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Pakistan can survive without US aid!

Unfortunately, try as you may, you do not speak for all Americans. Americans don't remember Pakistan, they remember an Islamic extremist. Believe it or not. Most Americans know very little about Pakistan. As stated again, discussions about Pakistan were not of high nature and lasted maybe 30 seconds. This is going to not work for you man. Don't waste time on it.

ROFL. Okay... you continue believing that :)
I can continue believing what I said...... and you can the same about what you said. See, how easy it is to say that.

Anyway, you're accusing me of hold a crystal ball, yet you're doing the same. I am actually more aware of what interests Americans, and Pakistan isn't too high on the list. Iran, North Korea, Israel are though.
We have to get rid of US aid anyhow..Why don't do it now then ?

Why don't ask our rich 'Muslim brothers' (Middle East,KSA) to help us in the time of need.They can fcuking buy weapons of worth $60 billions but can't they help us by giving just $6 billions or so??

We should increase our trade with China,Malaysia,Indonesia,M.E, and even India for that matter . . . . . .

Enough is Enough now !

There is a quote in Hindi '' Begani shaadi me abdullah diwana '' :cheers:
There is a quote in Hindi '' Begani shaadi me abdullah diwana '' :cheers:

Ab is azeem hindi quote ki tashreeh b krdo na phir? :lol:

Can you explain the quote? How this quote fits on my comment.Thanks
Oh please. My point is that they're not knowledgeable about Pakistan and probably don't know that Pakistan receives aid. I don't see how your links show otherwise. So they want to eliminate aid, doesn't mean they know about Pakistan receiving aid. They don't like Pakistan, doesn't mean they're knowledgeable about Pakistan.
Not to forget the rise in number of hollywood movies that portray an aggressive, extremist pakistan.
US cannot sever all ties otherwise it's soldiers will be stuck in Afghanistan with no way to get out or get supplies in. Plus with all the revolutions around the middle east Pakistan will prove to be a valuable country for the US if it wants to maintain connection with the middle east.
^^^Its was nice to have the supply lines- but its not an all or nothing situation. You guys forget there quite a few " stan's" bordering Afghanistan that can be bought too. ------- Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan

Focus on the arguments, not on where someone lives or speculating about their status. This is the second thread you have done that on.
If Americans will stop the aid and serve their ties with us , they will be our bestest friend ever .coz that will give us opportunity to grow on our own resources and we have enough to survive.
I wish they could have done it till now .................
Pakistan has friends like CHINA and TURKEY and yes criteria of friendship is that your freind is not doing drone attacks in your backyard.I say seriously its time to say ALWIDA and SALAM NAMASTE to Uncle Sam LOL
the common man is ready - are the 'elite' - that is the issue - 99% of the wealth is controlled by 1% of the population. it is them who are 'worried' not the common man!

Sadly the elite are probably the ones that wont suffer. If times are hard in Pakistan they can hop over to London and stay in a nice apartment. Of course if the 1% with that 99% of the wealth actually started paying some tax on it there wouldnt need to be any hardship.
Can pakistan survive?

Well it might, it might not, something only time will tell if the US, its allies, and international aid agencies were to suspend all aid and put future relations on hold but people took the example of 1993-2001, sure but the same decade is termed as the lost decade as well, are you guys ready for similar lost decade/s and at that point in time you were not really on the wrong side of bigger powers, a certain senior bush and mr Clinton still had a soft corner for Pakistan.

Atleast the aid flowing in is making sure Pakistan is not going bankrupt, which it would have, had the friendly countries and the US in particular directly and through aid agencies not pushed in the aid money, also don’t forget the bulging external debt which stands at a staggering 31%, which if all the donors stand today on your doors asking all the money back will become an impossible herculean task. I hope people do realize what it means going bankrupt and ripple effect on the economy, with investments coming to a stand still, flight of capital, wealthy Pakistanis fleeing with all their money, remittance dropping drastically, rupee on an uncontrollable downward spiral, with little or no access to basic things of day-to-day needs, with inflation which would see a new high every day, where a Zimbabwe would look a comparable or possibly a much better case.

People also proudly talk about the decade that followed once musharraf stepped in, but was it all his doing that one saw on display or were there a lot of other underlying factors which had outside support that made it for Pakistan then, reflect and look at the actual picture, not based on rhetoric but on pure hard facts.

More than the economics of it, I think najam sethi rightly put it, what to expect in Baluchistan, Khyber pakhtunkhwa and Karachi, which could all go up in flames and all you will end up will an economy completely in tatters with little or no hope and people all over fighting against the state with full vigor for a separate nation with international vested interests keenly supporting. A civil war would be an understatement, add to that the international interest in pak nukes, far from being in a situation to anyone’s liking who all posting in support of cut all aid and relations with the US, and then there are the extremists waiting to take over the state.

Guess what, isn’t it surprising the pak army is keeping mum on the issue. Those chaps there pretty well understand how horribly wrong it all could go and for the same reason I wont be surprised they along with the civil administration will work out a deal where this American dude will be let off on one ground or the other.

One can understand the high emotions that are being displayed but think about it calmly and not purely on high sense of jingoism and not that I expect Pakistan to not listen to what they are being told by the US, if not today but then most certainly tomorrow, there isn’t a way out!
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