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Pakistan bans ‘Call of Duty,’ ‘Medal of Honor’ for showing country as terro

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Oh man......:rofl:

RSS terrorists.


Who are these clowns ?

Check out the PREGNANT GUY ( 5th from the right ) with his belly hanging over his belt.
During Buhtoo Times alcohol beer and wine were openly available in pakistan and the government used to take in over $500 million /yr in today's dollars it would be easily 1 to 2 billion/yr by banning we lost that revenue for good.

Dont you worry!
Pakistani Islamic Government is still making some money on Haram stuff, where 99% of Muree's employees are MUSLIMS and GOP getting tax money from Alcohol.

Pakistan and alcohol: Hope in the hops | The Economist

In one steamy warehouse, clanking machines churn out 14,000 cans of lager every hour. Next door in the distillery is a line of machinery imported from India. It is also efficient and stable. It employs 400 people—“99% of them Muslim” says a boss—and dominates the alcohol industry in this Islamic republic.

This alcohol production line is indirectly confronting with Pakistani Sharia laws.
They are video games for crying out loud. What's next - banning PACMAN - because it sounds the same as Pak Man?

That was some genuine concern on display there...not.
What about ********. And who will stop cousins in Dubai playing it. Now the world refers to us as terrorists.

It is our failure to project ourselves and our failure to stop bombs from going off in our country constantly that is resulting in this. Even I have played an older version of modern warfare.
“The problem is that there are things that are against Pakistan and they have included criticism of our army. They show the country in a very poor light.”
Doesn't Pakistan need to see itself more in that light rather than less?
That was some genuine concern on display there...not.

All media is guilty of biases - and video games are no exception. How often have Indian movies shown Western people and nations are decadent, vile and amoral and India and Indians as the personification of virtue and right. Shame about the corruption though or about the reality.
Yeah... Just like they have banned Facebook and youtube, oh wait.. I have a brain and access to a proxy... PTA:0 Technology:1

It's a video game, i think it does not deserve the airtime people are giving it anyway.. Besides, we all know the kind of people who play such "war fighter" games are keyboard ninjas, case in point:
Just to be safe ban electricity also - no one will be able to play any of these games for good even pirated .
How can you guys keep missing huge threads where this topic is already being discussed.
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