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Pakistan and Indonesia's blasphemy laws have no basis in the Qur'an

I see your interest in islam so i like to invite you to accept islam with versus from Yajurveda 40:9 i.e

"Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste"
"They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements" (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). "They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti."
[Yajurveda 40:9]7

Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

So please come out of darkness and seek the true god again versus from Yajurveda 32:3 & Yajurveda 40:8

"na tasya pratima asti
"There is no image of Him."
[Yajurveda 32:3]5

"shudhama poapvidham"
"He is bodyless and pure."
[Yajurveda 40:8]6

once you come out of the darkness and now you know the true god then ask him to guide you and help you to stay in straight path i.e sirat e mustaqeem versus from Yajurveda 40:16

The Yajurveda contains the following prayer:
"Lead us to the good path and remove the sin that makes us stray and wander."
[Yajurveda 40:16]8

Now you know greatness of allmighty and say God is Great as mention in [Atharvaveda 20:58:3]9

"Dev maha osi"
"God is verily great"
[Atharvaveda 20:58:3]9

Now you know the idol & the element you used to worship is not god but created thinks god have no image according to [Yajurveda 32:3]

"Na tasya Pratima asti"
"There is no image of Him."
[Yajurveda 32:3]

After seeing all the verses i mention above still you worship idol and Elements like sun ,agni,etc then their is very beautifull verse
in Holy Quran for people like you

[Yusufali 36:8] We have put yokes round their necks right up to their chins, so that their heads are forced up (and they cannot see)

[Shakir 36:9] And We have made before them a barrier and a barrier behind them, then We have covered them over so that they do not see.

[Pickthal 36:10] Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not, it is alike for them, for they believe not.

[Pickthal 36:11] Thou warnest only him who followeth the Reminder and feareth the Beneficent in secret. To him bear tidings of forgiveness and a rich reward.

My religion is as good as yours and I will be a little grace full by not pointing it out here on a public forum. All I can tell you is I'm happy for you to have chosen the right path for yourself but for gods sake dont try and push it on someone's throat, the moment you do that you will hurt yourself as much as you hurt me.
I see your interest in islam so i like to invite you to accept islam with versus from Yajurveda 40:9 i.e

"Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste"
"They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements" (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). "They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti."
[Yajurveda 40:9]7

Sambhuti means created things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

So please come out of darkness and seek the true god again versus from Yajurveda 32:3 & Yajurveda 40:8

"na tasya pratima asti
"There is no image of Him."
[Yajurveda 32:3]5

"shudhama poapvidham"
"He is bodyless and pure."
[Yajurveda 40:8]6

once you come out of the darkness and now you know the true god then ask him to guide you and help you to stay in straight path i.e sirat e mustaqeem versus from Yajurveda 40:16

The Yajurveda contains the following prayer:
"Lead us to the good path and remove the sin that makes us stray and wander."
[Yajurveda 40:16]8

Now you know greatness of allmighty and say God is Great as mention in [Atharvaveda 20:58:3]9

"Dev maha osi"
"God is verily great"
[Atharvaveda 20:58:3]9

Now you know the idol & the element you used to worship is not god but created thinks god have no image according to [Yajurveda 32:3]

"Na tasya Pratima asti"
"There is no image of Him."
[Yajurveda 32:3]

After seeing all the verses i mention above still you worship idol and Elements like sun ,agni,etc then their is very beautifull verse
in Holy Quran for people like you

[Yusufali 36:8] We have put yokes round their necks right up to their chins, so that their heads are forced up (and they cannot see)

[Shakir 36:9] And We have made before them a barrier and a barrier behind them, then We have covered them over so that they do not see.

[Pickthal 36:10] Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not, it is alike for them, for they believe not.

[Pickthal 36:11] Thou warnest only him who followeth the Reminder and feareth the Beneficent in secret. To him bear tidings of forgiveness and a rich reward.

Yes, the Vedas say that God has no form, no image n he is bodyless n pure but it also says that he is omnipresent, everything is within him n he is within everything, what u see, feel or know is within him n what u don't see, feel or know is also within him.

So when it says that God has no form it also says that everything is within God n God is in everthing

Besides within Hindus worship idols they r not worshiping the idol as it is just a simbolic representation of the Almighty Being as he is present in everthing n everwhere.

Lord Shri Krishna has said in Bhagwat Gita that no matter what God or Dev the individuals worship all prays ultimately reach him only as everything n everyone is within him n nothing is beyond him....:wave:
Yes, the Vedas say that God has no form, no image n he is bodyless n pure but it also says that he is omnipresent, everything is within him n he is within everything, what u see, feel or know is within him n what u don't see, feel or know is also within him.

So when it says that God has no form it also says that everything is within God n God is in everthing

Besides within Hindus worship idols they r not worshiping the idol as it is just a simbolic representation of the Almighty Being as he is present in everthing n everwhere.

Lord Shri Krishna has said in Bhagwat Gita that no matter what God or Dev the individuals worship all prays ultimately reach him only as everything n everyone is within him n nothing is beyond him....:wave:

Hinduism is too broad & open to faith of all types. It houses almost all faiths of the world & gives freedom tp practice whatever a sane concious mind accepts including aetheism.Religious philosophy in hindu regarding Vedas, life of Rama-Krishna & other avtars, shiv-purana,etc if studied properly they profess various elements of christainity, islam, judaism, buddhism, etc
Blasphmey laws DO NO have any basis in the Qu'ran. As do not honor killings or extremism.

Yes A sane person can easily figure out that. But 0.0001% radicals have unfortunately created a ugly image of religious texts & irony is world goes by what they see.

My religion is as good as yours and I will be a little grace full by not pointing it out here on a public forum. All I can tell you is I'm happy for you to have chosen the right path for yourself but for gods sake dont try and push it on someone's throat, the moment you do that you will hurt yourself as much as you hurt me.

Well, almost all religions have same philosophy. Its just some fascist groups who start d*ck measuring competitions even in religious & fight for superiority of own faith over others.
Brother, this is a Pakistani forum, are we supposed to post here news related to Vatican or Tirupati???

Quran & Hadiths were written for betterment of mankind & human society. How can they preach hatred & violence??
But the mess happens when religious fanatics/ political fascist interpret these versus wrongly to provoke extremism in masses without making clarafication of background why that Surah or Hadith was written.
In India Bhagvadgeeta & Vedas was written in Sanskrit,a language of scholars, that refrained majority of masses to read & understand Bhagvadgeeta. Which ultimately resulted in monopoly of brahmins who used these religious text for oppressing peoples. That happened for centuries until social reformers in 16-17th century started Bhakti movement & people like Saint Dnyaneshwar wrote Bhagvadgeeta in language of locals which increased the in-depth & true knowledge of hindu texts in population.

Thanks for all the versus you shared here. But friend, I am hindu by birth but atheist by conviction. I am happy with what I am & If I ever think to change my faith I will opt for Buddhism.

And who says you've to "convert"?

Buddhism is a philosophy- a way of life. You can still be a Hindu and adopt our principles the way you like it. :)

Conversion is a word termed by Abrahamic religions-- not Dhrmic faiths.
And who says you've to "convert"?

Buddhism is a philosophy- a way of life. You can still be a Hindu and adopt our principles the way you like it. :)

Thats exactly I am doing right now.... but officially buddhism is different religion & differs from hinduism
Pakistan makes its own rules on Islam.

Pakistan basically incorporates tribal backwardness, communal stupidity and all other illogical facets of Pakistan and mixes them with Islam to create this hybrid and extremist Blasphemy Laws which Pakistan thinks puts it at the vanguard of defending Islam when its doing just the opposite.
Pakistan makes its own rules on Islam.

Pakistan basically incorporates tribal backwardness, communal stupidity and all other illogical facets of Pakistan and mixes them with Islam to create this hybrid and extremist Blasphemy Laws which Pakistan thinks puts it at the vanguard of defending Islam when its doing just the opposite.

Pakistan has the sovereign right to make up its own rules, benefiting from them if it gets them right, or paying the price if it gets them wrong.
There's no basis in Qur'an? That depends on the perception, and how you read Qur'an and what exactly you don't wanna see. A Muslim is one who believes in Qur'an and Sunnah, the Hadith of the Prophet [S.A.W]. And in Hadith, as a someone already posted PKKH artcle, there's all the basis for the Blasphemy laws. Muslims take out laws from both, Qur'an and Hadith.

There are people who talk against Qur'an's judgement on women's testimony, punishment for adultery, apostasy, Qisas and many other issues. There are some mentally ill so-called Muslims who will try to oppose even Qur'an's verdicts. So this argument is baseless. Unless you claim that you know better than ALL the scholars of Islam regardless of whatever sect they belong, from KSA to Iran to Pakistan, who have endorsed these laws.
There's no basis in Qur'an? That depends on the perception, and how you read Qur'an and what exactly you don't wanna see. A Muslim is one who believes in Qur'an and Sunnah, the Hadith of the Prophet [S.A.W]. And in Hadith, as a someone already posted PKKH artcle, there's all the basis for the Blasphemy laws. Muslims take out laws from both, Qur'an and Hadith.

There are people who talk against Qur'an's judgement on women's testimony, punishment for adultery, apostasy, Qisas and many other issues. There are some mentally ill so-called Muslims who will try to oppose even Qur'an's verdicts. So this argument is baseless. Unless you claim that you know better than ALL the scholars of Islam regardless of whatever sect they belong, from KSA to Iran to Pakistan, who have endorsed these laws.

Oh really.

If a Pakistani Muslim decides to convert to Judiasm in Pakistan, will he be violating Pakistan's great blasphemy laws?
Oh really.

If a Pakistani Muslim decides to convert to Judiasm in Pakistan, will he be violating Pakistan's great blasphemy laws?

Any conversion from Islam to any other religion falls under the category of "murtad" which carries a mandatory death sentence.
Oh really.

If a Pakistani Muslim decides to convert to Judiasm in Pakistan, will he be violating Pakistan's great blasphemy laws?

Um, what is relevance of this question here. I don't see any. Go study Pakistan's blasphemy laws, I think you're intelligent enough to do that on your own.
Um, what is relevance of this question here. I don't see any. Go study Pakistan's blasphemy laws, I think you're intelligent enough to do that on your own.

You were claiming that Blasphemy Laws are part of the Quran and Hadits.

No where is it mentioned in the Quran or Hadits that a person will be put to death for apostasy.

Now please explain why Pakistan's Blasphemy Laws have this provision?
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