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Pakistan Boosting Plutonium Production: ISIS

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By Mark Heinrich
Thu Sep 18, 2008

VIENNA (Reuters) - Pakistan is close to completing a second plutonium-producing reactor, is well into building a third and these could increase its ability to make atomic bombs, a U.S. think-tank said on Thursday.

"The wider implication ... (is that) there is a real risk this will exacerbate an India-Pakistan nuclear arms race and increase tensions more broadly between the two," the Institute for Science and International Security said in a report.

The regional arch-rivals have fought three wars, are both outside the global Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and have tested nuclear arms with Western technology imported ostensibly for peaceful atomic energy.

But a 45-nation nuclear export cartel approved a waiver to its rules this month allowing trade with India as part of a civilian nuclear cooperation pact it struck with the United States. The entire undertaking could erode the NPT, critics say.

ISIS, a well-connected Washington-based group, has been a prominent tracker of nuclear proliferation issues focusing on Iran, North Korea and Syria as well as Pakistan and India.

Emailed to Reuters, the ISIS report included commercial satellite images taken two weeks ago and in February and May showing construction of the second and third Khushab complexes.

Pakistan has an operating heavy-water reactor and heavy-water production plant already at Khushab.

A row of cooling towers indicated the second reactor was close to completion and could be ready to operate in a year's time, according to the 10-page report.

"Once completed, these reactors will increase several-fold Pakistan's ability to make weapons-grade plutonium (fuel)."

The report estimated the reactors would run on power of "about 100 megawatts or more," which could enable the two combined to yield plutonium for 8-10 atomic bombs a year.

"When finished, the second and third Khushab reactors will allow a significant increase in the quantity and quality of Pakistan's nuclear weapons."

The report said India could easily match Pakistan's moves given its own ability to churn out plutonium in heavy water reactors and a fast-breeder reactor under construction.

"Rather than witnessing a wasteful and dangerous surge in the production of fissile materials for weapons in South Asia, the United States should make a key priority convincing Pakistan to join negotiations on a universal, verified Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty," the report said.

U.N. negotiations on such a treaty, which would ban production of nuclear weapons fuel, have made no headway for years because of a lack of consensus among nuclear powers.

Pakistan built its first nuclear power station in 1972 with Canadian help. But Western countries, under pressure from Washington, later severed cooperation amid suspicion that Pakistan was covertly developing nuclear weapons.

Pakistan conducted five nuclear tests in 1998 in response to those of India, becoming a nuclear-armed state.
Pakistan close to boosting nuclear means

Friday, 19 Sep, 2008 | 01:06 AM PKT |

VIENNA: Pakistan is close to completing a second plutonium-producing reactor and is well into construction of a third in Khushhab - a development which could vastly increase its ability to make atomic bombs, the Institute for Science and International Security reported on Thursday.
“The wider implication ... (is that) there is a real risk this will exacerbate an India-Pakistan nuclear arms race and increase tensions more broadly between the two,” the Washington-based ISIS stated in its report.
The regional arch-rivals have fought three wars, are both outside the global Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and have tested nuclear arms with Western technology imported ostensibly for peaceful atomic energy.
But a 45-nation nuclear export cartel approved a waiver to its rules this month allowing trade with India as part of a civilian nuclear cooperation pact it struck with the United States. The entire undertaking could erode the NPT, critics say.
According to Reuters, the ISIS has been a prominent tracker of nuclear proliferation issues focusing on Iran, North Korea and Syria as well as Pakistan and India.
The ISIS report includes commercial satellite images taken two weeks ago and in February and May showing construction of the second and third Khushab complexes.
Pakistan has an operating heavy-water reactor and heavy-water production plant already at Khushab.
A row of cooling towers indicated the second reactor was close to completion and could be ready to operate in a year's time.
“Once completed, these reactors will increase several-fold Pakistan's ability to make weapons-grade plutonium (fuel).”
The report estimated the reactors could yield enough plutonium for 8-10 atomic bombs a year.
“When finished, the second and third Khushab reactors will allow a significant increase in the quantity and quality of Pakistan's nuclear weapons.”
The report said India could easily match Pakistan's moves given its own ability to churn out plutonium in heavy water reactors and a fast-breeder reactor under construction.
The ISIS also recommended that the United States should make it "a key priority" to convince Pakistan to "join negotiations on a universal, verified Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty.”
U.N. negotiations on such a treaty, which would ban production of nuclear weapons fuel, have made no headway for years because of a lack of consensus among nuclear powers.:guns::usflag::argh::argh:

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan close to boosting nuclear means
Full ISIS report here:

An excerpt:

Second Khushab Plutonium Production Reactor Nears Completion

Time to reenergize negotiations of a Verified Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty
David Albright and Paul Brannan

ISIS has obtained commercial satellite imagery from DigitalGlobe taken on September 3, 2008, May 18, 2008 and February 9, 2008 of the Khushab plutonium production reactor site in Pakistan. The imagery shows further construction of the second and third plutonium production reactors at Khushab (Figure 1), and that construction of the second reactor may be nearing completion. The images show a clearly visible row of cooling towers, typically built in the later phase of reactor construction (Figure 3). Given this state of construction, the second reactor could start in a year.

Once completed, these reactors will increase several-fold Pakistan’s ability to make weapon-grade plutonium for nuclear weapons. The wider implication of Pakistan increasing its plutonium production capacity must not be overlooked—there is a real risk that it will exacerbate an India-Pakistan nuclear arms race and increase tensions more broadly between the two. A U.S. priority should be a verified cutoff of the production of plutonium and highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons in South Asia and worldwide.

The September 3, 2008 imagery shows that the roof of the third Khushab reactor hall is not yet placed on top and the reactor vessel can be seen inside (Figure 2). There does not appear to be construction of any additional reactors in the imagery.

The Khushab nuclear site originally consisted of one heavy water reactor with a power of about 50 megawatts-thermal and one heavy water production facility. On July 24, 2006, ISIS released the first publicly available commercial satellite imagery of the facility showing the construction of a second plutonium production reactor at the Khushab nuclear site. On June 21, 2007, ISIS released satellite imagery showing the construction of a third plutonium production reactor on the site. Although Pakistan has not sought to conceal the construction of these reactors, it still has not spoken publicly about their power, treating the subject as a state secret.

More Cooling Towers

The September 2008 imagery shows, in addition to a row of eight cooling towers visible in earlier imagery, the construction of more cooling towers for the second reactor (Figure 4). The exact number and purpose of these additional towers are difficult to determine from the imagery. However, the extra towers imply that the new reactors could be larger than the first one.

The cooling towers for the second Khushab reactor appear to be of a type called mechanical draft, where the draft is driven in part by large fans. This type of cooling tower can extract more heat than similar natural draft cooling towers, such as the type found at the five megawatt-electric reactor in Yongbyon, North Korea.

For eight of the cooling towers, each measures approximately 5.25 meters in diameter. The original Khushab reactor has a row of eight cooling towers with each measuring approximately 5.25 meters in diameter as well (Figure 5). For comparison, the Algerian El Salam heavy water reactor, which was supplied by China, has six similarly-sized cooling towers (Figure 6), estimated by U.S. government experts several years ago as able to dissipate about 50-100 megawatts of heat1. It is unclear if the Khushab cooling towers are similar to the Es Salam towers. The cooling towers for the second reactor may be capable of dissipating significantly more heat than the Es Salam towers, or for that matter the towers at the first Khushab reactor. Nonetheless, extrapolating those values provides an initial estimate that the eight Khushab towers can dissipate about 70-130 megawatts-thermal. The additional cooling towers could increase this cooling capacity.

Another indication that the second and third Khushab reactors are larger than the first one is that they each have two identical square towers adjacent to their south-east corners (Figure 3), where the original Khushab reactor has only one of these towers (Figure 5). The purpose of the towers is unclear.(2)

**1. The lower estimate is from Mark Hibbs, “Cooling Towers are Key to Claim Algeria is Building Bomb Reactor,” Nucleonics Week, April 18, 1991. The upper bound is from an interview with a knowledgeable U.S. government expert. The cooling towers can dissipate far more heat than produced in the Es Salam reactor, which has a power of 15 megawatts-thermal. Thus, the Es Salam cooling towers have more heat dissipating capability than the reactor requires. In the case of the Khushab reactors, the power of the first reactor is estimated at about 50 megawatts-thermal, for a reserve less than that at the Es Salam reactor..

**2. The function of these towers is not obvious from the imagery but could reasonably be ascribed as follows. They could contain a head tank that would maintain the moderator pressure a few pounds above atmospheric, (increasing the boiling temperature a few degrees and allowing a slightly higher reactor operating power). They could also contain equipment to maintain the purity of the heavy water moderator, normally about 99.75% D2O. Such equipment might include a distillation column for removing light water exchanged with heavy water during periods when the reactor vessel is vented to the atmosphere, or an extraction system (such as an ion exchange system), for removing contaminants such as aluminum, fission products from failed fuel elements, or other contaminants. The towers could also be associated with tritium recovery. Another possibility is that the towers contain an auxiliary safety system such as a supply of heavy water loaded with boron or gadolinium that could be used to shut the reactor down during an accident scenario that involved the inoperability of the normal control system. All of these possibilities are consistent with accepted design criteria for heavy water reactors whose purpose is to produce plutonium or tritium for nuclear weapons.

Pakistan appears to have begun clearing a large plot of land adjacent to the second and third Khushab reactors (Figure 7). It is too early to determine whether or what new construction will take place in this area.

No electricity production equipment is seen in the images. This is consistent with the purpose of the reactors being to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. Nonetheless, Pakistan could add electrical generating equipment to these reactors or add such equipment to any heavy water reactors it would build in the future.

Power of the New Reactors

The analysis we did in the July 2006 report was based on the size of the second Khushab reactor vessel, and we continue to believe that the satellite imagery depicted the actual reactor vessel. The analysis based on the vessel size led us to estimate the reactor capable of operating in excess of 1,000 megawatts-thermal.

Our 2006 report was controversial and criticized by U.S. officials and experts in the NGO community, some of whom had access to information from the U.S. intelligence community. According to a U.S. government official knowledgeable about internal U.S. studies of Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities, the new Khushab reactors have each been assessed as having a power far less than 1,000 megawatts-thermal and as being “consistent” with the size of the first one. To this U.S. official, the latter statement indicates that their power will be likely 50-100 megawatts-thermal, larger than the first one and up to double its size. However, this official cautioned that the United States may not have specific information on the power of the new reactors, and its assessment has uncertainties that could mean that the actual power is underestimated.

ISIS continues to assess that the power of each of the two new reactors is likely significantly larger than the first one. However, we recognize that the information at hand is insufficient to provide high confidence in our past assessment. Reflecting this uncertainty and awaiting more information, we currently assess that the reactors will have a power of about 100 megawatts-thermal or more.

An expert who has worked with ISIS on evaluating the Khushab reactors, with over 50 years of experience in building and operating U.S. heavy water reactors, has assessed that there is a better than even chance that the power of the second and third Khushab reactors is or will eventually be substantially larger than that of the first one. Even if each of the reactor’s nameplate power was as low as 50-100 megawatts-thermal, he has assessed that Pakistan could still greatly expand its power in the future. This analysis assumes a certain degree of Pakistani competence in building and operating heavy water reactors, which he assesses to be within Pakistan’s reach.

If each of the two new Khushab reactors operates at 100 megawatts-thermal, the two reactors combined could produce enough plutonium for 8-10 nuclear weapons per year.3 The first Khushab reactor’s plutonium production capacity is about 2-3 nuclear weapons per year.

Revive Fissile Cutoff Treaty Talks

When finished, the second and third Khushab reactors will allow a significant increase in the quantity and quality of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, regardless of the outcome of the dispute about the reactors’ power. If the power of these two reactors is significantly greater than 100 megawatts-thermal, or if their power is increased, these reactors would rival those that fueled the arsenals of the mid-sized nuclear weapons states, Britain, France, and China.

Pakistan’s increase in plutonium production furthers needlessly the nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan and undermines fragile efforts at rapprochement between the two countries in other spheres. India can easily match Pakistan’s actions, given its own capabilities to produce plutonium for weapons in heavy water power reactors and a breeder reactor under construction. Rather than witnessing a wasteful and dangerous surge in the production of fissile materials for weapons in South Asia, the United States should make a key priority convincing Pakistan to join the negotiations of a universal, verified, Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty (FMCT), which would ban the production of plutonium and highly enriched uranium for nuclear explosives in a verifiable manner. As an interim step, the United States should press both countries to suspend any production of fissile material for nuclear weapons.

Achieving this goal would require the United States to change its relatively new policy of seeking a cutoff treaty that does not include verification. Worried about the other side cheating on a cutoff treaty, both India and Pakistan rightly seek a verified cutoff treaty. The Bush Administration’s rejection of the long-standing U.S. policy of requiring verification was a mistake that needs to be rectified. But even this change does not appear to be enough to convince Pakistan to join negotiations of a cutoff treaty. Most suspect that Pakistan wants to buy time to achieve its goal of operating the Khushab reactors to significantly increase its weapon-grade plutonium stock. But focused U.S. pressure can overcome this obstacle, particularly if the United States supports the conversion of the Khushab reactors to electricity production and works more actively with both India and Pakistan to limit the size of their nuclear arsenals.

**3. Each reactor is assumed to achieve a capacity factor of 60-80 percent, and each nuclear weapon is assumed to require 5 kilograms of plutonium. The Khushab I reactor is estimated as having a power of about 50 megawatts-thermal.

**4. If the power of each of the two new Khushab reactors is 250 megawatts-thermal, the two reactors combined could produce enough plutonium for about 20-25 nuclear weapons per year. If each has a power of 1,000 megawatts-thermal, then the two reactors combined could produce enough plutonium for between 80 and 100 nuclear weapons per year, assuming both operate at full power for at least 60 percent of the year.
**5. For more information on military plutonium stocks, see Global Stocks of Nuclear Explosive Materials - Table of Contents and IPFM International Panel on Fissile Materials - Mission 4

Current U.S. policy has had the unfortunate effect of turning the United States into more of a concerned by-stander of Pakistan’s expansion of its ability to produce nuclear weapons. It is time to make a verified FMCT a top priority again and insist that Pakistan and its rival India join these negotiations in good faith.
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Once you click on the link, scroll down to page 5 for satellite images of the reactors.

The images showing the structure of the reactors 2 and 3 start on page 7, and quite clearly show the details of additional cooling towers, fan blades implying mechanical draft cooling towers, and the twin towers (vs one for reactor 1).
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Dr. A. Q. khan, the world seems to be tiring of, so a new bogey - on one hand an unethical "one of kind" deal for India and on the other "concern" that Pakistan's capablity to prduce weapons grade plutonium will increase, not that Pakistan will be able to produce more electricity and not only relieve pressure on it's populace, economy and also give politiicans breathing space, no, the emphasis is on weapons grade plutonium.

Unfortunately in the present economic situation/climate, this report goes to increase pressure on Pakistan, were the economic situation favorable to Pakistan, this pressure would be what it ought to be, meaningless.

Albright and company have been commenting on the development of these two reactors for a few years now.

I find it a testament to Pakistani competence that not only are we expanding production, but qualitatively improving our designs.

ISIS also released the report detailing Indian nuclear proliferation, just a tad late though.

The additional area being cleared around the sites is interesting as well.

I have been following the reports. Without a doubt the work is impressive, I also find hints of news of progress towards Pakistani reactors most satisfying.

My comment above was to acknowledge that a variety of "Think tanks" seem to think Pakistan ought to have no concern other than what they dictate.

Re getting Pakistan into FMCT while transferring advantage to it's adversay:

Achieving this goal would require the United States to change its relatively new policy of seeking a cutoff treaty that does not include verification. Worried about the other side cheating on a cutoff treaty, both India and Pakistan rightly seek a verified cutoff treaty. The Bush Administration’s rejection of the long-standing U.S. policy of requiring verification was a mistake that needs to be rectified. But even this change does not appear to be enough to convince Pakistan to join negotiations of a cutoff treaty. Most suspect that Pakistan wants to buy time to achieve its goal of operating the Khushab reactors to significantly increase its weapon-grade plutonium stock. But focused U.S. pressure can overcome this obstacle, particularly if the United States supports the conversion of the Khushab reactors to electricity production and works more actively with both India and Pakistan to limit the size of their nuclear arsenals
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Committee formed to buy atomic energy plants
Updated at: 1723 PST, Friday, September 19, 2008
Committee formed to buy atomic energy plants ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani formed a high-level committee for dealing in establishing and obtaining atomic energy plants here on Friday.

A meeting of the Strategic Plans Division (SPD), presided over by the prime minister, was held in Islamabad.

Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Tariq Majeed, DG-SPD Lt Gen (R) Khalid Qidwai, Minister for Defence Ahmed Mukhtar and other officials attended the meeting.

Gen Tariq Majeed and Khalid Qidwai gave briefing at the meeting on the project of nuclear energy and satellite communication.

The prime minister approved in principle the project of satellite communication.

He also announced to form a committee for obtaining the purchase of atomic energy plants and satellite communication system and other matters.

The committee includes deputy chairman Planning Commission, secretary finance, secretary foreign affairs, secretary water and electricity, and DG-Strategic Plans Division.
Committee formed to buy atomic energy plants - GEO.tv
Instead of focusing on producing more nuclear warheads Pakistan should focus on developing effective delivery systems. What good is it possessing hundreds of nukes if they cannot be delivered ? Pakistan really needs to have a delivery system capable of reaching any point on the surface of the planet.
Pakistan considers buying nuclear power plants

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is considering purchasing nuclear power plants to meet its growing energy shortages, the government said on Friday.

The country is suffering from acute power shortages, and officials say there is a power deficit of up to 4,000 megawatt.

In recent months state-run utilities have switched off power for several hours a day across the country, though the situation improved towards the end of summer, as air conditioners are in less use.

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani on Friday held a meeting with senior officials to discuss the possibility of buying nuclear plants.

Gilani set up a committee of senior officials ‘to work out the modalities and financial arrangements before a formal decision is made on the purchase of nuclear energy plants,’ his office said in a statement without giving further details.

Pakistan has two nuclear power plants.

Its first nuclear power plant was set up with Canadian help in 1972 and has a capacity of 137 megawatts.

The second nuclear power plant was built with the help of its long-time ally, China, in 1999 in Chashma, a town in the central Punjab province. It has a generation capacity of 325 megawatts. China is helping Pakistan build a third plant near Chashma.

Pakistan has previously asked the United States for a deal along the lines of one struck between the United States and rival India, that gives access to US know-how and technology to develop civil nuclear energy capacity.

The United States refused because of a scandal involving Pakistan's top nuclear scientist. Abdul Qadeer Khan was put under house arrest in 2004 after admitting he had run a smuggling ring to supply nuclear parts to countries including Libya, Iran and North Korea.

Pakistan and India became nuclear-armed states in 1988.

There should be a powerful jammer placed in that area to cut of any signal these spy satellites have over the area specially the commerical ones.
By the way its a great achievement interms of self reliance. We should be focusing on increasing the out put of the reactors one they start functioning. I highly doubt that US is in a position to pressurize Pakistan to cut supplies specially after the highly controversial move made by the US in favor of India, US has lost it all, the treaties are now a meaning less piece of paper.
Pakistan is going in the right direction, i assume the work started somewhere between Musharraf era, i hope the new GOP does not prove to be a cheap *** as previously was done in their rule bringing down the out put to 5%.
Had you guys read the comment of this so-called US think tank that has said that this will start an arm race between India and Pakistan.

:rofl::rofl: they can not see a mountain but can see a mustard seed
Good news after days of American intimidation, bullying and threats!
Good news after days of American intimidation, bullying and threats!

It was always there nothin new. Its only that before ghadari is going to US. The Zionists media and think thanks are surfacing grounds for building pressure for disarming Pakistan.
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