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Pakistan army turns to war movies to counter jihad

Water Car Engineer

Sep 25, 2010
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United States
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — After a night of fighting off a Taliban attack on his remote outpost, the Pakistani soldier lies wounded, with one of the attackers crawling on top of him. He grabs the assailant by the neck, but cannot prevent him from firing seven shots into his chest.

The death of the soldier is the climax of "Glorious Resolve," one of several slickly produced, action-packed films produced by the army to rally Pakistanis against Islamist extremists and counter their propaganda videos.

Aired on private and public TV stations, the films are described as re-enactments of real clashes in the military campaign in northwest Pakistan, which began in earnest in 2009.

"The basic purpose is to highlight the true stories of those valiant heroes of Pakistan," said Brigadier Azmat Ali, executive producer of the series. "And also to let the people know what kind of atrocities they had come across and ultimately how we are guarding against further extremism that is coming on to us."

Although more than 2,000 soldiers have been killed in the fighting in the South Waziristan tribal region, some critics say the army is still not doing enough. However, that campaign and others has been praised by the United States, which is fighting a related insurgency just across the frontier in Afghanistan.

The 20-minute film begins with an insurgent giving a pep talk to his men around a campfire as they prepare to attack the outpost.

He speaks in Urdu, using phrases similar to those on the militants' videos: "This unholy army has taken over our land, has made checkpoints on our roads and is frisking our women. "It fights for the white man, it fights for dollars. We don't want peace, we need the blessing of Allah."

Pakistan army turns to war movies to counter jihad
They should hire Shoaib Mansoor for a movie based on the heros of WOT.....
Salute to our Martyrs n Ghazis.

Il post pics of Yadgar-e-Shuhoda in multan..... Built in the honour of these mighty warrior.
ISLAMABAD: After a night of fighting off a Taliban attack on his remote outpost, the Pakistani soldier lies wounded, with one of the attackers crawling on top of him. He grabs the assailant by the neck, but cannot prevent him from firing seven shots into his chest.

The death of the soldier is the climax of “Glorious Resolve,” one of several slickly produced, action-packed films produced by the army to rally Pakistanis against terrorists and counter their propaganda videos.

Aired on private and public TV stations, the films are described as re-enactments of real clashes in the military campaign in the northwest of country, which began in earnest in 2009.

“The basic purpose is to highlight the true stories of those valiant heroes of Pakistan,” said Brigadier Azmat Ali, executive producer of the series. “And also to let the people know what kind of atrocities they had come across and ultimately how we are guarding against further extremism that is coming on to us.”

Although more than 2,000 soldiers have been killed in the fighting in the South Waziristan, some critics say the army is still not doing enough. However, that campaign and others has been praised by the US, which is fighting a related insurgency just across the frontier in Afghanistan.

The 20-minute film begins with a terrorist giving a pep talk to his men around a campfire as they prepare to attack the outpost.

He speaks in Urdu, using phrases similar to those on the terrorists’ videos: “This unholy army has taken over our land, has made checkpoints on our roads and is frisking our women. It fights for the white man, it fights for dollars. We don’t want peace, we need the blessing of Allah.”

The attack is then shown in blistering close-up.

The terrorists fire rockets, then slowly advance. Blood from a slain terrorist splatters the camera lens.

“We are extremely outnumbered,” an officer shouts into a radio. “God willing we will not let anybody get away. We will make you proud, sir.”

The film attempts to subtly undercut the appeal to religion by suggesting the terrorist chief is in it for money. As his men die under a hail of army bullets, he is shown on the phone demanding “more dollars” from his paymaster.

The battle ends with the army killing some terrorists and repelling the rest.

Another film reinforces the mercenary element and suggests that terrorism is a foreign import. It features a terrorist speaking to someone apparently outside the country who is paying him to produce suicide bombers.

Officers and politicians often hint at an “Indian hand” in the terrorism. Most independent analysts think it unlikely, especially given the militants’ history of attacks on Indian targets.

Opinion polls by the US-based Pew Research Center suggest about two-thirds of the populace disapproves of the Taliban and other extremist groups, but only about half support the army action against terrorists in the northwest.

It is harder for the government to sell a war on terrorists who, while extreme, are still fellow countrymen.

Religious parties who share much of the anti-American rhetoric and conservative beliefs rarely criticise the Taliban and other extremists, saying peace deals are the answer, not military offensives. They insist the militancy roiling the country would end if the American army would leave Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, the army’s image is in competition with the terrorists’ own propaganda on the Internet and DVDs sold in markets in the northwest. These feature real footage of attacks on army patrols, destruction inflicted by military operations and exhortations to jihad.

Last year, footage emerged of men in army uniforms gunning down unarmed prisoners in Swat. The footage was largely ignored by local media but is viewable on the Internet. The army has said it is investigating the incident.

Ratings for “Glorious Resolve” and the other re-enactments shown so far have not been tallied yet. Amjad Bukhari, director of programming for state TV, said earlier army productions, which included films on its peacekeeping role with the UN in Bosnia, were highly popular. “It is a good attempt by the army,” said Tauseef Ahmed, professor of journalism at the Federal Urdu University Karachi. ap

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
The government should start a nationwide education program against terrorism; most of the educated lot in our country has done MBA's; instead of sitting idly, get them to start a massive campaign against bigotry.
There should be movies and dramas about talibans and their methods of converting children into suicide bombers. Killing few talibans is not a proper solution to the problem, their ideology must be finished. There is need to highlight the difference between their approach and correct approach to islam
Along with a military capaign against the terrorists, media strategy to the grass root level is as important. The terrorists want to stand in the way of Pakistan, but they have a choice to lay down their arms or we lay them down along with their arms.
this is nothing new or odd..
America does it best from Topgun, Delta force, Saving private Rayne to Black Hawk down. I read the similar story on BBC and as usual it carries a negative and dismissive tone throughout about Pakistan.( this organisation excels as anti-Pakistan sentiments).
Propaganda is a tool that has to be played well to get the message across. The story and heroes have to be larger than life to make an impact. And you does it better than US of A?
They always show themselves, fighting against the odds and pulling it off in the end after the sacrifices and the eventual triumph with emotional and upbeat military music. After this emotional bombardment every American patriot wants to pick up the gun and teach a lesson to the illegal Mexicans and bloody Iranians.

By the way, I must say, the terrorists and their supporters are ahead of the game. Lal Masjid and its clone administrations are still sprouting sectarian and terrorist venom among the people. The terrorist use camera footage to show suicide attacks and the beheadings and then there are books and CDs, strikers and wall chalking full of hatred and warnings.

Organisations like Sipha Sahabah and Lushker e Toyabah rename their names and continue their work from other places. The TTP in Sawat kept a stranglehold though radio warnings hence Mullah Fazlullah was also called Mullah Radio.

The correction needs to be from the roots. Changing and improving our text books and early learning. Specially provoking the thoughts among the children why the Sufi saints of in the sub continent were able to gather the support of tens or hundreds of thousand people without beheading and suicide attacks. these Saints enjoyed the love and respect of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

This sort of a program was long overdue and it will have its effect but similar drive should be done across the board. Specially on the religious side too. The moderate Sunni majority Scholars had already declared suicide attacks haram and have paid the price in blood themselves. This should be made a necessary sermon on Friday prayers. It is done already in Arabia so why not here? The Imams can continue to criticise the government and the west as they do but should look the other way when TTP spokesmen admit sending 7 to 10 year old boys on suicide attacks.

Egypt and Algeria did it so well that they pretty much nullified the “Akhwaan Muslmeen” and those terrorists & their apologists were totally rejected by the population. That was only done after a sustained government campaigns by the governments on only on the battlefield but though education and information to its public. Those terrorists spilled a lot of blood and had had killed Anwar Sadat too.

Unfortunately for Afghanistan & Pakistan, those rejects sought refuge here led by Aymen Zawahiri and formed a mutated and more violent form of their previous selves.

It is actually the people of Pakistan who will defeat these terrorist because that’s where these faceless cowards hide and seek fresh recruits.
while army seem to be eager to fight of those evil pashtun terrorists who are also labelled TTPs or talibans of pakistan, why is army less eager to fight of the greater evil, the enemy which we cant see, those raymind davis collegues who are spying on us and doing their dirty jobs in pakistan???

where were those evil talibans before 9/11 why didnt army fought those 'terrorists', why army doesnt want the public to know that likes of raymond davis are roaming free still now...?? why drone attacks are permitted by army to kill innocents civilians but when the same drone and the natos kills an army man, the army starts to shout??
the army used to protect pakistn in 65 by its role now has turned into keeping its interest first at the cost of pakistani lives...

after creating millions of IDPs, destroying houses, residential areas, killing innocents, and still gaining nothing, army must understand now, that this whole WOT and becoming part of these american dirty work will not serve the nation and certainly not serve them as there will be divisions in the army itself

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