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Pakistan blocks NATO supplies

the real danger for pakistan if god's forbid there is a attack on US's main land and it is traced back to Pakistan.

we are not bloody responsible for whole world security . its new trend attack on USA EU INDIA JAPAN Pakistan is responsible damn what the hell they are doing to secure themselves ? and its not gonna work every time you get attack start a war lolz look what happen after 2 shitty wars usa become a SIHT . i hope more attacks on usa and usa fall down .
we are not bloody responsible for whole world security . its new trend attack on USA EU INDIA JAPAN Pakistan is responsible damn what the hell they are doing to secure themselves ? and its not gonna work every time you get attack start a war lolz look what happen after 2 shitty wars usa become a SIHT . i hope more attacks on usa and usa fall down .

The hatred inside your heart will seal your fate... Instead of taking responsibilites you come up with your conspiracy theories. Even your best friend accused you of terrorism forget about the rest. Pakistan should not allow her soil to be used against any other countries.
The hatred inside your heart will seal your fate... Instead of taking responsibilites you come up with your conspiracy theories. Even your best friend accused you of terrorism forget about the rest. Pakistan should not allow her soil to be used against any other countries.

Hmm....Saudi Arabia, UAE, China, England, France, Germany and so on have accused us of terrorism? There are more acceptances of our dedication and sacrifices in this war on terror then against. Your Indian views are biased and pathetic at best!
Nice, it means if supplies are closed it doesn't matter to them.

Now close the supplies permanently because it doesn't matter to them.
the real danger for pakistan if god's forbid there is a attack on US's main land and it is traced back to Pakistan.

Firstly why are you completely off topic - why and how the heck have you from supplies going through Pakistan got the subject relating to US main land strike by Pakistan? Is that a wet dream you have been praying for? Grow up and engage the brain cell before posting. BTW dont give us "god forbid" and pretend to care - your posts of obsession with our land cant mask the desire you have of Pakistan being attacked by the states - complete fail mr sachin@india.
Nice, it means if supplies are closed it doesn't matter to them.
Now close the supplies permanently because it doesn't matter to them.

When they killed Pakistani soldiers they knew the blockade will come. When pakistani Route was operational 30% of there supply was from central Asia.

If they cut 70% of their troops (Which they will coz they have nickled OBL in PAKISTAN), They won't need Pakistan anymore.
When they killed Pakistani soldiers they knew the blockade will come. When pakistani Route was operational 30% of there supply was from central Asia.

If they cut 70% of their troops (Which they will coz they have nickled OBL in PAKISTAN), They won't need Pakistan anymore.

They won't need Pakistan any more?? Then why do they keep coming back ;)???
Military/non-military supply was a bargaining chip for Pakistan. Now if USA/NATO will do some misadventure, Pakistan won't be in position to bargain.

I think USA is planning massive offense in Afghanistan (Pakistani border), There is no guarantee that USAF will not cross durand line.

Friend USA is bad, Enemy USA is worst... Pakistan will not afford it. I think USA may hit bad on Pakistan once it get out of Afghanistan.

Without support of bharti army US cannot invade Pakistan and i hope Pak army knows how to counter such venture.
Without support of bharti army US cannot invade Pakistan and i hope Pak army knows how to counter such venture.

Yaar...if for some xyz reason the US decides to invade India and invites Pakistan to attack India along with USA, we just might be stupid enough to indulge but I am pretty sure the Indians are not dumb enough to enter a war and cause severe damage to their own economy and infrastructure.
Pakistan holding trump card on NATO supply halt

Islamabad–Though initially the United States was not showing any anxiety on Pakistan’s action to halt all supplies to US-led forces in Afghanistan through Pakistani soil, at least the statements emanated from Washington reflected so, but, after three weeks, the reports reaching from Afghanistan suggested that Pakistani action has inflicted a telling blow on them.

A panic-like situation is witnessed in the military camps and garrisons across the Durand line as level of mobility and actions of the forces fighting with Taliban have come down. The winter has become very harsh for the NATO forces after cutting off fuel supply through tankers from Pakistan, standing in long queues at Pakistani ports, different areas on Pak-Afghan borders and roadsides resting places along the highways in Pakistan waiting green signal from the government.

More than four thousand tankers engaged in supplies have been halted while the loading and carrying containers with food and other essentials have also been stopped, cutting off life line of the forces, at least in this harsh winter when the northern supply routes through Central Asian Republics and Russian Federation have also frozen this year.

Pakistan is holding a crucial trump card at least for three months when this inhospitable winter will keep its wings on the northern supply routes for the forces in Afghanistan. The US can manage its light supplies through northern routes by air, but its heavy supplies, possible only through sea and land routes can not be carried out in this harsh winter without route from Pakistani. Even, a long supply route through Russian Federation and central Asian Republics, after the winter is over will cost the super power 100 times more than the route through Pakistan, which is the shortest one.

The situation for the NATO forces can further worsen, if Pakistan announces to close air corridor given to the US over Pakistani territory. This situation can precipitate the miseries for the forces fighting in a barren land infested with Taliban. Pakistan Government is also contemplating to put taxes and route cess on NATO supplies, the sources in the government said.

All these steps can expedite the evacuation of US-led NATO forces from neighbouring Afghanistan, the sources told this scribe.

Pakistan holding trump card on NATO supply halt
America has not given into anything, Pakistan should not give into anything either.

Instead Pakistan should start withdrawing support from other logistics as well like airspace access.
I think both sides are waiting for the out come of the report due out in a couple of days.

Americans hoping it will get them off the hook, while Pakistan's further reaction depends on the imminent findings.
Pakistan should not allow her soil to be used against any other countries.
You can argue that and blame Pakistan when India/US can prevent every single crime from occurring in their nations and arrest and successfully prosecute and rehabilitate every single criminal in their nations.

Terrorists are in essence 'criminals' - and just as it is impossible for even the worlds most developed nations to control all crime and criminals, so to is it impossible for any nation to control all 'terrorists(criminals)/terrorism(crime).

The only case in which one could argue that a nation is culpable in 'exporting terrorism' is if that nation directly supports the entities that carry out said terrorism.

So if an attack can be traced directly back to the Haqqani network, then yes, I would agree that Pakistan should be held responsible and should immediately rectify the situation by acting against the Haqqanis (despite the resource constraints), since Pakistan has refused to do so so far. But Pakistan cannot be blamed for any rag-tag individual or AQ/TTP sponsored plot, since Pakistan has actively pursued and hunted the TTP and AQ.
The only case in which one could argue that a nation is culpable in 'exporting terrorism' is if that nation directly supports the entities that carry out said terrorism....................

What about indirect support? Does that case apply in any situation or never?
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