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Pakistan crackdown to backfire: Imran

Being Pakistani we should learn to respect our leaders.There is no doubt about his sincerity and honesty.

He has opposed Musharaf decisions to attack WAZIRISTAN,WANA in 2003 and 2004 and his stance was right at that time.PA could not achieved results because general public was not behind this action.

GoP should not take hasty decisions and parliment should not be by passed.

Being part of a democracy, we are able to criticize our politicians. They must earn our respect. I am questioning Imran Khan's intelligence - not his sincerity.
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IMRAN KHAN is totally on the right course. GOP was not sincere in its negotiations. An ARMY OPERATION of this scale requires few months to plan & move requires regiments to pre-launch positions. The PEACE ACCORD was doomed from the begining, both sides knew it.


For all we know that maybe the peace deal was a decision to gain time for the PA to prepare for the COIN operations which they were not very familiar. I am sure that this kind of operations by the Army would have been factored in at that time.
I am from Swat and my relatives say no Jets were used to pound the citizens. F-16s were used in the mountains where the terrorists had been hiding, the weapons used were LGBs not Free Fall Bombs nor were any cluster bomb used in the area. Snipers were deployed on rooftops in Mingora to take out any Talib. I heard that a Cobra pilot didn't shoot a crowd of 20+ Taliban because a child was nearby. When the child went away then he engaged the terrorists.
About IK he is a real idiot. He got his single and only seat through money. He was beaten up by the Students in Lahore and Sindh banned him. He is only a stupid attention seeker who knows how to talk but when it comes to action he is a real novice.
I am from Swat and my relatives say no Jets were used to pound the citizens. F-16s were used in the mountains where the terrorists had been hiding, the weapons used were LGBs not Free Fall Bombs nor were any cluster bomb used in the area. Snipers were deployed on rooftops in Mingora to take out any Talib. I heard that a Cobra pilot didn't shoot a crowd of 20+ Taliban because a child was nearby. When the child went away then he engaged the terrorists.
About IK he is a real idiot. He got his single and only seat through money. He was beaten up by the Students in Lahore and Sindh banned him. He is only a stupid attention seeker who knows how to talk but when it comes to action he is a real novice.

thank you, thank you, thank you!
God Bless you and your family and I fervently hope that peace returns to beautiful Swat valley soonest!:pakistan:
Being part of a democracy, we are able to criticize our politicians. They must earn our respect. I am questioning Imran Khan's intelligence - not his sincerity.

He is successfully runing SKH and thausand of patients are getting benefit from this facility.What else you need proof of his intelligence.I dont think he has done anything wrong with nation.

He is giving his point of view against army action,if any body dont agree better give counter arguments but in professional way.

He has not made assets from politics ,that is way you are calling him bad names.:D
IMRAN KHAN is totally on the right course. GOP was not sincere in its negotiations. An ARMY OPERATION of this scale requires few months to plan & move requires regiments to pre-launch positions. The PEACE ACCORD was doomed from the begining, both sides knew it.

How do you take for granted that PA was mobilizing for war since months and this peace deal was just deception?
The PA mobilized in a record time and did not reinforce troops conventionally but launched an attack with minimum men to achieve surprise while reinforcements were on way ...they airdropped troops to Peochar in order to save time and hit Taliban in their stronghold of SWAT, they suffered more casualties due to the pace at which they undertook this operation.
Please try to understand that this was a lightning strike and not the slow and built up operation which takes months to mobilize.

Poor TTP being betrayed by the Wiley and corrupt army is it?
BTW, i am curious to know who broke the peace deal?
Were it the Jewish agents in guise of TTP who attacked Buner in violation of the Peace deal?
Was it the CIA who were not laying down arms in SWAT after the Nizam e Adal was approved?

Even though i hate the option of talking with terrorists, GOP even stooped low enough to do this in order to find a peaceful way out...yet what happened when the TTP smelled fear in the ranks?
Like a predator they attacked Buner with their killer instincts to snuff out any life left in the state of Pakistan.
Only this final blow made sure that the State find the truth about what shall happen if you agree to the TTP demands...

Thankfully the TTP made a mistake in being too aggressive openly at the wrong time; because there are so many Pakistani's who are not being victimized by TTP and so have the flawed conviction to justify the TTP actions...this attitude would have ensured that TTP would have achieved 100% control of SWAT while being peaceful and loved by our shariah loving awaam who themselves cannot segregate between TTP Terrorism and Islam and yet expect the world to be unbiased towards Islam.

When we start discussing the motives of TTP and defend their actions then that is called tolerating them, it is just BS to say that we are against terrorism but when it comes to TTP we sheepishly look here and there and start defending the TTP actions.

When we ourselves tolerate TTP terrorism in the name of Islam, we ourselves are damaging Islam and Pakistan both more than any other country or organization!

Thanks to Allah we still have sher jawans in our nation's army who are man enough to make these monsters pay for what they have done and are fighting with honor and valor as befits Pakistanis!

How cheaply we have betrayed the ideals of Jinnah and Iqbal that we are not even openly condemning the biggest murderers of Pakistanis ever in our history!
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How do you take for granted that PA was mobilizing for war since months and this peace deal was just deception?
The PA mobilized in a record time and did not reinforce troops conventionally but launched an attack with minimum men to achieve surprise while reinforcements were on way ...they airdropped troops to Peochar in order to save time and hit Taliban in their stronghold of SWAT, they suffered more casualties due to the pace at which they undertook this operation.
Please try to understand that this was a lightning strike and not the slow and built up operation which takes months to mobilize.

Poor TTP being betrayed by the Wiley and corrupt army is it?
BTW, i am curious to know who broke the peace deal?
Were it the Jewish agents in guise of TTP who attacked Buner in violation of the Peace deal?
Was it the CIA who were not laying down arms in SWAT after the Nizam e Adal was approved?

Even though i hate the option of talking with terrorists, GOP even stooped low enough to do this in order to find a peaceful way out...yet what happened when the TTP smelled fear in the ranks?
Like a predator they attacked Buner with their killer instincts to snuff out any life left in the state of Pakistan.
Only this final blow made sure that the State find the truth about what shall happen if you agree to the TTP demands...

Thankfully the TTP made a mistake in being too aggressive because there are so many Pakistani's who are not being victimized by TTP and so have the flawed conviction to justify the TTP actions...this attitude would have ensured that TTP would have achieved 100% control of SWAT while being peaceful and loved by our shariah loving awaam who themselves cannot segregate between TTP Terrorism and Islam and yet expect the world to be unbiased towards Islam.

When we start discussing the motives of TTP and defend their actions then that is called tolerating them, it is just BS to say that we are against terrorism but when it comes to TTP we sheepishly look here and there and start defending the TTP actions.

When we ourselves tolerate TTP terrorism in the name of Islam, we ourselves are damaging Islam and Pakistan both more than any other country or organization!

Thanks to Allah we still have sher jawans in our nation's army who are man enough to make these monsters pay for what they have done and are fighting with honor and valor as befits Pakistanis!

How cheaply we have betrayed the ideals of Jinnah and Iqbal that we are not even openly condemning the biggest murderers of Pakistanis ever in our history!

Order the movement of FIELD ARTILLERY pieces from eastern regiments takes time. There is always an ABCD of planning & execution. Our FIELD ARTILLERY has always been disgned for INDIAN THEATER i-e to bomb BANIYA NOT BUNER.TTP & GOP both were not fooled. The only people being fooled right now are the ARMY JAWANS & COMMON PEOPLE.
NIZAM-ADL was never meant to be implemented.How can GOP implement & give way to a parallel system which is just going to bring down so many politicians, generals & bureacrats because there is no room for 'acceptable crime' in ISLAM.
TTP terrorism in the name of ISLAM is the direct immoral reaction to generations of injustice & hypocrises glued in the present system. It will continue to breed more reactions, this is just a start. All about CAUSE & EFFECT. React to just the effect & ingnoring the causes is not going to bring any good. Just go to a GOVT hospital's maternity ward in LAHORE ( not talking about remote areas) and see for yourself how many babies are born on floors & how many women are sharing the same bed while PRINCE BILAWAL spends thousands of dollars per night on GOP expense
Talking about JINNAH & IQBAL ideals. HAH...they surely never dreamed of NROs, ZARDARIs, MIANs & MUSHIES. We are daily contibuting to the betrayal of JINNAH & IQBAL ideals by accepting the worst lot as leaders, accepting malpractices in businesses, bypassing merit by looking for 'sifarish', giving bribes & kickbacks as acceptable form of conduct. On top IQBAL never propagated 'beggary' as an ideal.
Totally agree with IMRAN KHAN that this will backfire. Anyone in for a bet? Reasons:
3. NO LONG TERM PLAN FOR IDPs etc or how if the last TALIB is killed to start the rehab process.
IK should not give statements like PAF is mostly bombarded on civilian or lot of collateral damages, mostly common people are got killed in PA operations.
Order the movement of FIELD ARTILLERY pieces from eastern regiments takes time. There is always an ABCD of planning & execution. Our FIELD ARTILLERY has always been disgned for INDIAN THEATER i-e to bomb BANIYA NOT BUNER.TTP & GOP both were not fooled. The only people being fooled right now are the ARMY JAWANS & COMMON PEOPLE.
NIZAM-ADL was never meant to be implemented.How can GOP implement & give way to a parallel system which is just going to bring down so many politicians, generals & bureacrats because there is no room for 'acceptable crime' in ISLAM.
TTP terrorism in the name of ISLAM is the direct immoral reaction to generations of injustice & hypocrises glued in the present system. It will continue to breed more reactions, this is just a start. All about CAUSE & EFFECT. React to just the effect & ingnoring the causes is not going to bring any good. Just go to a GOVT hospital's maternity ward in LAHORE ( not talking about remote areas) and see for yourself how many babies are born on floors & how many women are sharing the same bed while PRINCE BILAWAL spends thousands of dollars per night on GOP expense
Talking about JINNAH & IQBAL ideals. HAH...they surely never dreamed of NROs, ZARDARIs, MIANs & MUSHIES. We are daily contibuting to the betrayal of JINNAH & IQBAL ideals by accepting the worst lot as leaders, accepting malpractices in businesses, bypassing merit by looking for 'sifarish', giving bribes & kickbacks as acceptable form of conduct. On top IQBAL never propagated 'beggary' as an ideal.
Totally agree with IMRAN KHAN that this will backfire. Anyone in for a bet? Reasons:
3. NO LONG TERM PLAN FOR IDPs etc or how if the last TALIB is killed to start the rehab process.

Oh my god Zubair, when did i say that there are no other issues...i think i also have a very long ist of the issues we are facing and need to look into...but if i have a knife to my throat i would endavour to break the hand wielding it and then try to look further...TTP is the threat and problem number 1, deal with it first because if you fail to do so they will finish you off!
Not acting against TTP because we have failed elsewhere is no logic at all and since they are terrorists...it is not even an option for us not to act.

Regarding the Army movement, it was indeed something very well done and not planned 4 months in advanced like you have suggested as if to imply that it was planned not to let Nizam e Adal function...
Regarding the field artillery, we have a very capable and diverse Army...better than most in the world so do not assume things on your own about our artillery or Army...do some fact finding first.
We have the means to move Artillery quickly over many sort of obstacles, this was the first time we used it to pound TTP on a broad scale in the mountains of SWAT.

BTW Nizam e Adal and Shariah are just token terms being used to argue and provoke; our constitution is Islamic and there can be no un-Islamic law as per our constitution so we need to implement the constitution and for that we need to stabilize Pakistan and not let the likes of TTP claim the ownership of Islam, they should be the most hated persons by all Pakistanis because of what they do as opposed to what they claim when they want to give religious flavor to their atrocities!
BTW they have openly claimed many bombings and attacks as well

Regarding Jinnah and Iqbal, i do try to follow what they said and believed in...as a nation we are struggling but does it mean that you be so bitter as to lose hope and rebuke me for mentioning Jinnah and Iqbal as well?
Do not give in, that is the first step...history is full of countries and rulers facing a tough situation but eventually many nations learn from mistakes and recover as well and this is usually done when they have a burning passion to make their country a great one.
We need to have faith in ourselves and support what is right and personally contribute to what is needed to be done.
I say contribute open heartedly in the IDP relief operation, show sincerity and we shall turn it around.
If we work hard and persevere Allah will help us recover Inshallah!

I think people have had it with dictators and that is a plus, people are much more aware and that is a plus.

There are hundreds of problems facing us but does it mean we justify inaction on one front by citing difficulties on the other front.

Leave everything else alone...and give me yes or no answer...
...given how many people the TTP have bombed and butchered like animals in front of all and in well fabricated videos as well; if you have the power to fight them...would you fight or bend over?
Yes or No?
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He is successfully runing SKH and thausand of patients are getting benefit from this facility.What else you need proof of his intelligence.I dont think he has done anything wrong with nation.

He is giving his point of view against army action,if any body dont agree better give counter arguments but in professional way.

He has not made assets from politics ,that is way you are calling him bad names.:D

haha - too funny. Imran Khan may be a nice man, a sincere man, a honest man and a do-gooder. That in no way certifies him to be an intelligent man when it comes to political and national affairs.

No wonder his party won just a single seat in each of the last two elections the PTI competed in.

Sorry if my criticism is not politically correct enough for you. :)
Collateral damage is expected in any war may it be LIC or a full fledged war. Even America couldn't avoid civilian death when it attacked Iraq in 2005. But it is considered the best example of "Low" Collateral Damage occurring during start of a war.
What does IK want us to do? Talk to them? Didn't we do that like half a dozen times? We, till last week had a peace deal with Baitullah Mehsud even though he was behind almost all attacks occurring in Pakistan. IK just hates anything that has a single trace of American Interests and he thinks that this war is solely for making Uncle Sam happy. Well let me tell you that he is totally wrong. He wouldn't give these type of statements if he was attacked by the Militants for not having a beard or not revealing his ankle. The whole nation supports the on-going operation in Swat no one gives a tiny rats a** to what IK thinks or says.
I remember he was at a cricket match and the commentator asked him how was the game and he started negative propaganda against the Army and Swat operation. And I was like Dude! This is a Cricket match and not a stupid political debate where you can express you opinions about the Army.
As far as we dont have a complete approach at the 'causes' & 'effects' levels , its game over. I am not losing hope in that either. The present system will fall then we can build on something new. I am taking the present civil 'strife' as awakening which happens before any 'power' rises, whether it was ARABs or GHENGHIZ KHAN. Its a process of 'self-awakening & self- realization'
For me simply bigger murderers are the ZARDRARIs & MIANS & MQM etc. By complete approach it means to deal with them all. A tyrant is acceptable if he is just, benovelent & foremost concerns himself only with GOD first.
Our constituion is ISLAMIC just in name, not in spirit. The first words are 'SOVREIGNITY ONLY BELONGS TO ALLAH' , in spirit we have replaced ALLAH with USA & WEST.
I am a COMMONER, TTP knife was never pointed on me. It threatened USA & its policies first. TALIBAN were never here, its the outcome of US invasion. However I will assert again that with the type of people on top, this war against TALIBS can never be won. I am ready to bet with anyone of my 'forum fellows' that this will be worse in 1 year time & more out of control .
P.S The BET is also subject to condition that I am still alive and not a victim of any suicide bombing
The war in Swat is almost over. People are returning to their homes. Bahrain and Kalam are now Curfew free zones, Bunner has been cleared. I Bet you that this Anti-Taliban campaign will be over in 1 year OR LESS.
P.S The BET is also subject to condition that I am still alive and not shot by an Imran Khan Supporter.
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