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Pakistan demanding RS.15 billion rupee from Bangladesh India


Apr 24, 2007
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KARACHI: The federal government has decided to demand its outstanding amount from India and Bangladesh.

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has written to all commercial banks and development finance institutions, asking for details of accounts of assets and other dues receivable from the two countries.

The purpose is to compile a final assessment of the amount due against India and Bangladesh.

According to SBP figures, India and Bangladesh have to pay Pakistan Rs15.25 billion. The value of assets occupied by India was Rs6 billion at the end of June 2016 while Bangladesh had to pay more than Rs9.21 billion.

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A circular issued by the SBP to the heads of banks and financial institutions advised them to provide complete details of the dues that are outstanding against the governments or central banks of India and Bangladesh in terms of land, building, furniture and fixtures, office equipment and vehicles, government securities, papers, loans, advances and investment.

They were also asked to provide details of any write-offs they made in respect of assets or dues.

According to statistics of the SBP, India has been Pakistan’s debtor since the time of partition and the amount due exceeds Rs6 billion. These include gold reserves, sterling securities, Indian securities, rupee coins and Pakistan’s share in the Indian currency at the time of partition.

Pakistan had paid India for printing of currency notes but they were never provided, additionally India also did not return the money paid for the printing even after seven decades. The amount due in this respect is Rs40 million.

India, Bangladesh owe SBP over Rs12b

Similarly, Bangladesh as East Pakistan owed Pakistan Rs9.21 billion by June 30, 2016 in respect of transactions between government offices, loans, advances and papers.

The details that will be provided to the SBP are expected to increase the total of the dues.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 15th, 2016.
Isn't Pakistan aware of the TERM "Time Barred Debts" :lol:
1. For good relations to sustain, we should not leave issues unresolved for future generations of Bangladeshis and Pakistanis to squabble over. Division of assets must be settled amicably. Then there is the question of war reparations. Pakistan must compensate for the death and destruction caused in '71.
2. Perhaps SBP has for gotten that 25% of the seed money to start SBP was provided by us through the Haji Mohd Mohsin Trust. he rest were paid by the Nizam and Aga Khan. Punjab and NWFP contributed zero.
Well India spent ?$2B in exterminating occupying Paks in Kargil; add a similar amount for each major conflagaration - that makes it $8B that Pak owes India. Add to that $0.25 for each mujahideen that came from Pak on whom India had to waste bullet - that's say about $10K, give take some. So send a certified check for these amounts to India.

Similarly for each of the about 1.515m Bangladeshis that Pak military assassinated (estimates vary between 3M and 30K so, I took the approx mid-point) Pak should pay say $1M each - that would a sizable check that Islamabad should send to Dhaka.

Finally in the same 1971 battle, India saved the lives of some 90K Pak soldiers when the latter surrendered. Had India not accepted the Pak surrender, those soldiers would have been slaughtered and Pak would have had to pay their families a huge sum as kia. So on that account shall we say $10K per soldier, making it another $900M that Pak should pay India?

To Pakistan

-Sincerely,Bangladesh and India.

Well India spent ?$2B in exterminating occupying Paks in Kargil; add a similar amount for each major conflagaration - that makes it $8B that Pak owes India. Add to that $0.25 for each mujahideen that came from Pak on whom India had to waste bullet - that's say about $10K, give take some. So send a certified check for these amounts to India.

Similarly for each of the about 1.515m Bangladeshis that Pak military assassinated (estimates vary between 3M and 30K so, I took the approx mid-point) Pak should pay say $1M each - that would a sizable check that Islamabad should send to Dhaka.

Finally in the same 1971 battle, India saved the lives of some 90K Pak soldiers when the latter surrendered. Had India not accepted the Pak surrender, those soldiers would have been slaughtered and Pak would have had to pay their families a huge sum as kia. So on that account shall we say $10K per soldier, making it another $900M that Pak should pay India?


The beggar terrorists are too poor to pay all that...
After the cyclone in 1970 which killed close to half a million....$200mil in aid was sent by the International community...Pakistan kept every penny of that...

So, yeah...Pakistan is free to demand $88mil, just as long as it gives us the relief money it STOLE.

On second thought...nevermind....come and get your $88mil with your mighty army lolol

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