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Army is performing well even with the stringent economic conditions and constant politcal instability.

Hilux are being armoured up.
New MRAP induction now.
New drones with TOT.

Whatever anyone says the boys get things done.
mengshi GEN-III CSK-182 4x4


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Are these deployed on the western borders?
I'm against militarization. We should solve the Kashmir issue with India and defund the army. Infact, I want to see a united Punjab. The army can't even defeat TTP terrorists...has never won a single war. Pak army has clearly served as an organization left by the colonialists to control Pakistan after independence.
We can defeat TTP but that would require willpower on the behalf of the Army leadership to conduct cross border operations in Afghanistan.
But the fear of collateral damage always keeps us at bay.
Better late than never I suppose, anyone knows what numbers are being inducted???

This is pathetic. Look at the mess we have created by using Afghan Taliban as proxy. All the effort to see IEA provide shelter to Pakistan Taliban. The situation will get worse, both Al Qaeda and Daesh are operating in Afghanistan. It's not about collateral damage, it's not about foreign relations cause America will continue to use our air space to conduct drone attacks in Afghanistan. Pakistan should either get Afghan Taliban to give over Pak Taliban to us or let us deal with the problem.

We should not negotiate with terrorists who don't even accept the constitution of Pakistan. Unlike America, we can't lose the willpower to fight terrorists. USA isn't vulnerable, we are vulnerable. PS: When you sit with terrorists, you give legitimacy to their political ideology.

I can see with my own eyes, India and IEA will develop closer ties in the future, like the previous Kabul government. We will be back to square one
IEA and TTP are buddies don't expect anything from former.
Plus the Afghan Taliban on the whole were never our proxy only certain factions e.g Haqqani Network enjoyed our support but not the Taliban as a whole,the Kandahari faction to which Mullah Umar's son and Mullah Baradar belongs is not fond of Pakistan so their improving relations with India is not surprising

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