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Pakistan builds up MBT fleet


Jan 21, 2013
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[Content preview – Subscribe to IHS Jane’s Defence Weekly for full article]

Pakistan has enhanced its armour capability through a co-operation agreement with NORINCO and
local firm Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) for a phased MBT development and production programme.

This agreement included upgrading the Chinese Type 59 MBT and progressive manufacturing of Type
69, Type 85, and, more recently, the MBT-2000, also referred to as the Al Khalid.

[Continued in full version…]


Excerpt from:

Forging ahead: Asian armour update - IHS Jane's 360

by: Christopher F Foss (IHS Jane's Land Consultant, based in London)

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Pakistan needs to welcome other countries like Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Morocco to work with Chinese on MBTs, APC (Wheeled and Tracked), Trucks and other vehicles and also to work on commercial aspect of vehicle building too. All of them can easily hire Japanese, Koreans and German expertise having in excess of 20 years of Automotive experience....
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