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Pakistan Army APC Inventory


Evaluation of BTR 4E ex Ukraine have started for subsequent deployment in FATA and Balochistan.
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Evaluation of BTR 4E ex Ukraine have started for subsequent deployment in FATA and Balochistan.
Only with FC? Also will it have grenade launcher or atgms?
Btw many people who jump onto the general officers and their pays for every incident would be silenced. They often forget that there is some evaluation procedure and for an economy of our scale it is often more vigorous because knee jerk procurements lead to long term problems as one can see the case of IAF.
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Can these work in the mountaineous regions of Balochistan?And can they resist mines?
The vehicle, in its standard form, can provide protection against small arms fire and mine blasts. It can, however, be enhanced to provide immunity against 30mm gun rounds. The vehicle is also outfitted with automatic fire suppression and NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection systems.

The BTR-4E hull is protected against the firing of small arms 7.62mm AP (Armour Piercing) caliber and artillery shell splinters, Level 2 STANAG 4569. The BTR-4E is also equipped with an anti-mine "skirt" which improves protection against mine blast and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). To increase protection of the vehicle, the turret and the sides can be fitted with slat armour to provide a higher level of protection against attack by rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons fitted with a HEAT warhead. There is also an add-on armour kit available that can provide all-around protection against weapons of 30mm caliber.
Only with FC?
It's deployment will be area specific, not force specific.
The vehicle, in its standard form, can provide protection against small arms fire and mine blasts. It can, however, be enhanced to provide immunity against 30mm gun rounds. The vehicle is also outfitted with automatic fire suppression and NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection systems.

The BTR-4E hull is protected against the firing of small arms 7.62mm AP (Armour Piercing) caliber and artillery shell splinters, Level 2 STANAG 4569. The BTR-4E is also equipped with an anti-mine "skirt" which improves protection against mine blast and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). To increase protection of the vehicle, the turret and the sides can be fitted with slat armour to provide a higher level of protection against attack by rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons fitted with a HEAT warhead. There is also an add-on armour kit available that can provide all-around protection against weapons of 30mm caliber.

It's deployment will be area specific, not force specific.
I've seen 12.7mm rifles in terrorists' hands....
Also the up-armoured version carries one less soldier and costs more to buy and operate. But it's light-years better than those Hilux death traps
I've seen 12.7mm rifles in terrorists' hands....
Also the up-armoured version carries one less soldier and costs more to buy and operate. But it's light-years better than those Hilux death traps
Really with which group?And how in propaganda or what?
Yes there are, BTR 4E is at the top... As of now....
BTw might be off-topic but one private Pakistani company with the collaboration of HIT exhibited HAMZA 6x6 and 8x8 MRAP few years back ... did we ever conduct their testing and evaluation or not .... ??
BTw might be off-topic but one private Pakistani company with the collaboration of HIT exhibited HAMZA 6x6 and 8x8 MRAP few years back ... did we ever conduct their testing and evaluation or not .... ??
As usual.. Pakistani do numbri was visible.... Low quality materials, less protection than claimed....
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