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Pakistan asks US to share al-Zawahiri intel

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan asks US to share al-Zawahiri intel
Updated 58 minutes ago
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan asked the United States on Sunday to share "actionable intelligence" about Al-Qaeda's new chief Ayman al-Zawahiri and other high value targets.

The request from the military came after US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said before his arrival in Kabul on Saturday Washington wanted to see Pakistan go after al-Zawahiri, who is thought to be in the northwestern tribal areas.

"We expect the US intelligence establishment to share available information and actionable intelligence regarding al-Zawahari," the military said in a statement in Islamabad.

It added that sharing information about al-Zawahiri and other high value targets would "enable the Pakistan army to carry out targeted operations".

"The Pakistan army is already carrying out intense operations against Al-Qaeda and its affiliates, who are a threat to security of our country and people," the statement said, adding that terrorist leaders were already being hunted.

Former CIA chief Panetta, who replaced Robert Gates as defence chief on July 1, also pushed Pakistan to do more to help in the fight against Al-Qaeda, amid dismal relations between the US and its uneasy ally in the war on terror.

He said since the May night raid by US forces in Pakistan that killed Osama bin Laden, 10-20 key Al-Qaeda targets had been identified between Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and north Africa.

He added that al-Zawahiri was one those "we would like to see the Pakistanis target". (AFP)
Pakistan asks US to share al-Zawahiri intel
I don't think so that US will share the info...last time read OBL they also didn't share the info because they were worried that it wold be leak...Hopefully SEAL will gonna come in action again and will kill the scum.
i think it is not a good move by military. it is the GOP job to shout. military is already blamed to be running the affairs.
All Pakistan needs to do is to look around the cantonments more carefully. If US takes our Al-Zawahiri in an unilateral fashion then that will be nail in the coffin of already tattered reputation of Pakistani Army.
I don't care: I want Zawahiri to be removed from Pakistan, one way or another.

PS. People COMPLETELY misread the OBL raid and its aftermath. Pakistanis (both civilian and military) were not particularly incensed that Pakistan's 'sovereignty' was breached by the raid. It was the official and media noise generated against 'Pakistan' as a country which was the problem. Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Salman Bashir said, shortly after the raid, 'All we want is a semblance of respect in the media' (something like that). But, despite people like Rumsfeld's warning about 'not rushing to judgement', Americans decided to capitalize on the raid to humiliate Pakistan. That humiliation has gone too far and we are seeing a push back.
Yeah like they will share info like last time they shared about Laden. Face it; US is going to go after its interests regardless of most chest-thumpers here talk. They are going to strike hard and fast and silently. That is because Zawahiri is not just a threat to their bases and areas of influence in middle east but also a threat to darling Israel. Where Israel cannot reach to strike, US will.
Its best that Pakistan just stand down for the time being.... we will leave soon
If they had pin point info, they would have done a similar operation. I think right know they have a guess that he is there based on calculations.
they don't have info they will blame till end of film and one day they will kill him and throw him after 5 hours in sea without take his images.
I think this is wise public attempt to position Pakistan diplomatically should al-Zawahiri also be found in Pakistani territory, in order to provide a way out that HAD the US shared any actionable intelligence, he would have been caught earlier. Smart.
Nope they just want to make sure that the U.S. doesn't know where he is. They failed to protect Osama Bin Laden they don't want to experience humiliation by failing to protect Zawahiri.
Nope they just want to make sure that the U.S. doesn't know where he is. They failed to protect Osama Bin Laden they don't want to experience humiliation by failing to protect Zawahiri.

...as if the CIA will answer truthfully and completely in public what the USA knows in response to this ?! :D
Nope they just want to make sure that the U.S. doesn't know where he is. They failed to protect Osama Bin Laden they don't want to experience humiliation by failing to protect Zawahiri.

u failed to finish war while having biggest economy, latest weapons, help of 28 countries, now that is humiliation, and usa ego will go down the drain if our army turns against government, n ur drones and all that crap will be only useful for turning them into toys and play with em.
I don't think so that US will share the info...last time read OBL they also didn't share the info because they were worried that it wold be leak...Hopefully SEAL will gonna come in action again and will kill the scum.

there wont be another seal operation again, stop dreaming right now

---------- Post added at 04:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 AM ----------

...as if the CIA will answer truthfully and completely in public what the USA knows in response to this ?! :D

US will become country of liars, if they dont share true intel

the intention is to actually bust americans on their propaganda against pakistan, tht zawahiri is in pakistan
the intention is to actually bust americans on their propaganda against pakistan, tht zawahiri is in pakistan

Excellent idea. I look forward to great success by ISI experts in busting the US propaganda!
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