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Pakistan cannot force Afghanistan into recognizing the Durand line, says Ka

Yo zal mong the kharzoi pa G banday kenawalo no da day matlab da kho na day chee day dee zamong pa sar okheji.

Durand line is a Pashtun thing in Afg, it is not Communist Pashtun as you try to portray it.

Pashtuns there dont know anything about it. They only know about this misplaced made up line "D attacka puray zamong day"

It has NO legal NO international standing.

And mostly atheist Communist Pushtuns exploit such rehtoric for their own interests.
Yo zal mong the kharzoi pa G banday kenawalo no da day matlab da kho na day chee day dee zamong pa sar okheji.

Ya ALLAH Toubah :rofl: :rofl: Tell me its not you and some one else in this ID lol

And for all thos who thanked my Post # 10 in this thread .. If you saw that pix which i hide intentionally .. then you all will remove your thank back :rofl:

Yo zal mong the kharzoi pa G banday kenawalo no da day matlab da kho na day chee day dee zamong pa sar okheji.

Pashtuns there dont know anything about it. They only know about this misplaced made up line "D attacka puray zamong day"

It has NO legal NO international standing.
You can kid yourself as much as you want, but the truth on the ground is not what you really want to hear. International or no internation, as if they care about it.

And mostly atheist Communist Pushtuns exploit such rehtoric for their own interests

and how about the Taliban?
That is incorrect, despite the Mullah propaganda, Pashtun nationalism is not communistic in nature.

No one can deny Pashtun nationalism. Someone must be crazy to do so.

However it is EXTREMELY important for Afghanistani posters like yourself to concentrate on Afghanistan-first approach.


The horrible horrible history of the last 4 decades means, Afghanistan-first policies and discussion are the only way to get out of the mess.

this is not too different from a scenario of a man recovering from long term illness.

For him, the most important thing is to start cleaning his OWN home, find a job, start exercising etc. etc.

And if a neighbor comes and misbehaves, he should say, "I forgive you", I just got out of sick-bed, and I don't need to start a fight and go back again to the sickbed.

When Afghanistanis come on a Pakistani forum and talk about Pashtun nationalism, they gain nothing and leave a lot of sour feeling for all the Pakistanis.

If the same Afghanistanis go on a Afghanistani forum and talk about Pashtun nationalism, they gain nothing and leave a lot of sour feeling for all those non-Pashtun Afghanistanis.

Thus for an Afghanistani-pashtun, it is a lose lose situation to just blabber mouth about Pashtun-nationalism.

Pashtun-nationalism means doodoo if an Afghanistani cannot offer money or food, education or health to an Pashutn on Pakistani side.


Afghanistani Pashtuns are in no position to offer anything constructive at this point.

Hopefully soon.

but not at this time.

And if on the other hand, Afghanistani-Pashtuns are asking or begging for some food, or money, asking for other "constructive" contribution from Pakistani-Pashtuns, then be nice.

And ask nicely.

Otherwise this empty sloganeering will only attract smugglers and Talib-b@stards and you will end up hurting Pashutns on both sides of the border.

I hope you understand.

thank you.
No one can deny Pashtun nationalism. Someone must be crazy to do so.

However it is EXTREMELY important for Afghanistani posters like yourself to concentrate on Afghanistan-first approach.

Good post, and I agree with most of what you wrote. I'm not a Pashtun, so I admit I don't know everything about Pashtun nationalism. Afghanistan must first focus on eradicating religious extremism and building up a strong state, and institutions. I have seen much mud slinging on this forum, and on the rest of the Internet, about who is the better Pashtun. It's clearly not constructive.
During a recent press briefing in Kabul on Saturday, Afghan President Hamid Karzai lashed out at Pakistan for allegedly violating the Afghan sovereignty with border skirmishes. The President was specifically referring to the clashes between Afghan and Pakistani security forces in Goshta district (Nangarhar province).

"Pakistan could never force Afghanistan into recognising the British-mandated Durand Line with border skirmishes", he said.

"The neighbour should stop thinking that it could coerce Afghanistan into negotiations on the Durand Line issue".

Calling the exchange of heavy gunfire at the border checkposts "a coincidence", the President stated with firmness that he had "not ordered the clash".

Durand Line issue just a confused fart of CIA pay roll Afghan president in order to keep itself prominent for Afghans while his term is going to be ended. So he want to earn something for next episode.

Not more or less.
Useless to even think over it.
Durand line is a Pashtun thing in Afg, it is not Communist Pashtun as you try to portray it.

It is sad to see that Afghanistan has suffered enormously for not having a secure border.

It is doubly sad to see that Afghanistanis are proud to have a porous border.

Man oh Man.

Even a caveman, or a goat-herder can be smarter than some of the posters on this forum.

Here is an example.

If an uneducated and poor goat herder watches his goats being kidnapped and killed every night, what would he do?

he will put a fence, if there is none.

he will reinforce the fence if it is weak.

Oh and he will not go 1000 miles from his goats to put this fence.

He will fence close to where his goats are.

Then I see some Afghanistanis come on a Pakistani forum and slap their bosoms like a village woman


Smugglers and Talib-b@stards are BBQing Afghan goats every night,

And yet

people like yourself come over hear and shout about hyenas and jackals eating your goats,

crying and shout like a village-woman.

but you utterly refuse to put up a fence, utterly and solemnly refuse.

Strange very ver very very very very strange.

You all should be the biggest advocates of the 100 feet high wall on Afghanistan-Pakistan border but you all refuse to see the value of such wall. Absolutely and foolishly refuse.
We advise Karzai to raise question of Merv and Panjdeh before Durand line, anyway Afghanistan hasn't actual grounds of their claim which itself devalued by international territorial laws.
Well said.

Suppose there was no partition, and Afghanistanis would question Duran line,

Guess what,

Their Indian masters would have whooped Karazai's @rse.

But as I said earlier,

If the Afghanistanis are not willing to accept the international border, we don't accept as well.

That means it is open to interpretation where the border line should be or not at all.

Might is right in case of $tupid bar fight. One should know this and fully realize it.

Afghanistanis will always someone else's lap so that to do bhown bhaaaaa-wooon against Pakistan.

First it was the commie Russia.

Now it is going to be India.

But Afghanistanis will be delusional to do Indian bidding.

While Commie Russia was super power of the day,

Indians can't even go against the local Chinese.

I hate to see India in trouble against China. No Siree.

Just explaining the facts with no self-praising or anything like that.


Just to keep things in perspective...India didnt need to be a super power to cause trouble for Pakistan and vice versa...

So please keep that in mind before you dismiss any support, American, Rusi, Indian or otherwise...insurgencies only need funding and resources and a disgruntled/inspired population...the only edge super powers have in this field is the level of funding...

PS: I do not believe that recognition or lack thereof of the Durand Line is through any Indian bidding...It has been a Pushtun (read Afghan) initiative that Pakistan as a state has accepted as well given the porus border and the amount of freedom provided to the Tribal areas to govern themselves based on their local culture.
We advise Karzai to raise question of Merv and Panjdeh before Durand line, anyway Afghanistan hasn't actual grounds of their claim which itself devalued by international territorial laws.

another interesting thing to note is trouble that is being made on our western border is all Pakistan centric , take the example of Balochistan as well , what the afghanis claim as their territory cleanly leaves out the Sistan part of Balochistan that currently part of iran , I think along with others iran too is party to the distrubances being created on our western border
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