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Pakistan, China, Russia warn of increased IS threat in Afghanistan


May 21, 2006
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Pakistan, China, Russia warn of increased IS threat in Afghanistan
Dawn.com | Reuters — Published 8 minutes ago

Russia, China and Pakistan warned on Tuesday that the influence of the militant Islamic State (IS) was growing in Afghanistan and that the security situation there was deteriorating.

The countries had issued a joint statement after the third round of trilateral consultations on regional issues between officials from Russia, China and Pakistan held in Moscow on Tuesday.

"(The three countries) expressed particular concern about the rising activity in the country of extremist groups, including the Afghan branch of IS," Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told reporters after the meeting.

An offshoot of IS has claimed responsibility for several attacks in Afghanistan over the last year.

Zakharova said Russia, China and Pakistan had "noted the deterioration of the security situation (in Afghanistan)".

The three countries also agreed to a "flexible approach to remove certain figures from sanctions lists as part of efforts to foster a peaceful dialogue between Kabul and the Taliban movement," Zakharova added.

A number of Afghan provincial capitals have come under pressure from the Taliban this year while Afghan forces have been suffering high casualty rates, with more than 5,500 killed in the first eight months of 2016.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani last month had asked the United Nations to add the Taliban's new leader to its sanctions list, further undermining a stalled peace process.

Representatives from the three countries also agreed to invite the Afghan government to such talks in the future, the Russian foreign ministry said.

Earlier on Monday, Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) spokesman Ahmad Shekib Mustaghni had termed the agenda of the meeting a matter of concern.

“Talking on Afghanistan without consulting the country raises serious questions for the Afghan people. We are worried that what are the reasons behind the meeting and want the relevant parties to explain,” he was quoted as saying.

The United States, which still has nearly 10,000 troops in Afghanistan more than 15 years after the Taliban were toppled by US-backed Afghan forces, was not invited to the Moscow talks.

The gathering is likely to deepen worries in Washington that it is being sidelined in negotiations over Afghanistan's future.

Officials in Kabul and Washington have said that Russia is deepening its ties with Taliban militants fighting the government, though Moscow has denied providing aid to the insurgents.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry said that the government of Afghanistan should build national consensus promoting dialogue with the Taliban movement which is necessary for achieving reconciliation in the country, reported Russian news agency Sputnik.
The three countries also agreed to a "flexible approach to remove certain figures from sanctions lists as part of efforts to foster a peaceful dialogue between Kabul and the Taliban movement," Zakharova added..

Code words for recognizing Taliban officials' important role--by first removing some of them from the sanctions list.

This sure is so interesting--almost unbelievable that the Kabul govt was not invited to the talks.
Game is on. What I liked the most was this puppet regime of Ashraf ghani was shown his place by not inviting him and so was the USA.

Now America will learn it's mistake for not stopping india from destabilizing the peace talks with Taliban. Pakistan will have knew policies created for Afghanistan with China and Russia but America shall be out of the game.
Code words for recognizing Taliban officials' important role--by first removing some of them from the sanctions list.

This sure is so interesting--almost unbelievable that the Kabul govt was not invited to the talks.
Using Taliban to neutralize IS . Scorpion vs snake. Once the job is done finish the left over.
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“Talking on Afghanistan without consulting the country raises serious questions for the Afghan people. We are worried that what are the reasons behind the meeting and want the relevant parties to explain,” he was quoted as saying

Since when this puppets represents to the people of Afghanistan? Who's care if you are worried. The reason you were not involved in this meeting because you are not real stakeholders.
Now America will learn it's mistake for not stopping india from destabilizing the peace talks with Taliban. Pakistan will have knew policies created for Afghanistan with China and Russia but America shall be out of the game.
Zionist controlled America will not give up so easily.
Code words for recognizing Taliban officials' important role--by first removing some of them from the sanctions list.

This sure is so interesting--almost unbelievable that the Kabul govt was not invited to the talks.
They have been shown their worth and place. They don't have control beyond Kabul and only staying in power because of NATO troops, the moment they leave Afghanistan, other forces will take over.
Truth being told Pakistan is the only country directly affected by destable Afghanistan.
India is just an annoyance having no business in Afg.Just meddling there to gain upper hand against Pakistan no other Agenda.
Russia have a direct interest due to spread of IS in Afghanistan that can directly threaten Former soviet republics.
China also shares border with wakhan strip of Afghanistan.

While Americans **** up things where ever they go. Stop this northern alliance monarchy in Afghanistan by supporting their corrupt goons by foreign aid and asisstance and calling it a national government.
Kabul establishment is really getting more and more irrelevant now.
If using Taliban terrorists are the final option according to you three then in future ISIS will bite Pakistan very ugly way & even Taliban if things don't hold right.Pakistan shares huge border with Afghans.
Let's not talk about role of US Afghanistan & India in this..
If using Taliban terrorists are the final option according to you three then in future ISIS will bite Pakistan very ugly way & even Taliban if things don't hold right.Pakistan shares huge border with Afghans.
Its better to resist rather then give up. If things gone wrong We will seal the border with them later and make it no go zone .
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Using Taliban to neutralize IS . Scorpion vs snake.

Sounds like they have all agreed on regime change, using ISIS as a pretext. What would be interesting is what part India will play in this.
Pakistan, China, Russia warn of increased IS threat in Afghanistan
Dawn.com | Reuters — Published 8 minutes ago

Zakharova said Russia, China and Pakistan had "noted the deterioration of the security situation (in Afghanistan)".

The three countries also agreed to a "flexible approach to remove certain figures from sanctions lists as part of efforts to foster a peaceful dialogue between Kabul and the Taliban movement," Zakharova added.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani last month had asked the United Nations to add the Taliban's new leader to its sanctions list, further undermining a stalled peace process.

The gathering is likely to deepen worries in Washington that it is being sidelined in negotiations over Afghanistan's future.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry said that the government of Afghanistan should build national consensus promoting dialogue with the Taliban movement which is necessary for achieving reconciliation in the country, reported Russian news agency Sputnik.

The crucial parts. AFG/US/India are to be sidelined. Taliban being legitimized and seen as a viable and credible opposition. Pak's roadmap for peace and stability rightfully recognizes the impediment that is the regime in Kabul. Ghani can huff and puff all he wants. He started out trying to "isolate" Pak, ended up isolating himself in his own country.
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