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Pakistan alleges role of US behind No Confidence Vote against PTI government

Oh you mean those poorly armed, poorly protected with no drone cover poor foot soldiers getting killed each day on both borders while the top cadre are busy telling their mai baaps in Pentagon that they are loyal servants of the American Raaj and will duly depose of this out of control Khan...
This is our problem..we are thankless ignorant chaps who believe everything should happen neatly without bloodspill.. we lost people because we have been at a two front clandestine war. If our soldiers were killed they also returned a favor..and there were senior officers who lost life as well. regarding their equipment..u can have the best equipment as per your budget and ur enemy will develip counter for it as well.. it all comes down to tactics and multi dimension as well as equipment which is good enough to do the job. I know u will bring the toyota hilux mantra.. but perhaps u dont know even a specialized vehicle cant save lives in such ventures.
This is our problem..we are thankless ignorant chaps who believe everything should happen neatly without bloodspill.. we lost people because we have been at a two front clandestine war. If our soldiers were killed they also returned a favor..and there were senior officers who lost life as well. regarding their equipment..u can have the best equipment as per your budget and ur enemy will develip counter for it as well.. it all comes down to tactics and multi dimension as well as equipment which is good enough to do the job. I know u will bring the toyota hilux mantra.. but perhaps u dont know even a specialized vehicle cant save lives in such ventures.
I'm sure he won't be I the front line when Indian tanks start rolling in.. just saying. Its easy to type behind a screen in the safety your home when you are devoid of ground realities...
I know my opinion will not be liked, but I feel Imran Khan is behaving very immaturely. I feel that he has shown lot of immaturity through his carrier as PM. All you are focusing is Zaradari and Nawaz is corrupt which is correct but that does not mean Imran is doing the right thing.

It ok to say xyz are bad we need someone else, but then it does not mean someone who is perceived to be not corrupt can do all the wrong he wants to.

The regime change sent through your ambassador was diplomatic and "mature" stuff. Although right now the focus is on politicians but IK and everybody else now knows that its top military brass thats the culprit.
I think the problem we have with America as of right now is a lack of communication and ALOT of mistrust. Relations were deteriorating after OBL was found in Abbottabad but America still held on to us because they needed us for their supply lines in Afghanistan. Also as general support while they were still in Afg supporting their puppet government while also fighting the Taliban.

Ever since they left last year they know we have no more leverage on them anymore and that's why they keep turning a cold shoulder to us (such as Biden not calling IK). Add to this the whole China and CPEC thing and they believe we are firmly in the China camp but they don't realize that us being in the Chinese camp is not meant for anyone in the world besides India. We can have great relations with America and the West whilst still being in China's bloc because being in the China bloc is just a deterrence against any Indian aggression, specifically in the Kashmir region.

That said, what we need is a thorough conversation between the highest delegations of both countries to meet and talk things through. Tell them our plans with China are nothing but to develop our country's infrastructure and get our economy going again. Also tell them that they are free to invest whatever they want into the country as well, we can truly act as a bridge between the 2 major superpowers like we did back then. Tell the US that them relentlessly supporting india and ignoring Pakistan will shift the power balance in this region by a lot and Pakistan (and China) will take it as a major threat.

They can not afford to lose Pakistan as a strategic partner because the region is too valuable and they know this, they will need us just because our location is situated in the middle of south asia, central asia (Afg), China, and Persia (Iran). That's why they are attempting a soft-coup to replace the government with a much more pro-west government. They would have tried an actual regime change with a bloody coup but thankfully we have nukes and a competent military.

Democrats have always been a pain the *** towards Pakistan.

No... Pakistan is corrupt and morally bankrupt. They will kill off Imran Khan and say absolutely yes to drone bombs on their heads. Just, Please give us a house in London.

Oh you mean those poorly armed, poorly protected with no drone cover poor foot soldiers getting killed each day on both borders while the top cadre are busy telling their mai baaps in Pentagon that they are loyal servants of the American Raaj and will duly depose of this out of control Khan...

Exactly... Plus why does Pakistan only allow Americans to drone bomb them... Why not the Indians as well?.... I never understood that discrimination. Everyone should be given equal opportunity. As long as they have a Letter from Whitehouse Seal and stamped and a house in LONDON.
Raiwind and Karachi got a much needed cash injection and guarantee of kickbacks - resurgent “opposition” sees this as a window of opportunity to once again enter the thrones of power - the public lament - meanwhile the enemies of the state cheer gleefully from the sidelines.

The constant state of malaise in the nation of Pakistan.
Of course the U.S. is going to Deny all allegations after getting its HANDS all DIRTY & STINKY
What do you think their going to OWN UP to anything?
This is what US has done in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria first drone bombing than after bombing happens killed many civilians they retract a given REASON it happens due to technical error, wtf !

Sheitaan always remain sheitan in its own EYES.
The US meddling is completely Bullshit story. In diplomacy countries share with each other what policies they like they do not like. As per sources "a conversation happened with a junior diplomat on how you feel about Imran Khan and he told him what he feels". That conversation was documented by diplomat of Pakistan Embassy and sent to foreign office. That is not a threat.

If Imran was not losing the confidence vote, he would have not even brought this topic. That shows its drama that letter came on 7th March but was not made an issue till he knew he is losing.

Amrika never meddles in other countries, this is historically proven
I came to US but my whole Family is in Pakistan, so even if in future I become a American citizen I can not cut my connection with Pakistan, I want good for both countries and good relationship between the two, but when there is conflict of interest every country should/must do what's best in their interest.

Same here...I thought with Biden things would be better..Seems like Trump in power was good better for Pakistan atleast, left it alone.
this seems like a script similar to the one that was played out in Bolivia! I might be wrong but a democratic gov in Bolivia was ousted(2019) by you know who!
The only way the US can do a regime change in Pakistan is with the assistance of Pakistanis, specifically I'm talking about GHQ. You can list all the dictators Pakistan has had and all came with endorsements of the CIA. And if there is a coup, it will be accepted just like all past coups.
USA never denied these moves. They issue threats rather openly.

People should wait for the dust to settle down - to see what is happening.

People are like sheeps in any country. Few have the ability to see things more clearly.

If Foreign-sponsored Regime Change theory is true than PM Khan have solid basis to book entire PDM under charges of treason and throw all sellouts in jail.

Will he do it? Let us see.
No one is goes to Jails in Pakistan after even murdering someone so state shouldn't dare opening 5 star jails for traitors. Just hang them high and no one must be spared for selling their own country for sake of coming into power.
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