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Pakistan angry as Afghan Army unwilling to strike fleeing TTP.


May 3, 2009
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Pakistani Taliban commander shot dead in Waziristan


MIRANSHAH, Pakistan Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:10am EST

ISLAMABAD - Reluctance of Afghan National Army to act against the fleeing TTP elements crossing over to Afghanistan has irked the Pakistan military establishment, but it wants the US military and CIA to destroy sanctuaries of TTP in areas bordering Pakistan with a meaningful cooperation from Afghan National Army and its intelligence wing.

This message was conveyed in a straightforward manner to the visiting CIA Chief John Brennan by the ISI Chief Lt-Gen Zaheerul Islam as the two met recently, sources said. Brennan, met with Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Chief Lt-Gen Zaheerul Islam in Islamabad the other day, and discussed latest security situation along the Pak-Afghan border. During his recent Pakistan visit CIA chief also called on Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif.

The CIA boss was sent to the region by US President Barrack Obama to get the latest security assessment of the region, and also to seek cooperation of the ISI to enhance intelligence sharing as well as help trace the whereabouts of kidnapped US soldier, Bowe Bergdahl, who is being kept by Afghan Taliban.

Pakistani side, during the meeting, pointed out that due to on-going military operation in North Waziristan and elsewhere in the country, the TTP fighters are now moving towards Afghanistan, but coalition forces across the border have shown reluctance to attack those elements, sources said. Head of ISI is learnt to have asked CIA chief to help destroy militant sanctuaries located in Afghanistan, from where the Pakistani Taliban launch their attacks against Pakistan, source told The Nation.

According to sources, Pakistani intelligence expressed its grievances regarding lack of support from Afghan side to root out TTP operating out of their area. They stressed the need of close-cooperation and coordination between the authorities who are crushing Taliban inside Pakistan and NATO forces who have resources and presence very close to the Pak-Afghan border. ISI chief made it clear before the visiting dignitary that they have information of hidden support from Afghan Army and intelligence for Pakistani Taliban and foreign elements behind-the-curtain terrorism incidents.

Moreover, sources added, the possibility of sealing Pak-Afghan border to stop cross-border movement of Taliban militants was also discussed during the meeting. These militants posed serious threat to both Pakistan and US troops in Afghanistan, a security source added. Sources said the Pakistani side made it clear that if Afghan side could effectively seal its border then it would be easy for Pakistan military to hunt down fleeing Taliban. But, they felt, this kind of cooperation was not in sight

Pakistani Taliban commander shot dead in Waziristan| Reuters

In one simple phrase, the Afghanis want to play dirty.

@CENTCOM @Hyperion @Icarus @Xeric
Afghanis want to play dirty.

They've been used and manipulated since the '80s and we're still discussing how to get rid of Indian influence in there and YOU'RE saying THEY'RE playing dirty.
Should lay down mines along with the Durand line. Can't believe how easy it is for these Afghan foreigners to sneak into the location of Capital territory.....Every single day i read news about the arrests of hundreds of Afghan citizens residing near Islamabad without single legal document....!!! On the other hand, whenever there is some solid action against these militant bastards, they always manage to slip into Afghanistan. International border na ho gaya tamasha ho gaya...!!! Question is, what is Afghan national army doing, what is NATO doing over there ?? Laying eggs i guess...
So what's new. Wasn't this expected to begin with. Operation would never yield results as long as Taliban can moreover with impunity.
Before it was Zadari and Co incompetence not able to make tough decisions, now its Nawaz. With our hands tied, operation will turn out to be a disaster. Afghans will never cooperate as long as we have that snake Karazi in power, what's holding Nawaz back to order our forces to go beyond our border in hot pursuit. If that is too much the least we can do is ask the airforce to pound hideouts inside Afghanistan. Show them that we too mean business.
We should secure our border with mines, land mines and lots of land mines. Pakistan should take serious actions and even go inside Afghanistan for surgical strikes. Enough is enough we don't want these thankless leeches in Pakistan anymore.
The best bet is fro the army to push them near the border and at the same time let the PAF drop every ounce of ordnance they have at their disposal and wipe them out on the border region.

If the US wants to help then AC130 air-support would really crack these vermin when they flee across to Afghanistan.
We should secure our border with mines, land mines and lots of land mines. Pakistan should take serious actions and even go inside Afghanistan for surgical strikes. Enough is enough we don't want these thankless leeches in Pakistan anymore.
Surgical strikes inside Afghanistan would be a bad idea. Cannot afford to increase hostility across the Durand Line due to various reasons.... Should solve this problem diplomatically.
We are giving them an opportunity to join in the fight. It means more to them than to us.

And do you think they'll trust us that easy? Come on, all countries only try to work for their agenda, and frankly, what we've been doing in Afghanistan was filthy. Expecting them to grab their guns and run along with us on a crusade to purge the Taliban is childishly naive.
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