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Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

Capt Salman Shaheed
No PR-179/2018-ISPR

Shinkiari,....General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) visited Junior Leaders Academy (JLA), Shinkiari today. COAS was given detailed briefing by the commandant. JLA is a premium Army institution which imparts training on basic professional skills and leadership traits to Junior Commissioned officers (JCOs) and Non Commissioned Officers (NCOs) of Pakistan Armed forces as well as from number of friendly foreign countries. On directions of COAS the Academy is being upgraded as “Centre of Excellence for the Junior Military Leadership” with enhanced capacity and facilities. COAS said that training of junior leaders is extremely important as in modern warfare they have a critical role to play.

Air Platforms

Pakistan signs for T129 attack helos

Gareth Jennings, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

25 May 2018

According to Turkey’s ruling party, Pakistan recently signed for 30 T129 attack helicopters. Source: TAI

Pakistan has formally signed for 30 TAI T129 attack helicopters from Turkey, it was disclosed on 24 May.

The confirmation of the anticipated sale to Pakistan was made in the political manifesto that Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Parti) has released ahead of the general election scheduled for June. The manifesto states that “a very short while ago a contract for the sale of 30 attack helicopters was signed with Pakistan”. No further details were disclosed and Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) had not responded to a request for comment at the time of writing.

Pakistan is known to have evaluated the Turkish-built version of the AgustaWestland A129 Mangusta as part of an ongoing effort to procure a new attack helicopter for the country’s army. With the Pakistan Army having already ordered 12 US-built Bell AH-1Z Vipers, it had since 2014 been trialling the Chinese-built Z-10 and since 2016 the T129.

Speaking earlier in the year to Jane’s and other defence media, Pakistan Army Aviation commander Major General Nasir Shah said only that a number of platform options were being considered to augment its current Bell AH-1 Cobras, the four recently received Mil Mi-35s, and its soon to be delivered AH-1Z Viper platforms.

“Army Aviation has plans to further enhance its attack helicopter fleets, and various options are currently being considered and evaluated,” Gen Shah said on 31 January at the IQPC Military Helicopter conference in London. “The [current 32] AH-1 helicopters have provided effective close support for our ground forces engaged in counterinsurgency [COIN] operations, but they cannot be employed effectively in high-altitude operations above 8,000 ft,” he added.
It's amazing Heli will be deadly in hands of our battle hardened warriors IA.
I believe AH1z cobras will replace our legacy cobras do we will mix of heavy AH1z and light T129 very much in lines of F16 and JF17.
I tihnk PA will continue to use the legacy AH-1Fs for at least another decade or so, slowly phasing out older and more worn out airframes as it inducts newer AH-1Zs and T-129s. Even Mi-35 has cross over in the anti-tank role. The reason I believe that is the case is because the new inductions are too few in numbers as they stand. 12 AH-1Zs, 40 T-129s and 4 Mi-35s are not enough to counter the threat from IA strike corps. Additional Zulu Cobras are unlikely due to deteriorating relations, and Mi-35s won't really go past squadron strength of around 12. That means AH-1Fs will continue to serve for a while to come as even though they are old, there is a huge supply chain to support these around the globe so keeping them airworthy is not an issue. Also they are the only platforms that can fire the TOW atgm that Pakistan has a significant inventory of. So while old, they are still going to be useful as a 2nd tier behind the Zulus and T-129s.

Ill add there that despite what some here might wish, the Z-10 has no future in PA after it lost to the T-129. It does not offer anything that T-129 can not do and does not make any sense logistically to add another type in the mix
Rawalpindi - May 27, 2018
No PR-183/2018-ISPR

A multi agency Afghan delegation led by Mr Mohammad Hanif Atmar, National Security Adviser(NSA) Afghanistan met General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) for a high level bilateral meeting.

Rawalpindi, 28 May 2018: Youth Jirga of erstwhile FATA met General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) at ISPR. COAS congratulated brave tribes especially the tribal youth on successful and historic merger of FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) to their popular sentiments.

Pakistan Armed Forces peacekeepers have a long & distinguished history of serving with United Nations.
153 Pakistani peacekeepers have sacrificed their lives including 23 Officers for global peace and stability under UN auspices
May 29, International Day of UN Peacekeepers https://t.co/H2C0fr5txn
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