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Pakistan army says Taliban must not set terms for talks

Instead of making statements, the PA by its actions should have by now led the Taliban to believe that they have no option but to come to the table.

When the army starts looking for public backing for them to carry out a task assigned by the Govt such situations are bound to arise. Were they asked to hold back ?

those who can fit explosives to their chests can't be FORCED or led to believe that they have no option but only peace talks...
those who can fit explosives to their chests can't be FORCED or led to believe that they have no option but only peace talks...

Remember the LTTE ?

They too carried explosives on themselves - it took concerted , determined action to root them out. SL was in a state to call the shots after military action started .

In any case whats your point ?
Pakistan Army should go back into their bunkers and stop preaching gibberish. Let the Democratically Elected politicians with the massive public mandate do all the talking as the army has proven to be worthless and useless for the past 12-years.

Unfortunately , things were a lot better when Gen.Musharraf was ruling the country both economically and militarily - law and order was at least 10 times better than today , they only got worse during last five years of democratic rule , now didn't they ? Go , figure it now . Anyways , aren't you guys anti democracy since well its against Islam ? :azn:
Unfortunately , things were a lot better when Gen.Musharraf was ruling the country both economically and militarily - law and order was at least 10 times better than today , they only got worse during last five years of democratic rule , now didn't they ? Go , figure it now . Anyways , aren't you guys anti democracy since well its against Islam ? :azn:

Brother Secur,

Which planet were you living on when General (retired) Pervez Musharraf was ruling the Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

There were at least 54 suicide bombings in 2007, Pakistan's Nominal GDP ranking crashed from the 43rd position in 1999 to the 48th position in 2008, Commandos were ordered to massacre orphans in Lal Masjid, $15 billion worth of aid for the Kashmir earthquake aftermath vanished in thin air, GHQ was attacked, Pakistan's nuclear facilities were constantly under threat, drone strikes started in 2004, countless Muslim Pakistani men and women like Afia Siddiqi were abducted and sold to America for dollars, Kashmir was unilaterally signed away to India, Pakistan's military surrendered for fear of being bombed back to the stone age, two-times Democratically Elected female Prime Minister of Pakistan was murdered in broad daylight, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa became full scale military occupied war zones for the first time, CIA and Black Water agents ruled Pakistan as if it was Somalia, millions of Pakistanis were protested almost daily against General (retired) Pervez Musharraf's Tyranny, people used to commit suicide almost due to hunger and starvation, hundreds if not thousands of people went missing and the list is very long brother.

Here, check out the archive section of Daily Times for that era to remove any doubts you may have.

Again, which plant were you living on back then? Were you even born or, did you simply choose to wear a blind fold and accepted American Poodleship as the worthy model for Pakistan?
Again, which plant were you living on back then? Were you even born or, did you simply choose to wear a blind fold and accepted American Poodleship as the worthy model for Pakistan?

I chose not to live in denial but to accept the ground realities and the established facts rather than blindly endorsing the stance of the Mullah brigade , sadly . Doesn't it happen on your planet ? :azn:

Tyranny ? All this free media comes from where , boy ? As for the Lal Mosque massacre of orphans carrying weapons and gas masks and killing of psychopathic innocents elsewhere in the country , I can only laugh at the stupidity of not accepting facts but the conspiracy theories . You do not fire at the forces and then expect them not to fire back at you . You dont stockpile weapons in your place of study and start to conquer libraries . Maybe Afghanistan already being a graveyard had nothing to lose from American threat of ' bombing to stone age ' but Pakistan had and the President chose the lesser of the two evils having no choice . Where were our Muslim Ummah brothers ? Possibly , it doesn't even exist . Indeed , countless AQ activists were sent to America and the money was taken , I see nothing wrong with it . Why exactly should we allow the terrorists to operate from our soil ? Just why ? The economical progression and military expansion during his rule was there for all to see . Pakistan wasn't a feared place for tourists and investors . I only said things in his era were a lot better than they are in this democratic rule . I guess people are having the time of their life when the inflation is increasing and the debt is rising like there's no tomorrow ? Please , tell me the prices of common items , electricity units , currency exchange rate , stock market and the economy growth rate during his rule and now . Next , check the number of terrorists attack during his rule and 5 year of pure civilian rule .
Brother Secur,

Which planet were you living on when General (retired) Pervez Musharraf was ruling the Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

There were at least 54 suicide bombings in 2007, Pakistan's Nominal GDP ranking crashed from the 43rd position in 1999 to the 48th position in 2008, Commandos were ordered to massacre orphans in Lal Masjid, $15 billion worth of aid the Kashmir earthquake aftermath vanished in thin air, GHQ was attacked, Pakistan's nuclear facilities were constantly under threat, drone strikes started in 2004, countless Muslim Pakistani men and women like Afia Siddiqi were abducted and sold to America for dollars, Kashmir was unilaterally signed away to India, Pakistan's military surrendered for fear of being bombed back to the stone age, two-times Democratically Elected female Prime Minister of Pakistan was murdered in broad daylight, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa became full scale military occupied war zones for the first time, CIA and Black Water agents ruled Pakistan as if it was Somalia, millions of Pakistanis were protested almost daily against General (retired) Pervez Musharraf's Tyranny, people used to commit suicide almost due to hunger and starvation, hundreds if not thousands of people went missing and the list is very long brother.

Here, check out the archive section of Daily Times for that era to remove any doubts you may have.

Again, which plant were you living on back then? Were you even born or, did you simply choose to wear a blind fold and accepted American Poodleship as the worthy model for Pakistan?
come back to topic, if you are interested in any of comparisons between today & the time of militry rules, of any era in pakistan, just open thread, ill be there for your, poisoned mind, against PA?
but for, stay at topic?
or just prove this?
Commandos were ordered to massacre orphans in Lal Masjid?
when ,where,how?
bring the proves, or just vanish away back into that burqa posh coward & liar,s mulvi,s dhoti?
I don't think so Mr Fox. Nobody forces dollarised hyenas of Pakistan Armed Forces to go on a tribal killing spree as soon as a peace deal is about to be signed.

Where do you get this news from , first of all ? The local Mullah tabloid perhaps ? Because , I do not see any operation happening in tribal areas when you want to sign a peace deal with the murderers of 50,000 Pakistanis . I only saw an attack on the high ranking officer of my army and Taliban gladly accepting that .
I chose not to live in denial but to accept the ground realities and the established facts rather than blindly endorsing the stance of the Mullah brigade , sadly . Doesn't it happen on your planet ? :azn:

Tyranny ? All this free media comes from where , boy ? As for the Lal Mosque massacre of orphans carrying weapons and gas masks and killing of psychopathic innocents elsewhere in the country , I can only laugh at the stupidity of not accepting facts but the conspiracy theories . You do not fire at the forces and then expect them not to fire back at you . You dont stockpile weapons in your place of study and start to conquer libraries . Maybe Afghanistan already being a graveyard had nothing to lose from American threat of ' bombing to stone age ' but Pakistan had and the President chose the lesser of the two evils having no choice . Where were our Muslim Ummah brothers ? Possibly , it doesn't even exist . Indeed , countless AQ activists were sent to America and the money was taken , I see nothing wrong with it . Why exactly should we allow the terrorists to operate from our soil ? Just why ? The economical progression and military expansion during his rule was there for all to see . Pakistan wasn't a feared place for tourists and investors . I only said things in his era were a lot better than they are in this democratic rule . I guess people are having the time of their life when the inflation is increasing and the debt is rising like there's no tomorrow ? Please , tell me the prices of common items , electricity units , currency exchange rate , stock market and the economy growth rate during his rule and now . Next , check the number of terrorists attack during his rule and 5 year of pure civilian rule .

Zawahiri urges restraint in first ”guidelines for jihad” - DAWN.COM
read this, what they planned for us, how these thugers mullhas hving thier share of money from, herion sale?
every one is hving his own fiction, but they all work for a basic goal!
Commandos were ordered to massacre orphans in Lal Masjid?
when ,where,how?
bring the proves, or just vanish away back into that burqa posh coward & liar,s mulvi,s dhoti?
Something similar happened in the Saudi Arabia in the ' Siege of the Grand Mosque ' , people were made hostage , the law and order was disturbed , the writ of the state was challenged and the forces were fired upon . But these hypocrites do not consider it wrong since it was done by the Arabs . Its only the state of Pakistan guilty of freeing the mosque from terrorist carrying guns and gas masks and making bunkers in a place where there were supposed to study .

Zawahiri urges restraint in first ”guidelines for jihad” - DAWN.COM
read this, what they planned for us, how these thugers mullhas hving thier share of money from, herion sale?
every one is hving his own fiction, but they all work for a basic goal!
Indeed , yes . Every thing can be made permissible by the Mullah brigade , if it helps them in their goals . That is why they are blowing themselves up in Mosques , markets , cd shops , schools , bases , govt offices , checkpoints , shrines etc . Even though , suicide and killing innocents is strictly forbidden and considered the ultimate act of evil in the religion . The money for the terrorism is generated by extortion , robbery , kidnapping , protection money and other illegal methods by the soldiers of Allah !
Something similar happened in the Saudi Arabia in the ' Siege of the Grand Mosque ' , people were made hostage , the law and order was disturbed , the writ of the state was challenged and the forces were fired upon . But these hypocrites do not consider it wrong since it was done by the Arabs . Its only the state of Pakistan guilty of freeing the mosque from terrorist carrying guns and gas masks and making bunkers in a place where there were supposed to study .!

Every thing can be made permissible by the Mullah brigade , if it helps them . That is why they are blowing themselves up in Mosques , markets , cd shops , schools , bases , govt offices , checkpoints , shrines etc . Even though , suicide and killing innocents is strictly forbidden and considered the ultimate act of evil in the religion .

1000% agreed!
but according to the inqury report submitted in SC, there is no prof , what so ever that orphans or womens got killed in that opreation!
1000% agreed!
but according to the inqury report submitted in SC, there is no prof , what so ever that orphans or womens got killed in that opreation!

There , the operation against terrorists in the Grand Mosque in the Holy Land wasn't illegal and wrong , but here the Pakistan Army will be maligned for doing the same in Red Mosque . Such are the double standards ! :azn:

Musharraf gave them enough time to surrender and offered them money and general amnesty if they leave the path , those who chose to stay behind and fire at the forces , deserved the treatment they got at the hand of SSG commandos .
... Tyranny ? All this free media comes from where , boy ? As for the Lal Mosque massacre of orphans carrying weapons and gas masks and killing of psychopathic innocents elsewhere in the country , I can only laugh at the stupidity of not accepting facts but the conspiracy theories . You do not fire at the forces and then expect them not to fire back at you . You dont stockpile weapons in your place of study and start to conquer libraries . Maybe Afghanistan already being a graveyard had nothing to lose from American threat of ' bombing to stone age ' but Pakistan had and the President chose the lesser of the two evils having no choice . Where were our Muslim Ummah brothers ? Possibly , it doesn't even exist . Indeed , countless AQ activists were sent to America and the money was taken , I see nothing wrong with it . Why exactly should we allow the terrorists to operate from our soil ? Just why ? The economical progression and military expansion during his rule was there for all to see . Pakistan wasn't a feared place for tourists and investors . I only said things in his era were a lot better than they are in this democratic rule . I guess people are having the time of their life when the inflation is increasing and the debt is rising like there's no tomorrow ? Please , tell me the prices of common items , electricity units , currency exchange rate , stock market and the economy growth rate during his rule and now . Next , check the number of terrorists attack during his rule and 5 year of pure civilian rule .

Brother Secur, first of all Shalimar Television Network (STN) and Network Television Marketing (NTM) launched the first private television station in Pakistan way back in 1990.

Secondly, ask someone senior to you why the father of Gazi Brothers was tasked by the Tyrant General Zia-ul-Haq to recruit fighters from Pakistan for Al-Qaida Al-Subah... you may also learn how Al-Qaida Al-Subah also ended up with Stinger Missiles in their hands during that period.

Thirdly, what was Pakistan's military doing recognising the Taliban Government from October 1999-October 2001? Maybe you can also enlighten us on Pakistan military's role with the highjacking of the Indian plane during that time.

Fourthly, what's it got to do with the Muslim Ummah Brothers? Are they armed with nuclear weapons and also have the 6th largest military in the world? Did Pakistan's enlightened military even approach the Muslim Ummah Brothers for help or did they simply decide to sell Pakistan for $20 billion (in return for $100 billion of damage and counting - lets just blame the Prime Ministers in exile for that).

Fifthly, so you're saying Pakistan's Armed Forces found safety in cowardice... Well done. In my humble opinion, I think every General, Air Chief and Admiral of Pakistan Armed Forces should be given medals for this Great Valour till Qiyamat. Shabaash.

Sixthly, which of my statement you do not understand when I say Pakistan's Nominal GDP ranking crashed from the 43rd position in 1999 to the 48th position in 2008?

List of countries by past and future GDP (nominal)
The federal government is delusional.

The army will be saying "told you so" soon.

Fool you once shame on them, fool you twice shame on us (or rather, the govt and those who are too stupid to read writings on the wall)

Live by the gun die by the gun. These animals who have repudiated Allahs teachings will die and be sent to hell one way or another. Like their fallen counter-parts who died with bellows and screams of anguish. Ameen
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