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Pakistan An Obstacle To Peace – OpEd


Feb 1, 2010
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United Kingdom
It is amazing how Pakistan continues to sponsor terrorism and it is getting away with it. In the past few weeks, Afghanistan and Pakistan have been sparring over how to resolve the Afghan quagmire. For the last 12 years, every attempt by Afghanistan to get the Pakistani government and its terrorist proxies to the table of negotiation has failed. On March 27th, Afghanistan announced an alternate plan of side-lining Pakistan, and directly negotiating with its proxies.

Amongst many demands that Pakistan brings to the negotiating table for taming its Taliban proxies is for Afghanistan to cut its relationship with India. As a sovereign state, Afghanistan has every right to pursue friendly relations with any country it deems necessary for its national interests. Since the fall of the Taliban, India has benefited Afghanistan in many ways which cannot be taken for granted.

Overall, India has provided between 650-750 million US dollars to support Afghanistan’s reconstruction, one of the largest contributions amongst neighboring countries. Amongst other aid, India has been actively supporting Afghanistan in its health and education sector. Thousands of Afghan students are provided scholarships to study in India; a very necessary aid that will help educate Afghanistan’s much needed future qualified administrators and work force.

Importantly, India is actively supporting Afghanistan to develop an alternate economic corridor via Iran to the Indian Ocean, bypassing Pakistan’s Karachi port, which happens to be landlocked Afghanistan’s sole route to the ocean. Afghanistan has been forced to seek an alternate route due to Pakistan’s erratic border closures and intentional processing delays at Karachi port lasting months, which cost Afghan businessmen millions of dollars. With such an unpredictable and hostile neighbor, Afghanistan has no choice, but to seek an alternate economic corridor to ensure its independence.

More recently, Afghanistan sought the aid of Pakistani Ulema (religious leaders) to declare suicide bombings contrary to the principles of Islam, but they refused to accept that request. On the contrary, the head of the Pakistani Ulema Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi—who is close to Pakistan’s security establishment—proclaimed that waging war in Afghanistan is a Jihad (religious war).

Pakistan’s never ending double dealings and double crossings and its lack of seriousness in supporting a peace process in Afghanistan is leading to frustration and is causing the Afghan people and government to look beyond the Pakistani government and the international community. If the international community continues to succumb to Pakistan’s irresponsible attitude, the tension in the region, including terrorism, can spread to nearby countries and perhaps beyond. The international community must take a strong stand against Pakistan for supporting terror proxies. The Afghans and the international community have provided Pakistan many opportunities to redeem itself, and if it continues along the same wrong path, economic and military sanctions through the UN rather than appeasement are warranted.

Pakistan An Obstacle To Peace - OpEd Eurasia Review | Eurasia Review
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