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Pakistan Cyber Genius kid, Babar sets world Record


Mar 23, 2009
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DERA ISMAIL KHAN: A 12-year old student Babar Iqbal hailing from Dera Ismail Kahn made a fourth world record in field of computer, Geo News reported Friday.

Earlier, Babar, generally known as genius cyber kid, had set up three world records including Youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) at the age 9 years, Youngest Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA) at the age 9 years and Youngest Certified Web Professional Associate (CIWA) at age 10 years.

While, the recent fourth record he made as Youngest Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) at the age 12 in Dubai.

The participants of this competition were aged from 20 to 35 years. By making this record, young Babar surprised the IT experts from all over the world. He also surpassed his compatriot Irfa Kareem Randhawa, who made this record at the age of 9 years and seven months.

Babar was born in surrounding overwhelmed with computers and monitors on March 2, 1997.

His two brothers and sisters (four in all) are Microsoft Certified Professional.

4 world records:chilli::pakistan:
its really good to see pakistan progressing so fast in every feild.!ive just saw pakistan making it to the guinees world record in tree plantation and now this!im really glad!long live pakistan:pakistan:
very nice i also see his interview in newspaper n i am also in dera ismail khan GOD bless u:pakistan::tup:
Thats excellent News!! brilliant stuff, thanks for sharing
the intelligence and talents of pakistan (subcontinent) is already known but it is great to see that now this talent and intelligence has started proving themselves in the global arena.:tup::pakistan:


Dont take me the wron way. But I also saw a lot of children near me who got their degrees at 8s and 9s. What I want to tell their parents is 'Please don't screw up your kids. Let them grow the way they should.'
Also when did a Microsoft certification become a criterion for Pakistan's progress?
Awsome news ! GOD bless Pakistan..
Dont take me the wron way. But I also saw a lot of children near me who got their degrees at 8s and 9s. What I want to tell their parents is 'Please don't screw up your kids. Let them grow the way they should.'
Also when did a Microsoft certification become a criterion for Pakistan's progress?

respected friend, we are happy and celebrating the achievements of a pakistani kid who has made another world record. No one has said or thinks that microsoft certification is the criteria for pakistan development but acception of this intelligence and talent by a leading software company of the developed country is a treat to see.:smitten:

about many kids around you who get degrees at 8 and 9s, my friend, as i mentioned earlier, the intelligence and talent of this area (i mean the subcontinent) is known and accepted by the whole world and that is why you can see people of this area working all around the world. moreover, the people of this area are tough hard workers which make them one of their kind. i hope you understand my point.


Have you heard the names of Sabeer Bhatia, Vinod Dham and Ajay Bhatt. Bangalore in India has bcome a global cyber hub and even US envys the talent here. So there is nothing to jump in that.
Who cares that he is Pakistani. Wots important is that the world has a 12 year old genius in the making. Hopefully he will not be used to improve on nuclear warfare but will be used to better the world. May God grant him the strength to use his talents in a beneficial manner to humanity

Couldn't resist this troll post:

I hope they do and use him to lob a nuclear missile to South Africa to put it out of its misery.

/Troll mode off/
Have you heard the names of Sabeer Bhatia, Vinod Dham and Ajay Bhatt. Bangalore in India has bcome a global cyber hub and even US envys the talent here. So there is nothing to jump in that.

Same old Indian jaelousy...cant swallow somebodys achievements.....looser.
A good news indeed , !!!!!

i hate them buggers who - say bullshyt - out of jealousy - guys this kid is good and lets not compare him to any other smart indian or protea kid.


btw coming back t0 - DbnReaper, pakistani nuclear science doesnt depend on one smart kid they have millions of them.

and not all the smart kids are thrown in to developing nuclear weapons.
- just like not all south african are goons.
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