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) rockets.

(5) Pakistan .Pakistan Ordnance Factories produces and offers for export M483A1 155mm artillery projectiles containing 88 M42/M46 DPICM grenades. The South Korean company Poongsan entered into a licensed production agreement with Pakistan Ordnance Factories in November 2004 to co-produce K-310 155mm extended-range DPICM projectiles in Pakistan at Wah Cantonment.The Army took delivery of the first production lots in April 2008. "
The main problem with anything like this is the trigger and detonator. Pakistan has developed this, by itself, by all sounds, for a RPG. This will only be a matter of time before they complete this task. I am surprised the US would allow such transfers.

As said above, we used this when in combat with, what we thought were "tigers" ( band of militia, organised by Arkan) who were volunteers but exteremely deadly, unlike the Serb soldiers, who were paid soldiers and ran at a shot, unfortunately for us, we did not know that they had help. War is dirty and many parties are normally involved, Russia, too was involved as a Christian ally to Serbs at the time as when we fought through the gruelling banks we ere met with stiff resistance. Eventually were closed the valley route and launched an artillery barage into the red kill zone. Upon entry were found totally destroyed bunkers and dead Russians with special forces insignia, along with body parts, obviously this was before, our good friends from across the atlantic decided to carpet bomb it only after an hour of us gaining ground. We ran like hell before another blue on blue and the rest was history. Trust me, never come close to this sort of weapon. Just run far away.

Below is a very advance stage of weaponry, but a humble rocket/missle system, you can imagine the results

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Waow! :bounce:
Its awesome! Proud to be the Pakistani!
Really, this is what the difference between us and our enemies. Our enemies just blamed us that we have stolen this and that and that! But they never looked at what our land is producing a Talent! Now Pakistanis have modified Russian RPG-7 too for our purposes! thats great!
If our enemies also have any talent, then modify those which they bought on high expanses from Russia, US and Israel!
I am not blaming them, but this is what the Fact lines, and no one can deny these facts! :pakistan:
Waow! :bounce:
Its awesome! Proud to be the Pakistani!
Really, this is what the difference between us and our enemies. Our enemies just blamed us that we have stolen this and that and that! But they never looked at what our land is producing a Talent! Now Pakistanis have modified Russian RPG-7 too for our purposes! thats great!
If our enemies also have any talent, then modify those which they bought on high expanses from Russia, US and Israel!
I am not blaming them, but this is what the Fact lines, and no one can deny these facts! :pakistan:
Congatulation to Pakistan for their achievement, come out of your superiority complex.
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