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Pakistan defence forum- Annual meeting 2019-20

  1. Update forum rules with clear and specific definitions.
  2. Enforce/Implement/Moderate forum rules strictly.
  3. Enforce/Implement/Moderate forum rules strictly.
  4. Enforce/Implement/Moderate forum rules strictly.
Please bring up the quality of the forum back which is degrading everyday. And we all are to be blamed for it. By simply executing the forum rules, most of the useless posters & comments will be put to and end.
Update the background. Make it a little bit more professional looking. The Green background is very outdated, and bland.

This year, PDF was shut down three times. I think we should block the website from being accessed by indian IP. It will cut down on the trolls, and the forum quality will improve a lot.

If money is the issue, forum can open a donation collection, to keep it running. Move away from relying on ad money only.

There is this r/PakistanDefenceForum on reddit but 0 members.

Reddit is a massive platform used by mostly outsiders.

Pdf can try to make a dedicated subreddit to highlight the positives, the daily hot threads, and discussion can happen there as well and can post pdf link there to get more traffic as well as diverse visitors.

The amount of members from west would go insane.

@Slav Defence @The Eagle
Take my advice !!!

Talk to the mods on r/Pakistan . Maybe you can work something out with them. The subreddit already has 41K members.
Many hands make light work.

Hire more mods, especially across different timezones. You have members in UK, Europe, USA, Middle East, Far East, you need mods who are available in those timezones. Multiple mods per timezone reduces the burden.

All members are invited to drop their suggestions in few lines:
1) What new feature they want to see?
2) What challenges are we facing?
3) Any suggestions for new members!?

Do not make this thread a troll fest or anti xyz campaign.Doing so will cause your credibility to be zilch. If you have complain against any member, mod or think tank then please consult GHQ.


Please change PDF theme like background color, wall paper which has become eye soar and vintage!
Iam following this from since long for reading purpose & knowledge which i learned a lot from here. But here my concern is about intolerance & abusive language which i feels from a couple of years increased. Request to all members local or foreigners please be gentle on the topic and make this fourm great for guests and members too. Regards
What this forum needs is tolerance, we should not shun our Indian friends or any other nationality, nor should we try to bully or silence the few voices that voice opinions that we may personally find unpalatable. Over the years we have lost some really exceptional posters who's posts were like caustic soda, cutting through the oleaginous nationalistic claptrap on both sides of the divide.

Senior posters and older members should nurture and mentor new members to help them contribute by making quality, researched and balanced posts rather than emotional raging one liners like something out of a Zaid Hamid Video.

- Zero tolerance for vulgarity, verbal abuse, threats of violence, racism or hate speech of any kind, defence.pk is not Stormfront, Breitbart or BRF, please check your hatred at the door.

- Sharing of material which sympathises with terrorist ideology should be immediately reported and strict action taken against members who attempt to use PDF as a platform to propagate such toxic ideology. Not only does it damage the value of the forum and expose younger more impressionable members of the forum to this nonsense, it is also against Anti Terrorism Legislation of Pakistan. NACTA has a list of 73 proscribed terrorist organisations, you can access the list here: https://nacta.gov.pk/proscribed-organizations/
^ The above rule should also apply to sharing material that may be deemed sympathetic to terrorist groups operating outside of Pakistan.

- No sharing of military of photos or military installations, that have not been released in the mainstream media or via official channels, this is to safeguard the holy trinity of security "Physical, Operational and Personal" of our boys and girls in the forces. This also applies to any government document that has protected markings such as "Restricted", "Sensitive", "Official" and "Secret". There is a reason these documents will never be published by DGISPR in his tweets for a reason. PLEASE NOTE: This doesn't mean you can't share photos you have taken at expo's or genuine events where public photography is permitted!

- Rules for the forum should be published and prominently displayed.

- No holy cow's (pardon the pun) all members regardless of time on forum, experience, post count and nationality should respect and adhere to the rules of the forum to maintain decorum.

- A thread should be complied which includes a list of banned news outlets, members should consult said list if in doubt prior to sharing propaganda and fake news. Members should be encouraged to use fact checking resources such as the excellent website managed by the Arthur lakes library https://libguides.mines.edu/fakenews/intro

- Avoiding the OSINT octopus, if you are going to post OSINT information, which is totally fine, always attribute the source.
we need a new section named Aerospace and satellite.we should unban all indians and set strict rules.insulting country,religion,sect shouldn't be allowed.we need more international moderators like Deino.
i think overall we need technical discussions on different topics.i see more political and religious discussion here which is not the purpose of this forum.ban all discussion related to uyghur issue.recently many senior members left and blamed mods.higher authorities should urge mods to chill and relax.there are rules and everyone should follow it including mods.
i think the purpose of this forum is to allow everyone to speak so even after abrogation and hostility,i urge to unban all indian members.if someone give abuse,ban him/her for 5 days.

freedom of speech is necessary but without crossing limits.abuses,racism,sectarian discussion should not be tolerated.
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So, I have seen couple of suggestions here and most importantly I can see members whom I can rely upon.
Regarding trolls, we really need to take stern action and this time you people are saying it.
So, I hope that trolls around here would better buckle up because we already have clear policy and we clearly know what to do.
Members, besides that other points are clearly described in excellent manner:
Here is an outline from all the posts made till now:
* Promoting Pakistani tourism
* Promoting positive image of Pakistan
* Checking list given by @RescueRanger and stand against all terrorists sympathizers.
* Locking down trolls
* Taking stern action against trolls
* Hiring mods for ME
* Opening donation box for posters
* Opening PDF Reddit to expand our diversity and platform.
* Guiding youth and freeing them from slavery and shackles of political cells.
* Write-ups for guidance!
*Needing to open a section on Pakistan space program or let us say describing works done by Pakistani scientist till now and then extend it to international scientist working across the world.

If any of you would like to add in the above mentioned points please let me know.As this year your policies will come into effect provided with the policies created by us , earlier.

We as PakNation has suffered many traumas one, after another... it has left its scars. Understandable...

Faith. Unity. Discipline are not words but a Framework of building PakNation. TheUglyTruth is that we have not followed this Framework... the DeadDonkey of politics has its stench imprinted on YoungPaks...

Anyhow, it is the responsibility of TTs and Seniors to bring restraining hand and guide the YoungPaks in the correct direction.

I shall write about PakPositivism.. from its Gensis to End goal...

I would really encourage that as we need writers who will be describing the positive image of Pakistan.
As a native or resident of Pakistan, it is our job to tell the world who is blinded by false impression against Pakistan.We need to encourage them that why Pakistan is heaven and why they should visit Pakistan.
We also need to update world regarding our advancement against corruption and invite investors from around the world to capture Pakistani market as well as our access to international market.
We also need to promote our thriving film industry by activity writing feature on our movies, dramas and other entertainment. Best thing about Pakistani film industry is that it is not a mouthpiece against any nation.
So, we are alhamdullilah achieving a lot.Also, in Biomedical engineering, chemical engineering and Genetics our people are really working hard and are recognized for their team work and effort.Active conference and workshops are being conducted by them.
However, we cannot do it alone, we need selfless members who can volunteer with us and understand the worth of internet and choose it as an opportunity to heaven or waste it and regret in akhirah.
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1. Strict rules against troll, rant and false flaggers specially. Ban these permanently and give them a warning before doing it as last chance.

2. From now don't let us post anything not related to these or sticky thread in Bangladesh Defence sub-forum. Move all irrelevant thread to Central and South Asia section. You can make it a rule and ban people for breaking it.


3. Like Facebook's reaction you can keep more reaction besides "thank"
4. Take equal action for all PDF members for breaking rules whether he is a PDF veteran or stuff. Whoever he is.
5. Mods and admins has become quite ineffective these days to maintain forum. They should keep forum neat and clean.

i just ask to control indians (bd) trolls for bashing pakistan .

Quite rich coming from the guy who is a trolls himself and writes BS in Bangladesh sub forum after saying that he won't attack if no one say anything against Pakistan but does it anyway with/without provocation. There's a bunch of you (trolls and false flagger) who write BS always. If you are not here or don't write constant BS the forum wouldn't be a garbage.
Another great feature I've seen on other forums is threadmarks. On long threads, you can add bookmarks to certain posts. These appear as a drop down list for users to browse through to get to specific parts of a discussion.

For example I was reading a thread on a Turkish suv and it's currently 11 pages long. I'd like to see the post with the stats for the car. That's the kind of info that would be threadmarked.
Need a dedicated mentoring /councelking sections. It can be of any type. I learned we thjngs about partition history 2 days ago. I would like to learn more. Some people would need advice on how navigate Europe / non Muslim countries while being a Muslim and / or a Pakistani.
We need this section
My 5 cents!

1)Topics based on Tweets as a source shouldn't be allowed, tweets aren't a reliable source of information and cannot be confirmed if authentic or not.

2(Please stop people from starting threads based on "cut and paste" unless they add their comments to it and give us their personal views on the topic they are starting.

3(Topic started to complain about departments based on personal or friends' views should be banned.

4(People promoting their websites instead of contributing to the forum should be a NO NO

5(Please, please for the love of GOD Stop the well known Idiot from destroying Topics with his one liner Gibberish.
There needs to be some thread where we can interact with axtive members. This whole thing looks like a computer to me. I feel like I am distant and just typing my thoughts in a text box. It's not really a live site. We need to create a sense of community

There is this r/PakistanDefenceForum on reddit but 0 members.

Reddit is a massive platform used by mostly outsiders.

Pdf can try to make a dedicated subreddit to highlight the positives, the daily hot threads, and discussion can happen there as well and can post pdf link there to get more traffic as well as diverse visitors.

The amount of members from west would go insane.

@Slav Defence @The Eagle
Take my advice !!!
YES PLZ. This is a fantastic idea. We arein a solo here. There , world would know about Modi etc.
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