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Pakistan arrests do little to stop Lashkar.



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Dec 4, 2008
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Lashkar-e-Taiba(Militant group thousands strong) will not be crippled by Monday's arrest of the purported mastermind of the Mumbai attacks and at least 19 other members of the militant group, a Lashkar coordinator said.

"We´re still well-organized and active," said the militant, who serves as a coordinator for the group, which has a large following despite being outlawed in 2002.

The 20 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba were arrested Monday amid growing criticism that Pakistan has allowed the militant group to continue operating openly, despite claims to the contrary.

The Lashkar coordinator spoke with The Washington Times in a safe house near Lahore, Pakistan's second-largest city, on the condition of anonymity - presumably to avoid arrest.

He said Lashkar's strength in Pakistan was in the thousands.

Pakistan on Monday announced the arrest of Zaki-u-Rehman Lakhvi, who was among 20 arrested during a raid in Muzaffarabad in the Pakistan-controlled portion of Kashmir.

Indian media reports have identified Mr. Lakhvi as the organizer of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai that killed 172 people and raised tensions between India and Pakistan - two nuclear-armed nations that have fought three wars.

The Lashkar fighter in Lahore said the group has "huge strength" and is concentrated in Pakistan's tribal areas on the border with Afghanistan.
Washington Times - Pakistan arrests do little to stop Lashkar
Before they start taking action against LeT, someone has got to convince the ISI that the LeT and similar organizations have become a liability rather than an asset.
Before they start taking action against LeT, someone has got to convince the ISI that the LeT and similar organizations have become a liability rather than an asset.
Well we hope they do. That is the mandate of the people. They are a banned organization.
Its not merely the policy makers taking a decision to 'ban' an organization.

You can launch raids, close offices and bank accounts, and those that go underground will set up shop somewhere remote and less public, possibly even FATA.

Finishing the organization entirely will likely not be possible unless FATA and Baluchistan are completely under control.

However, Pakistan can try and close down the larger and more public camps such the one it did recently, which does make it harder for the groups to carry out any activities.

But even that will take time, and my major concern is that these individuals will relocate into FATA.
There are plenty of stories that cite sources who wanted to talk on the "condition of anonymity". Lashkar was banned and dismantled. There is no such organization!

If this source was really telling the truth, that Lashkar members are in thousands then Government is just starting another headache for themselves.

The reporter was probably hallucinating when he wrote the story!
Understand that Pakistan has been turned into a vassal state fighting other people's wars. Logon ko bhagairat banakay ruling class banadia hein.

let the democratic govt call the shots with the help of the army and watch how things change in pakistan..time to clip isi and religious extremist wings.. why has democracy not prospered in pakistan. you need to ask that question???
I am watching how things are changing in Pakistan and they are only for the benefit of India and the US. Pakistan is going down the toilet because of false flag operations from your nation as well as from the US. Your government has our government by the balls, so naturally the army will follow in step.

correction my friend the indian govt has only requested the pak govt to take action. they have never arm twisted, who do you blame for the present state of affairs india, pakistan govt, us, isi, terrorist,or citizens of pak who dont stand up for what you think is wrong?
Well, can Pakistan do anything to help a nation that exports terrorism to Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Afghanistan and some other places? I do not think so...
They have also threatened us with air strikes and the US has threatened us with war many many times by now. Yes you guys are twisting arms, demanding retired government officials and saying that going after LeT is not enough...anything that Pakistan does is never enough.

The present state of affairs can be blamed on the following in this order :

1. Pakistani leadership
2. Foreign mingling (WoT)
3. Indian's putting peace process in the oven and going for Pakistan's head

members of the let were purely put under house arrest that has happened many times before.. how come you dont blame the extremist,the root of the whole problem???
Did you mean self-help?.

Well, that hardly moves somewhere if a nationalistic and fundamental neighbour start talking about strikes on you... It would help India if they tuned down to civil manners. I think the Indians are more intrested in elections then rather understanding real facts.

Fact is simple, the more Indians try to manipulte the more hatred they create. Solve Kashmir and that would lead to peace. Otherwise they should understand that a war will lead to destruction and will help not anyone...

So the only one that needs self reflection is the one that is pointing fingers at others.
Well, can Pakistan do anything to help a nation that exports terrorism to Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Afghanistan and some other places? I do not think so...

yes i think so, how come you never told the us the same.. what has pakistan done to help india so far..kashmir terrorism exported by india, taliban in afganistan have the iisi backing please check with your sources for the historic record.. pakistan was the first to recognise their govt..
Well, can Pakistan do anything to help a nation that exports terrorism to Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Afghanistan and some other places? I do not think so...

This is pot calling the kettle black. Keep in mind you are cleaning up people that have also affecting Pakistan. Why not think of it in those terms first, beside putting hell bent on what others are preassuring.

If these organization did not exits, doing really think other countries would be preassuring Pakistan?

I highly doubt it.
This is pot calling the kettle black. Keep in mind you are cleaning up people that have also affecting Pakistan. Why not think of it in those terms first, beside putting hell bent on what others are preassuring.

If these organization did not exits, doing really think other countries would be preassuring Pakistan?

I highly doubt it.

Other nations attacked and killed Sadam with UN backing by presenting faked evidence... Other nations are just playing the game to get their goals and I can tell you that if UK copies internet pages to win cases then India or US are hardly reliable entities. We have seen what tamil terrorist do... Do I hear anything from the same nations? Nopes, it is not in their intrest. We saw Israel explode Seikh Yasen, an old broken person in a wheelchair, being exploded by anti tank missile... Do we hear anything about justice? We saw Americans destroy 7000 muslims in Falujah within 24 hours... Do we hear anything about UN conventions? So what are you trying to tell me? I should listen to nations that onl do things in their own intrests no matter what? Don't make be smile...

The pressure is pathetic. There is no reliable party so your post has hardly any bases... Or do we get the lecture of world oldest democracy or world biggest idiot?

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