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Pakistan army knew about operation against Osama bin Laden

Isnt the idea that Pakistan didnt act, if we knew Bin Laden was hiding within our borders more disturbing than Americans killing him covertly? If Pakistan did know, why down play it, it is time to pick a side...if we want to head towards a moderate nation that values humanity over extremism, then we should go all out and be open about it. Those who oppose Pakistan and bring pain and suffering on it's people should be brought to justice...this whole affair just shows that Pakistan is scared of the extremists, which is just sad...it is our country, it is time to take back control from the terrorist who have hijacked its future and prosperity in the name of a twisted and politicized version of Islam.
Isnt the idea that Pakistan didnt act, if we knew Bin Laden was hiding within our borders more disturbing than Americans killing him covertly? If Pakistan did know, why down play it, it is time to pick a side...if we want to head towards a moderate nation that values humanity over extremism, then we should go all out and be open about it. Those who oppose Pakistan and bring pain and suffering on it's people should be brought to justice...this whole affair just shows that Pakistan is scared of the extremists, which is just sad...it is our country, it is time to take back control from the terrorist who have hijacked its future and prosperity in the name of a twisted and politicized version of Islam.

I've been on these kinds of discussion fora for around 10 years, and this whole idea of picking a side is simply not what the Pakistan army, and to be honest, most Pakistanis as well, don't have a clue about -- Pakistani policy was about ambiguity and because it spent it's "plausible deniability" capital early on and did not effectively counter the stories US leaked and planted, the ambiguity thing became egg on the Pakistan army's public face.

Even now, you will hear amazing things like "Pakistan was made fro islam, so what's wrong with Talib" and it's fair to say that a majority of Pakistanis do not know how to respond to this, actually they don't even know why it should be rejected -- So, picking a side? Come on, now Pakistanis can't seem to pick themselves as a side, let alone a side in a conflict of extremists.
The more posts of yours I read Muse, the more disturbing I find the sad reality that the insight and awareness you and others of your ilk present is so utterly lacking in the general Pakistani populous. The lack of direction is such a fundamental flaw that it prevents Pakistan from being a nation in the truest sense of the word. The unique difference in direction allowed for the creation of Pakistan, as a separate entity from India...but that seems to have lost all relevance.
Pakistan seems headed for the African model of a nation, where colonial powers created a random road map that was easy enough for them to organize, without paying attention to the regional differences in cultures and needs that would, ultimately, decide the success of those nations and one can see the dynamic border situations of many African nations today. Pakistan's failing in deciding a path to follow has left it in a similar flux.
A nation cannot exist without purpose, or direction, or unity...for a nation without these traits is not a nation at all. We have become increasingly regional in our long term planning, ethnicity trumping national interests and prosperity...it is this same lack of unity and direction that cost us East Pakistan and has completely alienated the Western part of the nation...if we want to prevent Pakistan from splintering further, we must decide what it is we want this nation to be...but it is increasingly obvious, most Pakistanis are failing to see the big picture...or even anything other than a microscopic picture that focuses on their specific house.
Indeed it is not encouraging however, allow me to point out something about Islamist ideology, something which it shares with it's ideological inspiration, that is to say, totalitarianism -- Islamism, like totalitarianism produces, because that is what it aims to produce, a completely immoral society.

By now you will be formulating a "how is this so, after all, the emphasis of these systems is on morality " The answer is in the utopian and millenarian vision of these ideological formulations, the citizen serf is supposed to obey, not question, after all, the policy comes from on high and a other worldly effort is involved, the flawed human is to be made perfect and his flawed society is to be made perfect -- in the case of Pakistan and it's islamism malady, this means society so brutalized that it no longer poses questions of justice and right ans wrong and good or bad, it obeys and mouths slogans - for a minute consider what islamists of Pakistan have done to Muslims of Pakistan.

But the hope for Pakistan is that there are still Muslims, men and women who have faith in God and His message of Salvation through faith/love (Rahman raheem - over and over and over again, as if Quran Karim means for this to be heard above all else) Mercy, Forgiveness and the middle path - and these men and women cannot be broken by any ideology or army or gang of terrorists --- because their faith/love is intimately conjoined with Haq, justice.

Pakistanis will and are awakening everyday, but that does not mean they are not scared or confused, and it takes time for the sleeper to shake the stupor off and become conscious.

You have spoken of regional cultures, but recall we have forsaken our own history in pursuit of an ideology of nihilism, but heritage cannot be lost or shaken off, it stares back at you from the mirror - the beautiful faces of Pakistanis reflect a complex heritage, all valid, no amount of ideology can hold back that reality.

Allow me to add, when you speak to younger Pakistanis, ask them what "progress" means -- I think you will find their answers immensely interesting - because "progress" is itself so theory laden, it is interesting in itself - I don't want to bias your findings, but mine are that when they do think of "progress", they do not see themselves in it - and isn't that fascinating?? and does it not say much about the ideology whose spell we have fallen under??
Once again I envy your ability to articulate our failings and our hopes and dreams. I hope you are right and enough Pakistanis are willing and able to stand up against the direction our country is being pulled in. Our culture is very important, and the differences we all have are worth celebrating...for these differences allow for a vibrant nation, one with diverse thought; a foundation stone of a democracy. But those who want to divide for political or monetary gain have found it far too easy to exploit our differences for their own benefit.
I think your points are easy to observe, its proof can be seen if we honestly look in the mirror ourselves, many of us have become consumed by the fear generated by the constant failings of law in our nation...would I be willing to stand up, and put my life on the line, knowing full well that I would be in the minority and going against popular opinion? It is a question, I , myself cannot answer...so maybe there is still hope for us, maybe enough of us will answer yes to that question.

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